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当前评分系统存在运行时间较长、评分结果与人工评分结果偏差较大等不足之处,为了减少人工评分的工作量,提高评分效率,设计一种基于自然语言处理的英语翻译计算机智能评分系统。构建英语翻译评分系统结构层次,其中包括译文资料收录模块、信息特征提取模块、分析模型构建模块和结果反馈评分模块;建立英语翻译评分系统的语言模型,运用该模型统计出译文特定句子序列或词语序列的概率分布情况,并对用户英语翻译文档的信息特征与译文训练集的信息特征进行提取;根据特征提取结果计算特征关键词相似度,采用粒子群优化后的BP网络进行拟合计算,最终实现对英语翻译的智能评分。实验结果表明,所设计智能评分系统的评分结果与人工评分结果的最小差值仅为0.1分,评分结果准确性明显高于现有评分系统,评分运行时间少于现有评分系统,且运行更稳定。  相似文献   

A framework for building intelligent manufacturing systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper describes a systematic approach to design and development of software for intelligent manufacturing systems. The approach is based on a multilevel, general object oriented model of intelligent systems. Current methods and software design and development tools for intelligent manufacturing systems either stress particular components of intelligence (e.g., high level domain expertise, or learning capabilities, or fuzziness of decisions), or their domain dependence (e.g., monitoring and control systems, or CAPP systems). It is usually difficult to make extensions of such methods and tools, nor is it easy to reuse their components in developing intelligent manufacturing systems. Considerable efforts are being dedicated to the development of interoperable software components, distributed object environments, and flexible and scalable applications to overcome some of these problems. The approach described in the paper starts with a well founded software engineering principle, making clear distinction between generic, low level intelligent software components, and domain-dependent, high level components of an intelligent manufacturing system. It is extensible and adjustable. It also suggests some steps toward design of future software development tools for intelligent manufacturing systems. Several intelligent systems have been developed using the approach. One of these systems, in the cement manufacturing domain, is briefly overviewed, illustrating how the approach is used in practice. Finally, some informal discussion on the performance and complexity of the approach is presented  相似文献   

POWER:知识丰富的智能网格工作流框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,一些研究利用人工智能的规划技术来进行网格工作流的动态构建,但目前应用的方法尚缺乏显式知识支持,影响了系统的可扩展性。针对这个不足,定义了流程模式作为应用层知识表示工具;并基于模式提出了工作流动态生成的规划方法;进而提出了一个支持多领域应用的,知识丰富,目标驱动网格工作流框架。  相似文献   

在HLA基础上构建Agent联邦成员能使基于HLA/RTI体系结构更具智能性.信息化战场条件下的作战实体均具有一定的智能性,智能实体则是构成Agent联邦成员的基本单元.本文首先给出了基于Agent智能实体模型的基本结构,模型关键的规则库部分采用XML文档描述和存储规则信息,并采用面向对象的程序设计方法设计智能实体模型类.最后以坦克分队机动模型为例简单分析设计了指挥坦克Agent实体模型类.  相似文献   

A large scale domain-independent spatial data management expert system that serves as a front-end to databases containing spatial data is described. This system is unique for two reasons. First, it uses spatial search techniques to generate a list of all the primary keys that fall within a user's spatial constraints prior to invoking the database management system, thus substantially decreasing the amount of time required to answer a user's query. Second, a domain-independent query expert system uses a domain-specific rule base to preprocess the user's English query, effectively mapping a broad class of queries into a smaller subset that can be handled by a commercial natural language processing system. The methods used by the spatial search module and the query expert system are explained, and the system architecture for the spatial data management expert system is described. The system is applied to data from the International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite, and results are given.  相似文献   

分析了现有智能终端中文输入开发特点,提出了一个能适用于各种智能终端的中文输入法通用框架。该框架基于成熟的输入法引擎进行设计,由访问控制层,输入映射层,逻辑控制层,输入法引擎层和输出显示层组成,能适用于多种智能终端系统中文输入法开发,并具有良好的通用性、透明性和可扩展性;最后,文中用输入法开发实例说明了框架中各层之间的具体实现方法。  相似文献   

采用智能化更高的传感器接口能将16位的高性能CPU与16位ADC的处理功能相结合,从而大幅简化设计工作,尤其是在集成解决方案体积较小、价格较低的时候更是如此。本文将重点介绍上述数据采集系统架构的各种优势,其中包括更低功耗、更小体积、更少的主机CPU负载、功能齐备以及传输中可配置性等。  相似文献   

吴畏  赵川 《数字通信》2014,(4):32-34
机器要完全智能化,自然语言理解是基础,其中语义是最突出的问题.语义分析方法的选择,对于处理各类不同的语料有着十分重要的作用.介绍语义分析理论,并重点分析语义网络、袼语法、概念从属理论和本体等语义分析方法;提出在选择语义知识表示方法时应遵循的原则;最后,分析基于语义的自然语言理解的重要性及发展趋势.  相似文献   

The National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC) has initiated an Intelligent Data Management (IDM) research effort which has as one of its components, the development of an Intelligent User Interface (IUI). The intent of the IUI effort is to develop a friendly and intelligent user interface service that is based on expert systems and natural language processing technologies. This paper presents the design concepts, development approach and evaluation of performance of a prototype Intelligent User Interface Subsystem (IUIS) supporting an operational database.  相似文献   

在切实分析物联网现状和目前相关技术条件之后,提出了一种基于智能终端的物联网组网设想,并给出了智能终端的结构框图.该终端为设想中的组网基本部件,集数据采集、逻辑运算、网络通信等功能为一体,有效的降低了物联网组网难度.终端的模块化结构既能适应标准化批量生产要求,又能实现针对不同场合灵活组态,符合产业标准化需求.同时,还具有兼容性好、节省地址资源、安全性能好、稳定性好、易实现等优点.  相似文献   

Cluster processes: a natural language for network traffic   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We introduce a new approach to the modeling of network traffic, consisting of a semi-experimental methodology combining models with data and a class of point processes (cluster models) to represent the process of packet arrivals in a physically meaningful way. Wavelets are used to examine second-order statistics, and particular attention is paid to the modeling of long-range dependence and to the question of scale invariance at small scales. We analyze in depth the properties of several large traces of packet data and determine unambiguously the influence of network variables such as arrival patterns, durations, and volumes of transport control protocol (TCP) flows and internal flow structure. We show that session-level modeling is not relevant at the packet level. Our findings naturally suggest the use of cluster models. We define a class where TCP flows are directly modeled, and each model parameter has a direct meaning in network terms, allowing the model to be used to predict traffic properties as networks and traffic evolve. The class has the key advantage of being mathematically tractable, in particular, its spectrum is known and can be readily calculated, its wavelet spectrum deduced, interarrival distributions can be obtained, and it can be simulated in a straightforward way. The model reproduces the main second-order features, and results are compared against a simple black box point process alternative. Discrepancies with the model are discussed and explained, and enhancements are outlined. The elephant and mice view of traffic flows is revisited in the light of our findings.  相似文献   

The problem of natural language information retrieval is difficult because of vocabulary size, semantics, and syntax. For some specialized disciplines, in particular tissue pathology, vocabularies are limited, semantic problems largely disappear, and syntactic structure can be replaced by a much simpler structure. Experience with the language of surgical pathology is given, also an outline of an automatic data processing system applied to the problem. A considerably expanded system, for dealing with larger data bases and larger varieties of queries, is being designed.  相似文献   

自然语言生成(Natural Language Generation)是自然语言处理两大领域之一,它是人工智能和计算机语言学的分支,是生成可理解文本的计算机系统.首先介绍四种传统的自然语言生成技术及其优缺点,然后介绍一种处于NLG发展前沿的基于学习的自然语言生成技术-视觉接地技术,最后对自然语言生成今后的研究方向进行展望.  相似文献   

In dynamic ubiquitous computing environments, system entities may be classified into two main categories that are, in principle, in conflict. These are the Service Resource Requestors (SRRs) wishing to use services and/or exploit resources offered by the other system entities and the Service Resource Providers (SRPs) that offer the services/resources requested. Seeking for the maximisation of their welfare, while achieving their own goals and aims, entities may misbehave (intentionally or unintentionally), thus, leading to a significant deterioration of system’s performance. In this study, a reputation mechanism is proposed which helps estimating SRPs trustworthiness and predicting their future behaviour, taking into account their past performance in consistently satisfying SRRs’ expectations. Thereafter, under the assumption that a number of SRPs may handle the SRRs requests, the SRRs may decide on the most appropriate SRP for the service/resource requested on the basis of a weighted combination of the evaluation of the quality of their offer (performance related factor) and of their reputation rating (reliability related factor). The proposed trust management framework is distributed, considers both first-hand information (acquired from the SRR’s direct past experiences with the SRPs) and second-hand information (disseminated from other SRRs’ past experiences with the SRPs), while it exhibits a robust behaviour against inaccurate reputation ratings. The designed mechanisms have been empirically evaluated simulating interactions among self-interested agents, exhibiting improved performance with respect to random SRP selection.  相似文献   

In principle, natural language and knowledge representation are closely related. This paper investigates this by demonstrating how several natural language phenomena, such as definite reference, ambiguity, ellipsis, ill-formed input, figures of speech, and vagueness, require diverse knowledge sources and reasoning. The breadth of kinds of knowledge needed to represent morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics is surveyed. Furthermore, several current issues in knowledge representation, such as logic versus semantic nets, general-purpose versus special-purpose reasoners, adequacy of first-order logic, wait-and-see strategies, and default reasoning, are illustrated in terms of their relation to natural language processing and how natural language impacts the issues. We conclude that a significant breakthrough in either natural language processing or in knowledge representation could lead to a breakthrough in the other.  相似文献   

Eclipse是一个基于Java的可扩展开发平台,它本身是由一个框架和一组服务组成,用于通过插件组件的形式构建开发环境。富客户端平台RCP是位于Eclipse平台核心的功能,它可以视为基于OSGi构建插件系统的最佳实践指导,同时可重用Eclipse中已存在的方法和编码模式。图形化的模型框架GMF是一个Eclipse建模项目的子项目,其目标是为Eclipse建模框架EMF和图形化编辑框架GEF提供一个统一的桥梁,从而为代码工具的生成奠定了良好的基础。而EMF是Eclipse MDA的一个重要组成部分,通过它可以将模型转换成高效正确和易于定制的Java代码。在此结合Eclipse平台、RCP工程及GMF、EMF等相关技术,研究分析了智能代码生成框架的设计过程。  相似文献   

ZLG7290在智能仪表面板接口设计中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
介绍了ZLG7290 I2C接口键盘及LED驱动器的特性及工作原理.该器件具有I2C串行接口,可驱动8位共阴级数码管或64只独立LED和64个按键.给出了ZLG7290与单片机P89LPC932的接口技术,及ZLG7290在智能仪表面板接口设计中的应用实例.  相似文献   

Most smart homes are created evolutionarily by adding more and more technologies to an existing home, rather than being developed on a single occasion by building a new home from scratch. This incremental addition of technology requires a highly flexible infrastructure to accommodate both future extensions and legacy systems without requiring extensive rewiring of hardware or extensive reconfiguration on the software level. Stanford's iStuff (Interactive Stuff) provides an example of a hardware interface abstraction technique that enables quick customization and reconfiguration of Smart Home solutions. iStuff gains its power from its combination with the Stanford Interactive Room Operating System (iROS), which creates a flexible and robust software framework that allows custom and legacy applications to communicate with each other and with user interface devices in a dynamically configurable way. The Stanford Interactive Room (iRoom), while not a residential environment, has many characteristics of a smart home: a wide array of advanced user interface technologies, abundant computation power, and infrastructure with which to coordinate the use of these resources (for more information on the iRoom or the Interactive Workspaces project, please visit http://iwork.stanford.edu). As a result, many aspects of the iRoom environment have strong implications for, and can be intuitively translated to, smart homes. In particular, the rapid and fluid development of physical user interfaces using iStuff and the iROS, which has been demonstrated in the iRoom, is an equally powerful concept for designing and living in smart homes. Before focusing on the details of iStuff, we describe the software infrastructure on which it is based and the considerations that went into designing this infrastructure.  相似文献   

Larson  J.A. 《Multimedia, IEEE》2003,10(4):91-93
VoiceXML is a markup language for creating voice-user interfaces. It uses speech and telephone touchtone recognition for input and prerecorded audio and text-to-speech synthesis (TTS) for output. It's based on the World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C's) Extensible Markup Language (XML) and leverages the Web paradigm for application development and deployment. By having a common language, application developers, platform vendors, and tool providers all can benefit from code portability and reuse. The paper discusses VoiceXML and the W3C speech interface framework.  相似文献   

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