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Consider a rooted tree T of arbitrary maximum degree d representing a collection of n web pages connected via a set of links, all reachable from a source home page represented by the root of T. Each web page i carries a probability p i representative of the frequency with which it is visited. By adding hotlinks—shortcuts from a node to one of its descendents—we wish to minimize the expected number of steps l needed to visit pages from the home page, expressed as a function of the entropy H(p) of the access probabilities p. This paper introduces several new strategies for effectively assigning hotlinks in a tree. For assigning exactly one hotlink per node, our method guarantees an upper bound on l of 1.141H(p)+1 if d>2 and 1.08H(p)+2/3 if d=2. We also present the first efficient general methods for assigning at most k hotlinks per node in trees of arbitrary maximum degree, achieving bounds on l of at most \frac2H(p)log(k+1)+1\frac{2H(p)}{\log(k+1)}+1 and \fracH(p)log(k+d)-logd+1\frac{H(p)}{\log(k+d)-\log d}+1 , respectively. All our methods are strong, i.e., they provide the same guarantees on all subtrees after the assignment. We also present an algorithm implementing these methods in O(nlog n) time, an improvement over the previous O(n 2) time algorithms. Finally we prove a Ω(nlog n) lower bound on the running time of any strong method that guarantee an average access time strictly better than 2H(p).  相似文献   

Dynamic Hotlinks     
Consider a directed rooted tree T=(V,E) representing a collection V of n web pages connected via a set E of links all reachable from a source home page, represented by the root of T. Each web page i carries a weight w i representative of the frequency with which it is visited. By adding hotlinks, shortcuts from a node to one of its descendants, we are interested in minimizing the expected number of steps needed to visit pages from the home page. We give the first linear time algorithm for assigning hotlinks so that the number of steps to access a page i from the root of the tree reaches the entropy bound, i.e. is at most O(log (W/w i )) where W=∑ iT w i . The best previously known algorithm for this task runs in time O(n 2). We also give the first efficient data structure for maintaining hotlinks when nodes are added, deleted or their weights modified, in amortized time O(log (W/w i )) per update. The data structure can be made adaptive, i.e. reaches the entropy bound in the amortized sense without knowing the weights w i in advance.  相似文献   

J. Katajainen 《Computing》1988,40(2):147-161
The following geometrical proximity concepts are discussed: relative closeness and geographic closeness. Consider a setV={v 1,v 2, ...,v n } of distinct points in atwo-dimensional space. The pointv j is said to be arelative neighbour ofv i ifd p (v i ,v j )≤max{d p (v j ,v k ),d p (v j ,v k )} for allv k V, whered p denotes the distance in theL p metric, 1≤p≤∞. After dividing the space around the pointv i into eight sectors (regions) of equal size, a closest point tov i in some region is called anoctant (region, orgeographic) neighbour ofv i. For anyL p metric, a relative neighbour ofv i is always an octant neighbour in some region atv i. This gives a direct method for computing all relative neighbours, i.e. for establishing therelative neighbourhood graph ofV. For every pointv i ofV, first search for the octant neighbours ofv i in each region, and then for each octant neighbourv j found check whether the pointv j is also a relative neighbour ofv i. In theL p metric, 1<p<∞, the total number of octant neighbours is shown to be θ(n) for any set ofn points; hence, even a straightforward implementation of the above method runs in θn 2) time. In theL 1 andL metrics the method can be refined to a θ(n logn+m) algorithm, wherem is the number of relative neighbours in the output,n-1≤mn(n-1). TheL 1 (L ) algorithm is optimal within a constant factor.  相似文献   

A core of a tree T = (V, E) is a path in T which minimizes ∑vVd(v, P), where d(v, P), the distance from a vertex v to path P, is defined as minuPd(v, u). We present an optimal parallel algorithm to find a core of T in O(log n) time using O(n/log n) processors on an EREW PRAM machine, where n is the number of vertices of tree T.  相似文献   

The recurrencex o =a o x i =a i+b i x i–1,i = 1, 2,...,n–1 requiresO(n) operations on a sequential computer. Elegant parallel solutions exist, however, that reduce the complexity toO(logN) usingNn processors. This paper discusses one such solution, designed for a tree-structured network of processors.A tree structure is ideal for solving recurrences. It takes exactly one sweep up and down the tree to solve any of several classes of recurrences, thus guaranteeing a solution inO(logN) time for a tree withNn leaf nodes. Ifn exceedsN, the algorithm efficiently pipelines the operation and solves the recurrence inO(n/N + logN) time.  相似文献   

D. Peleg  L. Roditty 《Algorithmica》2013,65(1):146-158
Let (V,δ) be a finite metric space, where V is a set of n points and δ is a distance function defined for these points. Assume that (V,δ) has a doubling dimension d and assume that each point pV has a disk of radius r(p) around it. The disk graph that corresponds to V and r(?) is a directed graph I(V,E,r), whose vertices are the points of V and whose edge set includes a directed edge from p to q if δ(p,q)≤r(p). In Peleg and Roditty (Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-NOW), pp. 622–633, 2008) we presented an algorithm for constructing a (1+?)-spanner of size O(n? ?d logM), where M is the maximal radius r(p). The current paper presents two results. The first shows that the spanner of Peleg and Roditty (in Proc. 7th Int. Conf. on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless (AdHoc-NOW), pp. 622–633, 2008) is essentially optimal, i.e., for metrics of constant doubling dimension it is not possible to guarantee a spanner whose size is independent of M. The second result shows that by slightly relaxing the requirements and allowing a small augmentation of the radius assignment, considerably better spanners can be constructed. In particular, we show that if it is allowed to use edges of the disk graph I(V,E,r 1+? ), where r 1+? (p)=(1+?)?r(p) for every pV, then it is possible to get a (1+?)-spanner of size O(n/? d ) for I(V,E,r). Our algorithm is simple and can be implemented efficiently.  相似文献   

We present a randomized parallel list ranking algorithm for distributed memory multiprocessors, using a BSP type model. We first describe a simple version which requires, with high probability, log(3p)+log ln(n)=Õ(logp+log logn) communication rounds (h-relations withh=Õ(n/p)) andÕ(n/p)) local computation. We then outline an improved version that requires high probability, onlyr?(4k+6) log(2/3p)+8=Õ(k logp) communication rounds wherek=min{i?0 |ln(i+1)n?(2/3p)2i+1}. Notekn) is an extremely small number. Forn andp?4, the value ofk is at most 2. Hence, for a given number of processors,p, the number of communication rounds required is, for all practical purposes, independent ofn. Forn?1, 500,000 and 4?p?2048, the number of communication rounds in our algorithm is bounded, with high probability, by 78, but the actual number of communication rounds observed so far is 25 in the worst case. Forn?10010100 and 4?p?2048, the number of communication rounds in our algorithm is bounded, with high probability, by 118; and we conjecture that the actual number of communication rounds required will not exceed 50. Our algorithm has a considerably smaller member of communication rounds than the list ranking algorithm used in Reid-Miller’s empirical study of parallel list ranking on the Cray C-90.(1) To our knowledge, Reid-Miller’s algorithm(1) was the fastest list ranking implementation so far. Therefore, we expect that our result will have considerable practical relevance.  相似文献   

Consider the following cascading process on a simple undirected graph G(V,E) with diameter Δ. In round zero, a set S?V of vertices, called the seeds, are active. In round i+1, i∈?, a non-isolated vertex is activated if at least a ρ∈(0,1] fraction of its neighbors are active in round i; it is deactivated otherwise. For k∈?, let min-seed(k)(G,ρ) be the minimum number of seeds needed to activate all vertices in or before round k. This paper derives upper bounds on min-seed(k)(G,ρ). In particular, if G is connected and there exist constants C>0 and γ>2 such that the fraction of degree-k vertices in G is at most C/k γ for all k∈?+, then min-seed(Δ)(G,ρ)=O(?ρ γ?1|V|?). Furthermore, for n∈?+, p=Ω((ln(e/ρ))/(ρn)) and with probability 1?exp(?n Ω(1)) over the Erd?s-Rényi random graphs G(n,p), min-seed(1)(G(n,p),ρ)=O(ρn).  相似文献   

Given a polygonal curve P =[p1, p2, . . . , pn], the polygonal approximation problem considered calls for determining a new curve P′ = [p1, p2, . . . , pm] such that (i) m is significantly smaller than n, (ii) the vertices of P′ are an ordered subset of the vertices of P, and (iii) any line segment [pA, pA + 1 of P′ that substitutes a chain [pB, . . . , pC] in P is such that for all i where BiC, the approximation error of pi with respect to [pA, pA + 1], according to some specified criterion and metric, is less than a predetermined error tolerance. Using the parallel-strip error criterion, we study the following problems for a curve P in Rd, where d = 2, 3: (i) minimize m for a given error tolerance and (ii) given m, find the curve P′ that has the minimum approximation error over all curves that have at most m vertices. These problems are called the min-# and min-ϵ problems, respectively. For R2 and with any one of the L1, L2, or L distance metrics, we give algorithms to solve the min-# problem in O(n2) time and the min-ϵ problem in O(n2 log n) time, improving the best known algorithms to date by a factor of log n. When P is a polygonal curve in R3 that is strictly monotone with respect to one of the three axes, we show that if the L1 and L metrics are used then the min-# problem can be solved in O(n2) time and the min-ϵ problem can be solved in O(n3) time. If distances are computed using the L2 metric then the min-# and min-ϵ problems can be solved in O(n3) and O(n3 log n) time, respectively. All of our algorithms exhibit O(n2) space complexity. Finally, we show that if it is not essential to minimize m, simple modifications of our algorithms afford a reduction by a factor of n for both time and space.  相似文献   

In this paper, we first present a hierarchical (BV,G p ,L 2) variational decomposition model and then use it to achieve multiscale texture extraction which offers a hierarchical, separated representation of image texture in different scales. The starting point is the use of the variational (BV,G p ,L 2) decomposition; a given image fL 2(Ω) is decomposed into a sum of u 0+v 0+r 0, where (u 0,v 0)∈(BV(Ω),G p (Ω)) is the minimizer of an energy functional E(f,λ 0;u,v) and r 0 is the residual (i.e. r 0=f?u 0?v 0). In this decomposition, v 0 represents the fixed scale texture of f, which is measured by the parameter λ 0. To achieve a multiscale representation, we proceed to capture essential textures of f which have been absorbed by the residuals. Such a goal can be achieved by iterating a refinement decomposition to the residual of the previous step, i.e. r i =u i+1+v i+1+r i+1, where (u i+1,v i+1) is the minimizer of E(r i ,λ 0/2 i+1;u,v). In this manner, we can obtain a hierarchical representation of f. In addition, we discuss some theoretical properties of the hierarchical (BV,G p ,L 2) decomposition and give its numerical implementation. Finally, we apply this hierarchical decomposition to the multiscale texture extraction. The performance of this method is demonstrated with both synthetic and real images.  相似文献   

For a (molecular) graph, the first Zagreb index M1 is equal to the sum of the squares of the degrees of the vertices, and the second Zagreb index M2 is equal to the sum of the products of the degrees of pairs of adjacent vertices. If G is a connected graph with vertex set V(G), then the eccentric connectivity index of G, ξC(G), is defined as, ∑viV(G)diei, where di is the degree of a vertex vi and ei is its eccentricity. In this report we compare the eccentric connectivity index (ξC) and the Zagreb indices (M1 and M2) for chemical trees. Moreover, we compare the eccentric connectivity index (ξC) and the first Zagreb index (M1) for molecular graphs.  相似文献   

Given an alphabet Σ={1,2,…,|Σ|} text string T∈Σ n and a pattern string P∈Σ m , for each i=1,2,…,nm+1 define L p (i) as the p-norm distance when the pattern is aligned below the text and starts at position i of the text. The problem of pattern matching with L p distance is to compute L p (i) for every i=1,2,…,nm+1. We discuss the problem for d=1,2,∞. First, in the case of L 1 matching (pattern matching with an L 1 distance) we show a reduction of the string matching with mismatches problem to the L 1 matching problem and we present an algorithm that approximates the L 1 matching up to a factor of 1+ε, which has an O(\frac1e2nlogmlog|S|)O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{2}}n\log m\log|\Sigma|) run time. Then, the L 2 matching problem (pattern matching with an L 2 distance) is solved with a simple O(nlog m) time algorithm. Finally, we provide an algorithm that approximates the L matching up to a factor of 1+ε with a run time of O(\frac1enlogmlog|S|)O(\frac{1}{\varepsilon}n\log m\log|\Sigma|) . We also generalize the problem of String Matching with mismatches to have weighted mismatches and present an O(nlog 4 m) algorithm that approximates the results of this problem up to a factor of O(log m) in the case that the weight function is a metric.  相似文献   

We consider the following problem. For a binary tree T = (V, E) where V = {1, 2, ..., n}, given its inorder traversal and either its preorder or its postorder traversal, reconstruct the binary tree. We present a new parallel algorithm for this problem. Our algorithm requires O(n) space. The main idea of our algorithm is to reduce the reconstruction process to merging two sorted sequences. With the best parallel merging algorithms, our algorithm can be implemented in O(log log n) time using O(n/log log n) processors on the CREW PRAM (or in O(log n) time using O(n/log n) processors on the EREW PRAM). Our result provides one more example of a fundamental problem which can be solved by optimal parallel algorithms in O(log log n)time on the CREW PRAM.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the following problem of computing a map of geometric minimal cuts (called MGMC problem): Given a graph G=(V,E) and a planar rectilinear embedding of a subgraph H=(V H ,E H ) of G, compute the map of geometric minimal cuts induced by axis-aligned rectangles in the embedding plane. The MGMC problem is motivated by the critical area extraction problem in VLSI designs and finds applications in several other fields. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on a mix of geometric and graph algorithm techniques for the MGMC problem. Our approach first shows that unlike the classic min-cut problem on graphs, the number of all rectilinear geometric minimal cuts is bounded by a low polynomial, O(n 3). Our algorithm for identifying geometric minimal cuts runs in O(n 3logn(loglogn)3) expected time which can be reduced to O(nlogn(loglogn)3) when the maximum size of the cut is bounded by a constant, where n=|V H |. Once geometric minimal cuts are identified we show that the problem can be reduced to computing the L Hausdorff Voronoi diagram of axis aligned rectangles. We present the first output-sensitive algorithm to compute this diagram which runs in O((N+K)log2 NloglogN) time and O(Nlog2 N) space, where N is the number of rectangles and K is the complexity of the Hausdorff Voronoi diagram. Our approach settles several open problems regarding the MGMC problem.  相似文献   

Tobias Jacobs 《Algorithmica》2012,62(3-4):982-1005
The concept of hotlink assignment aims at reducing the navigation effort for users of a web directory or similar structure by inserting a limited number of additional hyperlinks called hotlinks. Given an access probability distribution of the leaves of the tree representing the web site, the goal of hotlink assignment algorithms is to minimize the expected path length between the root and the leaves. We prove that this optimization problem is NP-hard, even if only one outgoing hotlink is allowed for each node. This answers a question that has been open since the first formulation of the problem in Bose et al. (Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation (ISAAC), 2000) nine years ago. In this work we also investigate the model where hotlinks are only allowed to point at the leaves of the tree. We demonstrate that for this model optimal solutions can be computed in O(n 2) time. Our algorithm L-OPT also operates in a more general setting, where the maximum number of outgoing hotlinks is specified individually for each node. The runtime is then O(n 3). Experimental evaluation shows that L-OPT terminates within less than one second on problem instances having up to half a million nodes.  相似文献   

We introduce a new algorithm for computing an approximately optimal binary search tree with known access probabilities or weights on items. The algorithm is simple to implement and it has two contributions. First, a randomized variant of the algorithm produces a binary search tree with expected performance that improves the previous theoretical guarantees (the performance is dependent on the value of the input random variable). More precisely, if p is the probability of accessing an item, then under expectation the item is found after searching lg1/p+0.087+lg2(1+pmax) nodes, where pmax is the maximal probability among items. The previous best bound was lg1/p+1, albeit deterministic. For the optimal tree our upper bound implies a non-constructive performance bound of H+0.087+lg2(1+pmax), where H is the entropy on the item distribution and the previous bound was H+1. The second contribution of the algorithm is a low cost in i/o models of cost such as the cache-oblivious model, while attaining simultaneously the above bound for the produced tree.  相似文献   

In this paper, we solve the two-fixed-endpoint Hamiltonian path problem on distance-hereditary graphs efficiently in parallel. Let Td(|V|,|E|) and Pd(|V|,|E|) denote the parallel time and processor complexities, respectively, required to construct a decomposition tree of a distance-hereditary graph G=(V,E) on a PRAM model Md. We show that this problem can be solved in O(Td(|V|,|E|)+log|V|) time using O(Pd(|V|,|E|)+(|V|+|E|)/log|V|) processors on Md. Moreover, if G is represented by its decomposition tree form, the problem can be solved optimally in O(log|V|) time using O((|V|+|E|)/log|V|) processors on an EREW PRAM. We also obtain a linear-time algorithm which is faster than the previous known O(|V|3) sequential algorithm.  相似文献   

Let λ(G) be the edge connectivity of G. The direct product of graphs G and H is the graph with vertex set V(G×H)=V(GV(H), where two vertices (u1,v1) and (u2,v2) are adjacent in G×H if u1u2E(G) and v1v2E(H). We prove that λ(G×Kn)=min{n(n−1)λ(G),(n−1)δ(G)} for every nontrivial graph G and n?3. We also prove that for almost every pair of graphs G and H with n vertices and edge probability p, G×H is k-connected, where k=O(2(n/logn)).  相似文献   

A graph G(VE) (|V|⩾2k) satisfies property Ak if, given k pairs of distinct nodes (s1t1), …, (sktk) of V(G), there are k mutually node-disjoint paths, one connecting si and ti for each i, 1⩽ik. A necessary condition for any graph to satisfy Ak is that it is (2k−1)-connected. Hypercubes are important interconnection topologies for parallel computation and communication networks. It has been known that hypercubes of dimension n (which are n-connected) satisfy An/2⌉. In this paper we give an algorithm which, given k=⌈n/2⌉ pairs of distinct nodes (s1t1), …, (sktk) in the n-dimensional hypercube, finds the k disjoint paths of length at most n+⌈log n⌉+1 in O(n2 log* n) time.  相似文献   

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