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Nef, a approximately 200 residue multifunctional regulatory protein of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), interacts with components of host cell signal transduction and clathrin-dependent protein sorting pathways. The downregulation of surface CD4 molecules and major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I antigens by Nef is believed to be important in AIDS pathogenesis [1-7]. Nef contains a globular core domain and two disordered segments--a myristylated arm at the amino terminus and a carboxy-terminal loop projecting from the globular core [8,9]. Here, we aimed to determine the sorting signals in HIV-1 Nef that were responsible for its involvement in the clathrin-mediated pathway. We found that a sequence in the carboxy-terminal disordered loop of Nef is essential for downregulation of CD4. This sequence resembles the dileucine motif, one of two well-characterized sorting signals that target membrane proteins to clathrin-coated vesicles. The dileucine-motif-containing segment of Nef bound directly and specifically to the beta-adaptin subunit of the clathrin adaptor complexes AP-1 and AP-2, which are responsible for recruiting sorted proteins into coated pits. Unlike wild-type Nef, a mutant form of Nef that lacked the dileucine motif did not localize to clathrin-coated pits and did not downregulate CD4 expression, although it could downregulate MHC class I surface expression. Thus, the dileucine motif in HIV-1 is required for CD4 downregulation and for interaction with clathrin adaptor complexes.  相似文献   

Here we report that synthetic HIV-1 Tat protein, immobilized on a solid substrate, up-regulates the surface expression of the CXC-chemokine receptor 4 (CXCR4), but not of the CC-chemokine receptor 5 in purified populations of primary resting CD4+ T cells. The Tat-mediated increase of CXCR4 occurred in a well-defined range of concentrations (1-10 nM of immobilized Tat) and time period (4-8 h postincubation). Moreover, the increase of CXCR4 was accompanied by an increased entry of the HXB2 T cell line-tropic (X4-tropic), but not of the BaL macrophage-tropic strain of HIV-1. The ability of Tat to up-regulate CXCR4 expression was abrogated by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide, clearly indicating the requirement of de novo synthesis. As Tat protein is actively released by HIV-1 infected cells, our data indicate a potentially important role for extracellular Tat in rendering bystander CD4+ T cells more susceptible to infection with X4-tropic HIV-1 isolates.  相似文献   

The HIV-1 transactivator protein Tat is essential for viral gene expression and replication. Tat is taken up by cells and transactivates the HIV-LTR promoter in the cell nucleus. The present studies show that cells adhere to both synthetic and recombinant Tat, and, using synthetic peptides, we localize the binding site to a region spanning amino acid residues 49-57 (peptide Tat49-57). Tat49-57 also inhibited cell attachment to solid phase full-length Tat peptide and to recombinant Tat protein. Using Tat peptide affinity chromatography, we identified a 90-kDa cell surface protein that binds to Tat. The 90-kDa protein could be eluted from the Tat column using the Tat49-57 peptide. A 90-kDa cell surface Tat binding protein was also identified by coprecipitation with Tat after incubation with radiolabeled cell membrane preparations. Co-precipitation of the 90-kDa protein was inhibited by competition with a Tat49-65 peptide, but not with Tat55-86. Our findings suggest that cellular attachment to Tat is mediated through a 90-kDa cell surface protein that binds to a Tat domain between amino acids 49 and 57.  相似文献   

Nef is a 27-kDa myristoylated protein conserved in primate lentiviruses. In vivo, simian immunodeficiency virus Nef is required in macaques to produce a high viral load and full pathological effects. Nef has at least three major effects in vitro, induction of CD4 down-regulation, alteration of T cell activation pathways, and enhancement of viral infectivity. We have used the yeast two-hybrid system to identify cellular proteins that interact with HIV-1Lai Nef and could mediate Nef function. A human cDNA was isolated that encodes a new type of thioesterase, an enzyme that cleaves thioester bonds. This novel thioesterase is unlike the animal types I and II thioesterases previously cloned but is homologous to the Escherichia coli thioesterase II. Nef and this thioesterase interact in vitro and are co-immunoprecipitated by anti-Nef antibodies in CEM cells expressing Nef. Nef alleles from human immunodeficiency virus-1 (HIV-1) isolates unable to down-regulate CD4 do not react or react poorly with thioesterase. An HIV-1 NefLai mutant selected for its lack of interaction with thioesterase was also unable to down-regulate CD4 cell-surface expression. These observations suggest that this human thioesterase is a cellular mediator of Nef-induced CD4 down-regulation.  相似文献   

Using a lymphocyte binding assay, we have previously demonstrated that the CD4 protein can mediate cell adhesion by direct interaction with MHC class II molecules. In this report, we have used this assay to test whether synthetic peptides, corresponding to DR beta sequences, could inhibit CD4-class II adhesion. A peptide derived from sequences within the beta1 domain (DR beta 41-55), as well as two peptides derived from sequences within the beta 2 domain (DR beta 121-135 and DR beta 141-155), were shown to inhibit CD4-class II adhesion. Inasmuch as a site for CD4 binding in the beta 2 domain had been previously documented, these studies were designed to investigate the role of the beta 1 domain as an additional site of interaction with CD4. Sixteen site-specific mutations were engineered within the beta1 domain of DR beta 1*0101. Several mutations were shown to disrupt CD4-dependent T cell activation. Based on these results, we propose a model for the molecular interaction of CD4 with MHC class II proteins in which both the beta 1 and beta 2 domains of class II interact with the two amino-terminal Ig-like domains of CD4.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus Nef protein accelerates virulent progression of AIDS by its interaction with specific cellular proteins involved in cellular activation and signal transduction. Here we report the purification and crystallization of the conserved core of HIV-1LAI Nef protein in the unliganded form and in complex with the wild-type SH3 domain of the P59fyn protein-tyrosine kinase. One-dimensional NMR experiments show that full-length protein and truncated fragment corresponding to the product of HIV-1 protease cleavage have a well-folded compact tertiary structure. The ligand-free HIV-1 Nefcore protein forms cubic crystals belonging to space group P23 with unit cell dimensions of a = b = c = 86.4 A. The Nef-Fyn SH3 cocrystals belong to the space group P6(1)22 or its enantiomorph, P6(5)22, with unit cell dimensions of a = b = 108.2 A and c = 223.7 A. Both crystal forms diffract to a resolution limit of 3.0 A resolution using synchrotron radiation, and are thus suitable for X-ray structure determination.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Nef is clearly essential for efficient viral replication in vivo, but it has been difficult to determine why. Recent evidence that Nef specifically activates a PAK-dependent signalling cascade may be the first step in defining the mechanism of action of this enigmatic viral protein.  相似文献   

Binding of the protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck) to T-cell co-receptors CD4 and CD8alpha is necessary for T-lymphocyte development and activation. Association of p56(lck) with CD4 requires two conserved cysteine residues in the cytosolic domain of CD4 and two in the amino terminus of p56(lck), consistent with the notion that these four residues coordinate a single metal atom (1-5). Here we demonstrate that Zn2+ is essential for complex formation. In an in vitro binding reaction, Zn2+ mediates p56(lck) association with a glutathione S-transferase (GST) fusion protein containing the cytosolic domains of CD4 or CD8alpha; no other metals tested support binding. Treatment of preformed GST-CD4.p56(lck) dimers with the Zn2+ chelators 1,10-O-phenanthroline or 8-hydroxyquinoline-5-sulfonic acid results in dissociation of GST-CD4 from p56(lck), consistent with the finding of Huse et al. (5) that Zn2+ is contained within similar complexes. Furthermore, we show that, within live cells, CD4.p56(lck) and CD8alpha.p56(lck) interactions occur in a zinc-dependent fashion. Specifically, pretreatment of the human Jurkat T-cell line with membrane permeable zinc chelators disrupts CD4.p56(lck) complexes, and treatment of COS cells co-expressing CD8alpha and p56(lck) with such chelators likewise leads to dissociation of CD8alpha.p56(lck) complexes. CD4. p56(lck) and CD8alpha.p56(lck) represent the first examples of intracellular proteins that require zinc as a bridge for heterodimerization.  相似文献   

A proviral nef gene mutant of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) was evaluated for its defective early replication step. Virus stocks were prepared from six CD4-positive and -negative cell lines transfected with wild-type (wt) or the nef mutant clone and inoculated into two target CD4-positive cell lines to monitor the efficiency of viral entry process. The nef mutant virions produced in one cell line exhibited a severe defect in the entry process, although those produced in the other five cell lines were only slightly less efficient than the wt virions at entering into cells. These results have demonstrated that the HIV-1 Nef is critical for efficient viral entry in a producer cell-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is known to be an ubiquitous enzyme found in a variety of mammalian tissue and has been shown to require Ca2+ and phospholipid, and to be further activated by diacylglycerol, which increased the affinity of the kinase for both Ca2+ and phospholipid. PKC is composed with a family of multiple isotypes with closely related structures, although the detailed functions of each isotype have not yet been clarified. We tried to clarify the difference of biological functions among the isotypes of PKC. Three PKC isotypes (alpha, beta 1, gamma) were purified from bovine brain by L-threonine-Sepharose affinity column, and fractions containing alpha and beta 1 forms (Peak A) and gamma form (Peak B) were obtained. Each peak integrated into erythrocytic ghost was transduced into cells persistently infected with HIV-1 (Molt-4/HIV-1) by fusion method. Peak A containing PKC alpha and beta 1 isotypes induced TNF-alpha production, HIV-1 cDNA titer and P24 antigen in culture of Molt-4/HIV-1 cells, but Peak B containing PKC gamma did not show any effects on Molt-4/HIV-1 cells. The effect of PKC alpha and beta 1 on the production of TNF-alpha and the augmentation of HIV-1 replication are inhibited by both anti-TNF-alpha antibody and staurosporine, a potent PKC inhibitor.  相似文献   

The Nef protein of primate lentiviruses down-regulates the cell surface expression of CD4 and probably MHC I by connecting these receptors with the endocytic machinery. Here, we reveal that Nef interacts with the mu chains of adaptor complexes, key components of clathrin-coated pits. For human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) Nef, this interaction occurs via tyrosine-based motifs reminiscent of endocytosis signals. Mutating these motifs prevents the binding of SIV Nef to the mu chain of plasma membrane adaptor complexes, abrogates its ability to induce CD4 internalization, suppresses the accelerated endocytosis of a chimeric integral membrane protein harboring Nef as its cytoplasmic domain and confers a dominant-negative phenotype to the viral protein. Taken together, these data identify mu adaptins as downstream mediators of the down-modulation of CD4, and possibly MHC I, by Nef.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) lyse virally infected cells that display viral peptide epitopes in association with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on the cell surface. However, despite a strong CTL response directed against viral epitopes, untreated people infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) develop AIDS. To resolve this enigma, we have examined the ability of CTLs to recognize and kill infected primary T lymphocytes. We found that CTLs inefficiently lysed primary cells infected with HIV-1 if the viral nef gene product was expressed. Resistance of infected cells to CTL killing correlated with nef-mediated downregulation of MHC class I and could be overcome by adding an excess of the relevant HIV-1 epitope as soluble peptide. Thus, Nef protected infected cells by reducing the epitope density on their surface. This effect of nef may allow evasion of CTL lysis by HIV-1-infected cells.  相似文献   

In T lymphocytes, the Src-family protein tyrosine kinase p56(lck) (Lck) is mostly associated with the cytoplasmic face of the plasma membrane. To determine how this distribution is achieved, we analyzed the location of Lck in lymphoid and in transfected nonlymphoid cells by immunofluorescence. We found that in T cells Lck was targeted correctly, independently of the cell surface proteins CD4 and CD8 with which it interacts. Similarly, in transfected NIH-3T3 fibroblasts, Lck was localized at the plasma membrane, indicating that T cell-specific proteins are not required for targeting. Some variation in subcellular distribution was observed when Lck was expressed in HeLa and MDCK cells. In these cells, Lck associated with both the plasma membrane and the Golgi apparatus, while subsequent expression of CD4 resulted in the loss of Golgi-associated staining. Together, these data indicate that Lck contains intrinsic signals for targeting to the plasma membrane. Furthermore, delivery to this site may be achieved via association with exocytic transport vesicles. A mutant Lck molecule in which the palmitoylation site at cysteine 5 was changed to lysine (LC2) localized to the plasma membrane and the Golgi region in NIH3T3 cells. However, the localization of a mutant in which the palmitoylation site at cysteine 3 was changed to serine (LC1) was indistinguishable from wild-type Lck. Chimeras composed of only the unique domain of Lck linked to either c-Src or the green fluorescent protein similarly localized to the plasma membrane of NIH-3T3 cells. Thus, the targeting of Lck appears to be determined primarily by its unique domain and may be influenced by the use of different palmitoylation sites.  相似文献   

The interaction between SH2 domains and tyrosine-phosphorylated proteins is essential in several cytosolic signal transduction pathways. Here we report thermodynamic studies of the interaction of the p56lck (lck) SH2 domain with several phosphopeptides, using the technique of isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC). This is the first report of the use of ITC to study SH2 domain binding reactions. The free energy of binding of the SH2 domain of lck to a phosphopeptide corresponding to the autoregulatory C-terminus of the protein (pY505) was found to be similar to that measured for a phosphopeptide modeled on the C-terminus of the epidermal growth-factor receptor (delta G degrees approximately -7.0 kcal mol-1 at pH 6.8), although significant differences in the enthalpy and entropy were observed. Binding of a phosphopeptide modeled on the C-terminus of p185neu was weaker (delta G degrees approximately -5.4 kcal mol-1 at pH 6.8). Lowering the pH to 5.5 reduced the binding affinity of pY505 by approximately 1 order of magnitude. We ascribe this to the protonation of a histidine side chain in the SH2 domain (H180), which is involved in a hydrogen-bonding network that optimizes the binding site geometry. No difference in affinity was observed between portions of lck corresponding to the SH3-SH2 (residues 63-228) and SH2 (residues 123-228) domains for the pY505 peptide. We also studied the effect upon pY505 peptide binding of mutations at two highly conserved arginine residues in the lck SH2 domain (R134 and R154).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

CD4 is an integral membrane glycoprotein which functions as the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) receptor for infection of human host cells. We have recently demonstrated that Vpu, an HIV type 1 (HIV-1) encoded integral membrane phosphoprotein, induces rapid degradation of CD4 in the endoplasmic reticulum. In this report, we describe an in vitro model system that allowed us to define important parameters for Vpu-dependent CD4 degradation. The rate of CD4 decay in rabbit reticulocyte lysate was approximately one-third of that observed previously in tissue culture experiments in the presence of Vpu (40 versus 12 min) and required no other HIV-1 encoded proteins. Degradation was contingent on the presence of microsomal membranes in the assay and the coexpression of Vpu and CD4 in the same membrane compartment. By using the in vitro degradation assay, the effects of specific mutations in CD4, including C-terminal truncations and glycosylation mutants, were analyzed. The results of these experiments indicate that Vpu has the capacity to induce degradation of glycosylated as well as nonglycosylated membrane-associated CD4. Truncation of 13 C-terminal amino acids of CD4 did not affect the ability of Vpu to induce its degradation. However, the removal of 32 amino acids from the C-terminus of CD4 completely abolished sensitivity to Vpu. This suggests that Vpu targets specific sequences in the cytoplasmic domain of CD4 to induce its degradation. We also analyzed the effects of mutations in Vpu on its biological activity in the in vitro CD4 degradation assay. The results of these experiments suggest that sequences critical for this function of Vpu are located in its hydrophilic C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The chemokine receptor CXCR4 mediates lymphocyte chemotaxis in response to stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) and functions as a coreceptor for T cell-tropic strains of HIV-1. We examined the role of the cAMP-protein kinase A (PKA) signaling pathway in regulating expression of CXCR4. In response to exogenous dibutyryl cAMP or cAMP-inducing ligands, cell surface expression of CXCR4 was increased by up to 10-fold on CD3/CD28-stimulated PBMC and by up to sixfold on unstimulated PBMC. cAMP did not alter receptor mRNA levels or affect the size of the total CXCR4 pool. However, cAMP did significantly reduce CXCR4 internalization rates and thereby increased the fraction of the total CXCR4 pool expressed on the cell surface. cAMP-induced increases in CXCR4 expression counteracted SDF-1-induced receptor internalization and enhanced both chemotactic response to SDF-1 and cellular vulnerability to HIV-1 infection. Thus, altered chemokine receptor expression may provide one mechanism by which cAMP-inducing ligands influence lymphocyte localization and HIV pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Effective long-term antiviral immunity requires specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and CD4(+) T lymphocyte help. Failure of these helper responses can be a principle cause of viral persistence. We sought evidence that variation in HIV-1 CD4(+) T helper epitopes might contribute to this phenomenon. To determine this, we assayed fresh peripheral blood mononuclear cells from 43 asymptomatic HIV-1(+) patients for proliferative responses to HIV-1 antigens. 12 (28%) showed a positive response, and we went on to map dominant epitopes in two individuals, to p24 Gag restricted by human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR1 and to p17 Gag restricted by HLA-DRB52c. Nine naturally occurring variants of the p24 Gag epitope were found in the proviral DNA of the individual in whom this response was detected. All variants bound to HLA-DR1, but three of these peptides failed to stimulate a CD4(+) T lymphocyte line which recognized the index sequence. Antigenic variation was also detected in the p17 Gag epitope; a dominant viral variant present in the patient was well recognized by a specific CD4(+) T lymphocyte line, whereas several natural mutants were not. Importantly, variants detected at both epitopes also failed to stimulate fresh uncultured cells while index peptide stimulated successfully. These results demonstrate that variant antigens arise in HIV-1(+) patients which fail to stimulate the T cell antigen receptor of HLA class II-restricted lymphocytes, although the peptide epitopes are capable of being presented on the cell surface. In HIV-1 infection, naturally occurring HLA class II-restricted altered peptide ligands that fail to stimulate the circulating T lymphocyte repertoire may curtail helper responses at sites where variant viruses predominate.  相似文献   

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