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In the past eight years, developing a percutaneous electrode system has advanced to a successful, yet simple, method to transmit electrical signals, overcoming the serious problems of excessive mechanical irritation at the skin interface. Experience with over 50-74% in the clinical applications of 1) chronic pain relief; 2) contracture correction; and 3) sensory feedback.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this investigation was to quantitatively assess abnormally low attenuation of the lung by use of three-dimensional volumetric reconstructions from routine helical CT and to assess their correlation with pulmonary function tests. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Helical CT was performed in 100 patients in full inspiration. Examination was also performed in full expiration in 53 of these patients. Three-dimensional volumetric reconstructions were performed for total lung volumes at inspiration and at expiration, with a threshold of -896 H on inspiratory CT and -790 H on expiratory CT, to quantify emphysematous change. Correlation was made with pulmonary function tests in 79 patients. RESULTS: CT volumetric assessments of abnormally low attenuation of the lung at inspiration and expiration had a high correlation (r2 = .84, p < or = .0001). In comparison with pulmonary function tests, both inspiratory low attenuation of the lung and expiratory low attenuation of the lung correlated well with the logarithm of the ratio of the forced expiratory volume in 1 sec (FEV1) to the forced vital capacity (r2 = .74, p < or = .0001 and r2 = .74, p < or = .0001, respectively) and with the percentage of predicted ratio of the FEV1 to the forced vital capacity (r2 = .69, p < or = .0001 and r2 = .69, p < or = .0001, respectively). Linear correlations were also seen with FEV1, residual volume, and forced residual capacity. CONCLUSION: Three-dimensional volumetric reconstructions of hypoattenuating lung correlate well with pulmonary function tests. In addition, inspiratory and expiratory data are also correlative, suggesting that a dedicated expiratory examination is not needed. This easily obtainable information will prove useful for patients with obstructive lung disease from emphysema, providing a measure of pulmonary function status in this population.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that a microcarrier-attached human hepatoma (Hep G2) cell line responds to hydrodynamic shear upon transfer to an agitated, clean, autoclaved spinner flask with a transient increase in cytochrome P450IA1 (CYPIA1) activity. Physiological changes induced by hydrodynamic stress could be problematic in the scaleup of microcarrier cultures. A better understanding of how stress alters cell physiology may assist in reactor scaleup. The induction of CYPIA1 activity was dependent on the agitation level of the cultures, and the level of CYPIA1 induction was comparable to that obtained with exposure to approximately 0.1 nM TCDD (2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin). It has been well documented that hydrodynamic shear stress can cause alterations in the metabolism of phospholipid membrane-bound arachidonic acid (AA) in adherent cells in a parallel plate system. The present study was carried out to determine if either AA or a metabolite of AA was involved in the induction of CYPIA1 activity in the microcarrier cultures of Hep G2 cells. Addition of exogenous AA followed by initiation of the stress resulted in an increase in the level of CYPIA1 activity. Pretreatment of the cultures with quinacrine, an inhibitor of phospholipase A2, reduced the stress-induced CYPIA1 activity. Furthermore, addition of propranolol, an inhibitor of phosphatidic acid phosphohydrolase, resulted in an increase in the response in addition to sustaining the induced enzyme activity. Pretreatment with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin, or the lipoxygenase inhibitor, caffeic acid, had no effect on the response, suggesting that the cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways were not involved in generating AA metabolites that alter CYPIA1 activity. The agent, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, blocks the monooxygenase pathway and blocks CYPIA1 activity increases. These observations suggest a possible mechanism where the stress on the cells induces phospholipase D, resulting in the formation of phosphatidic acid which then activates phospholipase A2, resulting in the release of AA. Further, these results are consistent with a mechanism in which the metabolism of AA, most likely through the monooxygenase pathway, results in a metabolite that by a yet unknown mechanism induced CYPIA1.  相似文献   

为解决特种变压器生产车间实时化管控弱、调度决策能力差、过程监控不直观、运行态势不明朗的问题,从特种变压器车间的数字孪生建模、知识信息融合、运行可靠性分析和可视化表达等方面入手,探讨了一种特种变压器车间数字孪生系统的新型体系架构;阐述了基于“5维度-4视角”模型、高性能算力孪生引擎及沉浸式可视化技术的数字孪生建模表达方法;研究了数字孪生车间指标体系的构建方法以及车间知识信息与数字孪生的融合方法;基于层次分析理论和关联熵方法,构建了一种基于复合物元信息熵的车间数字孪生系统可靠性分析模型;最后,以某特种变压器生产车间为应用案例,基于上述方法和模型,结合实际生产过程开发了原型数字孪生系统,实现了特种变压器车间的多维多尺度实时智能管控,验证了该方法的合理性和有效性.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To test the effect of altering image size on diagnostic quality. METHODS: Endodontic files, size 10 and 15 were prepared to full root length and 1.5 mm short, in upper and lower molars and premolars. Digital images of the Sidexis (S) and Visualix/Vixa (V) system were reduced in size to Digora (D) scale, and the D images were enlarged to S scale. ROC analysis was performed and data analysed with MANOVA statistics. RESULTS: Assessment of root canal length with file size 10 was less accurate for the S images reduced in size, compared with the original S images (P < 0.011). All other differences were not significant (P > 0.081). CONCLUSIONS: Relevant diagnostic information may be lost when images are reduced in size. Therefore, for optimal presentation, the smaller images should be enlarged rather than the larger ones reduced.  相似文献   

A digital x-ray scanning system offers several advantages over conventional film-screen systems. However, there are sources of image degradation resulting from the scanning motion, such as motion blur due to the temporal response of the phosphor. This mechanism produces an asymmetrical blur, requiring the use of the complex optical transfer function (OTF) rather than the normal modulation transfer function (MTF) for correct characterization of image resolution. The luminescence response of eight phosphors was measured under pulsed x-ray excitation. A weighted exponential model was used to represent the primary luminescence. The dominant luminescence life-times ranged from 2.7 microseconds for Gd2O2S:Pr to 558 microseconds for Gd2O2S:Tb. The long term response was also measured, monitoring significant increases in a slow form of luminescence known as afterglow. Afterglow was modeled by an inverse power law equation. Afterglow was found to be strong in two of the phosphors studied (ZnCdS:Ag and YTaO4). In selecting a phosphor for a scanning system, it must satisfy several criteria, including a fast temporal response. Thus, a phosphor like Gd2O2S:Tb, which has a slow luminescence, but otherwise excellent imaging properties, may not be as useful as a more rapid phosphor like CsI:Tl.  相似文献   

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES: Two digital radiograph systems for stereotactic mammography, one using a lens to couple a Lanex Regular screen to a back-illuminated charge-coupled device (CCD) and one using a fiber-optic taper to couple a Min-R Regular-type screen to a front-illuminated CCD, were evaluated with respect to observer performance. METHODS: A contrast-detail phantom was imaged in a variety of equivalent exposure conditions on both systems. Six observers viewed images on a video monitor and recorded which objects were detected. RESULTS: Performance (percent correct detections) with the lens-coupled system using the Lanex Regular screen was significantly higher than with the fiber-optic-coupled system using the Min-R Regular-type screen. CONCLUSION: Differences in absorption efficiencies of phosphors used, as well as differences in design of the two cameras, can explain differences in observer detection performance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Data are scarce on the actual rate and mode of outer nuclear layer decay in retinal detachment (RD). We used an experimental rabbit model to assess the presence of apoptosis and rate of photoreceptor death following RD. This model included the creation of localized and stable retinal blebs, while controlling for any decline of retinal elevation over time. METHODS: RD was produced in New Zealand white rabbits by injecting 0.05 ml of 15% sodium hyaluronate (Healon GV) under the neural retina using a microsurgical technique. Animals were killed at 1, 2, 4, 7, 14 and 29 days. Retinal tissue was processed for light and electron microscopy and for in situ end labeling of fragmented DNA using a modification of the TUNEL technique. Photoreceptor cell nuclei were counted in the RD areas of maximum retinal elevation of 28 eyes, and an additional 4 eyes were used for nick end labeling. RESULTS: Positive DNA nick end labeling, ultrastructural features and absence of necrotic cells indicated apoptotic photoreceptor cell death. Also, there was a rapid, almost linear elimination of photoreceptor nuclei over time. At 14 days only half of the number of nuclei were discernible, while approximately one tenth remained after 29 days. There was a statistically significant, but minimal decline in RD height over the 4 weeks of study. CONCLUSION: Following experimental RD in rabbits, apoptotic cell death is associated with an almost linear elimination of photoreceptor cells over time. The use of highly viscous sodium hyaluronate in separating the neural retina from the retinal pigment epithelium allows the RD to maintain a nearly constant height over a period of 4 weeks.  相似文献   

The modulation transfer function (MTF) of radiographic systems is frequently evaluated by measuring the system's line spread function (LSF) using narrow slits. The slit method requires precise fabrication and alignment of a slit and high radiation exposure. An alternative method for determining the MTF uses a sharp, attenuating edge device. We have constructed an edge device from a 250-microm-thick lead foil laminated between two thin slabs of acrylic. The device is placed near the detector and aligned with the aid of a laser beam and a holder such that a polished edge is parallel to the x-ray beam. A digital image of the edge is processed to obtain the presampled MTF. The image processing includes automated determination of the edge angle, reprojection, sub-binning, smoothing of the edge spread function (ESF), and spectral estimation. This edge method has been compared to the slit method using measurements on standard and high-resolution imaging plates of a digital storage phosphor (DSP) radiography system. The experimental results for both methods agree with a mean MTF difference of 0.008. The edge method provides a convenient measurement of the presampled MTF for digital radiographic systems with good response at low frequencies.  相似文献   

Factor XI is a key component of the intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation in vitro. The poor correlation between the clinical bleeding diathesis in factor XI deficiency and abnormalities in clotting assays that measure intrinsic coagulation brings into question the role of this serine protease in in vivo hemostasis. The characterizations of the point mutations responsible for the majority of cases of severe factor XI deficiency in Ashkenazi Jews and subsequent epidemiologic studies have provided insight into the perplexing hemostatic abnormalities in this disorder. It appears that excessive bleeding in factor XI deficiency depends on the severity of the deficiency in certain situations and on the location of the hemostatic challenge in others. Additional coexisting abnormalities of hemostasis, such as von Willebrand's disease, may also be responsible for variation in clinical presentation, particularly in those individuals with mild factor XI deficiency. The absence of abnormal bleeding in congenital deficiency of factor XII, the protease that activates factor XI in the intrinsic cascade, has stimulated a search for other mechanisms for factor XI activation. Recent studies have pointed to the serine protease thrombin and autoactivation by activated factor XI as possible alternatives to factor XII as activators of factor XI. These findings suggest that factor XI, rather than operating in a pathway for the initiation of hemostasis, may function in the consolidation of clot formation after the initiation of the hemostatic process by other mechanisms.  相似文献   

Every so often in the history of medicine, events occur which in retrospect seem to mark a defining moment. For psychiatry, the decade of the 1950s uses one such 'moment.' On 28 December 1951, J. Sigwald started solo chlorpromazine treatment of a 57-year-old psychotic lady and, thereby, it might be argued, began the modern era of psychopharmacology.  相似文献   

The widespread, frequent clinical use of the macrolides and quinolones has led to resistance in several species. With the prevailing increase of resistance, new developmental compounds with improved spectra, pharmacokinetics, and reduced adverse effects are required, coupled with logical use of the current armamentarium.  相似文献   

Acne is one of the most common diseases in dermatology. It is of considerable esthetic significance, which explains the mental stress in affected patients. Although acne almost always heals spontaneously in early adulthood, treatment measures can shorten the course, reduce the severity of the disease, and avoid complications such as scarring. Treatment has changed substantially in recent years. In accordance with pathogenic principles, effective treatment is possible. In most patients, a combination of drugs aimed at correcting abnormal keratinization and reducing the proliferation of Propionibacterium acnes is sufficient to control the disease. For more severely affected patients with no response to this approach, therapy to suppress sebum production is indicated. Of all therapeutic modalities available, only oral isotretinoin alters the natural course of the disease. In acne inversa, surgical management should be undertaken as early as possible.  相似文献   

We evaluated bone density in term and preterm infants using computed x-ray densitometry, which permits measurement of bone density with minimal disturbance to the infants in their incubators. Bone density, bone width, and bone length of the right radius were determined in 155 infants of appropriate weights for their gestational ages (23 to 41 weeks). A curve for intrauterine bone growth was extrapolated from these data. The mean coefficients of variations for variabilities for intra- and interobserver error for all measurements were < 3.5%. In 18 infants, measurements of the right forearm were obtained in two positions to confirm the validity of densitometric measurements. The mean coefficients of variation were 3.42% for bone density, 3.48% for bone width, and 0.21% for bone length. Bone density was significantly correlated with gestational age (r = 0.924) and birth weight (r = 0.921). Bone width and length were also correlated with gestational age (r = 0.866 and 0.937) and birth weight (r = 0.878 and 0.954). Our results suggest that computed x-ray densitometry is a useful method for evaluation of bone density in preterm infants, including those in an intensive care environment.  相似文献   

许营 《鞍钢技术》2006,(2):44-51
谢菲尔德冶金协会(SMEA)第13届会议于2004年6月24~25日召开,与会代表130人.会议共分5个部分,22项内容,涉及了炉外精炼的最新进展;高产工艺流程的发展;优化产品质量;改进连铸操作;宽、高效铸机及薄铸坯浇铸技术的开发,纽柯开发的Castrip薄带连铸的最新进展等.  相似文献   

The maximum tolerated dose (MTD) of etoposide and carboplatin without growth factor support was previously defined by Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) as 200 and 125 mg/m2/day x 3, respectively, given every 28 days to previously untreated patients who have extensive, small-cell lung cancer (SCLC). Myelosuppression was dose-limiting. The purpose of this phase I trial was to determine if granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) support allows the dosage of the combination of etoposide and carboplatin to be increased above the previously determined MTD. In this CALGB study of 44 evaluable patients with performance status 0-2, cohorts were treated with etoposide and carboplatin given intravenously on days 1-3 followed by GM-CSF (molgramostim) given subcutaneously on days 4-18. Four dose levels of bacteria-derived recombinant GM-CSF (5, 10, 20 microg/kg/day and 5 microg/kg every 12 h), three dose levels of etoposide (200, 250, and 300 mg/m2/day x 3), and two dose levels of carboplatin (125 and 150 mg/m2/day x 3) were evaluated. There was no chemotherapy dose escalation in individual patients. With 5 microg/kg/d GM-CSF, the first etoposide and carboplatin cycle of 300 and 150 mg/m2/day x 3, respectively, could be administered with acceptable toxicity. However, GM-CSF did not allow repeated administration of this dose-escalated regimen every 21 days, since delayed platelet and/or neutrophil recovery was dose limiting in later cycles. These results demonstrate that GM-CSF alone has limited capability to support the repeated administration of high doses of etoposide and carboplatin. CALGB currently is testing the ability of interleukin (IL)-6 given with GM-CSF to ameliorate the cumulative myelosuppression of this intense regimen.  相似文献   

The peptidoglycans of Moraxella glucidolytica and Moraxella lwoffi grown on aliphatic hydrocarbons were isolated. They contained muramic acid, glucosamine, alanine, D-glutamic acid and mesodiaminoimelic acid in a molar ratio of about 0.5:0.5:1.6:1.0:1.0 (M. glucidolytica) and 0.8:0.7:1.3:1.0:1.0 (M. lwoffi). The peptidoglycans were lysozyme-resistant. However, when treated with formanide, they could be partially degraded by lysozyme. The fragments were purified and their structure determined. In both strains, the peptide subunits consisted mainly of tripeptides (L-Ala-D-Glu-meso-DAP) and tetrapeptides (L-Ala-D-glu-meso-DAP-D-Ala), most of them being directly cross-linked. It is concluded that in both strains the primary structures of the peptidoglycans are closely related.  相似文献   

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