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在铒镱共掺磷酸盐玻璃波导放大器系统的速率方程和传输方程中,考虑上转换效应,并引入描述波导中信号光和泵浦光光场相互作用的重叠因子,以此讨论前后双泵结构与单前泵结构中,Er/Yb共掺比、泵浦光和信号光功率、泵浦光模数等因素对信号光增益的影响,并得到信号光增益光谱和放大自发辐射光光谱.模拟结果表明,与单前向泵浦相比,相同功率条件下,前后双向泵浦中,泵浦功率密度低且均匀分布,上转换效应被有效抑制,1532nm处信号光增益增大约2dB/cm,放大自发辐射光总功率提高.前后双向泵浦同样可以减弱多模泵浦光对增益的负面影响.数值模拟结果与实验值基本一致.  相似文献   

We investigated an Er(3+)/Yb(3+) codoped silicate glass as a host material for waveguide lasers operating near 1.5 mum. Spectroscopic properties of the glass are reported. Waveguide lasers were fabricated by K(+)-ion exchange from a nitrate melt. The waveguides support a single transverse mode at 1.5 mum. An investigation of the laser performance as a function of the Yb:Er ratio was performed, indicating an optimal ratio of approximately 5:1. Slope efficiencies of as great as 6.5% and output powers as high as 19.6 mW at 1.54 mum were realized. The experimental results are compared with a waveguide laser model that is used to extract the Er(3+) upconversion coefficients and the Yb(3+)-Er(3+) cross-relaxation coefficients. The results indicate the possibility of obtaining high-performance waveguide lasers from a durable silicate host glass.  相似文献   

Yb3+/Er3+ and Yb3+/Tm3+ co-doped LaF3 nanoparticles with upconversion luminescence properties were prepared via the co-precipitation method, followed by heat treatment at different temperatures in the range of 180°C to 600°C. We investigated the influence of heat treatment temperatures on the size, morphology, and upconversion luminescence intensity of the nanoparticles. Significant increases of the particle size and upconversion luminescence intensity of the nanoparticles were observed with increasing heat treatment temperature. The upconversion mechanism of the LaF3:Yb3+,Er3+ and LaF3:Yb3+,Tm3+ nanoparticles was also discussed.  相似文献   

Yb(3+) and Ln(3+) (Ln(3+) = Er(3+) or Tm(3+)) codoped Lu(2)O(3) nanorods with cubic Ia3 symmetry have been prepared by low temperature hydrothermal procedures, and their luminescence properties and waveguide behavior analyzed by means of scanning near-field optical microscopy (SNOM). Room temperature upconversion (UC) under excitation at 980 nm and cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra were studied as a function of the Yb(+) concentration in the prepared nanorods. UC spectra revealed the strong development of Er(3+) (4)F(9/2) → (4)I(15/2) (red) and Tm(3+) (1)G(4) → (3)H(6) (blue) bands, which became the pre-eminent and even unique emissions for corresponding nanorods with the higher Yb(3+) concentration. Favored by the presence of large phonons in current nanorods, UC mechanisms that privilege the population of (4)F(9/2) and (1)G(4) emitting levels through phonon-assisted energy transfer and non-radiative relaxations account for these observed UC luminescence features. CL spectra show much more moderate development of the intensity ratio between the Er(3+) (4)F(9/2) → (4)I(15/2) (red) and (2)H(11/2), (4)S(3/2) → (4)I(15/2) (green) emissions with the increase in the Yb(3+) content, while for Yb(3+), Tm(3+)-codoped Lu(2)O(3) nanorods the dominant CL emission is Tm(3+) (1)D(2) → (3)F(4) (deep-blue). Uniform light emission along Yb(3+), Er(3+)-codoped Lu(2)O(3) rods has been observed by using SNOM photoluminescence images; however, the rods seem to be too thin for propagation of light.  相似文献   

2种方法制备的Y2O3:Yb,Er前驱体对Y2O2S:Yb,Er性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用溶胶-凝胶燃烧合成法和共沉淀法成功地制备出单一均相的Y2O3:Yb,Er前驱体,采用传统的硫熔法制备了单一均相的Y2O2S:Yb,Er粉体,同时对传统硫熔法的后处理过程进行了改进.分别采用XRD、FTIR、SEM和EDS对合成的粉体进行了物相分析、化学键分析、形貌表征和元素组成分析,并对粉体进行了发光性能测试,在980nm激发下,共沉淀法制备的前驱体硫化后得到的Y2O2S;Yb,Er发光强度比溶胶-凝胶燃烧合成法制备的前驱体硫化后得到的Y2O2S:Yb,Er发光强度高得多.  相似文献   

The effect of In3+ ion on the optical characteristics of Er3+ ion in Er/Yb:LiNbO3 crystal under 980 nm excitation has been investigated. The Er and Yb contents in the crystals were measured by an inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometer (ICP-AES). A significant enhancement of 1.54 μm emission was observed for Er/Yb:LiNbO3 crystal doped with 1 mol% In2O3. The studies on the UV-vis absorption and the OH absorption spectra indicate that the threshold concentration of In3+ ion decreases with the Er/Yb doping in Er/Yb/In:LiNbO3 crystal. The 1 mol% In2O3 doping results in the reduction of absorption cross section in the UV-vis region, meaning the formation of Er3+ cluster sites. The enhancement of 1.54 μm emission is attributed to the larger probabilities of the cross relaxation processes 4S3/2 + 4I15/2 → 4I9/2 + 4I13/2 (Er), 4S3/2 + 4I15/2 → 4I13/2 + 4I9/2 (Er) and 4I9/2 + 4I15/2 → 4I13/2 + 4I13/2 (Er) induced by Er3+ cluster sites.  相似文献   

The synthesis, characterization, and spectroscopy of upconverting Yb3+/Er3+ codoped YF3 rod-like nanoclusters are presented. The YF3 nanoclusters were synthesized by a simple hydrothermal method. The clusters structure was characterized by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Under 978 nm laser excitation, stronger blue (4F(5/2) --> 4I(15/2) and 2p(3/2) --> 4I(11/2)) and green (4S(3/2), 2H(11/2) --> 4I(15/2)) upconversion luminescence were observed at 978 nm. The measured intensity of upconversion luminescence was different when pump power changed, which shows that the blue and green upconversion luminescence come from three-photon and two-photon energy transfer processes, respectively.  相似文献   

The synthesis, characterization, and spectroscopy of upconverting lanthanide-doped NaYF4 nanocrystals (NCs) is presented. The monodisperse cubic NaYF4 NCs were synthesized via a thermal decomposition reaction of trifluoroacetate precusors in a mixture of technical grade chemicals, octadecene and the coordinating ligand oleic acid. In this straightforward method, the dissolved precursors are added slowly to the reaction solution through a stainless-steel canula resulting in highly luminescent nanocrystals with an almost monodisperse particle size distribution. The NCs were characterized through the use of transmission electron microscopy, selected area electron diffraction, 1H NMR, powder X-ray diffraction, and high-resolution luminescence spectroscopy. The NaYF4 NCs are capable of being of dispersed in nonpolar organic solvents thus forming colloidally stable solutions. The colloids of the Er3+, Yb3+ and Tm3+, Yb3+ doped NCs exhibit green/red and blue upconversion luminescence, respectively, under 980 nm laser diode excitation with low power densities.  相似文献   

A pulsed pumped Yb3+-doped double-cladding fiber (DCF) amplifier is reported, Seeded by a passive mode-locked Yb3+-doped fiber laser, the fiber amplifier can generate 200 W peak-power and 120 ps duration pulses at 100 Hz repetition rate. Because of the pulsed pump approach, the amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) and the spurious lasing between pulses are well avoided.  相似文献   

以EDTA为螯合剂,采用络合共沉淀法合成了NaYF4:Er3+和NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+纳米晶.分别采用XRD、SEM、荧光分光光度计对合成的样品进行了结构、形貌和上转换荧光分析.XRD结果表明,制备的NaYF4:Er3+和NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+均为纯立方相;SEM结果显示,制备的NaYF4:Er3+和NaYF4: Yb3+/Er3+晶粒粒径都在100nm左右,与NaYF4:Er3+相比,NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+晶粒尺寸分布更均匀,分散性更好,符合作为荧光标记材料的要求;上转换荧光分析表明,在980nm激光器激发下,NaYF4:Yb3+/Er3+的发光强度比NaYF4:Er3+提高了1个数量级.  相似文献   

The effects of Al2O3, Yb2O3, Er2O3 and OH on spectral properties of P2O5·Na2O·SrO·Al2O3·Yb2O3·Er2O3 erbium phosphate glass were studied. 5, 8, 13 mol% Al2O3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 mol% Yb2O3 and 0.05, 0.2, 0.4 mol% Er2O3 were used. It was found Al2O3 improves fluorescent lifetime of Er3+ ions, but the integrated absorption cross-section of Er3+ ions decreases with the increase of Al2O3 concentration. Evaluating from energy transfer efficiency of Yb3+ to Er3+ and spectral parameters of Yb3+ and Er3+, lower Al2O3 content, 6 mol% Yb2O3 and 0.2–0.4 mol% Er2O3 are preferred for LD pumped microchip laser application. OH groups in glass greatly affect fluorescent intensity and lifetime of Er3+, Yb3+:phosphate glass. The OH absorption coefficient at 3000 cm−1 should be <1 cm−1 for laser applications. Pumped with a 2 W, 974 nm InGaAs laser diode, CW laser centered at 1530 nm with slope efficiency of 10.6% and maximum output of 43 mW was achieved in our 2 mm thick Er3+, Yb3+:phosphate glass at room temperature.  相似文献   

Yang Wei 《Materials Letters》2007,61(6):1337-1340
Well-crystallized LaF3:Yb,Er nanoparticles were prepared by the polyol method and three kinds of polyols (glycol, diethylene glycol and glycerol) were chosen as the reaction medium respectively. All of the obtained LaF3:Yb,Er nanoparticles have roughly spherical shapes, and the average sizes of these nanoparticles ranged from 5 to 7 nm. These nanoparticles could be well dispersed in water or ethanol to form colloidal solutions. When these nanoparticles were excited by the 980 nm laser, several upconversion emissions were observed.  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法在水相合成了纳米NaYF_4:Er~(3 ),Yb~(3 )上转换材料,980nm红外激光照射下,肉眼可观察到明亮的上转换发光。实验研究了铒、镱掺杂浓度及焙烧温度对材料合成的影响。所合成的纳米材料呈圆球形、颗粒均匀、分散性好,平均粒径70nm,可应用于生物标记。  相似文献   

Under 980 nm excitation, room-temperature ultraviolet (UV) upconversion (UC) emissions of Er3+ from the 4G(9/2), 2K(13/2), and 2P(3/2) states were observed in Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ nanotubes, which were synthesized via a simple wet-chemical route at low temperature and ambient pressure followed by a subsequent heat treatment at 800 degrees C. The experimental results exhibited that these UV emissions came from four-photon UC processes. In the Gd2O3:Yb3+/Er3+ nanocrystals, the energy transfers (ETs) from Yb3+ to Er3+ played important roles in populating the high-energy states of Er3+ ions. This material provides a possible candidate for building UV compact solid-state lasers or fiber lasers.  相似文献   

Pyrochlore Y2Sn2O7 nanophosphors codoped with Er3+ (fixed 2 at.%) and Yb3+ ions (2–16 at.%) were synthesized via hydrothermal process followed by heat treatment. We investigate the infrared-to-visible upconversion (UC) luminescence properties of Er–Yb codoped Y2Sn2O7. Upon 980 nm excitation at room temperature, green (at ~522 and 544 nm) and red (at ~661 nm) UC emissions were observed, which are ascribed to the (2H11/2, 4S3/2) → 4I15/2 and 4F9/2 → 4I15/2 transitions, respectively. It has been found that the Yb3+-doping concentrations have greatly influenced on the UC luminescence intensity and the emission ratio of the red and green in Y2Sn2O7:Yb3+/Er3+ nanophosphors. The tunable emission is due to the energy back transfer from Er3+ to Yb3+ and the cross relaxation between the two neighboring Er3+ ions. It is expected that the achieved single and intense red emission band may have potential application for in vivo bioimaging.  相似文献   

利用Er3 离子四能级结构速率方程组和光功率传输方程组,数值模拟了铋基掺铒光纤放大器(EDFA)的增益及噪声特性,模拟结果与实验报道结果取得了很好的一致。同时,详尽地分析了增益及噪声特性与光纤长度、泵浦功率和输入信号功率的关系,优化了放大器的性能,从理论上得出一个20dB增益带宽达76nm、噪声系数接近4dB的铋基EDFA。研究表明了铋基掺铒光纤放大器适合用作于现代DWDM系统中C L波段的光纤放大器。  相似文献   

Inverse opal photonic crystals of Yb3+, Er3+ co-doped CaTiO3 (CaTiO3: Yb, Er) were prepared using self-assembled polystyrene templates combined with the infiltration of sol-gel precursor. The influence of the photonic band gap on upconversion emission of Er3+ has been investigated in the CaTiO3: Yb, Er inverse opals. Significant reduction of the upconversion emission was detected if the photonic band-gap overlaps with the Er3+ ions emission band.  相似文献   

Upconversion (C) light-emitting photonic band gap materials (YBO3: Yb, Er) with inverse opal structure were prepared by a self-assembly technique in combination with a sol-gel method. The effect of the photonic stop-band on the upconversion luminescence of Er3+ ions has been investigated in the YBO3: Yb, Er inverse opals. Significant suppression of the green or red UC emission was detected if the photonic band-gap overlaps with the Er3+ ions emission band. We successfully achieved the color tuning of the UC optical properties of the inverse opal by controlling the structure of the photonic crystal.  相似文献   

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