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Fulong Wu 《Housing Studies》2016,31(7):852-870
While it is widely acknowledged that Chinese urban villages provide an important source of rental housing for low-income populations, the composition of their dwellers, housing conditions and rental contracts has not been adequately studied. Drawing from surveys of sixty urban villages in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, this study finds that housing in urban villages is more family oriented; that over half of dwellers work in the tertiary sector; and that although they have relatively stable jobs, few have job security with contracts. In predominantly rental housing, the housing unit is small. Tight control by the city government over housing development has led to quite expensive rentals measured by unit space as well as poorer housing conditions. Tenancy informality in terms of the absence of formal contracts is widespread and most severe in Shanghai. The lack of formal contracts is largely independent of the status of dwellers or their job status but is rather dependent upon the rent value.  相似文献   

结合《公共租赁住房优秀设计方案汇编》的编制工作,从当前公共租赁住房大量建设情况下的标准化设计与技术创新角度出发,对标准化设计方式推动公租房可持续发展与建设模式转型的课题进行分析,提出公租房可持续课题与标准化设计的目标、基本原则及其技术路线,并对《汇编》的主要技术特征和实施建议进行了系统性的阐述,以期通过标准化工业化技术转型来促进公租房的可持续建设与发展。  相似文献   

为客观、全面、系统地梳理我国住房租赁市场领域现有的研究成果,以中国知网数据库收录的153篇文献为研究对象,利用SATI、NetDraw、Citespace工具对该领域研究内容与热点进行可视化分析,以期拓展住房租赁市场领域研究的视角,并为该领域的进一步研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

One hypothesis is that, in Sweden, the elderly today are more willing to change residence to accommodate for changing lifestyles and poorer health than in earlier generations. If so, the elderly will change their type of tenure from owner occupation to tenant co-operative or rental housing, which includes more services for residents. The aim of this study is to discover if elderly people move to apartments after leaving single-family housing that they own. Mobility patterns of those born in the 1920s, 1930s and 1940s are analysed to identify characteristics of stayers and movers, and to determine to what extent the elderly move to rental and tenant co-operative apartments. The analysis is cross-sectional using a register database comprising the Swedish population. Moves were followed between 2001 and 2006. The majority remained in their current dwelling but almost one-quarter moved. Of those, a smaller number moved from owner-occupied housing to a tenant co-operative or rental apartment.  相似文献   

王光远  罗珺 《江苏建筑》2011,(1):32-34,63
近几年随着国家住房政策的深入改革以及昆山市经济快速发展中住房问题的不断凸显,公共租赁住房成为克服现行住房保障制度的不足,真正解决低收入家庭住房困难的金钥匙。文章通过对昆山市公共租赁住房发展背景和经验优势的研究,进一步提出公共租赁住房建设的基本要求。通过对昆山市公共租赁住房的需求预测,确定公共租赁住房规划建设的具体方案。最后从管理角度对昆山市公共租赁住房的建设提出具体的管理策略,并探讨公共租赁住房制度的不断完善,推动昆山市城乡一体化住房保障制度的建立和健全。  相似文献   

郭俊辉  徐浩鸣 《建筑经济》2021,42(3):115-120
随着互联网技术的发展,在线租房平台为人们提供了新型的租房模式。基于问卷调研和数据分析,本文重点分析通过在线租房平台获得的实体房源质量感知对居住体验的影响,得到以下研究结果:在线租房质量感知由信息完整性、服务保障性、价格透明性、城市引导性构成,它显著影响租房满意度和居住幸福感;房屋租赁企业可通过优质服务、优选房源等提高租房业务的运营效益,倒逼房屋租赁市场的健康发展。  相似文献   

公共租赁住房作为保障性住房的重要组成部分,其建设应以“节能省地、保护环境”为导向,在满足居住要求的前提下,提高住区的生活品质,降低建筑全生命周期的资源和能源消耗.本文以上海地区公共租赁住房为研究对象,分析公共租赁住房实施绿色技术的特点,并以上海南站地区公共租赁住房项目为例,重点分析其采用的绿色建筑技术及增量成本,对上海地区公共租赁住房绿色建筑的发展具有可借鉴性和示范意义.  相似文献   

结合住房租赁市场的现状和特点,从租赁住房利益相关者的角度对政府、住房租赁企业和消费者之间的关系进行研究,有利于加强对租赁住房市场的监管。根据三者掌握的租赁住房信息的严重不对称性,创新性地建立了动态贝叶斯博弈模型,通过求解精炼贝叶斯均衡策略分析影响各方策略选择的因素。结果表明:政府加强检查、加大对住房租赁企业的惩罚力度和增加对低质量住房的补贴,减少消费者选择租赁住房的成本或增加其选择高质量住房的收益,降低住房租赁企业提供低质量住房的收益等措施均有利于提高租赁住房的质量。利用Matlab进行模拟仿真分析,为提高租赁住房的质量提出针对性建议。  相似文献   

孙建 《住宅科技》2014,(5):38-40
当前我国正大力发展公共租赁住房,公租房的特点决定了其在建设过程中资金投入大、投资回收期长,因而合理的控制成本对于公共租赁房的建设具有重要的作用.文章以上海市首批市筹公租房馨逸公寓为案例,在分析公租房成本构成的基础上,归纳了公租房成本控制的原则,并从投资、建设、运营全过程提出了公租房成本控制的方法,以期为本市后续公租房开发和运营中的成本控制提供借鉴.  相似文献   

The impact of housing inheritance on housing provision has been overlooked in previous work, which has concentrated on quantifying housing wealth and ascertaining whether or not it results in or contributes to social stratification. However, Australian research shows that while housing inheritance may only have modest effects on the wealth of beneficiaries, most of whom are middle-aged home owners themselves, there are important implications for the Australian private rental sector. Many beneficiaries let their inherited dwellings while those dwellings that are sold are often attractive to investors because of their often low capital value and central city location. In contrast to most investors in private rental housing, beneficiaries who become landlords are not always motivated by financial gain. The results suggest that housing inheritance may offer an opportune new source of private rental housing, although like the sector itself, the supply of dwellings from this source is not directly amenable to government control.  相似文献   

This paper examines selected aspects of housing policy and its influence on private rental housing in Hong Kong. Its ambitions are modest, in part because so little research has been conducted on the sector, as a consequence of the small size of the sector as well as the concentration of socio-political, economic and policy analyses on the other major housing sectors, namely public renting and home ownership. It is argued that a fundamental function of private renting, to provide a functional substitute and counter-balance to distortions in the market for private home ownership, has been systematically undermined in Hong Kong. In spite of its historical importance in meeting Hong Kong people's housing needs, the sector's decline has been steep and it can now be fairly described as a marginalised tenure, despite incomplete structural adjustment post- Asian Financial Crisis. It is suggested that a fundamental reason for the decline of the private rental sector has been the impact of government policy, which undermined the private rental sector and thus an important element of the market mechanism in housing provision. The government's ideology of home ownership has also functioned to transfer lower middle-income families into the owner occupied sector. Although the Hong Kong government has not been as overtly hostile to this sector as governments have been elsewhere, it nevertheless also seems to envisage no real role for the private rental sector in a housing delivery system molded by policy preference for home ownership, rather than fostering viable economic competition by also facilitating an efficient private rental sector.  相似文献   

This paper considers the need for conceptual renewal in comparative housing research. Since the mid-1990s, Kemeny’s model of ‘unitary’ and ‘dualist’ rental markets and Harloe’s classification of ‘mass’ and ‘residual’ social housing provision have been repeatedly recycled in comparative studies of ‘social’ and ‘public’ housing provision. Amidst international neoliberal policy mobilities, their models based on liberal welfare regimes wield particular power. Conceived during neoliberal cutbacks of public services, Kemeny’s ‘dualist’ rental market and Harloe’s ‘residual’ model of social housing similarly depict state-subsidised rental housing provision as bureaucratic, and targeted to the poor. Despite empirical change, these models are still used to describe liberal welfare regimes, and to theorise international policy convergence. Based on a review of recent market-oriented reforms of state-subsidised rental housing provision in the US, Australia and England; original neoliberal ‘sites of production’, this contribution asks whether these conceptual models still reflect the empirics. Findings diverge from the models, undermining their assumptions about how neoliberal reforms progress.  相似文献   

“商改租”政策的提出不仅有利于扩大租赁住房供给来源,也为我国商办市场去库存提供了一个解决思路。但目前“商改租”的实践效果并不理想,针对企业积极性不高的问题,在相关文献研究和案例分析的基础上,从法律与政策、市场、企业和存量商办房自身4个方面,系统归纳出影响企业参与意愿的26个因素。运用系统工程方法,建立了影响因素间的6级多层递阶解释结构模型,明确各因素之间的相互影响关系和作用路径,找出了影响企业参与意愿的10个根源性因素。并针对法律与政策、政府激励措施、商办与住房租赁市场需求、改造市场经验、存量状况与满足转化条件程度等根源性影响因素,提出“商改租”工作推进政策建议。  相似文献   

公租房是我国住房保障体系中的重要组成。目前我国正在大规模开展公租房建设,但资金问题成为制约其发展的主要因素之一。通过分析我国公租房建设资金短缺的现状,提出将BOT 模式引入公租房领域,从土地供给、投资收益、特许期限三个方面对BOT 模式应用的难点进行了分析,提出相应的解决办法;根据公租房特点提出了三点优化建议,设计出针对我国公租房项目的BOT 运作模式与运行保障体系,以期在一定程度上缓解财政困难,提高公租房项目运行效率,进而推动公租房制度的可持续发展。  相似文献   

我国城镇化进程中的城市住房租赁体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要分析我国城市住房租赁消费的特点;从供应主体、供应对象、管理与运行三个方面探讨租赁住房供应体系存在的问题;提出引入非营利组织及住房租赁公司,与政府、私人住房所有者共同形成全覆盖、多次性、高效率的租赁住房供应体系;有条件地将非户籍人口与户籍人口合并考虑租赁住房的供应;完善土地、金融、税收等相关制度,为租赁住房发展提供良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

本文通过分析依托住宅产业化推进公共租赁住房建设的必要性及优势所在,探索公共租赁住房产业化建设的实施路径。通过设计标准化,全装修一体化,部品、部件的通用化等,可逐步推进我国公租房的产业化发展,从而高效率且高质量地建设公共租赁住房。  相似文献   

租售并举的住房制度将深刻影响我国房地产市场,在发展住房租赁市场过程中涉及政府、消费者、企业三方利益相关者。基于利益主体协同演化的视角,构建住房租赁市场发展过程中多主体协同演化博弈模型,通过 Vensim 软件进行仿真模拟,分析各主体演化路径趋势、识别内部主要驱动因素。仿真结果表明,三方主体最终在政府不监管、消费者倾向于租房、企业主动发展租房业务处达到均衡稳定状态。政府监管所需成本、对企业惩罚力度、企业获取的长期经济效益、短期经济效益是三方演化的主要驱动因素。研究表明,在发展住房租赁市场过程中,政府要强调发展住房租赁市场的重要性,提高消费者及企业此方面意识;发展初期,政府对企业宜强力推动;在中后期,政府可缓和态度,企业将逐步采取主动措施,进而形成健康可持续的住房租赁市场。  相似文献   

在我国住房保障制度的不断实践过程中,住房“夹心层”问题显得异常突出,面对这一问题我国实行了公共租赁住房制度。本文构建夹心层分析模型对“夹心层”的类型及成因进行分析,并运用剩余收入法结合家庭人口结构对公共租赁住房保障“夹心层”的效果进行分析,希望为公共租赁住房的建设发展以及改进提供借鉴和依据,促进“夹心层”住房问题的解决。  相似文献   

The place of student housing in the built environment and everyday life of the city has been the focus of much research. Much of this literature has focused on the experiences and impacts of undergraduate student populations. We bring to the debate a different cohort of students—those undertaking PhDs. Drawing on 30 interviews with PhD students living in Parramatta, Sydney, we position PhD students as a fundamentally different student cohort with distinct housing needs and experiences. PhD students experience a strong connection to their university as their workplace and require their housing to facilitate this relationship. The nature of the student/university relationship and the different family/age composition results in different housing needs compared to undergraduate students. Simultaneously, given that many, primarily international, PhD students live in the private rental sector, they represent a distinct sub-category of the low-income private rental market at risk of extreme housing stress.  相似文献   

近年来,随着公共租赁住房作为城镇住房保障体系的新政登上历史舞台,公租房的建设对人民生活和城市空间均产生了深远影响。自2010年天津市公共租赁住房先后开工建设,规划管理部门组织规划设计单位充分发挥"规划先行"的战略作用,从公租房的选址,规划方案编制到建筑设计,进行了大量的积极探索。本文试图通过天津公租房规划建设实践历程,对有关公租房的规划设计问题进行一些总结和思考。  相似文献   

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