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沼肥在短枝红富士果树上的应用试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沼肥在短枝红富士果树上的应用试验山东滨州地区农业局能源站徐效俊惠民县能源站李玉臣,张建勇,郑景林沼气肥是一种富含多种养分,缓速兼备的优质肥料,它具有改良土壤的功效。据测定,沼气肥中不仅含有丰富的N、P、K及Ca、Mg、F6等多种元素,还含有Cu、Zn...  相似文献   

花生施用沼肥的技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沼肥是沼气池的副产物,它包括沼液和沼渣2部分。沼液中含有氮、磷、钾、钙、铁等18种元素、多种活性酶和生长素。沼液用于浸种,可提高种子的发芽率,增加作物的产量。沼渣由未分解的原料固形物及微生物菌体组成。沼渣营养丰富,尤其是腐殖酸含量很高.可达10%~24%,腐殖酸对土壤改良有重要作用,其土壤改良功效十分明显。沼肥应用于作物生产,可以节约化肥的施用量,减轻对环境的污染,可以广泛地应用于无公害农作物产品的生产。  相似文献   

果树专用肥吸收了国际配肥经验,是通过对全省果树营养水平及土壤状况的大量分析,在深入开展果树营养诊断及矫治技术研究的基础上,经过反复试验研制而成的。它除含有27%的氮、磷、钾外,尚含有5%的有机质(腐殖酸)、钙素以及2.5%在黄土高原石灰性土壤中普遍缺乏的锌、硼、铁、钼、锰、铜等微量元素,易于果树吸收和利用,可广泛施用  相似文献   

沼肥是各种有机物质在厌氧条件下,经过微生物的分解,产生沼气后的残留物。据测定,这种残留物含有丰富的 N、P、K 及 Ca、Mg、Fe 等多种元素和 Cu、Zn、Mn、B 等微量元素以及多种氨基酸和微生物分泌的多种物质。因此,沼肥是蔬菜、果树及其它一切作物  相似文献   

甜玉米作为一种新型蔬菜,其丰富的营养、独特的风味及多样化的加工产品深受人们的喜爱。近年来,山东省肥城市的甜玉米种植面积逐年增加,甜玉米全部被农产品加工企业收购,产生了良好的经济效益。为了解沼肥对甜玉米品质的影响,我们于2005年进行了甜玉米施用沼肥试验,为沼肥在生产中的应用提供技术上的支持。  相似文献   

1999年春季,宁都县境内严重干旱,无雨日达 115 d,总降水量仅为 166.6 mm,是历年同期平均降雨量的 1/2,严重影响了境内脐橙树的生长。青塘镇农户曾会昌施沼肥缓解旱情,收到了较好的效果。同地块施用其它肥料的果树,枝杈细、叶子黄,落花后果实小。施用沼肥的果树长势明显好,枝杈粗,叶子呈绿黑色,落花后果实明显大于施用其它肥料的果实。由此可见,脐橙施用沼肥有抗旱的作用。 具体作法是,第一次施肥的时间在果实采摘前半月左右,采用穴施的方法,在果树旁约0.7—1m处(以不伤害树根为原则),挖一个长70…  相似文献   

河南省内黄县地处黄河故道,土壤贫瘠,沙化程度高。为了防风固沙,改善耕作条件,增加农民收入,当地推广的麦—枣—花生套种生态模式取得了显著的效益,目前已发展成为国内闻名的大枣之乡。由于枣树多分布在瘠薄沙地,近年来出现了枣树营养不良,树势衰弱,产品产量和质量下降等问题。内黄县六村乡郭桑村被誉为豫北沼气第一村称号,所以我们选在郭桑村进行了枣树施用沼肥的试验。试验表明,施用沼肥对提高枣树抗逆性,增强树势,减少落果,增加产量和品质有显著效果。大枣生长需要氮、磷、钾、铁及其他营养元素,并要求土壤有良好的透气性…  相似文献   

施用沼肥对温室内土壤理化性质影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过试验研究了混合施用沼肥与化肥对温室内土壤密度、pH值及养分含量的影响,目的是为沼气的综合利用提供理论依据和技术支持.试验结果表明:施用沼肥能有效改善温室内土壤密度、pH值及养分含量,混合施用沼肥和化肥时效果较好,混合施用户用沼气池沼肥和化肥时效果最好.  相似文献   

沼肥是沼气发酵的产物。沼气发酵具有密封、防渗漏的厌氧环境,因此,发酵分解转化速度慢,养分损失少,矿化后的无机氮得到了很好的贮存。沼肥与敞口发酵肥相比,氮的回收可提高16~28%,速效氮的含量可增加1~3倍。所以,沼气发酵残留物富氧,而且迟速兼备。它不仅是一种优质肥料,食菌培养料,还可用于养鱼、喂猪、繁殖蚯蚓、浸泡种籽等等。  相似文献   

多元素果树专用肥是根据落叶果树树体营养水平与土壤状况,采用科学方法和先进工艺配制而成的。该产品除含有25%的氮、磷、钾外,还含有有机质、钙素及黄土高原石灰性土壤中普遍缺乏的锌、锰、硼、铁等多种具有显著增效作用的微量元素。确是一种配比严谨、科学,养份全、见效快,易于为果树园艺怍物吸收  相似文献   

The Three Treatment Hybrid Poplar biomass experimental plantation was established at Lajta-Hansági State Farm (mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary) in 1981. The first treatment applied was fertilization by three doses of complex fertilizer and a non fertilized control. The second treatment was four European hybrid poplar clones, and the third, three narrow spacing. The design randomization was split—split-plot blocks with two exact replications. Height and Breast Height Diameter (DBH) were measured annually, and sample trees were cut. Some blocks were clear cut at age four, and height and DBH were measured in trees in remaining blocks until age nine. There were no significant differences among the treatments of fertilizers until age four. It was because of permanent water deficiency in the soil. There were significant differences among biomass production of the clones and also the spacings. Always the narrowest spacings gave the biggest amount of biomass at every clone until age four, except the “Blanc du Poitou” French clone at age four. However, spacing was not constant by time in the experiment, because the mortality (self-thinning) reduced the number of trees. As data were saved in matrixes by the situation of trees in the blocks, the actual growing space was calculated (space potentially available) of every tree at every age. The asymptotic Baule-Mitscherlich function was found to fit well on biomass data of single trees at every clone, although its asymptotic value changed in time. The Chapman-Richards function was found to be suitable for computing asymptotic values in Baule-Mitscherlich function. In this way a two independent variable three-dimensional function model, as a 3D response surface, was developed for modeling biomass production of single trees in hybrid poplar energy plantations. The single tree response surface multiplied by frequency or distribution of trees by growing space and age is a new basis for computing stand biomass production.  相似文献   

Hybrid poplar plantations grown on tilled agricultural lands previously in prairie, sequester significant quantities of soil carbon. Comparisons are made between hybrid poplar plantations and adjacent row crops or mowed grass. Establishing and tending plantations often results in early soil carbon loss, but soil carbon is significantly related (positive) to tree age. Increasing tree age eventually results in a net addition of soil carbon from plantations older than about 6 to 12 years of age. Soil carbon loss under trees occurred most frequently from the surface 30 cm early in the plantation history—evidence that the loss was due to mineralization. Soil carbon gain was most significant in the 30–50 cm layer and was attributed to tree root growth. Soil carbon accretion rate beneath 12- to 18-year-old poplar plantations exceeded that of adjacent agricultural crops by l.63 ± 0.16 Mg ha−1 yr−1. There was a significant crop × soil depth interaction for bulk density with bulk density lower beneath trees in the 0–30 cm layer and higher in the 30–50 cm layer. There was little evidence of carbon trapping of wind-blown organic detritus by tree plantations in the prairie environment.  相似文献   

We time-studied a Caterpillar 950F front-end loader and a Caterpillar 528 grapple skidder used to extract bunched whole trees to a landing in a short rotation Eucalyptus plantation. The loader was 40–60% more productive than the grapple skidder, depending on extraction distance. Alternatively, the single loader could both extract trees and handle the landing duties, such as moving residues from the flail-chipper, whereas the skidder required a second machine (skidder or small loader) to handle landing activities. Front-end loaders appear to be very promising as extraction devices for short rotation plantations where tree characteristics, terrain and soil conditions allow them to be used.  相似文献   

The combination of substrate materials and bacteria is an important factor affecting conversion technology for biological hydrogen production. We performed anaerobic hydrogen fermentation of apple pomace wastes using rhizosphere bacterial microflora of rice as the parent inoculum. In the vial test, the optimal condition for hydrogen fermentation was initial pH 6.0, 35 °C, and 73.4 g pomace per liter of medium (equivalent to 10 g-hexose/L). In the batch experiment (pH 6.0, temperature 35 °C) the hydrogen yield reached 2.3 mol-H2/mol-hexose. The time course of biogas production and PCR-DGGE analysis suggest that Clostridium spp. decomposed degradable carbohydrates rapidly and a part of the refractory carbohydrate (e.g. pectin) gradually in the apple pomace slurry. In addition to hydrogen, volatile fatty acids (VFAs) were produced in the anaerobic fermentation of apple pomace, which can be a substrate for methane fermentation. The rice rhizosphere can be a promising source of inoculum bacteria for hydrogen fermentation in combination with plant material waste like apple pomace.  相似文献   

It is necessary to assess the effects of removing nutrient-rich harvest residues (brash) from clearfell sites because there is a growing market for this brash as bioenergy. The aim of this study was to use stable isotope techniques in a model system to trace nutrients released by decomposing brash. Labelled biomass was obtained by growing Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) seedlings with a generous or poor nutrient supply containing elevated 15N, 41K, 26Mg, and 44Ca. This biomass was used in two subsequent studies. In this study (Part I of II), the above-ground biomass was harvested and placed on soil in a pot containing a newly planted seedling. Soils from two forests, Ae and Teindland, of contrasting nutritional status were used. A full destructive harvest was undertaken after one growing season. Enriched 15N, 41K, 26Mg, and 44Ca were recovered in the new seedlings. The percentage contribution from labelled biomass to new tree growth was small, but discernible. The N contribution from labelled biomass to new trees was greater in Ae soil, but the base cation contribution was greater in Teindland soil. Results are discussed with reference to the initial nutrient concentrations of each soil. The elevated 15N, 41K, 26Mg and 44Ca in new seedlings indicate that nutrients in brash can make a direct contribution to new tree growth. The success of this model system will provide guidance for the application of similar techniques in field experiments.  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2006,30(4):363-369
An increased trend toward whole-tree harvesting in the Maritimes region of Canada, followed by the planting of different tree species, highlighted a need to investigate the potential impacts of different harvesting methods on nutrient loss and the growth rates of different tree species planted in the treated areas. Thus, in 1990, a harvesting study with three main treatments was conducted in an old-field white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) stand in Prince Edward Island, Canada. The treatments included whole-tree harvesting (WTH) with chain saws, in which almost all the aboveground biomass was removed from the site, stem-only (SO) harvest, consisting of chainsaw felling and removal of only the merchantable boles from the site, and control (CON), an uncut area. Glass-body lysimeters, connected to hanging-bottle vacuum generators, were installed at three depths to collect soil solution. The leachates collected over a 6-year period (1991–1997) were analyzed for pH and various anions and cations. Soil temperatures were also measured at three depths.The hourly mean temperature immediately below the organic horizon in the WTH blocks was 8–10 °C more than that in SO blocks. The daily mean temperature showed a similar pattern. Concentrations of nitrate and hydrogen ions were higher in the leachates collected from SO blocks than from WTH blocks. The estimates of calculated quantities of nutrients lost from WTH blocks were higher than those from SO blocks. Ground vegetation recovered within 2 years following harvest and the calculated Shannon–Weiner biodiversity index showed no difference in index values among different treatments. The height growth of trees planted during May 1992 in the harvested blocks is greater in SO blocks than in WTH blocks. Planted eastern white pine (Pinus strobus L.) trees are generally taller than planted white spruce trees.  相似文献   

Merging traditional intensive forestry with waste management offers dual goals of fiber and bioenergy production, along with environmental benefits such as soil/water remediation and carbon sequestration. As part of an ongoing effort to acquire data about initial genotypic performance, we evaluated: (1) the early aboveground growth of trees belonging to currently utilized Populus genotypes subjected to irrigation with municipal solid waste landfill leachate or non-fertilized well water (control), and (2) the above- and below-ground biomass of the trees after 70 days of growth. We determined height, diameter, and number of leaves at 28, 42, 56, and 70 days after planting (DAP), along with stem, leaf, and root dry mass by testing six Populus clones (DN34, DN5, I4551, NC14104, NM2, NM6) grown in a greenhouse in a split–split plot, repeated measures design with two blocks, two treatments (whole-plots), six clones (sub-plots), and four sampling dates (sub–sub-plots, repeated measure). Treatments (leachate, water) were applied every other day beginning 42 DAP. The leachate-treated trees exhibited greater height, diameter, and number of leaves at 56 and 70 DAP (P<0.05). There was broad variation in clonal responses to leachate treatment for dry mass, with a general trend of leachate-treated trees exhibiting greater stem and leaf dry mass (P<0.05), but negligible differences for root dry mass (P> 0.05). Overall, genotypic responses to the leachate treatment were clone-specific for all traits.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the energy balance between the energy inputs and yield for apple production in Tehran, Iran. For this purpose the data were collected from 56 apple orchards. The following results were obtained from this study: The total energy input of 42819.25 MJ ha−1 was required for apple production. The share of diesel fuel by 21.88% of the total energy inputs was the highest energy input. This was followed by farmyard manure (17.66%) and electricity (13.09%), respectively. The energy use efficiency, energy productivity, Specific energy, and net energy were found as 1.16, 0.49 kg MJ−1, 2.06 MJ kg−1 and 7038.18 MJ ha−1, respectively. According to the research results, the contribution of direct energy was higher than that of indirect energy; also the share of non-renewable energy was more than that of renewable energy. The results of econometric model estimation revealed that the impact of farmyard manure, water for irrigation, electricity, chemical fertilizer and human labour energy inputs were significantly positive on yield. The results of sensitivity analysis of the energy inputs showed that the MPP value of water for irrigation was the highest, followed by human labour and chemicals energy inputs, respectively.  相似文献   

The authors tested six commercial pruning harvesters to determine harvesting losses and product contamination when recovering pruning residues from an overgrown olive orchard, typical of Southern Italy. All harvesters used a mechanical pick-up to collect the residues and a shredder to reduce them into chips. Three different pick-up settings were tested and namely: 1 cm above ground level, manufacturer's specification and 3 cm above ground level. Ash content in the shredded material was taken as a measure of contamination. The ash content of uncontaminated branch material collected directly from the trees was 3.5%. Ash content in shredded residues varied between 4.5% and over 5.5%, for the shortest and the longest distance between the pick-up and the soil surface, respectively. In contrast, harvesting losses were weakly (but significantly) related to pick-up setting, and mainly depended on machine type.  相似文献   

The main tree species planted for woodchips production for energy use are: poplar (Populus spp.), willow (Salix spp.), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia L.) and eucalyptus (Eucalyptus spp.). Nevertheless, in the course of the years, other tree species were planted (i.e. Pinus strobus L.; Pauwlonia spp …). The scope of this study is the evaluation of energy and economic advantages, and quality of woodchip produced by a Cedrus deodara plantation situated in Italy.The plantation had a surface of 1.2 ha and trees were 14 years old.An amount of 363 t of fresh comminuted wood (about 300 t ha−1) was produced by the plantation considered. A total time of 39.5 h (about 5 days) was required to transform all trees in woodchip. The moisture content of woodchip produced was 52%, while the average Low Heating Value (HHV) was 8.51 MJ kg−1. In this study, economic (production cost = 93 € t−1 DM) and energetic (output/input ratio = 74) evaluations of woodchip produced by Cedrus deodara plantations were positives. Nevertheless, the results obtained in this experimentation are close to the climate conditions and soil characteristics of Northwestern Italy.  相似文献   

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