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In the presence of an inhibitory concentration of cerulenin, cells of Staphylococcus aureus can resume growth when supplemented with either a saturated or an unsaturated fatty acid. A requirement for both types of acids for growth could not be demonstrated.  相似文献   

Triglycerides, which are major constituents of dietary fat, contain a mixture of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. One newly recognized function of unsaturated fatty acids is modulation of cell adhesion to components of the extracellular matrix. Alterations in cell adhesiveness or cell adhesion molecule expression accompany the onset of a number of diseases including arthritis, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Cell adhesion is necessary for the metastatic spread of cancer cells to new organs. Circulating cancer cells adhere to endothelial cells and the underlying subendothelial basement membrane as an initial step in the process of invading target organs during metastasis. Several recent studies have provided convincing evidence that unsaturated fatty acids and their metabolites influence adhesion of cultured human cancer cells to individual components of the basement membrane. These unsaturated fatty acid effects appear to be dependent in some instances on the expression of specific cell surface adhesion molecules. Unsaturated fatty acids influence the development of metastases in animal tumor models by largely unexplored mechanisms; the possibility that cell adhesion is involved in this process has not been thoroughly investigated. Future studies of unsaturated fatty acid effects on cell adhesion molecule expression in breast cancer patients should reveal the clinical relevance of the studies reviewed here.  相似文献   

Five compounds, which inhibited the amidolytic activity of soluble tissue factor/activated factor VII complex (sTF/VIIa), were isolated from two traditional Chinese medicinal plants commonly used in the treatment of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The active compounds were found to be linolenic, linoleic, and oleic acids from roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza; and two anacardic acids, 6-(8'Z-pentadecenyl)- and 6-(10'Z-heptadecenyl)-salicylic acids, from leaves of Ginkgo biloba. The IC50 values were in the range 30-80 micromol/L. Palmitic acid, isolated from roots of Salvia miltiorrhiza, and 2-[(3',7',11',15'-tetramethyl)-2'E,6'E,10'E, 14'E-hexadecatetraenyl]-1,4-hydroquinone, isolated from the marine sponge Adocia viola, did not inhibit sTF/VIIa. Further expansion of the structure-activity relationship to include anacardic acids, 6-(8'Z,11'Z-heptadecadienyl)- and 6-(8'Z, 11'Z, 14'Z-heptadecatrienyl)-salicylic acids from leaves of Anacardium spondias, and other fatty acids demonstrated that at least one cis double bond was essential for inhibitory activity, and that fatty acids containing two or three cis double bonds were optimal. Evidence from preincubation studies implied that these fatty acids may exert their effect by binding to VIIa and consequently preventing binding of sTF to VIIa.  相似文献   

Dietary long-chain fatty acids (FA) may influence pathological processes involving endothelial activation, including inflammation and atherosclerosis. We have previously shown that the n-3 FA docosahexaenoate (DHA) inhibits endothelial activation in the range of nutritionally achievable plasma concentrations. The present study assessed structural determinants for this effect. Saturated, monounsaturated, and n-6 and n-3 polyunsaturated FA were incubated with cultured endothelial cells for 24-72 h alone, and then in the presence of interleukin-1, tumor necrosis factor, or bacterial lipopolysaccharide for an additional 24 h before assessing the expression of the vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1) or other products of endothelial activation. No FA tested per se elicited endothelial activation. While saturated FA did not inhibit cytokine-induced expression of adhesion molecules, a progressively increasing inhibitory activity was observed, for the same chain length, with an increase in double bonds. Comparison of FA with the same length and number of unsaturation and only differing for the double bond position or for the cis/trans configuration indicated no difference in inhibitory potency, indicating no effect of the double bond position or configuration. As judged by Northern analysis, these latter FA also inhibited VCAM-1 messenger RNA steady state levels to the same extent, indicating a pre-translational site of action attributable to the single double bond. Thus the double bond is the minimum necessary and sufficient requirement for FA inhibition of endothelial activation. These properties are likely relevant to the anti-atherogenic and anti-inflammatory properties ascribed to n-3 FA, which are able to accommodate the highest number of double bonds in a fatty acid of given chain length.  相似文献   

Staphylococcus aureus infections   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The role of Arias-Stella reaction in diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy in a 35-year old woman who used a contraceptive coil in situ is described. The patient was seen with continuous uterine bleeding of almost 1 month duration. Histological examination of the curettage specimen showed multilayer endometrial epithelial cells with pyknotic apical nuclei and inflammatory infiltration of the stroma. These finding, trophoblastic growth and the absence of the chorion were indicative of the ectopic pregnancy. The patient was subjected to supravaginal hysterectomy. Examination of the surgery specimen confirmed diagnosis of tubal pregnancy.  相似文献   

In 1974, the State veterinary institutes in the Slovak Socialist Republic studied the sensitivity of 4420 strains of Streptococcus agalactiae and 1056 strains of Staphylococcus aureus to eight antibiotics. The strains were isolated from milk samples obtained from dairy cows suffering from mastitis. 100 per cent of the strains of Streptococcus agalactiae was sensitive to ampicillin, 99.23% to erythromycin, 98.70% to oxytetracycline, 93.02% to bacitracin, 90.77% to chloramphenicol, 41.97% to penicillin, 12.39% to neomycin, 9.73% to streptomycin. As to the strains of Staphylococcus aureus, 98.68 were sensitive to chloramphenicol, 98.50% to ampicillin, 97.92% to erythromycin, 94.98% to oxytetracycline, 93.85% to neomycin, 92.67% to bacitracin 87.50% to streptomycin, and 46.24% to penicillin. The results are discussed in relation to the use of antibiotics in the treatment of mastitis in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Colonization of human nasal mucosa with Staphylococcus aureus sets the stage for subsequent systemic infection. This study characterizes S. aureus adhesion to nasal mucosa in vitro and investigates the interaction of S. aureus with human nasal mucin. S. aureus binding to cell-associated and cell-free mucus was greater than to nonmucin-coated epithelial cells. Scanning electron microscopy of S. aureus incubated with human nasal mucosal tissue showed minimal binding to ciliated respiratory epithelium. In a solid-phase assay, S. aureus bound to purified human nasal mucin-coated wells significantly more than to bovine serum albumin-coated microtiter wells. Binding to mucin was saturable in a dose- and time-dependent fashion. Staphylococcal adherence to human nasal mucin was inhibited by bovine submaxillary mucin but not by fibrinogen. Pretreatment of mucin with periodate but not with pronase reduced adherence. Trypsin treatment of the bacteria significantly reduced adherence to mucin. 125I-labelled nasal mucin bound to two surface proteins (138 and 127 kDa) of lysostaphin-solubilized S. aureus. Binding to human nasal mucin occurs in part via specific adhesin-receptor interactions involving bacterial proteins and the carbohydrate moiety in mucin. These experiments suggest that S. aureus binding to mucin may be critical for colonization of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.  相似文献   

We have investigated transformation with heterologous DNA as a method for insertional mutagenesis of Aspergillus fumigatus. Two methods, polyethylene glycol-mediated transformation of protoplasts and electroporation of germinating spores, were used to establish conditions leading to single-copy integration of transforming DNA at different genomic sites. We have assessed the effect of restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) for both methods. Non-REMI protoplast transformation led to integration of multiple copies of transforming DNA in the majority of transformants. Results of REMI with protoplast transformation varied depending on the enzyme used. Low concentrations of several restriction enzymes stimulated transformation, but of ten enzymes investigated only REMI with XhoI and KpnI resulted in single-copy integration of transforming DNA for the majority of transformants. For protoplast transformation with XhoI- or KpnI-based REMI, 50% and 76% of insertions, respectively, were due to integrations at a genomic enzyme site corresponding to the enzyme used for REMI. Electroporation of spores without addition of restriction enzyme resulted in a high transformation efficiency, with up to 67% of transformants containing a single copy of transforming DNA. In contrast to protoplast transformation, electroporation of spores in the presence of a restriction enzyme did not improve transformation efficiency or lead to insertion at genomic restriction sites. Southern analysis indicated that for both protoplast transformation with REMI using KpnI or XhoI and for electroporation of spores without addition of restriction enzymes, transforming DNA inserted at different genomic sites in a high proportion of transformants.  相似文献   

Although dietary trans unsaturated fatty acids (TUFA) are known to decrease plasma HDL, the underlying mechanisms for this effect are unclear. We tested the hypothesis that the decreased HDL is due to an inhibition of lecithin:cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT), the enzyme essential for the formation of HDL, by determining the activity of purified LCAT in the presence of synthetic phosphatidylcholine (PC) substrates containing TUFA. Both human and rat LCATs exhibited significantly lower activity (-37% to -50%) with PCs containing 18:1t or 18:2t, when compared with the PCs containing corresponding cis isomers. TUFA-containing PCs also inhibited the enzyme activity competitively, when added to egg PC substrate. The inhibition of LCAT activity was not due to changes in the fluidity of the substrate particle. However, the inhibition depended on the position occupied by TUFA in the PC, as well as on the paired fatty acid. Thus, for human LCAT, 18:1t was more inhibitory when present at sn-2 position of PC, than at sn-1, when paired with 16:0. In contrast, when paired with 20:4, 18:1t was more inhibitory at sn-1 position of PC. Both human and rat LCATs, which are normally specific for the sn-2 acyl group of PC, exhibited an alteration in their positional specificity when 16:0-18:1t PC or 16:1t-20:4 PC was used as substrate, deriving 26-86% of the total acyl groups for cholesterol esterification from the sn-1 position. These results show that the trans fatty acids decrease high density lipoprotein through their inhibition of lecithin: cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) activity, and also alter LCAT's positional specificity, inducing the formation of more saturated cholesteryl esters, which are more atherogenic.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Pyomyositis are relatively rare in our countries. CASE REPORT: A 73-year-old-man presented with leg pains and septicemia. Diagnosis of pyomyositis was made and a large incision was performed after which the patient had a progressive improvement. DISCUSSION: Diagnosis of pyomyositis may be difficult in early stages. Diagnosis is greatly facilitated by magnetic resonance imaging. Responsibility of Staphylococcus aureus in cases of pyomyositis due to methi-resistant Staphylococcus aureus may be evocated even if patients was not hospitalized.  相似文献   

The majority of cases of Staphylococcus aureus bacteremia are hospital-acquired, and most are associated with infected intravenous catheters. Preventive measures, early detection of infections, and strategies for effective treatment have become matters of increasing urgency.  相似文献   

X-linked lymphoproliferative disease (XLP) is an inherited immunodeficiency characterised by selective susceptibility to Epstein-Barr virus and frequent association with malignant lymphomas chiefly located in the ileocecal region, liver, kidney and CNS. Taking advantage of a large bacterial clone contig, we obtained a genomic sequence of 197620 bp encompassing a deletion (XLP-D) of 116 kb in an XLP family, whose breakpoints were identified. The study of potential exons from this region in 40 unrelated XLP patients did not reveal any mutation. To define the critical region for XLP and investigate the role of the XLP-D deletion, detailed haplotypes in a region of approximately 20 cM were reconstructed in a total of 87 individuals from 7 families with recurrence of XLP. Two recombination events in a North American family and a new microdeletion (XLP-G) in an Italian family indicate that the XLP gene maps in the interval between DXS1001 and DXS8057, approximately 800 kb centromeric to the previously reported familial microdeletion XLP-D.  相似文献   

The process including heavy metals and ammonium extraction from waters by an extraction medium based on unsaturated fatty acids and their soaps, up-concentration of the extracted metals, and regeneration of the extraction medium was investigated. The process corresponds to current hydroxides-precipitating, coagulation and biotreatment processes. The two synergistically effective ways are described: the basic process with the pretreatment of feed water by sodium or calcium hydroxide and extraction with unsaturated fatty acids, and the advanced process exploiting the extraction through sodium and/or calcium unsaturated fatty acids soaps. Oleine as a commercially available extraction medium was used. High bonding capacity and metals removal efficiency, fast kinetics and selectivity for the extraction process, and the self-adjustment of the pH value after the extraction process, as well as the high up-concentration of the metals salts limiting to saturated solutions, and the complete regeneration of the extraction medium were reached. Heavy metals hydroxides precipitation behaviour was investigated. Chemical and hydrophobisation metals-bonding mechanisms for the extraction process were observed. Regeneration and up-concentration behaviour, Oleine stability and organics residues in the water phases were investigated.  相似文献   

The reduction of acetate ester synthesis by aeration and the addition of unsaturated fatty acids to the medium has been reported to be the result of the reduction in alcohol acetyltransferase (AATase) activity induced by inhibition of this enzyme. However, regulation of the AATase gene ATF1 has not been reported. In this study, ATF1 gene expression was studied by Northern analysis, and the results showed that the ATF1 gene was repressed both by aeration and by unsaturated fatty acids. The results also showed that the reduction of AATase activity is closely related to the degree of repression of ATF1 mRNA, which suggested that the gene repression is the primary means of reducing AATase activity in vivo. Using the Escherichia coli lacZ gene as a reporter gene, it was shown that a 150-bp fragment of the 5' flanking sequence played a major role in the repression by aeration and unsaturated fatty acid addition.  相似文献   

The relationship between the contents of unsaturated fatty acids and vitamin E in lipids of cereal and leguminous seeds, vegetable oils, milk and meat has been examined. For all the food products studied the following tendency was observed: the concentration of vitamin E increases in parallel with the concentration of unsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

In the vertebrate retina, a number of proteins involved in signal transduction are known to be N-terminal acylated with the unusual 14 carbon fatty acids 14:1n-9 and 14:2n-6. We have explored possible pathways for producing these fatty acids in the frog retina by incubation in vitro with candidate precursor fatty acids bearing radiolabels, including [3H]14:0, [3H]18:1n-9, [3H]18:2n-6, and [3H]18:3n-3. Rod outer segments were prepared from the radiolabeled retinas for analysis of protein-linked fatty acids, and total lipids were extracted from the remaining retinal pellet. Following saponification of extracted lipids, fatty acid phenacyl esters were prepared and analyzed by high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) with detection by continuous scintillation counting. Transducin, whose alpha-subunit (Gt alpha) is known to bear N-terminal acyl chains, was extracted from the rod outer segments and subjected to SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and fluorography to detect radiolabeled proteins. Gt alpha was also subjected to methanolysis, and the resulting fatty acyl methyl esters were analyzed by HPLC. The identities of HPLC peaks coinciding with unsaturated species of both phenacyl esters and methyl esters were confirmed by reanalyzing them after catalytic hydrogenation. The results showed that 14:1n-9 can be derived in the retina from 18:1n-9 and 14:2n-6 from 18:2n-6, most likely by two rounds of beta-oxidation, but that neither is produced in detectable amounts from 14:0. Retroconversion of unsaturated 18 carbon fatty acids to the corresponding 14 carbon species showed specificity, in that 18:3n-3 was not converted to 14 carbon fatty acids in detectable amounts. Myristic acid (14:0), 14:1n-9, and 14:2n-6 were all incorporated into Gt alpha. A much less efficient incorporation of 18:1n-9 into Gt alpha was also observed, but no radiolabeling of Gt alpha was observed in retinas incubated with 18:3n-3. Thus, retroconversion by limited beta-oxidation of longer chain unsaturated fatty acids appears to be the most likely metabolic source of the unusual fatty acids found on the N termini of signal transducing proteins in the retina.  相似文献   

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