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今年来,江铜集团在“做大,做强”的进程中,顺应世界经济发展的潮流,适时调整思路,转变观念,落实科学发展观,转变经济增长方式,大力发展循环经济,努力探索企业可持续发展之路。江铜集团在发展循环经济中,精密结合企业实际,存分利用现有资源,有计划地稳步向前发展,取得了低投入,高产出,效益最大化和人文环境和谐的优异成绩。中央新闻媒体一直十分关注江铜集团循环经济的发展,  相似文献   

陈克新 《冶金管理》2004,(12):11-13
2004年中国钢材市场需求旺盛增长,资源供应充足,价格行情剧烈震荡。预计新一年需求形势依然看好,新增资源可以满足消费需求,供求关系拉动价格进一步上涨的空间不大;另一方面,全球性原料价格居高不下,持续抬高钢材生产成本,整体钢材市场价格坚挺,深幅下跌的可能性亦不大。此外,种种迹象表明,国际钢材市场价格已近峰顶,今后有可能向下调整,但由于目前国内钢材价格已经低于国际水平,因此,  相似文献   

王清凯,男,汉族,河南新安人,1949年出生,高中,高级经济师,现任河南万基控股集团有限公司董事长、党委书记。  相似文献   

2008年8月16日,山东钢铁集团有限公司各单位负责人会议在莱钢召开,集团公司领导邹仲琛,谭庆华,任浩,宋兰祥,王军,蔡漳平,陶登奎,集团公司所属各单位负责人,集团总部各部门负责人及列席人员100多人参加了会议。  相似文献   

济南冶金化工设备有限公司位于济南市南、104国道30公里处,南临旅游胜地泰山,北依省城济南,傍仙境莲台山,与千年古刹灵岩寺毗邻而居,风景秀丽,环境优美,104国道、京福高速白门前贯穿南北,位置优越,交通便利。公司已有30多年的发展史,厂区占地面积4.5万m^2,建筑面积1.8万m^2,现有员工450人,其中工程技术人员85人。  相似文献   

乳腺癌的易患因素及预防措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
秦华 《莱钢科技》2005,(2):68-70
综合分析乳腺癌的患病因素,如内分泌失调,精神压抑,不良饮食习惯,良性乳腺疾病,肿瘤家族史等,指出增强保健意识,应从降低良性乳腺疾病,避免精神刺激,提倡母乳喂养,加强体育锻炼,实行乳房自我检查等多方面积极采取有效措施。  相似文献   

一、形势严峻,前景光明,挑战机遇同在 面对当前复杂多变的严峻形势,我们一定要保持冷静头脑,立足大局,坚持用一分为二的观点正确认识形势,既要看到形势的严峻性,树立危机感,把困难估计得更充分一些,把措施准备得更周密一些,万万不可掉以轻心,做到有备无患;又要坚定必胜信心,危中求机,扬长避短,从困难中寻找发展机遇,保持国民经济平稳较快发展。这就要求我们首先应该对当前形势要有正确的分析判断。按照中央经济工作会议精神和有关专家分析预测,  相似文献   

济南冶金化工设备有限公司位于济南市南、104国道30公里处,南临旅游胜地泰山,北依省城济南,傍仙境莲台山,与千年古刹灵岩寺毗邻而居,风景秀丽,环境优美,104国道、京福高速自门前贯穿南北,位置优越,交通便利。公司已有30多年的发展史,厂区占地面积4.5万m^2,建筑面积1.8万m^2,现有员工450人,其中工程技术人员85人。  相似文献   

济南冶金化工设备有限公司位于济南市南、104国道30公里处,南临旅游胜地泰山,北依省城济南,傍仙境莲台山,与千年古刹灵岩寺毗邻而居,风景秀丽,环境优美,104国道、京福高速自门前贯穿南北,位置优越,交通便利。公司已有30多年的发展史,厂区占地面积4.5万m^2,建筑面积1.8万m^2,现有员工450人,其中工程技术人员85人。  相似文献   

张江河 《冶金管理》1997,(12):25-28
1992年至1997年的5年间,河北省冶金工业战线抓住机遇,深化改革,扩大开放,加快发展,积极进行“第二次创业”,加速增长方式转变,实现了持续快速发展,整体实力增强,经济效益提高。理顺思路:唱好结构调整“重头戏”1991年,全省产钢420万吨,生铁59O万吨,钢材327万吨,已脐身于全国几个钢铁大省行列。但是,比较而言,整个冶金工业运行质量还不够高,产品结构不合理、比例失调的问题还比较严重。突出的矛盾是结构不合理,主要表现是:铁多,钢少;普碳钢多,优质钢少;钢材品种大路货多,高技术、高附加值的钢材少;企业分散,规模…  相似文献   

Oxidation-reduction reactions which can destroy high current-density metal-stimulating electrodes are avoided when using capacitive electrodes. The results of in vitro and in vivo testing of anodized, high surface area, sintered tantalum electrodes are presented. The corrosion response of the electrodes is excellent; there is no evidence of dissolution of the electrode. A deposit forms on the surface of the electrodes, but has little effect on the voltage response to constant current stimulation. The physiological and histopathological results indicate the capacitive tantalum electrode to be the safest yet tested.  相似文献   

泡沫金属材料是制作各种电极的理想材料。本文介绍了泡沫金属电极材料的制备技术,总结了泡沫金属电极的性能及研究应用现状,指出了各种制备技术的存在问题以及泡沫金属电极材料的发展方向。  相似文献   

通过对单元稀土钨合金材料和多元稀土钨合金材料的研究及稀土钨电极的制备,并组装成不同功率的照明金卤灯和汽车金卤灯,测定其发光性能,经对比分析,可知用稀土钨电极的灯的主要性能达到钍钨电极灯的水平,能部分取代传统的有放射性污染的钍钨电极,实现环保条件和材料性能的双替代。  相似文献   

多元复合稀土钨电极是用于取代有放射性危害的钍钨电极的新一代绿色环保产品,笔者介绍了在深入的机理研究和性能测试基础上,设计筛选出了多元复合稀土钨电极的最佳成分,并对该成分的钨电极进行了产业化技术研究和工业生产考察,取得了圆满的结果。  相似文献   

The influence of the simplifying assumption of constant electrical conductivity on the modelling of current density and temperature profiles in arc furnace electrodes is investigated in comparison with calculations taking into account the complete interdependence of electrical and thermal effects. With respect to the accuracy of the calculated values for UHP arc furnace electrodes it is shown that the classical theory for the skin effect using the approximation of constant electrical conductivity is inferior to an exact numerical evaluation, especially concerning the current distribution. A two-dimensional thermal analysis is performed for combination electrodes consisting of a water cooling shank and a graphite wearing part, in order to demonstrate the cooling effect for the reduction of graphite consumption. In the electrodes considered here, the cooled region in the wearing part covers an axial distance in the order of one electrode diameter.  相似文献   

The respiratory pattern generator in fetal and postnatal life activates the phrenic nucleus and diaphragm muscle with phasic bursts of activity. In the fetus, diaphragmatic activity is also characterized by tonic activity patterns of unknown origin. We have examined whether such activity is diaphragmatic, or radiated from nearby ribcage muscles, by placing two sets of electrodes side-by-side in the costal portion of the diaphragm in five fetuses. The rationale for this approach is that if tonic activity, radiates to the diaphragm it should be recorded by both sets of electrodes and there should be no delay between the action potentials from each set of electrodes. Of 24 single tonic units identified, 15 were recorded from only one of the two sets of electrodes in the diaphragm. In the 9 tonic units recorded from both sets of electrodes, there was a time delay between the appearance of the action potentials in the two recordings (mean +/- S.E.M. 1.6 +/- 0.2 ms). This is the expected conduction delay along the muscle fibres separating the two electrodes. Since tonic diaphragmatic activity persisted in fetuses with the spinal cord transected rostral or caudal to the phrenic nucleus, we conclude that the spinal cord alone is sufficient to produce the tonic activity recorded from the fetal diaphragm but that the brain may also generate such activity.  相似文献   

As a substitute for depth electrodes, mesial temporal subdural electrodes were devised. This electrode has a slender trapezoid shape and is easily introduced to the inner uppermost portion of the parahippocampal gyrus. Our results have shown that mesial temporal electrodes can detect not only interictal spikes but also subclinical and clinical seizure discharges from the mesiolimbic structures, and they have excellent capability for lateralization of the mesial temporal epileptic focus. If mesial temporal subdural strips are used in combination with lateral temporal subdural grids, comprehensive understanding of the focus distribution throughout the temporal lobes will be possible without using depth electrodes.  相似文献   

钨电极材料研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对当前钨电极材料进行了分类,对不同稀土钨电极的使用性能进行了简单介绍。同时对几种典型稀土钨电极的制备及研究进展进行了详细综述,并介绍了钨电极的应用及发展情况。  相似文献   

The high cost of the metal produced by electroslag remelting is caused by the significant costs of the manufacture of consumable electrodes. From an economic efficiency standpoint, it is reasonable to further develop the methods of forming consumable electrodes by pouring into a special-purpose mold. One of the ways to decrease the cost of electroslag metal is the formation of consumable electrodes from prereduced pellets. In this work, the problems related to the use of prereduced pellets for electroslag remelting are considered.  相似文献   

In this research two different materials have been machined by sintered copper, brass, and bronze electrodes in electrical discharge machine. The input parameters are varied and output responses have been studied by adopting design of experiments. Response surface methodology has been adopted for analysis of the parameters. Mathematical model has been formulated for all sintered electrodes and to optimise the parameters to obtain maximum material removal rate , minimum tool wear rate and minimum surface roughness. The effects of interaction of parameters has been studied among the three sintered electrodes. Copper electrodes removes high rate of material compared with sintered brass and sintered bronze electrode. Tool wear rate is high for brass electrode.  相似文献   

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