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Immunization with the thymus-independent (TI) Ag native dextran (DX) B512 induces germinal center (GC) formation in the spleen. However, despite this GC formation, the anti-DX response is poor, and no affinity maturation can be observed. Using cholera toxin (CT) as an adjuvant, splenic as well as humoral responses to DX are improved. In this study, we investigated immune responses against DX in mice lacking TNF receptor I and in athymic mice. The adjuvant effect of CT on these responses was also evaluated. Mice lacking the TNF receptor I allowed us to investigate the role of follicular dendritic cell networks and GC formation in the spleen for the generation of Ab responses to DX, whereas we could investigate the role of T cells in GC development to TI Ags using athymic mice. We found that the humoral immune response to TI DX B512 was not dependent upon T cells or the presence of GCs, although GC development occurred after DX immunization. However, T cells were required for this GC formation, since athymic mice could not develop GCs after immunization with DX. We also show that even if CT is able to directly activate B cells when administered as an adjuvant, the major effect may require T cell participation; this is also the case for TI Ags. In contrast, CT adjuvancy is independent of GC formation.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established the distribution, biochemistry and functional attributes of human CD22, a B cell-restricted glycoprotein. Recently, molecular cloning of the murine CD22 equivalent revealed this molecule to be the same as the previously described Lyb8 alloantigen. Using the anti-Lyb8 mAb Cy34.1.2, the present report documents the expression patterns of CD22 within the murine B cell compartment. The results demonstrate that in the bone marrow, murine CD22 is absent on the surface of pro-B cells, pre-B cells and newly emerging IgM+ B cells. CD22 is present at a low density on immature IgMhi B cells and fully expressed on mature recirculating B cells. In the periphery, murine CD22 is expressed at mature levels on all B cell subsets including follicular, marginal zone, B1 and switched B cells. Further studies showed CD22 to be retained on activated murine B cells for extended periods. Finally, in combination with CD23 and heat stable antigen, CD22 can be used to delineate the immature splenic B cells, and distinguish them from follicular and marginal zone cells. Together, the results demonstrate murine CD22 to be a useful pan marker for all mature B cell subsets.  相似文献   

We and others have recently identified a CD8 locus enhancer (E8) that directs expression in mature CD8 single-positive thymocytes and peripheral CD8+ T cells and in extrathymically derived intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL). In this study, we show that deletion of E8, by homologous recombination results in reduced CD8alphaalpha homodimer expression on IEL. Since CD8 expression on thymus-derived T cells was normal, other enhancers regulate CD8 expression in these cells. By exploiting a transgenic reporter expression assay, we identified three additional enhancers that directed expression in diverse thymocyte subsets and mature T cells but not in CD8alphaalpha+ IEL. The results suggest that CD8alpha expression is primarily regulated by E8, in IEL and by the novel enhancers in the thymus-dependent lineages.  相似文献   

The CD2 glycoprotein has been implicated in both positive and negative regulation of T-cell mitogenesis. To study the involvement of CD2 in T-lymphocyte development and immune responses, we have analyzed two lines of CD2-null mice, each expressing a distinct class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted T-cell receptor (TCR). In both situations, the absence of CD2 appeared to promote the positive selection of cells in a manner that is similar to that which occurs in the absence of CD5. Consistent with this, compound homozygotes that lacked both CD2 and CD5 showed evidence of enhanced positive selection even in the absence of a transgenic TCR. Despite the observed enhancement of positive selection, the lack of CD2 was associated with defects in proliferative responses and interferon-gamma production when transgenic thymocytes and mature T lymphocytes were stimulated with the appropriate antigens. These findings raise the possibility that impaired sensitivity to selecting ligands in the thymus may provide a selective advantage that improves the efficiency of positive selection for certain TCRs. Furthermore, the results highlight the potential for a differential role for CD2 in thymocyte selection and T-cell immune responses.  相似文献   

The addition of Ags to mononuclear leukocyte cultures typically elicits modest Ab responses, implying that cosignals beyond those provided by T cells and macrophages may be needed. Recently, we reported that Ab responses could be dramatically enhanced (10-1000-fold) by the addition of follicular dendritic cells (FDC), suggesting that FDC may provide an important costimulatory signal. This result prompted a study of molecules involved in FDC-mediated enhancement of Ab responses stimulated by specific Ag with memory T and B cells or nonspecifically by the addition of LPS. In this study, we report evidence supporting the concept that FDC bear a ligand that engages complement receptor II (CR2 or CD21) on B cells and provides a critical cosignal for both Ag-specific and polyclonal responses. A blockade of the CR2 ligand on FDC by the use of soluble CR2 or a blockade of CR2 on B cells by use of CR2 knockout mice (or B cells with CR2 blocked) reduced Ab responses from the microg/ml to the ng/ml range (10-1000-fold reductions). FDC from C3 knockout mice, which cannot generate the CR2-binding fragments (iC3b, C3d, and C3dg), were unable to provide costimulatory activity, suggesting the CR2 ligand on FDC consists of C3 fragments. FDC trap complement-activating Ag-Ab complexes, and it appears that FDC present B cells with both specific Ag to engage B cell receptors and a CR2 ligand to engage B cell-CR2. In short, optimal induction of specific Ab responses appears to require the combination of specific Ag and costimulatory molecules from both T cells and FDC.  相似文献   

Evidence from both animal, and human, studies suggests that repeated administration of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA: "ecstasy") produces lasting decreases in serotonergic activity. Serotonin is believed to play a modulatory role in a variety of psychological processes, including learning and memory. There are recent reports that polydrug users, who have used ecstasy recreationally, exhibit selective impairments in memory. However, these studies did not compare ecstasy users with polydrug users who had not taken ecstasy, leaving open the possibility that the memory deficits may be associated with a history of use of other illicit drugs. The present study used the Rivermead Behavioural Memory test to investigate immediate and delayed recall in: 25 polydrug-users who had taken more than 20 tablets of ecstasy (MDMA group), 22 participants (polydrug controls) who had never taken ecstasy, but, otherwise has personal characteristics (e.g. age, gender, education, height, weight), and illicit drug use histories, that were generally not significantly different from those of the MDMA group, and 19 participants who had not used illicit drugs but who also had similar personal characteristics (non-drug controls). Participants in the MDMA group recalled significantly fewer ideas (approximately 75% of the number of ideas recalled by participants in either of the other two groups), in both immediate and delayed recall conditions. The two illicit drug-using groups did differ in their estimated IQ scores and their duration of use of LSD, but only the latter proved to be a statistically significant covariate, and the difference in recall performance between the MDMA and polydrug controls groups remained statistically significant when this variable was treated as a covariate. The present findings provide the first evidence that deficits in memory performance in recreational ecstasy users are primarily associated with past exposure to ecstasy, rather than with the other legal and illicit drugs consumed by these individuals, and are consistent with reduced serotonergic modulation of mnemonic function as a result of long-term neurotoxic effects of MDMA in humans.  相似文献   

CD40 ligand (CD40L) and IL-4 are sufficient to induce resting murine B cells to divide and switch isotypes from IgM and IgD to IgG1 and IgE. Tracking of cell division following (5- and 6) carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE) labeling revealed that B cells expressed IgG1 after three cell divisions, and IgE after five. The probability of isotype switching at each division was independent of both time after stimulation and of the dose of CD40L. IL-4 concentration regulated the number of divisions that preceded isotype switching. Loss of surface IgM and IgD was also related to cell division and appeared to be differentially regulated. B cell proliferation was typically asynchronous with the proportion of cells in consecutive divisions being markedly affected by the concentration of CD40L and IL-4. Simultaneous (5-bromo)-2'-deoxyuridine labeling and CFSE staining revealed that B cells in each division cycle were dividing at the same rate. Therefore, division cycle asynchrony resulted from dose-dependent variation in the time taken to enter the first division cycle. These results suggest that T-dependent B cell expansion is linked to predictable functional changes that may, in part, explain why IgE is produced in response to prolonged antigenic stimulation.  相似文献   

The human B lymphocyte-specific Ag, CD22, is a cell adhesion molecule expressed on the surface during a narrow window of B cell development, coincident with surface IgD. A ligand for CD22 has recently been identified on human T cells as the low molecular mass isoform of the leukocyte common Ag, CD45RO. CD22 has been reported to function in the regulation of both T and B cell activation in vitro. In this study, we report the isolation and expression of a molecular cDNA clone encoding the murine homologue of CD22, mCD22. Within their predicted protein sequences, murine and human sequences overall have 62% identity, which includes 18 of 20 extracellular cysteines and six of six cytoplasmic tyrosines. BHK cells transfected with mCD22 cDNA specifically adhere to resting and activated T lymphocytes and in addition bound activated, but not resting, B cells. Five Th clones were analyzed for their ability to adhere to mCD22; two Th0 clones and one Th1 clone bound CD22+ BHK transfectants, but not all T cell clones bound CD22+ cells: another Th1 clone and a Th2 clone did not. mCD22+ BHK transfectants were also specifically bound by the B cell-specific mAb, NIM-R6, demonstrating that this mAb is specific for murine CD22. Human cell lines expressing the counter-receptors for human CD22 were also examined for adhesion to the murine CD22 homologue; the epitope responsible for B cell adhesion to CD22 is conserved, whereas the T cell epitope binding to CD22 is not. The cDNA and mAb to murine CD22 will be useful for defining the in vivo function of CD22.  相似文献   

This report investigates the response of CD8(+) T cells to antigens presented by B cells. When C57BL/6 mice were injected with syngeneic B cells coated with the Kb-restricted ovalbumin (OVA) determinant OVA257-264, OVA-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) tolerance was observed. To investigate the mechanism of tolerance induction, in vitro-activated CD8(+) T cells from the Kb-restricted, OVA-specific T cell receptor transgenic line OT-I (OT-I cells) were cultured for 15 h with antigen-bearing B cells, and their survival was determined. Antigen recognition led to the killing of the B cells and, surprisingly, to the death of a large proportion of the OT-I CTLs. T cell death involved Fas (CD95), since OT-I cells deficient in CD95 molecules showed preferential survival after recognition of antigen on B cells. To investigate the tolerance mechanism in vivo, naive OT-I T cells were adoptively transferred into normal mice, and these mice were coinjected with antigen-bearing B cells. In this case, OT-I cells proliferated transiently and were then lost from the secondary lymphoid compartment. These data provide the first demonstration that B cells can directly tolerize CD8(+) T cells, and suggest that this occurs via CD95-mediated, activation-induced deletion.  相似文献   

The role of B lymphocytes in initiating and maintaining a CD4+ T cell response has been examined using a variety of strategies, but remains controversial because of weaknesses inherent to each of the approaches. Here, we address this issue by measuring CD4+ T cell priming both in mutant mice devoid of B cells and in chimeric animals lacking major histocompatibility complex class II molecules specifically on B cells. We find that peptide and some protein antigens do not require B cells expressing class II molecules, nor B cells themselves, to efficiently prime. This could be demonstrated by the usual lymph node proliferation assay, a rather indirect in vitro measure of priming, and by a direct ex vivo assay of population expansion and activation marker expression. Interestingly, one protein antigen, conalbumin, could not prime in the absence of B cells, but could in the presence of B cells devoid of class II molecules. This finding constrains the possible mechanisms whereby B lymphocytes contribute to the initiation of a CD4+ T cell response, arguing against the importance of surface immunoglobulin-mediated antigen presentation by B cells.  相似文献   

Mice lacking CD81 (TAPA-1), a widely expressed tetraspanin molecule, have impaired antibody responses to protein antigens. This defect is specific to antigens that preferentially stimulate a T helper 2 response (ovalbumin or keyhole limpet hemocyanin in alum) and is only seen with T cell-dependent antigens. Absence of CD81 on B cells is sufficient to cause the defect. Also, antigen-specific interleukin (IL) 4 production is greatly reduced in the spleen and lymph nodes of CD81-null mice compared with heterozygous littermates. Thus, expression of CD81 on B cells is critical for inducing optimal IL-4 and antibody production during T helper 2 responses. These findings suggest that CD81 may interact with a ligand on T cells to signal IL-4 production. By using a soluble form of CD81 as a probe, a putative ligand for CD81 was identified on a subset of B and T cells. Two possible models for the interaction of CD81 on B cells with a potential ligand on either B or T cells are proposed.  相似文献   

Activation of the complement cascade and ligation of complement C3 receptors on B cells represent an important bridge between innate and Ag-specific acquired immunity. We show here that cross-linking of mouse CD21 (complement receptor type 2, CR2, C3d receptor) and CD35 (complement receptor type 1, CR1, C3b/C4b receptor) or co-cross-linking of CD21/CD35 and surface IgM rapidly up-regulates both B7-1 and B7-2 expression on murine resting splenic B cells. CD21/CD35-mediated up-regulation of both B7-1 and B7-2 expression is observed within 14 h, while other stimuli up-regulate only B7-2 but not B7-1 at this early time point. Consistent with the increase in B7 levels, BALB/c B cells on which surface IgM and CD21/CD35 have been co-cross-linked stimulate C57BL/6 T cells more effectively than controls. This CD21/CD35-enhanced allogeneic MLR is blocked nearly completely by anti-B7-2 mAbs and partially by anti-B7-1 mAbs. In addition, cross-linking of CD19, which is physically associated with CD21/CD35, leads to increased B7-1 and B7-2 expression. These data suggest that CD21/CD35 ligation results in enhanced B cell Ag presentation using costimulatory mechanisms shared with other activators and thus works cooperatively in this process. Rapid up-regulation of B7-1 expression, a unique response to CD21/CD35 and CD19 cross-linking, may be a particularly important effect of C3-containing ligands. We propose that CD21/CD35- and CD19-mediated B7-1 and B7-2 up-regulation is an important mechanism by which complement activation links innate and acquired immunity.  相似文献   

B cells expressing CD5 also carry its ligand, CD72. As an approach to understanding the role of CD5 and CD72 on B cells, we have examined the association of CD72 with CD5 and slgM by modulation/co-modulation and capping/co-capping following ligation of these surface molecules with specific antibodies. Modulation and co-modulation were measured after 24 h, whilst capping was measured after 1 h. CD5 and slgM co-modulated each other, CD72 co-modulated with slgM and CD5, but anti-CD72 did not affect either slgM or CD5. CD5 and slgM co-capped each other, whilst CD72 failed to co-cap with either slgM or CD5. The CD5-induced co-modulation of CD72 was partially blocked by specific protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor, but not the slgM-induced co-modulation, Protein kinase C (PKC) inhibitors abrogated the anti-mu- but not the anti-CD5-triggered modulation of CD72, whereas PKC activators prevented the CD5- but not the slgM-induced 24 h modulation of CD72. None of these drugs was able to modify the anti-CD72-induced modulation of CD72. Our data suggest that CD5 is physically associated with slgM in the B cell receptor complex but not with CD72. Furthermore, from the effect of drugs on modulation, there appears to be different associations of CD72 with slgM and CD5. These two pathways differed in some respects, consistent with a co-stimulatory function of CD72 and CD5 in B cell activation.  相似文献   

Our present study provides evidence that the 4-1BB signal is critical to CD28 co-stimulation in maintaining T cell activation when CD28 has been down-regulated because of repeated stimulation. The 4-1BB signal synergized with CD28 co-stimulation by lowering the threshold of anti-CD28 required to sustain proliferation and IL-2 production. The 4-1BB signal also modulated CD28-mediated cytokine profiles by markedly enhancing Th1 but suppressing Th2-type cytokine production. The 4-1BB signal generated Th1-type cells, as identified by intracellular IFN-gamma production. IFN-gamma induction was detected preferentially in 4-1BB-expressing cells, but not in those expressing CD30. 4-1BB and CD30 were induced in both CD4+ and CD8+ cells, but the location of the two molecules was mutually exclusive in each T cell subset. Our study suggests that the 4-1BB signal regulates CD28 co-stimulation in the targeted subset cells to favor Th1 development and maintain long-term cell growth.  相似文献   

Early in development, murine B-lineage progenitor cells express two classes of IgG Fc receptors (FcgammaR) designated as FcgammaRII (CD32) and FcgammaRIII (CD16), but mature B lymphocytes only express FcgammaRII (CD32), which functions as an inhibitor of B-cell activation when it is induced to associate with mIgM. The functions of CD16 and CD32 on B-lineage precursor cells have not previously been investigated. To search for FcgammaR functions on developing B-lineage cells, normal murine bone marrow cells were cultured in the presence of 2.4G2, a rat monoclonal antibody that binds to CD16 and CD32, or in the presence of control normal rat IgG, and then the B-lineage compartment was analyzed for effects. Cultures that contained 2.4G2 showed enhanced growth and differentiation of B-lineage cells compared with control cultures. The enhancing effect of 2.4G2 also occurred when fluorescence-activated cell-sorted B-cell precursors (B220(+), sIgM-, HSAhigh, FcgammaR+) from normal bone marrow were cocultured with BMS2, a bone marrow stromal cell line, but not when they were cultured in BMS2-conditioned media. The enhancement of B-lineage development induced by 2.4G2 was CD16-dependent and CD32-dependent, because 2.4G2 did not effect B-lineage growth or differentiation in cultures of bone marrow from mice in which either the gene encoding CD16 or CD32 had been disrupted. Analysis of fresh bone marrow from the CD16 gene-disrupted mice showed normal numbers and distribution of cells within the B-cell compartment, but in CD32 gene-disrupted mice, the B-cell compartment was significantly enlarged. These experiments provide several lines of evidence that the FcgammaR expressed on murine B-cell precursors can influence their growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

Memory B cells isolated from human tonsils are characterized by an activated cell surface phenotype, localization to mucosal epithelium, expression of somatically mutated immunoglobulin (Ig) variable (V) region genes, and a preferential differentiation into plasma cells in vitro. In spleens of both humans and rodents, a subset of memory B cells is believed to reside in the marginal zone of the white pulp. Similar to tonsil-derived memory B cells, splenic marginal zone B cells can be distinguished from naive follicular B cells by a distinct cell surface phenotype and by the presence of somatic mutations in their Ig V region genes. Although differences exist between human naive and memory B cells, no cell surface molecules have been identified that positively identify all memory B cells. In this study, we have examined the expression of the receptor-type protein tyrosine phosphatase CD148 on human B cells. CD148(+) B cells present in human spleen exhibited characteristics typical of memory B cells. These included an activated phenotype, localization to the marginal zone, the expression of somatically mutated Ig V region genes, and the preferential differentiation into plasma cells. In contrast, CD148(-) B cells appeared to be naive B cells due to localization to the mantle zone, the expression of surface antigens typical of unstimulated B cells, and the expression of unmutated Ig V region genes. Interestingly, CD148(+) B cells also coexpressed CD27, whereas CD148(-) B cells were CD27(-). These results identify CD148 and CD27 as markers which positively identify memory B cells present in human spleen. Thus, assessing expression of these molecules may be a convenient way to monitor the development of memory B cell responses in immunocompromised individuals or in vaccine trials.  相似文献   

Hematopoietic cell phosphatase is a nonreceptor protein tyrosine phosphatase that is preferentially expressed in hematopoietic cell lineages. Motheaten mice, which are devoid of (functional) hematopoietic cell phosphatase, have severe disturbances in the regulation of B cell activation and differentiation. Because signals transduced via the B cell antigen receptor are known to guide these processes, we decided to analyze molecular interactions between the hematopoietic cell phosphatase and the B cell antigen receptor. Ligation of the B cell antigen receptor induces moderate tyrosine phosphorylation of hematopoietic cell phosphatase and the formation of a multi-molecular complex containing additional 68-70- and 135-kDa phosphoproteins. In resting B cells most of the hematopoietic cell phosphatase proteins reside in the cytosolic compartment, whereas after B cell antigen receptor cross-linking, a small fraction translocates toward the membrane where it specifically binds to the 135-kDa phosphoprotein. This 135-kDa glycoprotein was identified as CD22, a transmembrane associate of the B cell antigen receptor complex. Together these findings provide the first direct evidence that this cytoplasmic tyrosine phosphatase is involved in antigen receptor-mediated B cell activation, suggesting that in vivo B cell antigen receptor constituents or associated molecules may serve as substrate for its catalytic activity.  相似文献   

B-cell-to-T-cell signaling can shape helper T (Th) cell responses. During infection with Leishmania major, Th response is critical in determining the outcome of disease. Resistance depends on the generation of a protective Th1 response, while susceptibility is mediated by the generation of a Th2 response. In this study, we determined whether B cells are required for the development of polarized Th1 and Th2 responses during infection with L. major. Mice lacking B cells due to disruption of the immunoglobulin M locus (microMT) were infected with L. major, and disease progression and Th cell development were assessed. On the genetically resistant C57BL background, both wild-type and microMT mice controlled the infection and mounted a Th1 response. On the genetically susceptible BALB/c background, both wild-type and microMT mice were susceptible to infection and generated Th2 responses. Thus, during L. major infection, neither direct antigen presentation or costimulation by B cells nor antibody-mediated effector functions are essential for the development of polarized Th responses.  相似文献   

The CD8alpha(-)-expressing dendritic cells (DC) of mouse spleen have been shown to be poor inducers of interleukin (IL)-2 production by CD8 T cells when compared to the CD8- DC. As a consequence, CD8 T cells give a more prolonged proliferative response to CD8- DC than to CD8+ DC. The possible mechanisms underlying these functional differences in DC subtype have been investigated. Inadequate co-stimulation did not underlie the poor T cell response to allogeneic CD8+ DC. Equivalent levels of B7-1 (CD80) and B7-2 (CD86) were found on the two DC subtypes and co-stimulator assays did not reveal any functional differences between them. Although CD8+ DC were found to die more rapidly in culture than CD8- DC, this did not explain their reduced stimulatory ability. Neither prolonging DC survival in culture nor renewing the stimulator cells by repeated addition of freshly isolated DC had any significant effect on the T cell responses. Furthermore, later addition to the cultures of DC of the opposite type to the initiating DC did not reverse or eliminate the differential response to the initiating DC. The role of DC-derived soluble factors was examined by addition to the cultures of supernatants derived from freshly isolated or stimulated DC of the opposite type. This neither enhanced the poor stimulatory capacity of CD8+ DC nor inhibited the stimulation by CD8- DC. Furthermore, addition of a series of cytokines that might have been produced by the DC did not eliminate the differences in T cell proliferation. Only the addition to the cultures of the growth factors IL-2 and IL-4 overcame the stimulatory difference between the two DC populations, confirming that the difference in T cell proliferative responses was a consequence of differences in induced cytokine production. The difference in the response of CD8 T cells to CD8+ and CD8- DC is therefore determined by direct DC-T cell contact during the earliest stages of the culture and involves an undetermined and possibly new signaling system.  相似文献   

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