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This paper proposes a JPEG steganalysis scheme based on the ensemble classifier and high-dimensional feature space. We first combine three current feature sets and remove the unimportant features according to the correlation between different features parts so as to form a new feature space used for steganalysis. This way, the dependencies among cover and steganographic images can be still represented by the features with a reduced dimensionality. Furthermore, we design a proportion mechanism to manage the feature selection in two subspaces for each base learner of the ensemble classifier. Experimental results show that the proposed scheme can effectively defeat the MB and nsF5 steganographic methods and its performance is better than that of existing steganalysis approaches.  相似文献   

构造高精度分类模型是对基因表达谱数据分析的主要研究方向之一,但提取不同特征空间产生的分类效果有很大差异,而集成分类系统在一定程度上提高了分类结果的可靠性和稳定性。构建基于PCA和NMF集成分量系统,并基于分析混合矩阵A的hinton图生物学意义建立集成独立分量选择系统,成功运用到基因表达谱分析,实验结果表明,集成分量分类系统优于单个分类器。  相似文献   

The Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) is a widely used wireless technology due to its flexibility and mobility in the presence of vulnerable security features. Several attempts to secure 802.11 standard ends up with the inadequate security mechanisms that are vulnerable to various attacks and intrusions. Thus, integration of external defense mechanism like intrusion detection system (IDS) is inevitable. An anomaly-based IDS employs machine learning algorithms to detect attacks. Selecting the best set of features is central to ensure the performance of the classifier in terms of speed of learning, accuracy, and reliability. This paper proposes a normalized gain based IDS for MAC Intrusions (NMI) to improve the IDS performance significantly. The proposed NMI includes two primary components OFSNP and DCMI. The first component is optimal feature selection using NG and PSO (OFSNP) and the second component is Detecting and Categorizing MAC 802.11 Intrusions (DCMI) using SVM classifier. The OFSNP ranks the features using an independent measure as normalized gain (NG) and selects the optimal set of features using semi-supervised clustering (SSC). The SSC is based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) that uses labeled and unlabeled features simultaneously to find a group of optimal features. Using the optimal set of features, the proposed DCMI utilizes a rapid and straightforward support vector machine (SVM) learning that classifies the attacks under the appropriate classes. Thus, the proposed NMI achieves a better trade-off between detection accuracy and learning time. The experimental results show that the NMI accurately detects and classifies the 802.11 specific intrusions and also, it reduces the false positives and computation complexity by decreasing the number of features.  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to develop an automatic computer method to distinguish between asymptomatic (AS) and osteoarthritis (OA) knee gait patterns using 3-D ground reaction force (GRF) measurements. GRF features are first extracted from the force vector variations as a function of time and then classified by the nearest neighbor rule. We investigated two different features: the coefficients of a polynomial expansion and the coefficients of a wavelet decomposition. We also analyzed the impact of each GRF component (vertical, anteroposterior, and medial lateral) on classification. The best discrimination rate (91%) was achieved with the wavelet decomposition using the anteroposterior and the medial lateral components. These results demonstrate the validity of the representation and the classifier for automatic classification of AS and OA knee gait patterns. They also highlight the relevance of the anteroposterior and medial lateral force components in gait pattern classification.  相似文献   

It is well known that combining spatial and spectral information can improve land use classification from satellite imagery. Human activity on the ground, such as construction, induces changes in both the photometric structure of the image and in its spectral content owing to, primarily, changes in vegetation density and surface materials. This paper introduces a novel approach to combine spatial (more precisely, structural) information extracted from (1-m resolution) panchromatic Ikonos imagery with the multispectral response (4-m resolution) available from the same sensor. Of the prior work combining spatial and spectral information, none has extracted structural features as we do, and none has combined these information sources as early in the process. The classifier we describe here, discriminating urban and rural regions, is a front-end component of a fairly complete satellite image analysis system that identifies suburban residential areas and extracts their street networks and single-family houses. We extract structural information in the form of photometric straight lines and their spatial arrangement over relatively small neighborhoods. To capture the multispectral information, we turn to the well-known normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and an improved linearized version of our own development (details of the structural analysis and the theoretical development of the linearized NDVI appear elsewhere). This paper addresses the novel combination of these types of features (hybrids) by using the structural features, straight line support regions based on gradient orientation, as cue regions for multispectral analysis. We test the hybrid features in a range of parametric and nonparametric classifiers. We also implement and test a probabilistic relaxation algorithm followed by the maximum a priori decision rule. We report extensive results that indicate significant improvements in classification accuracy using the hybrid features.  相似文献   

The paper is devoted to the analysis of multichannel biomedical signals acquired in the sleep laboratory. The data analyzed represent polysomnographic records of (i) 33 healthy individuals, (ii) 25 individuals with sleep apnea, and (iii) 18 individuals with sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome. The initial statistical analysis of the sleep segments points to an increase in the number of Wake stages and the decrease in REM stages with increase in age. The goal of the study is visualization of features associated with sleep stages as specified by an experienced neurologist and in their adaptive classification. The results of the support vector machine classifier are compared with those obtained by the k-nearest neighbors method, decision tree and neural network classification using sigmoidal and Bayesian transfer functions. The achieved accuracy for the classification into two classes (to separate the Wake stage from one of NonREM and REM stages) is between 85.6 and 97.5% for the given set of patients with sleep apnea. The proposed models allow adaptive modification of the model coefficients during the learning process to increase the diagnostic efficiency of sleep disorder analysis, in both the clinical and home environments.  相似文献   

A new mutual information (MI)-based feature-selection method to solve the so-called large p and small n problem experienced in a microarray gene expression-based data is presented. First, a grid-based feature clustering algorithm is introduced to eliminate redundant features. A huge gene set is then greatly reduced in a very efficient way. As a result, the computational efficiency of the whole feature-selection process is substantially enhanced. Second, MI is directly estimated using quadratic MI together with Parzen window density estimators. This approach is able to deliver reliable results even when only a small pattern set is available. Also, a new MI-based criterion is proposed to avoid the highly redundant selection results in a systematic way. At last, attributed to the direct estimation of MI, the appropriate selected feature subsets can be reasonably determined.  相似文献   

In the recent years, the use of motion tracking systems for acquisition of functional biomechanical gait data, has received increasing interest due to the richness and accuracy of the measured kinematic information. However, costs frequently restrict the number of subjects employed, and this makes the dimensionality of the collected data far higher than the available samples. This paper applies discriminant analysis algorithms to the classification of patients with different types of foot lesions, in order to establish an association between foot motion and lesion formation. With primary attention to small sample size situations, we compare different types of Bayesian classifiers and evaluate their performance with various dimensionality reduction techniques for feature extraction, as well as search methods for selection of raw kinematic variables. Finally, we propose a novel integrated method which fine-tunes the classifier parameters and selects the most relevant kinematic variables simultaneously. Performance comparisons are using robust resampling techniques such as Bootstrap 632+ and k-fold cross-validation. Results from experimentations with lesion subjects suffering from pathological plantar hyperkeratosis, show that the proposed method can lead to approximately 96% correct classification rates with less than 10% of the original features.  相似文献   

Haar-like特征主要用于人脸等目标识别领域,然而因行人流动方向不确定,监控视频拍摄到的行人有正面、侧面和背面三种情况,因此文中提出一种根据三种特征设计的多分类器集成算法。在训练其中一面样本分类器时,将另外两面样本和背景图像作为负样本,从而得到三个分类器,分别检测识别后再筛选统计目标。实验证明该算法具有良好的检测识别效果。  相似文献   

A method for realizing new mutually coupled circuits by using mutators is described. Various types of mutually coupled circuits, such as a mutual inductance, a mutual frequency-dependent negative resistance, and a frequency-dependent negative inductance, are realized by connecting a network between two mutators which have the suitable transmission matrix. New mutually coupled circuits composed of three impedances of different kinds, that is, two self-impedances and one mutually impedance, are also described. The theoretical frequency responses of the transfer functions of coupled tuned circuits composed of these mutually coupled circuits are shown, and experimental results of a coupled tuned circuit using mutual inductance are shown.  相似文献   

Real world classification tasks may involve high dimensional missing data. The traditional approach to handling the missing data is to impute the data first, and then apply the traditional classification algorithms on the imputed data. This method first assumes that there exist a distribution or feature relations among the data, and then estimates missing items with existing observed values. A reasonable assumption is a necessary guarantee for accurate imputation. The distribution or feature relations of data, however, is often complex or even impossible to be captured in high dimensional data sets, leading to inaccurate imputation. In this paper, we propose a complete-case projection subspace ensemble framework, where two alternative partition strategies, namely bootstrap subspace partition and missing pattern-sensitive subspace partition, are developed for incomplete datasets with even missing patterns and uneven missing patterns, respectively. Multiple component classifiers are then separately trained in these subspaces. After that, a final ensemble classifier is constructed by a weighted majority vote of component classifiers. In the experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework over eight high dimensional UCI datasets. Meanwhile, we apply the two proposed partition strategies over data sets with different missing patterns. As indicated, the proposed algorithm significantly outperforms existing imputation methods in most cases.  相似文献   

The use of sets of multiple spreading sequences per user in multicarrier code-division multiple-access (CDMA) is investigated. Each user is assumed to have a distinct set of spreading sequences, with a different spreading sequence for each carrier in each user's set. We show that when these sets of sequences are chosen to be the mutually orthogonal (MO) complementary sets of sequences, multiple-access interference is minimal on a nonfading channel. As a result of the autocorrelation sidelobe cancellation properties of the MO complementary sequences, it is possible to pack symbols more closely together on the nonfading channel, resulting in a higher data rate than in multicarrier CDMA using the same spreading sequence for each carrier. The resulting communication system scheme results in an easily parallelized receiver architecture that may be useful in nonfading coherent channels, such as the optical fiber channel or the Rician channel with a strong line-of-sight component. On the Rayleigh fading channel, the performance of the system is identical to that of multicarrier CDMA employing a single spreading sequence per user, with only a minimal increase in receiver complexity  相似文献   

A new CCII-based circuit for the simulation of mutually coupled circuits is presented. The circuit uses six commercially available plus-type second-generation current conveyors (CCII+s), six resistors and two grounded capacitors. The primary self-inductance, the secondary self-inductance and the mutual inductance can be independently controlled using three different resistors. SPICE simulation results are included.  相似文献   

基于MST的基因数据社团挖掘算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用机器学习方法来分析生物信息学中一些复杂的基因表达数据是目前重要的研究领域之一.使用社团挖掘的方法对基因表达数据进行分类,社团内由类似的基因数据组成,研究和分析每个社团的结构和功能以及社团之间的关系,这对深刻认识诸多生物过程的本质有重要意义.将最小生成树的概念引入生物信息学中基因表达数据的社团挖掘分析中,设计了最小生成树来表示基因表达数据和基于此的社团挖掘算法,针对该算法提出一些目标函数,来判别基因表达数据社团挖掘算法的性能.最后,通过实验验证了该算法对于一些目标函数能够产生最优的社团划分,并且社团挖掘算法的性能良好.  相似文献   

This study explores some problems to analyze time-course gene expression data by state-space models (SSMs). One problem is regarding the methods of parameter estimation and determination of the dimension of the internal state variable. Although several methods have been applied, there are few literature studies which with to compare them. Thus, this paper gives a brief review of the existing literature that use the SSM to analyze the gene expression time-course data. Another problem is the identifiability of the model. If the parameters of SSMs are simply estimated without any constraints for parameter space, they lack identifiability. To identify a system uniquely, it requires a specific algorithm to estimate the parameters with some constraints. For that purpose, an identifiable form of SSMs and an algorithm for estimating parameters are derived. The last problem is the extraction of biological information by interpreting the estimated parameters, such as mechanism of gene regulations at the module level. For that one, this paper explores methods to extract further information using the estimated parameters, that is, reconstruction of a module network from time-course gene expression data  相似文献   

A two-way communication link is established between an interrogator and retrodirective antenna array. The link is realized by using standard time-domain modulation for data uplink to the retrodirective array, while outgoing data is coded onto the antenna polarization sense of the signal sent back to the interrogator. Using these noninterfering mutually exclusive modulations schemes, this system architecture is able to resolve the difficulty of dealing with the corruption of the outgoing retrodirected signal by the incoming interrogation signal inherent when using phase-conjugation mixers (PCMs). This paper will discuss the development of a novel PCM also used for polarization modulation and a polarization state detector for demodulation. Analysis of circuit design tolerances and affects of jammers on proper polarization detection is also shown. Demonstration of simultaneous data transfer is presented in simulation and measurement along with the array's automatic beam-steering ability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a supervised classifier based on implementation of the Bayes rule with kernels. The proposed technique first proposes an implicit nonlinear transformation of the data into a feature space seeking to fit normal distributions having a common covariance matrix onto the mapped data. One requirement of this approach is the evaluation of posterior probabilities. We express the discriminant function in dot-product form, and then apply the kernel concept to efficiently evaluate the posterior probabilities. The proposed technique gives the flexibility required to model complex data structures that originate from a wide range of class-conditional distributions. Although we end up with piecewise linear decision boundaries in the feature space, these corresponds to powerful nonlinear boundaries in the original input space. For the data we considered, we have obtained some encouraging results.  相似文献   

体现山脉宏观走势和保持山脉线连续性是山脉线提取的难点。文中认为山脉线是由主山脊线片段、山顶点及鞍部点按照一定规则连接而成。先利用栅格DEM低通滤波后提取矢量等高线,再结合DEM提取出山脊线,通过筛选山脊线得到主山脊线来保持山脉宏观走势;再通过主山脊线的二次连接以及将鞍部点、山顶点连接到主山脊线形成连续的山脉线。实验结果表明:这种利用不同类型的数据,地形特征点、线相结合提取山脉线的方法获取的山脉线走势合理、连续性较好,符合人们地貌认知。  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling of blood flow from image-based patient specific models can provide useful physiologic information for guiding clinical decision making. A novel method for the generation of image-based, 3-D, multiscale vascular surface models for CFD is presented. The method generates multiscale surfaces based on either a linear triangulated or a globally smooth nonuniform rational B-spline (NURB) representation. A robust local curvature analysis is combined with a novel global feature analysis to set mesh element size. The method is particularly useful for CFD modeling of complex vascular geometries that have a wide range of vasculature size scales, in conditions where 1) initial surface mesh density is an important consideration for balancing surface accuracy with manageable size volumetric meshes, 2) adaptive mesh refinement based on flow features makes an underlying explicit smooth surface representation desirable, and 3) semi-automated detection and trimming of a large number of inlet and outlet vessels expedites model construction.  相似文献   

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