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The 100 MeV H^- cyclotron is designed to produce 200 μA intense protons with the energy varying from 75 MeV to 100 MeV. The extraction system consists of two sets of stripping probes, and the beam will be extracted after stripping 2 electrons. Depending on the data of 100 MeV equilibrium orbits and magnetic field, we calculate the location of stripping points at various energies. The extraction optics is investigated by numerical tracking starting from the equilibrium orbits of various energies down to 70 MeV,  相似文献   

A 100 MeV high intensity proton cyclotron is under design at CIAE to provide proton beams more than 200 μA, and will provide pulse beams. In order to get high average intensity and have the ability of providing pulse beams, the injection system has two schemes, which corresponds to 1# and 2# injection lines respectively, shown in Fig. 1. 1# line adopts bottom-up axial injection and it is designed to solve CW  相似文献   

The RF system is a key part of the 100 MeV cyclotron in the upgrade project of HI-13 tandem accelerator, which includes RF generators, resonant cavities, transmission components, power supply and water cooling devices, computer control, and so on.  相似文献   

There is a big range of magnetic field in the compact cyclotron, and the error caused by magnetic measurement in the main field will directly affect the shimming to magnetic field. Above all, in view of the fact that the tiny error deviating from the ideal field will exert a severe influence on the beam, it is critical to raise the precision of measurement to a high level.  相似文献   

The central control system of the BRIF project is designed to provide a uniform control interface for the project facility's union operations. When the separate facility is in operation, its local control system will run independently. For union operation tasks, the local control systems of the facility involved will be connected by central control system; operations will be performed via the uniformed control interface. In the mean time, only operation commands from central Operating Interface will be valid.  相似文献   

Instantaneous radiation, mainly consisting of photon and neutron caused by beam loss, occurs during the debugging and operation of the 100 MeV cyclotron. Some components such as beam line, targets and collimators will generate residual radiation while they are impinged by the beam. And worse still, sometimes this may lead to the destruction of relevant devices. In order to avoid the radiation damage to the device as well as people involved, it is planned to implement a set of radiation monitoring and safety system, aiming to protect devices and ensure personnel safety by monitoring the parameters of the beam and dose rate of different areas.  相似文献   

The Beijing Radioactive Ion-beam Facility (BRIF) is one of the main projects at China Institute of Atomic Energy (CIAE), and will be a versatile platform for nuclear study in China. As a major part of this project, the 100 MeV cyclotron is designed to provide protons beam from 75 MeV to 100 MeV continuously. When the construction is accomplished, the beam dump system will be used to debug the machine. Then the adjusted beam is transported to the target through the ISOL proton line, isotope study proton line, single energy neutron source proton line, mix energy neutron source proton line, biomedicine study proton line, single particle effect study proton line, and etc.  相似文献   

As the hill gap is required to increase by -1 cm due to the installation of RF, centering coils, beam diagnostics and etc., several adjusted geometries of the main magnet are investigated numerically and the new magnetic field distribution is provided for beam dynamics study in both acceleration and central region. Obviously, many key parameters of the magnet, e.g. the profile of hill gap, shimming bar, central plug, have to be re-designed while the excitation current is adjusted. In the year 2005, the basic geometry and its field distribution design were fixed, and many engineering aspects were in progress, including the mechanical structure design and construction preparation.  相似文献   

为对CYCIAE-100回旋加速器射频系统进行远程监测与控制,实现与CYCIAE-100回旋加速器主控制系统的联锁,研制了一种基于ARM9系列处理器的嵌入式IOC。该嵌入式IOC运行Linux操作系统,使用EPICS建立了IOC作为控制软件。通过软、硬件协同设计,扩展了ARM9系列处理器的SPI从设备数量,开发了ADC和DAC设备的Linux驱动程序和EPICS设备驱动程序。使用Python语言开发了EPICS串口设备支持程序。经过长期运行考验,该嵌入式IOC稳定可靠,满足远程监测和控制的需求。  相似文献   

正The CYCIAE-100 is a high intensity cyclotron,the beam intensity is 200 μA and the energy is 75-100 MeV.The south line is composed of three lines:single event effect experimental line,neutron experimental line and proton radiography experimental line.Beams travel south stripping device to the public line and through the south  相似文献   

正The CYCIAE-100 is a high intensity cyclotron.The beam intensity is 200μA.The energyrange is 75-100 MeV.The beam extraction system is made of the stripping target.The acceler-ated beam will be stripped off two electrons by membrane into protons.The proton beam will be led along the line.At the beginning of 2016,the  相似文献   

为满足100 MeV回旋加速器磁场测量要求,设计研制了一套测磁仪自动化控制装置。该装置采用周向与径向相结合的运动方式,对目标点磁场进行测量。周向运动采用开环控制,在软件上通过算法实现间接闭环控制,整个测磁过程,只需完成1次周向运动,缓解了由硬件原因带来的周向定位震荡问题。径向运动基于光栅位置反馈,由运动控制器实现自动闭环控制,该方案使角度精度达到±5″以内,径向精度达±5 μm,达到并优于理论设计要求,解决了中能回旋加速器磁场测量时间较长、精度低的难题,对100 MeV回旋加速器的束流强度及品质的提高有重要意义。  相似文献   

In most cases, the extracted beam from cyclotrons is in Gaussian distribution, while in many applications uniformly distributed beam is needed. On account of this, the wobbling magnet is designed to satisfy the need. The wobbling magnet can form a uniform rolling magnet field perpendicular to the beam transfer direction, which enables the beam through the wobbling magnet to turn with it. As a result, the uniformity of the beam will be improved. Figure 1 suggests the course of turning.  相似文献   

To meet the need of the installation of the RF cavities, the hill gap is increased from 5 cm to 6 cm in the central region, and from 4 cm to -5 cm at the outer region so as to provide space for the RF liner. In the meantime, the space between the hills in the central region brings an easier engineering design of the centering coils. However, for such kind of compact machine, the fringe field at both sides of the sector magnet is quite important for the vertical focusing. So, the basic geometry is studied again and the field distribution is produced for beam dynamics study.  相似文献   

<正>The CYCIAE-100 cyclotron Beamdump beam line will realize the acceptance and debugging of the beam strength of 200μA at the end of2017,and the beam collector will be stabilized at the Beamdump beam collector to the beam intensity 204.65μA.The control system of the CYCIAE-100cyclotron Beamdump beam system  相似文献   

100 MeV强流质子回旋加速器(CYCIAE-100)加速负氢离子,引出系统为电荷交换方式的双向剥离引出系统,剥离靶是引出系统的核心装置。剥离靶系统四维联动定位精度要求高。为满足剥离靶驱动控制系统要求,采用了PLC控制驱动电路,读取位置反馈信号,对运动控制形成负反馈闭环的控制方法,实现了引出系统的各项运动控制要求并达到了设计指标。经调试,该加速器于2014年7月首次成功引出75~100 MeV质子束流,引出效率达99%以上。剥离靶驱动控制系统经加工调试,满足引出系统的各项技术要求,目前已投入运行2 a,可靠性得到了验证。  相似文献   

100 MeV强流质子回旋加速器(CYCIAE-100)加速H-,引出质子束能量为75~100 MeV、最大束流强度为200 μA。为对束流输运线上的质子束流强度进行无阻挡实时监测,选择了直流流强监测器(DCCT),其在设计上考虑了空间限制、杂散磁场和外部高频干扰信号等因素对探头的影响。探头外采用了三重磁屏蔽设计,磁屏蔽外为1层黄铜的电屏蔽。采用了绝缘垫圈隔断束流输运线的直流导电性,束流输运线管壁通有冷却水以保证探头温度稳定。在绝缘垫圈处增加电容以满足探头对电容值的要求。采用高精度PLC-AI模块对DCCT的输出电压进行了读取。通过模拟束流的实验验证表明,DCCT设计合理可行,测量结果的线性度、误差等指标符合设计要求。  相似文献   

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