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Riccardo Buccolieri Christof Gromke Silvana Di Sabatino 《The Science of the total environment》2009,407(19):5247-5256
This paper deals with aerodynamic effects of avenue-like tree planting on flow and traffic-originated pollutant dispersion in urban street canyons by means of wind tunnel experiments and numerical simulations. Several parameters affecting pedestrian level concentration are investigated, namely plant morphology, positioning and arrangement. We extend our previous work in this novel aspect of research to new configurations which comprise tree planting of different crown porosity and stand density, planted in two rows within a canyon of street width to building height ratio W/H = 2 with perpendicular approaching wind. Sulfur hexafluoride was used as tracer gas to model the traffic emissions. Complementary to wind tunnel experiments, 3D numerical simulations were performed with the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code FLUENT™ using a Reynolds Stress turbulence closure for flow and the advection-diffusion method for concentration calculations. In the presence of trees, both measurements and simulations showed considerable larger pollutant concentrations near the leeward wall and slightly lower concentrations near the windward wall in comparison with the tree-less case. Tree stand density and crown porosity were found to be of minor importance in affecting pollutant concentration. On the other hand, the analysis indicated that W/H is a more crucial parameter. The larger the value of W/H the smaller is the effect of trees on pedestrian level concentration regardless of tree morphology and arrangement. A preliminary analysis of approaching flow velocities showed that at low wind speed the effect of trees on concentrations is worst than at higher speed. The investigations carried out in this work allowed us to set up an appropriate CFD modelling methodology for the study of the aerodynamic effects of tree planting in street canyons. The results obtained can be used by city planners for the design of tree planting in the urban environment with regard to air quality issues. 相似文献
针对油料火灾燃烧特性,基于油料燃烧实验结论,选用湍流燃烧模型、热辐射模型以及烟气模型,利用FLACS 模拟直径0.5 m 的小尺度油池火燃烧和大尺度野外组合式软体油囊油料泄漏起火。结果表明:油池火燃烧最大热辐射通量分布并不以油池中轴线严格对称;野外组合式油囊发生油料泄漏后的流淌火灾燃烧过程中整体自装卸托盘处受到的最大辐射强度高达35 kW/m2,油囊处受到的最大辐射强度约18 kW/m2;火灾发生20 s 后油囊受到的热辐射强度即可达到使油囊熔化的最低能量。 相似文献
Numerical study on the effects of aspect ratio and orientation of an urban street canyon on outdoor thermal comfort in hot and dry climate 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
This paper discusses the contribution of street design, i.e. aspect ratio (or height-to-width ratio, H/W) and solar orientation, towards the development of a comfortable microclimate at street level for pedestrians. The investigation is carried out by using the three-dimensional numerical model ENVI-met, which simulates the microclimatic changes within urban environments in a high spatial and temporal resolution. Model calculations are run for a typical summer day in Ghardaia, Algeria (32.40°N, 3.80°E, 469 m a.s.l.), a region characterized by a hot and dry climate. Symmetrical urban canyons, with various height-to-width ratios (i.e. H/W=0.5, 1, 2 and 4) and different solar orientations (i.e. E–W, N–S, NE–SW and NW–SE), have been studied. Special emphasis is placed on a human bio-meteorological assessment of these microclimates by using the physiologically equivalent temperature (PET). 相似文献
The application of three turbulence models—standard k–ε, re-normalization group (RNG) k–ε and RNG-based large eddy simulation (LES) model—to simulate indoor contaminant particle dispersion and concentration distribution in a model room has been investigated. The measured air phase velocity data obtained by Posner et al. [Energy and Buildings 2003;35:515–26], are used to validate the simulation results. All the three turbulence model predictions have shown to be in good agreement with the experimental data. The RNG-based LES model has shown to yield the best agreement. The flow of contaminant particles (with diameters of 1 and 10 μm) is simulated within the indoor airflow environment of the model room. Comparing the three turbulence models for particle flow predictions, the RNG-based LES model through better accommodating unsteady low-Reynolds-number (LRN) turbulent flow structure has shown to provide more realistic particle dispersion and concentration distribution than the other two conventional turbulence models. As the experimental approach to access indoor contaminant particle concentration can be rather expensive and unable to provide the required detailed information, the LES prediction can be effectively employed to validate the widely used k–ε models that are commonly applied in many building simulation investigations. 相似文献
为了考察水泥粒径分布对混凝土抗压强度的影响,开展了试验研究。首先,将普通硅酸盐水泥经气流粉碎机生产获得化学组分相同、粒径分布不同的超细水泥,然后通过掺加超细水泥改变水泥粒径分布。分别测定了3种不同超细水泥掺量下的水泥等温放热曲线和混凝土抗压强度。试验结果表明:①掺加适量超细水泥能够优化水泥粒径分布,提高水泥利用率,增加混凝土抗压强度;②混凝土抗压强度并不一定随超细水泥掺量的增加而递增,存在一个最佳的超细水泥掺量,使水泥粒径分布最优,从而获得最高的混凝土抗压强度。 相似文献
《Building and Environment》2005,40(6):853-866
Simulation of thermal environment around buildings is of great importance for residential microclimate study. In this article, a numerical method is proposed to simulate the outdoor thermal environment around buildings. By the method, temperature distributions of the outdoor air, building surfaces and ground surfaces are achieved by combining computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation of air flow and energy balance equations calculation of surfaces. In every computing time step, the outdoor air distribution is calculated as quasi-steady condition. And the surface temperatures of buildings and ground are simplified as “shadow zone temperature” and “sunshine zone temperature” to reduce the calculating time and memory space. Response factor method is employed to deal with the transient heat transfer between outdoor air and surfaces of buildings and ground. The numerical method is validated by the measured data of outdoor thermal environment around one single building and the simulated temperature distributions are illustrated and analyzed at different time in a day. 相似文献
通过实地监测,针对不同车间的棉尘颗粒物的浓度及粒径分布特征进行了对比分析,监测结果表明:清花,梳棉及细纱车间的平均总颗粒物浓度分别为3.65 mg/m 3、2.87 mg/m 3、1.75 mg/m 3,均大于棉尘接触限值.由前纺工艺至后纺工艺,总颗粒物浓度呈逐渐减小的趋势,清花车间总颗粒物浓度是细纱车间浓度的2.08... 相似文献
采用Realizable K-ε湍流模型和DO辐射模型对太阳能烟囱内部的流场和温度场进行了数值模拟,计算结果与文献中实验值吻合得较好。对太阳能烟囱高度和宽度等结构因素对通风效果的影响进行了模拟分析,结果表明,诱导风量随烟囱高度增大而增大,随宽度增大先增大后减小;Gr可作为设计太阳能烟囱高度时的参考;渐缩型通道能有效防止通道内回流的产生。 相似文献
《Soils and Foundations》2022,62(6):101242
The discrete element method is a powerful numerical tool widely employed in granular flow simulations. To reduce computational costs, either monodisperse granular models or models with a limited number of particle sizes are used to estimate the risk of sediment-related disasters. This highlights the need for a thorough understanding on the effects of particle size distribution on the accuracy of granular simulations. In this study, a series of granular flow simulations was conducted with different particle size distributions. The results clearly indicate that the run-out distance strongly depends on the number of particle sizes and is underestimated in the conditions employed by the monodisperse granular model. The longest run-out distance was observed in case that the bidisperse granular model was employed, whereas run-out distance tends to a constant value when polydisperse granular model was employed. Because particle size segregation was observed during the flow, a series of vibration simulations was also conducted to estimate the degree of the size segregation. It was shown that each granular model has an inherent degree of size segregation. From the results of the granular flow simulations and vibration simulations, it was confirmed that the inherent degree of the size segregation clearly affects the run-out distance. 相似文献
地下水流动对埋地换热器影响的模拟研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过求解含水层中地下水流动的二维能量方程,分析了地下水流动对U型埋地换热器与周围土壤换热的影响,并与非含水层情况进行了比较。模拟结果表明,地下水流动显著影响埋地换热器周围的土壤温度场。与粘土层相比,埋地换热器在含水层内土壤温度变化较小,到达稳态时间较短。埋地换热器周围热作用半径,沿上游方向较小且很快达到稳态,而沿下游方向上的热作用半径基本与运行时间成正比关系。地下水流速越大,埋地换热器周围介质的平均温度越低,这有利于夏季排热工况。 相似文献
Byung Hee Lee Su Whan Yee Dong Hwa Kang Myoung Souk Yeo Kwang Woo Kim 《Building Simulation》2017,10(4):525-534
In areas with poor ambient air quality, indoor particle concentrations can be significantly affected by particulate matter originating outdoors. The indoor environments of multi-zone and multi-story buildings are affected differently by outdoor particles compared with single-family houses, because of the buildings’ more complicated airflow characteristics. The objective of this study is to analyze outdoor particle penetration and transport, and their impact on indoor air, in a multi-zone and multi-story building using a CONTAMW simulation. For the airflow and particle transport analysis, the building leakage, penetration coefficients, and deposition rates were determined by on-site experiments. The results of airflow simulations for cold winters show that outdoor air infiltrates through the lower part of building and exfiltrates from the upper part. The results of the particle simulation also indicated that the airflow characteristics, combined with deposition rates, cause the lower floors of a multi-story building to be exposed to higher fine particle concentrations compared with the upper floors of the building. The study demonstrated that the CONTAMW simulation can be useful in analyzing the impact of outdoor particles on indoor environments through the identification of key particle transport parameters and validated airflow simulations. 相似文献
以邯郸市某小区为研究对象,结合Phoenics 2015软件模拟的方法,对小区室外风环境进行模拟分析,并对其优劣状况进行评价,为高层居住区室外风环境的分析提供参考。 相似文献