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以3年生巨峰葡萄为试材,探索巨峰葡萄延迟栽培的物候期和生长特性。结果表明,延迟栽巨峰葡萄浆杲纵径、横径增长均表现为双“S”曲线。果实整个生长期可分为3个时期,各时期分别持续d、26d、49d;与露地巨峰葡萄相比,延迟栽培巨峰葡萄花期延迟85d左右,成熟期延迟110d。延迟栽培整个生长期(萌芽到成熟的时间)为153d左右。  相似文献   

以3年生巨峰葡萄为试材,探索巨峰葡萄延迟栽培的物候期和生长特性.结果表明,延迟栽培巨峰葡萄浆果纵径、横径增长均表现为双"S"曲线.果实整个生长期可分为3个时期,各时期分别持续37d,26d、49d;与露地巨峰葡萄相比,延迟栽培巨峰葡萄花期延迟85d左右,成熟期延迟110d.延迟栽培下整个生长期(萌芽到成熟的时间)为153d左右.  相似文献   

巨峰葡萄酒酿造过程中高级醇生成的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄酒中的高级醇为酵母代谢过程产物,是葡萄酒中的主要香味物质。不同接种量、添加不同氮源及葡萄汁含氮量都会影响高级醇的生成量。接种量在6×106个m/L时高级醇生成量较小,葡萄汁中酵母浓度过高或过低都会使高级醇生成量增大。葡萄汁中α-氨基氮总量为180~195m g L/时,杂醇油的生成量较低。添加亮氨酸对高级醇生成量影响最为显著,甘氨酸对高级醇生成量基本无影响。(孙悟)  相似文献   

巨峰一次果、二次果品质发育的比较马会勤,韩其谦(北京农大园艺系100094)(河北农大园艺系071001)巨峰葡萄具有很强的成花能力,容易形成二次果。虽然普遍认为二次果品质比一次果差,但由于管理水平、病害因素,或为拉开果实成熟期以分批上市,不少果园都...  相似文献   

对6年生巨峰葡萄于新梢旺长前期用多效唑、缩节胺、矮壮素叶面喷施,一周后用赤霉素喷洒果穗,结果极显著地促进了座果和提早成熟,同时对提高浆果含糖量与糖酸比,增加穗重、单粒重、提高产量等方面均有显著效果.  相似文献   

本试验认为:为减轻巨峰葡萄夏剪的繁重劳动,每个主梢顶端只留1个副梢继续延长,其余副梢全部抹除,于花前1周掐去发育枝嫩尖,结果枝在花序以上5叶处摘心,有利于巨峰葡萄的生长与结果。  相似文献   

地膜在许多作物上已被广泛使用,一般增产高达30%以上。在我地区的葡萄生产上用得较少,为了探讨覆膜对葡萄的作用,结合葡萄黑痘病综合防治试验,进行了本试验。两年试验结果表明,地膜覆盖能促进葡萄的生长发育,增强抗性,提早成熟,提高品质,增加产量等。均有显著效果。  相似文献   

研究辽西地区巨峰葡萄在不同相对湿度90%、50%及环境湿度条件下贮藏时的水分变化规律,并与感官品质、全质构分析各参数(硬度、黏聚性、胶黏性、咀嚼性、弹性和黏附性)建立相关性联系。结果表明,90%相对湿度条件下葡萄贮藏效果要优于其他两个湿度条件。葡萄浆果总水分含量在贮藏期内总体呈现下降趋势,90%相对湿度贮藏时葡萄组织含水量相对较高,束缚水和自由水的变化也相对平稳,因此该条件更有利于维持葡萄水分的稳定。相关性分析结果表明,在高湿环境下(90%相对湿度)贮藏葡萄,对葡萄束缚水含量的追踪可以更好地表征和预测葡萄的贮藏品质;在低湿度环境下(50%相对湿度)贮藏葡萄,总水分含量是更合理的指标;环境湿度条件贮藏时,对自由水和总水分含量测定来间接表征葡萄贮藏品质较合理。  相似文献   

红地球、巨峰葡萄采后果实品质变化的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
研究了红地球和巨峰葡萄采后果实品质的变化规律。结果表明:无论在常温下还是在贮藏过程中,红地球和巨峰葡萄中还原糖、可滴定酸、VC含量逐渐减少,其中可滴定酸VC含量变化与贮藏时间呈显著的负相关;保鲜剂处理能明显降低还原糖、可滴定酸、VC的降解和损失。红地球葡萄的耐藏性明显好于巨峰葡萄,在0℃ CT-2 聚乙烯塑料包装条件下,巨峰葡萄贮至135d好果率为87.8%,而红地球葡萄贮至150d好果率仍达92.7%。  相似文献   

Dynamics of grape berry growth and physiology of ripening   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Data from two experiments on development of grape berries is re-examined with emphasis on partitioning of berry weight into non-solutes per berry (largely water) and solutes per berry (largely sugar), using weight times juice °Brix. This approach is based on the thought that, since xylem flow is blocked after veraison, time curves of solutes per berry indicate the activity of phloem transport into the berry during ripening growth. Experiment 1: Measurements of Muscat Gordo Blanco berries from inflorescences with a spread of flowering times showed typical double-sigmoid volume/time curves but with divergent rates and amounts of volume increase. Despite this divergence, °Brix curves after veraison were almost coincident because, in each case, the rate of increase in solutes per berry was proportional to that of berry volume. These results indicate that sugar and water increments after veraison are linked and depend on the same source, namely, phloem sap. Experiment 2: An irrigation experiment on cv. Shiraz also showed divergent berry weight curves between treatments and years but with the difference that all berries shrank after a maximum berry weight was attained at 91 days after flowering (at about 20 °Brix). At this point, the curves of solutes per berry slowed then plateaued, indicating that inflow of phloem sap had become impeded. Prior to shrinkage these berries accumulated primary metabolites (mainly phloem sugar) but, during shrinkage, when berries were apparently isolated from vascular transport, non-anthocyanin glycosides accumulated. These results have implications for the study of berry flavour buildup and berry composition, and also for the understanding of sink competition within the vine, fresh and dried yield, and juice °Brix levels.  相似文献   

通过调查巨峰葡萄根域限制下果实生长发育规律,探讨了根域限制对巨峰葡萄果实生长的影响。结果表明,根域限制下巨峰果实的第二次快速生长量显著高于对照,果实的体积和干物质积累以及种子数目也高于对照,这说明根域限制促进了葡萄果实的发育,增加了光合产物向果实端的运输。  相似文献   

补光处理对巨峰葡萄冬果生长发育的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨补充光源对巨峰葡萄生长发育的影响,对4年生巨峰葡萄进行补光处理,观测处理38d后巨峰葡萄的生长发育情况.结果表明,补光处理能提高葡萄体内多种生长促进型内源激素如生长素、赤霉素和细胞分裂素的含量,降低生长抑制类内源激素脱落酸的含量,对冬季巨峰葡萄的新梢生长有明显的促进作用,增加了光合面积,延缓了叶片的衰老,增大冬季巨峰葡萄果实.  相似文献   

以赤霞珠葡萄果实为试材,采用免疫组织化学方法,对果实发育过程中花色素还原酶(ANR)的分布及其动态变化进行原位分析.结果表明,在果皮、果肉和种子中均可观察到ANR的存在;种子中的ANR主要定位于内珠被(in),果皮和果肉中的ANR则主要分布在维管束(VB)、果皮(BS)细胞壁和果肉(BP)细胞壁中,而且这种特异性分布并不随果实发育进程而发生改变.  相似文献   

以巨峰葡萄为原料,利用全质构分析(TPA)研究常温(15、30℃)贮藏时葡萄水分含量与质构特性变化的关系。结果表明:葡萄贮藏温度越高水分含量下降越快,且贮藏前期和贮藏末期水分含量下降速度较快。随着贮藏时间的延长,葡萄浆果硬度、胶黏性、弹性、凝聚性、咀嚼性均明显下降。15℃贮藏时,葡萄水分含量与硬度、凝聚性、弹性、胶黏性及黏附性极相关(p<0.01),尤其是硬度及弹性,相关性系数为0.866和0.888。30℃贮藏时水分含量与硬度、弹性显著正相关(p<0.01),与凝聚性显著负相关(p<0.01),但与咀嚼性和胶黏性的相关性并不显著。   相似文献   

Recent advances in the understanding of the physiology of berry growth and in modelling allow simulation of fruit growth and sugar accumulation from the perspective of water and carbon balance. This review summarises present knowledge on the modelling and molecular physiology of carbon and water fluxes related to grape berry growth and quality. It focuses principally on the effects of environmental factors and cultural practices on fruit quality through their consequences on water and carbon fluxes during fruit growth. Together with ecophysiological and molecular approaches, process-based models show promising ability to aid in integrating physiological results, generating novel hypotheses and consequently providing a full picture of the control of berry growth and quality development. In the future, nitrogen and sulfur fluxes, necessary for the synthesis of secondary metabolites important for quality, should also be integrated. Modelling at the organ level should extend to metabolic content and metabolite fluxes (metabolomic and fluxomic studies). Genotypes naturally or artificially affected on a key gene or function will also be helpful to validate modelling hypotheses.  相似文献   

Microbial species present on the surface of grape berries at harvest play an important role in winemaking, thus counting and identifying them is of great importance. The use of conventional microbial techniques and molecular methods allowed a quantitative and qualitative inventory of the different microbial species present on the grape berries. These experiments were carried out in several areas of the Bordeaux region on the red grape varieties Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Populations and species clearly varied according to berry development stage. The most widespread yeast species at berry set, Aureobasidium pullulans was never detected at harvest. Fermentative yeasts were detected at harvest and not in the first stage of grape growth. Oenoccocus oeni was detected on immature as well as on mature berries. Gluconobacter oxydans was detected mainly at harvest. Detection of Pediococcus parvulus , was dependent on the vineyard. Veraison appeared to be a key stage for yeast colonisation and the increase in population involved a change in the proportion of each species. The number of A. pullulans fell significantly at veraison as it was superseded by fermentative yeasts. Microbial populations peaked at harvest when the berry surface available for adhesion was largest and no agrochemical treatments had been applied for some weeks. Soil, grape variety and grapegrowing practices may also influence this microbial ecosystem. Based on these and published data, we formulated hypotheses to describe this microbial ecosystem, thus enabling us to develop the concept of a microbial biofilm.  相似文献   

化学保鲜剂和臭氧对巨峰葡萄贮藏保鲜的比较研究   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
杨虎清  王文生 《食品科学》2001,22(10):91-94
采用CT2号葡萄保鲜剂和臭氧在0±1℃下贮藏巨峰葡萄,结果表明利用臭氧多次处理能有效地防止葡萄腐烂,果实外观无伤害,但与CT2号葡萄保鲜剂处理相比,加速了果实抗坏血酸和单宁等物质的氧化及可滴定酸的消耗,促进了果肉组织的酶促褐变,但没有SO2残留.而CT2号保鲜剂处理可减少果肉可滴定酸、抗坏血酸和单宁物质的损失,降低果肉组织的酶促褐变率,但部分果实受到SO2漂白伤害且果肉组织有SO2残留.  相似文献   

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