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以开放式问卷、实地调研和格式化问卷的方式,对国内建设领域各方对推行工程质量保证保险的态度进行研究。重点探讨了以下问题:在我国推行这一险种的优缺点;险种试点推广和是否可以强制推行的态度;对现行建筑工程监督管理作用机制的意见以及调研中发现的其它重点和难点问题,为在我国推广这一险种,加强建筑工程质量管理,提出了进一步的研究方向和政策建议。  相似文献   

中国工程质量保证保险研究初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以开放式问卷、实地调研和格式化问卷的方式,对国内建设领域各方对推行工程质量保证保险的态度进行研究.重点探讨了以下问题:在我国推行这一险种的优缺点;险种试点推广和是否可以强制推行的态度;对现行建筑工程监督管理作用机制的意见以及调研中发现的其它重点和难点问题,为在我国推广这一险种,加强建筑工程质量管理,提出了进一步的研究方向和政策建议.  相似文献   

根据信息经济学的基本理论,通过博弈分析指出住房抵押贷款保险机制具有信号传递和信息甄别功能,可消除住房抵押贷款市场中存在的信息不对称,从而有效解决由此引发的逆向选择与道德风险。  相似文献   

T he importance of adequate insurance in its many and varied forms may often be overlooked in the planning of new projects and developments or the maintenance of existing ones. The consequences can be catastrophic. The insurers are natural risk-takers, and the emphasis in this paper is on the role to be played by each party in aiming at suitable premiums, cover, terms, and risk and management philosophies.  相似文献   

This paper examines the possible impact of further moves from public to private provision of mortgage payment insurance in Great Britain. The administrative costs of the two systems are compared, and distributional differences between tax and premium funding are evaluated, using national survey data. The constraints under which insurers must operate mean that private mortgage payment insurance is found to be limited in coverage, expensive for mortgagors facing average risks, and to have a regressive distributional impact when compared to tax-financed alternatives. Greater reliance on private insurance coupled with the withdrawal of state benefits could lead to higher costs for mortgagors who buy cover, and potentially disastrous costs for those who do not-some of which will eventually be borne by the state. Alternatives in the form of a compulsory national scheme (whether part of the public finances or at 'arms-length') or a mortgage benefit scheme are discussed.  相似文献   

工程质量保险上海试点模式的质量控制激励效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对引入工程质量保险上海试点模式前后的工程质量保险制度的质量控制激励效应进行了分析,发现对于建设单位建成后通过出售来获得投资回报的工程,如果保险人能够观察到被保险人的风险状况并据此制定保费,引入工程质量保险上海试点模式会使建设单位的质量控制水平有所提高,施工单位的质量控制水平基本不变,但勘察、设计和监理单位的质量控制水平严重下降,最终造成工程质量基本不变或略有下降;如果保险人不能够观察到被保险人的风险状况并据此制定保费,则引入工程质量保险上海试点模式会造成工程质量问题的严重恶化。  相似文献   

选取黑龙江省农业发展良好、土地流转机制相对健全市县中的农业经营主体为调研对象,进行实地调研获取数据,并基于结构方程模型分析了影响农地经营权抵押贷款保证保险需求的各因素。研究结果表明,从事农业生产的基本情况、农业经营主体的借贷行为及相关政策的执行情况直接影响农业经营主体对该险种的需求,其中相关政策的执行情况影响较弱。因此,政府发布政策及保险公司完善产品设计时,都应充分考虑不同因素的影响程度,保证该保险产品的顺利推广,进而有效解决农业经营主体贷款难问题。  相似文献   

2020年8月我国首单政策性草地保险试点启动,为了进一步完善我国草地保险制度,在梳理我国政策性草地保险实施方案特征的基础上,发现我国草地保险存在亟待解决的问题:整个区域费率统一、保障水平单一、保障功能不足、保险责任与保障目标不符、理赔机制不完善。基于以上问题,以全球草地保险机制较为完善的美国草地指数保险为例,分析其运行机制,总结其保险合约设计的核心内容。研究表明:第一,指数保险是美国草地保险的主导产品类型;第二,美国草地指数保险顶层设计是以"联邦政府支持下的商业化运作模式"运营,由国家海洋和大气管理局气候预测中心、地球资源观测卫星和风险管理局等组织保障;第三,合约设计是利用网格进行风险区划和费率厘定,提供多档次可供选择的保障水平,以月度为单位设计保险期间,设置了差异化的保费补贴政策。最后,提出美国草地保险制度对我国草地保险可持续发展的启示。  相似文献   

探讨我国建筑工程质量安全风险管理中存在的问题,提出建立风险管理制度的思路,并介绍了上海市的制度试点。  相似文献   

叶青 《福建建筑》2001,(4):75-77
本文分析及讨论了土地抵押权和地役权等他项权利 ,并对土地抵押价格评估和地役权价格评估的技术思路和估价方法进行探讨  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore whether spatial definition can affect the perceptual evaluations of users in highly dense conditions. The particular spatial definition studied in this research was the relationship between circulation axes and seating areas of a waiting hall. In crowded public interiors, it is generally assumed that users feel less comfortable and less safe. As suggested in this work, the disturbance is much higher even where there are less-defined boundaries (where people pass through from different directions) and the space is more likely to be perceived negatively. To research this, a study was carried out in three waiting halls of a large polyclinic building: a clinic waiting hall, a pharmacy waiting hall, and an X-ray waiting hall, spatially designed different from each other. Results from 240 patients showed that the least identifiable waiting hall design was perceived the most negatively. The effect of gender on performance appraisal task was also examined. Compared to females, male users perceived the space more positively than female users.  相似文献   

住房抵押贷款证券化作为一种金融创新,在国外已经发展得相当成熟,但在我国推行还存在着很大的障碍和风险。文中就这些风险中存在的信息不对称及解决方法进行了探讨,提出了个人信用风险、提前支付风险和影响到第三方当事人的风险中信息不对称问题的解决思路。  相似文献   

Foreclosures of single-family mortgages have increased dramatically in many parts of the US in recent years. Much of this has been tied to the rise of higher-risk subprime mortgage lending. Debates concerning mortgage regulation, as well as around other residential finance policies and practices, hinge critically on the social as well as personal costs of loan default and foreclosure. This paper examines the impact of foreclosures of single-family mortgages on levels of violent and property crime at the neighborhood level. Using data on foreclosures, neighborhood characteristics, and crime, the study found that higher foreclosure levels do contribute to higher levels of violent crime. The results for property crime are not statistically significant. A standard deviation increase in the foreclosure rate (about 2.8 foreclosures for every 100 owner-occupied properties in one year) corresponds to an increase in neighborhood violent crime of approximately 6.7 per cent. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Aquatic plants take up, transform and sequester organic contaminants and may therefore be used in phytoremediation for the removal of pollutants from wastewaters. A better understanding of factors affecting the rate of contaminant uptake by aquatic plants is needed to improve engineered systems for removal of pollutants from wastewaters. This work focused on the influence of initial concentrations of pesticide and population density of plants on toxicity and uptake of the fungicide dimethomorph by two duckweed species. An increased sensitivity to dimethomorph was observed with increasing duckweed population density. Less light, due to crowding, may explain this higher sensitivity and reduced removal rate. A positive relationship was also found between toxicity or contaminant uptake and initial pesticide concentration with a maximal removal of 41 and 26 µg g− 1 fresh weight of dimethomorph (at 600 µg L− 1 of dimethomorph and an initial density of 0.10 g E-flask− 1) by Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrhiza, respectively. This research also indicated that these aquatic plants can efficiently eliminate organic contaminants and may ultimately serve as phytoremediation agents in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Determinants of new firm success   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The differences between new firms, even the differences present right at the start, may affect their life course and success over time. This article addresses the determinants of success of Dutch start-ups from a longitudinal perspective. After an overview of the literature on both the definition of success and the success factors of new firms we test how new firm characteristics relate to firm growth in number of employees using a panel of nearly 2,000 firms. In addition to a large firm size right from the start, good preparation, having a business partner, and some years in salaried employment also enhance firm growth. Based on these success determinants we construct a typology of starters that may be used to predict future growth chances. Received 25 February 1999 / Accepted 10 December 1999  相似文献   

唐争气 《城市勘测》2012,(1):135-137
介绍了利用AutoCAD二次开发或数字测图软件相应功能快速绘制放样点位示意图并自动提取各设计点的坐标值。把道路或房屋等建筑物特征点的设计数据与控制点数据合并成一个数据文件。将此数据文件通过蓝牙或数据线传输到GPS手簿或全站仪内存文件中,现场利用RTK或全站仪的坐标放样程序,快速准确地进行放样,并做好放样点的测量,以便内业制作放样数据图表资料,从而实现了坐标放样的内外一体化。  相似文献   

分析了住房抵押贷款中借款人的理性违约,认为因住房贬值而导致的借款人理性违约,实质上是住房的价格风险在供款人和贷款人之间的重新再分配。基于对我国住房抵押贷款市场中缺乏违约风险规避机制的分析,作者提出了建立我国由政府性质的担保机构和商业保险公司共同提供保险的综合违约风险规避机制的设想。此外,就建立政府性质担保机构的问题进行了着重探讨,通过对美国联邦住房管理局(FHA)的住房抵押贷款互助保险基金(MMIF)的分析,并结合中国实际,得出了中国有必要设立政府性质担保机构的结论。  相似文献   

立足于中国人口老龄化趋势日益严峻、社会养老压力巨大的现状,对国内适时推行住房反向抵押贷款的业务流程进行设计,并分析其业务开展中所存在的风险,提出相应的防范措施,旨在为促进我国积极推行住房反向抵押贷款业务提供一定的支持与建议,为我国的养老保障开拓一条新途径。  相似文献   

《物权法》调整土地抵押贷款及经济影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《物权法》是顺应我国不动产价值显化的趋势而诞生的,是调整不动产及其相对人之间关系的法律。物权法对土地抵押融资影响深远。本文从理论与实践两方面重点阐述土地抵押的现状、法律关系及未来发展趋势,提出充分利用土地资产价值的观点,为土地使用者在显化土地资产价值过程中如何积极融资提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

From the mid-1990s, Ireland experienced a property bubble, fuelled by deregulation in the banking sector and government commitment to expanding home ownership. However, since 2007, the situation has dramatically reversed. The banking system and property market have collapsed and pushed the Irish state into insolvency. National house prices have fallen by 50 per cent from the peak in 2007, whereas incomes have contracted and the unemployment rate has increased. This has produced a serious situation regarding negative equity and mortgage arrears, a problem highlighted by the former U.S. President Bill Clinton on a visit to Ireland in 2011. This paper examines government responses to the mortgage crisis, particularly their emphasis on mortgage forbearance and reform of Ireland's bankruptcy legislation. An overview of the drivers of the bubble and the extent of negative equity and arrears is provided firstly. In conclusion, the paper reflects upon the implications of the crisis for the homeownership model that Ireland has followed for the last two decades.  相似文献   

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