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This study considers the effect of crossbreeding and gender (barrows; gilts) on meat quality and intramuscular and subcutaneous fatty acid composition in pork. The sire lines included Large White (LW), Duroc (D) and Pietrain (P) and the dam line was Landrace (LR)×LW, producing LW×(LR×LW), D×(LR×LW) and P×(LR×LW). Pork samples were removed from Longissimus dorsi (LD) and Semimembranosus (SM) muscles and subcutaneous fat (SCF). There were no important differences in meat quality parameters but D×(LR×LW) had the highest percentage of intramuscular fat. Castrated males had more intramuscular fat and more intense meat colour than female pigs. The Large White and Duroc sire line had saturated fatty acids (SFA) in SM, whereas the Pietrain sire line was significantly higher than Duroc sire line in the concentration of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), PUFA/SFA (P/S) and the n-6/n-3 ratio. The concentrations of SFA and monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) in SCF were significantly higher in LW×(LR×LW) and P×(LR×LW), respectively. No differences were found in the percentage of PUFA, P/S and n-6/n-3 ratio between D×(LR×LW) and P×(LR×LW). Female pigs had the most polyunsaturated intramuscular and subcutaneous fat. The results demonstrate small differences in fatty acid compositions among sires.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the differences in biochemical, sensorial and quality characteristics of retail beef in Belgium. Four types of beef (Belgian Blue double-muscled, Limousin, Irish and Argentine) and two different muscles (longissimus lumborum and semimembranosus) were bought at the retail level and compared with regard to colour, shear force, collagen content, fatty acid analysis, taste panel evaluation as well as flavour analysis. Belgian Blue and Limousin beef had a paler colour, lower collagen and intramuscular fat contents. Fatty acid profiles were significantly different between the four types, with significantly higher PUFA/SFA and n-6/n-3 ratios for Belgiam Blue and Limousin beef compared to Argentine and Irish beef. There were significant differences between the meat types for taste panel tenderness and shear force, however both measurements did not fully correspond. Flavour analysis by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry as well as sensory analysis demonstrated that Irish and Argentine beef had a higher flavour intensity related to higher contents of volatile compounds. Differences in tenderness and flavour between the meat types were probably affected by differences in ageing time, related to import vs local production of meat.  相似文献   

Forty Merino Branco ram lambs were used to study the effects of initial diet and duration of supplementation with a conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) promoting diet, on carcass composition, meat quality and fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat. The experimental period was 6 weeks. The experimental design involved 2 initial diets (commercial concentrate (C); dehydrated lucerne (L)), and 2 finishing periods (2 and 4 weeks) on dehydrated lucerne plus 10% soybean oil (O). Data were analysed as a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with initial diet and time on finishing (CLA promoting) diet as the main factors. The lambs were randomly assigned to four groups: CCO; COO; LLO; LOO according to the lamb’s diet fed in each period.Lambs initially fed with concentrate showed higher hot carcass weights (11.2 vs 9.6 kg) than lambs fed initially with lucerne. The increase of the duration of finishing period reduced the carcass muscle percentage (57.4% vs 55.5%) and increased the subcutaneous fat percentage (5.67% vs 7.03%). Meat colour was affected by initial diet. Lambs initially fed with concentrate showed a lower proportion of CLA (18:2cis-9, trans-11 isomer) (0.98% vs 1.38% of total fatty acids) and most of n−3 polyunsaturated fatty acids than lambs initially fed with lucerne. Initial diet did not compromise the response to the CLA-promoting diet and the proportion of 18:2cis-9, trans-11 in intramuscular fat increased with the duration of time on the CLA-promoting diet (1.02% vs 1.34% of total fatty acids).  相似文献   

To investigate the impact of sampling fat location and cooking on fatty acid composition of beef steaks, 21 raw steaks from crossbred steers were dissected to obtain outer (OSC) and inner subcutaneous fat (ISC), seam fat, marbling, and lean muscle. Twenty-one cooked steaks were dissected to obtain OSC, ISC, seam fat, surface and inner muscle. Trans-vaccenic acid and c9, t11-CLA percentages were lower (< 0.05) in lean muscle than subcutaneous (s.c.) fat or marbling. Monounsaturated: saturated fatty acid ratios were lower (P < 0.05) in seam fat and marbling than s.c. fat or lean muscle. Linoleic and linolenic acid levels were highest in lean muscle and longer chain n−6 and n−3 fatty acids were only detected in lean muscle. Cooking did not change fatty acid composition dramatically except that n−6: n−3 ratio in s.c. and seam fat decreased after cooking (P < 0.05).  相似文献   

Kang YK  Choi YM  Lee SH  Choe JH  Hong KC  Kim BC 《Meat science》2011,89(4):384-389
The main objective of this study was to investigate the effects of myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoforms on meat and sensory quality in Berkshire pigs. A total of 85 pigs were evaluated, and muscle samples were taken for the analyses of MHC isoform, meat quality, fatty acid composition, and sensory evaluation. Content of the MHC slow isoform was significantly correlated with pH(24h) (r=0.26, P<0.05) and drip loss (r=-0.32, P<0.01), although the content of MHC isoforms showed limited relationships with individual fatty acids. In the case of sensory evaluation of meat by a trained panel test, the MHC fast/slow ratio was correlated with the juiciness (r=-0.33, P<0.01), off-flavor (r=0.34, P<0.01), tenderness attributes (r=-0.43 to -0.47). These results imply that the content of MHC isoforms can influence various aspects of quality including pork and sensory quality in Berkshire pigs.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of three dietary oils - palm kernel (PKO), palm (PO) and soyabean (SBO) - and two protein levels - high (HP) and low (LP) in a 3×2 factorial design involving 60 pigs on growth performance, muscle fatty acid composition and content, carcass, meat and eating qualities. Oil type did not have a significant effect on growth and carcass quality. PKO significantly reduced the polyunsaturated (PUFA) to saturated (SFA) fatty acid (P:S) ratio in longissimus muscle (P<0.001). PKO increased the concentrations of lauric (12:0), myristic (14:0), palmitic (16:0) and stearic (18:0) fatty acids and decreased linoleic acid (18:2). The LP diet increased intramuscular fat (IMF) from 1.7g/100g muscle in HP to 2.9g/100g (P<0.001), increased tenderness by 0.6 units (P<0.01) and juiciness by 0.5 units (P<0.01) on the 1-8 scale, but at the expense of lower daily weight gain (P<0.01), lower feed conversion efficiency (P<0.01), reduced P:S ratio (P<0.001) and increased lipid oxidation (P<0.01). The results suggest that PKO and PO could be used in tropical developing countries as cheaper alternatives to SBO for the production of good quality and healthy pork, but their limits of inclusion need to be determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the meat quality of a traditional fat-tailed breed, Chall, to a tailed Iranian sheep breed, Zel. Lambs were grazed on pasture until weaning, and then were finished until slaughter at 10-12months. Meat quality traits were measured on the longissimus dorsi (LD) muscle. Zel lambs accumulated more intramuscular fat (IMF) (p<0.01) and had lower shear force and drip loss than Chall lambs (p<0.05). The meat color of Zel lambs was higher for both a* (p<0.001) and b* (p<0.01) compared to Chall lambs. Meat from Zel lambs was more tender (p<0.01) and more juicy (p<0.05) than Chall lambs. The PUFA:SFA fatty acid ratio (P:S) was higher (p<0.05) and the n-6:n-3 PUFA ratio was lower in Chall compared to Zel lambs (p<0.05). Overall, these results show that the eating quality of Zel lambs was better, but that this was at the cost of less favorable fatty acid profiles and poorer meat color.  相似文献   

Forty Californian×New Zealand rabbits (1kg initial body weight) were fed a control or a linseed isoenergetic diet containing 30g of extruded linseed/kg. Twenty rabbits for each dietary treatment were slaughtered at 11 weeks of age, at 35 days after the start of the experiment. Feeding the linseed diet increased (P<0.005) the content of 18:2n-3 in muscles, perirenal fat, and raw and cooked meat. The long chain n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) contents were also increased (P<0.01) in the meat. The linseed diet produced a robust decrease in the n-6/n-3 ratio. Cooking did not alter n-3 PUFA more than saturated fatty acids (SFA) or monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA). However, n-6 PUFA were altered by cooking. The oxidative stability of Longissimus dorsi was not affected by the linseed diet, even after 300min of forced-oxidation. Inclusion of linseed in rabbit diets is a valid method of improving the nutritional value of rabbit meat.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to produce pork with enhanced nutritive value for humans, both in terms of fatty acid profile (mainly long chain n − 3 fatty acids by feeding fish oil) and selenium. Forty-eight female pigs were allocated to one of six treatment groups: animal by-products and plant feedstuffs with tallow, plant feedstuffs with a blend of soybean oil and linseed oil with or without a supplement (CLA, selenium, vitamin E and vitamin C), plant feedstuffs with tallow and supplement, plant feedstuffs with fish oil and supplement. The diets containing the fish oil were fed up to either 49 days or 28 days before slaughter. The dietary treatments had no significant effects on growth performance, carcass characteristics and meat quality. When fish oil was included in the diet, higher levels of EPA, DPA and DHA were measured in the subcutaneous fat (up to 3.74%).  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the relationship between polymorphisms of the heart fatty acid binding protein (H-FABP) gene and variation in intramuscular fat (IMF) content, fatty acid composition, and meat quality in Berkshire breed. We detected an association between IMF content and H-FABP HinfI restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) genotype. The HH genotype showed the greatest IMF content among the genotype classes (P < 0.05). Regarding meat quality traits, only drip loss was significantly different among the H-FABP HinfI RFLP genotype classes (P < 0.01). In the case of fatty acid composition, the degree of saturation of fatty acids was greater in hh-genotype pigs than in HH and Hh genotypes. The H-FABP MspI RFLP genotype affected unsaturated fatty acid content, and the ratio of polyunsaturated fatty acid to saturated fatty acid (P < 0.05), whereas the H-FABP HaeIII RFLP genotype had no effect on fatty acid characteristics.  相似文献   

Seventy gilts were used to compare the effect of including 10% tallow (T), high-oleic sunflower oil (HOSF), sunflower oil (SFO), linseed oil (LO), a fat blend (FB), or an oil blend (OB) in finishing diets vs. feeding a semi-synthetic diet with no added fat (NF) on pig performance, carcass traits and carcass fatty acid (FA) composition. Carcasses from SFO-fed gilts had greater fat and lower lean compositions than carcasses from T-fed gilts. Gilts fed NF had greater loin fat than FB-fed gilts, and greater flare fat, loin intermuscular fat and fat:lean than T-fed gilts. Bellies from NF-fed gilts had lower lean and higher intermuscular fat and fat:lean than other diets except HOSF. Fat source had minor effects on animal performance, carcass characteristics and carcass fat content and distribution, whereas feeding NF resulted in carcasses and major cuts with higher fat content. Diets rich in polyunsaturated FA (PUFA) did not reduce fat deposition in separable fat depots with respect to monounsaturated FA (MUFA) and saturated FA (SFA). Carcasses from gilts fed NF had a high degree of saturation (40.6% SFA) followed by carcasses of T- and FB-fed gilts. Feeding HOSF, SFO and LO enriched diets elevated the percentages of MUFA (56.7%), n−6 (30.0%) and n−3 (16.6%) PUFA, respectively, whereas carcasses from gilts fed OB had greater percentages of n−3 FA (14.8% n−3, 0.9% EPA, 1.0% DPA, 3.1% DHA) than gilts fed FB (6.72% n−3, 0.1% EPA, 0.4% DPA, 0.1% DHA).  相似文献   

The effect of stepwise replacement of dietary sunflower oil (SO) with linseed oil (LO) on carcass composition, meat colour and fatty acid (FA) composition of intramuscular lipids of lamb meat was investigated. Thirty-six lambs were fed one of four diets consisting of pellets of lucerne with oil (60 g/kg): the diet varied in the composition of oil added and were: 100% SO; 66.6% SO plus 33.3% LO; 33.3% SO plus 66.6% LO and 100% LO. The experimental period was 7 weeks. Live slaughter weight, hot carcass weight and intermuscular fat percentage of chump and shoulder increased linearly with replacement of SO by LO.  相似文献   

Bosch L  Tor M  Reixach J  Estany J 《Meat science》2012,91(3):358-363
The evolution of intramuscular fat (IMF) and subcutaneous backfat (SB) content and fatty acid composition with age was investigated. A repeated sampling scheme (n=517) for longissimus dorsi (LM) and SB specimens was performed from 160 to 220 days on 216 purebred Duroc barrows. IMF content increased linearly with age at a rate of 0.05%/day, with major compositional changes occurring in C18:1 and C18.2, which increased and decreased by around 4%, respectively. Backfat thickness increase rate declined with age, showing similar compositional changes to IMF but halved in magnitude. Fat content itself also influenced fat composition. At a fixed age, both saturated (SFA) (C16:0) and monounsaturated (MUFA) (C18:1) increased with IMF but only SFA (C16:0 and C18:0) with SB. Aging mostly affected MUFA while fatness SFA. A delay in age at slaughter will enhance IMF and C18:1 in relation to overall fatness but at expense of decreasing body and loin growth rate.  相似文献   

The animal fat paradox and meat quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The purpose of this paper is to address some of the paradoxical issues and perceptions regarding animal fats and the related effects on meat quality and consumer perceptions. Meat scientists have been studying carcass characteristics for many years and although the factors that influence the accumulation, distribution and composition of carcass fat in livestock have been extensively researched, the role, value and perceptions of animal fats in meat quality differ significantly in importance between producers, abattoirs, butchers, retailers and consumers. Fat and long-chain fatty acids, whether in adipose tissue or muscle, contribute to important aspects of meat quality and are central to the nutritional and sensory values of meat. In this review the nutritional value of fat, as well as the importance of fat in terms of carcass and meat quality will be highlighted. The 'quality' of meat depends greatly on the socio-demographic backgrounds of the consumer. The aim is to focus on the global importance of fat in the carcass to the producer, processor and consumer. There is currently no clear cut definition for fat quality because the acceptability and perceived quality of fat varies significantly in terms of quantity, colour, consistency and chemical composition in different species of livestock around the world. The association between animal fats and human health is critical and recommendations by health professionals range from excluding fats altogether to a moderate consumption of fats due to their essential role in the body. Recently the emphasis has shifted away from fat quantity to fat quality. Despite these recommendations and years of bad publicity in terms of the adverse affects of animal fats in human health, the livestock industry seems reluctant to shift its focus to fat quality rather than quantity. This approach may adversely affect future meat consumption by consumers who are becoming increasingly critical about the food they eat.  相似文献   

Fat deposition, fatty acid composition and meat quality: A review   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
This paper reviews the factors affecting the fatty acid composition of adipose tissue and muscle in pigs, sheep and cattle and shows that a major factor is the total amount of fat. The effects of fatty acid composition on meat quality are also reviewed. Pigs have high levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), including the long chain (C20-22) PUFA in adipose tissue and muscle. The full range of PUFA are also found in sheep adipose tissue and muscle whereas cattle ‘conserve’ long chain PUFA in muscle phospholipid. Linoleic acid (18:2n − 6) is a major ingredient of feeds for all species. Its incorporation into adipose tissue and muscle in relation to the amount in the diet is greater than for other fatty acids. It is deposited in muscle phospholipid at a high level where it and its long chain products eg aracidonic acid (20:4n − 6) compete well for insertion into phospholipid molecules. Its proportion in pig adipose tissue declines as fat deposition proceeds and is an index of fatness. The same inverse relationships are not seen in ruminant adipose tissue but in all species the proportion of 18:2n − 6 declines in muscle as fat deposition increases. The main reason is that phospholipid, where 18:2n − 6 is located, declines as a proportion of muscle lipid and the proportion of neutral lipid, with its higher content of saturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, increases. Oleic acid (18:1cis − 9), formed from stearic acid (18:0) by the enzyme stearoyl Co-A desaturase, is a major component of neutral lipid and in ruminants the same enzyme forms conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), an important nutrient in human nutrition. Like 18:2n − 6, -linolenic acid (18:3n − 3) is an essential fatty acid and is important to ruminants since it is the major fatty acid in grass. However it does not compete well for insertion into phospholipid compared with 18:2n − 6 and its incorporation into adipose tissue and muscle is less efficient. Greater biohydrogenation of 18:3n − 3 and a long rumen transit time for forage diets also limits the amount available for tissue uptake compared with 18:2n − 6 from concentrate diets. A positive feature of grass feeding is that levels of the nutritionally important long chain n − 3 PUFA are increased ie EPA (20:5n − 3) and DHA (22:6n − 3). Future research should focus on increasing n − 3 PUFA proportions in lean carcasses and the use of biodiverse pastures and conservation processes which retain the benefits of fresh leafy grass offer opportunities to achieve this. The varying fatty acid compositions of adipose tissue and muscle have profound effects on meat quality. Fatty acid composition determines the firmness/oiliness of adipose tissue and the oxidative stability of muscle, which in turn affects flavour and muscle colour. Vitamin E is an essential nutrient, which stabilises PUFA and has a central role in meat quality, particularly in ruminants.  相似文献   

The potential of X-ray computed tomography (CT) as a predictor of cuts composition and meat quality traits using a multivariate calibration method (partial least square regression, PLSR) was investigated in beef cattle. Sirloins from 88 crossbred Aberdeen Angus (AAx) and 106 Limousin (LIMx) cattle were scanned using spiral CT. Subsequently, they were dissected and analyzed for technological and sensory parameters, as well as for intramuscular fat (IMF) content and fatty acid composition. CT-PLSR calibrations, tested by cross-validation, were able to predict with high accuracy the subcutaneous fat (R2, RMSECV = 0.94, 34.60 g and 0.92, 34.46 g), intermuscular fat (R2, RMSECV = 0.81, 161.54 g and 0.86, 42.16 g), total fat (R2, RMSECV = 0.89, 65.96 g and 0.93, 48.35 g) and muscle content (R2, RMSECV = 0.99, 58.55 g and 0.97, 57.45 g) in AAx and LIMx samples, respectively. Accurate CT predictions were found for fatty acid profile (R2 = 0.61–0.75) and intramuscular fat content (R2 = 0.71–0.76) in both sire breeds. However, low to very low accuracies were obtained for technological and sensory traits with R2 ranged from 0.01 to 0.26. The image analysis evaluated provides the basis for an alternative approach to deliver very accurate predictions of cuts composition, IMF content and fatty acid profile with lower costs than the reference methods (dissection, chemical analysis), without damaging or depreciating the beef cuts.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of blending with cumin essential oil (CEO) on the stabilisation of milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) emulsions, as well as the particle migration rate, fatty acid composition and phospholipid content after pasteurisation. Blending the MFGM with 20% CEO at pH 6.6 (CM4) led to a decrease in the creaming rate. With increasing CEO ratio, the creaming measurements increased to a 30 mm height with 20% CEO at pH 5.5 (CM3) from 25 mm with 10% CEO at pH 5.5 (CM2). The CM4 migration rate was 0.55 mm/h, and this sample showed no significant forward movement during implementation. The droplet size increased with increasing CEO ratio from 1.69 to 2.07 µm. A total of 20% CEO at pH 6.6 (CM4) was the best blending condition for MFGM stabilisation. This study showed enhanced creaming rate and droplet size, indicating greater destabilisation of the MFGM emulsion, when the CEO ratio was increased.  相似文献   

The production of river buffalo meat in Italy has long been under discussion due to poor acceptance by consumers. In order to understand whether dietary energy content may affect the organoleptic characteristics of buffalo meat, two groups of river buffalo calves were fed on two diets, with high (H) and low (L) energy contents. The animals were slaughtered at 4-monthly intervals starting from 6 months old (10, 14 and 18 months) and five muscles were dissected on the half-carcass: Caput longum tricipitis brachii (CloTB), Gluteobiceps (Gb), Semitendinosus (St), Semimembranosus (Sm) and Longissimus dorsi (LD). The results showed that from 6 to 10 months of age the meat lipid content decreases and protein content increases for both diets. The lipid content increases slowly with both diets from 10 to 14 months. In the last experimental period (from 14 to 18 months) an increase in the percentage of lipids with diet H and a decrease with diet L was observed. At all slaughtering ages the meat from the animals fed on diet H had a higher energy content. The different energy content of the two diets did not significantly influence the composition of triglycerides only formed by SFA and triglycerides with a higher degree of unsaturation. The triglycerides with an unsaturated fatty acid in position sn 2 did not show the same behaviour in relation to age and diet. The energy content of the feed did influence the unsaturated fatty acid composition: MUFA increased with an increased energy level of the diet, while PUFA increased with a reduction in the energy level of the diet. The muscle LD showed a significantly higher (P<0.05) content of SFA and lower (P<0.05) of MUFA and PUFA than the other muscles. On the basis of our results, the better TAG's composition is found in the meat of animals fed on diet H and slaughtered at 4 months of age.  相似文献   

Seventy two male Bianca Italiana rabbits were used to study the effects of the inclusion (0%, 0.5%, and 1.0%) of a natural extract of chestnut wood (Silvafeed ENC) in the diet on productive traits, carcass characteristics, meat quality, lipid oxidation and fatty acid composition of rabbit meat. Results showed ENC had no significant effect on live weight, productive traits, hot carcass weight, dressing percentage, skin weight, pH, cooking losses, shear force and colour. The iron content was higher in Longissimus thoracis et lumborum (LTL) muscle of rabbit fed the ENC 1.0% diet than the control group. TBARS average values in the group ENC 0.5% were significantly lower (P < 0.05) than in the control and ENC 1.0% groups. Myristic acid (C14:0; P < 0.01), palmitoleic acid (C16:1 cis-9; P < 0.05) and pentadecanoic acid (C15:0; P < 0.01) contents were lower in LTL muscle of rabbits fed the ENC 1.0% diet, whereas the palmitic acid (C16:0) content was higher (P < 0.05) in the rabbits of this group. Moreover, the rabbits fed with the ENC 0.5% diet had lower (P < 0.01) levels of trans-vaccenic acid (C18:1 trans-11) compared to rabbits fed with the control diet. No significant differences were observed in saturated (SFA), monounsaturated (MUFA), polyunsaturated (PUFA) fatty acids, as well as in PUFA/SFA and n − 6/n − 3 ratios among the groups.  相似文献   

The goal of the trial was to evaluate meat quality, with an emphasis on intramuscular fatty acid composition, of Sanfratellano foals, compared to that from Haflinger foals,both slaughtered at 18 months of age. Thirty foals, half of Sanfratellano breed and half of Haflinger breed, naturally weaned at 7-8 months, were divided into two homogeneous groups at 15 months of age and fed a finishing diet based on polyphite hay and concentrate. The finishing period lasted three months. Sanfratellano foals showed higher slaughter weight (P<0.05) as well carcass weight (P<0.05) compared to Haflinger foals. Meat physical and proximate analyses did not discriminate the two groups. Normal pH values (5.6-5.7) measured at 4-6 day post mortem were recorded in meat from both groups. Shear force values accounted (range 55-58N) for a favourable tenderness in both groups. The intramuscular fat level was low in both groups (<2.5%) supporting the healthy image of this meat. The proportion of linolenic acid was higher (P<0.01) in Haflinger meat than in Sanfratellano one, thus causing a higher (P<0.05) total n-3 fatty acid content. Overall meat from both groups showed a favourable repartition among saturated (36-37% total FAME's), monounsaturated (33% total FAME's) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (30-31% total FAME's).  相似文献   

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