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Iodine has long been used as an antiseptic for the prevention and treatment of vaginal infections. The present study was aimed at the development of rapidly disintegrating, bioadhesive and sustained release vaginal tablets of an iodophore, polyvinylpyrrolidone (povidone iodine), their evaluation and comparison with the marketed formulations. The formulation development included drug-excipient compatibility studies, optimization of performance parameters like disintegration time, bioadhesion and drug release profile and comparison of physical properties and performance parameters with the marketed formulation. The developed formulation provided a sustained release of polymer complexed iodine (up to 8 hrs), rapid disintegration (< 1 min.), desired bioadhesive properties and retention for a prolonged time.  相似文献   

Two viscosity grades of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC 4000 and 15000 cps) and Carbopol 934P were used to prepare captopril floating tablets. In vitro dissolution was carried out in simulated gastric fluid (enzyme free) at 37°C ± 0.1°C using the USP apparatus 2 basket method. Compared to conventional tablets, release of captopril from these floating tablets was apparently prolonged; as a result, a 24-hr controlled-release dosage form for captopril was achieved. Drug release best fit both the Higuchi model and the Korsmeyer and Peppas equation, followed by first-order kinetics. While tablet hardness and stirring rate had no or little effect on the release kinetics, tablets hardness was found to be a determining factor with regard to the buoyancy of the tablets.  相似文献   

Selected combinations of six model drugs and four hypromellose (USP 2208) viscosity grades were studied utilizing direct compression and in vitro dissolution testing. Experimental HPMC samples with differing particle size distributions (coarse, fine, narrow, bimodal) were generated by sieving. For some formulations, the impact of HPMC particle size changes was characterized by faster drug release and an apparent shift in drug release mechanism when less than 50% of the HPMC passed through a 230 mesh (63 μm) screen. Within the ranges studied, drug release from other formulations appeared to be unaffected by HPMC particle size changes.  相似文献   

A simple pH-controlled drug release system was successfully prepared by coating pH-sensitive polymer hydroxypropyl methylcellulose phthalate (HPMCP) on drug-loaded mesoporous SBA-15 tablet. Using famotidine (Famo) as a model drug, the effects of coating times and drying temperature on drug release were studied in detail to optimize the drug release system. In simulated gastric fluid (SGF, pH 1.2), it took only 2 h for Famo to be completely released from mesoporous silica tablet without HPMCP coating. Also in SGF, with the increase of coating times and drying temperature, the release of Famo was greatly delayed by HPMCP coating. For the tablet with twice coating of HPMCP and dried at 80 °C, only 4.0 wt.% of Famo could be released within 4 h. However, in simulated intestinal fluid (SIF, pH 7.4), HPMCP coating did not show obvious effect on the release of Famo.  相似文献   

The oral mucosal cavity is a feasible, safe, and very attractive site for drug delivery with good acceptance by users. The mucosa is relatively permeable and robust, shows short recovery times after stress or damage, is tolerant to potential allergens, and has a rich blood supply. Moreover, oral mucosal drug delivery bypasses the first-pass effect and avoids presystemic elimination in the gastrointestinal tract. Bioadhesive systems provide intimate contact between a dosage form and the absorbing tissue, which may result in high concentration in a local area and hence high drug flux through the absorbing tissue. The efficacy of oral bioadhesive drug delivery systems is affected by the biological environment and the properties of the polymer and the drug. In the present paper, we review systematically some relevant citations regarding the environment, strategies for oral drug delivery and evaluation, and utilization of the main polymers.  相似文献   

Background: The influence of β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) polymers on drug release from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) matrices has not been reported in the literature. Aim: The influence of monomeric β-CD and both soluble and insoluble β‐CD polymers on drug release from tablets containing either 30% or 50% hydroxypropyl methylcellulose has been studied using diflunisal (DF) as model drug. Method: The DF-β-CD inclusion complex (1:1 M) was prepared by coevaporation and characterised using X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, and IR spectroscopy. The dissolution assays were performed according to the USP paddle method. Results: The incorporation of β-CD in the complexed form increases drug release from hydroxypropyl methylcellulose tablets in comparison with the physical mixture because of the better solubilization of the drug. The soluble polymer promotes drug release to a higher extent than the physical mixture with monomeric β-CD, but the insoluble polymer, which is itself a hydrogel, gives rise to the most retarded release profile, probably by retention of the drug in its structure. The formulations containing physical mixtures with either β‐CD or the soluble polymer present an optimum adjustment to zero-order release kinetics, and the inclusion complex followed non-Fickian diffusion according to the Korsmeyer–Peppas model. Conclusion: The release profile of DF from a HPMC matrix can be modulated in different ways by the use of either monomeric or polymeric β-CD.  相似文献   

Polyethylene oxides (PEOs) are extensively used to control the release rate of drugs from matrices. Unfortunately, polyox polymers are prone to oxidation under high temperature and relative humidity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of sodium metabisulfite as an antioxidant to overcome the drug release changes from polyox matrices (PEO 301 and 303) when stored at 40?°C. The effect of different types of fillers (lactose, mannitol and dicalcium phosphate dihydrate) on stability of diltiazem HCl release profiles was also investigated. Generally, the presence of sodium metabisulfite stabilized the release of drug from PEO matrices stored at 40?°C for 8 weeks. Whilst the absence of metabisulfite caused an increase in drug release from polyox matrices when stored at 40?°C. The results indicate that all three concentrations (0.25, 0.5 and 1% w/w) of sodium metabisulfite were able to overcome structural changes of polyox samples hence stabilizing the drug release. The results also showed that the incorporation of fillers in polyox matrices reduced the sensitivity of drug release when stored at elevated temperature. This indicates that when these excipients were used there was no need to incorporate additional antioxidant. DSC results showed that there was no difference in the melting points of fresh polyox samples and aged polyox samples containing sodium metabisulfite, whereas the melting point of aged polyox samples without sodium metabisulfite were lower than fresh polyox samples. This indicates that the presence of metabisulfite is essential to stabilize polyox samples.  相似文献   

Background: Hydrophilic matrix formulations are important and simple technologies that are used to manufacture sustained release dosage forms. Method: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose-based matrix tablets, with and without additives, were manufactured to investigate the rate of hydration, rate of erosion, and rate and mechanism of drug release. Scanning electron microscopy was used to assess changes in the microstructure of the tablets during drug release testing and whether these changes could be related to the rate of drug release from the formulations. Results: The results revealed that the rate of hydration and erosion was dependent on the polymer combination(s) used, which in turn affected the rate and mechanism of drug release from these formulations. It was also apparent that changes in the microstructure of matrix tablets could be related to the different rates of drug release that were observed from the test formulations. Conclusion: The use of scanning electron microscopy provides useful information to further understand drug release mechanisms from matrix tablets.  相似文献   

The interaction between copovidone and Carbopol 907 is pH dependent. When the pH of an aqueous solution fell below pH 4.5, a water-insoluble complex began to form and precipitate. This complex resulted from a hydrogen-bond-induced interaction between the carboxylic groups in Carbopol 907 and the carbonyl groups of N-vinylpyrrolidone repeat units in copovidone. Consisting of these two polymers at an approximate 1:1 weight ratio, the complex was an amorphous material with a glass transition temperature of 157?°C. The interpolymer complexation in situ was applied to modify drug release properties of Carbopol 907-based theophylline matrix tablets. The effect of copovidone on drug release was dependent on the pH of the dissolution medium. In a 0.1 N hydrochloride acid solution at pH 1.2 and 50?mM acetate buffer at pH 4.0, an insoluble tablet matrix was formed as a result of the in situ interpolymer complexation, and theophylline was released therefore via Fickian diffusion. In a 50?mM phosphate buffer at pH 6.8, drug release from the matrix tablets was still impacted by the in situ interpolymer complexation because of the low-pH microenvironment induced by Carbopol 907. As a result, drug release rate of the matrix tablet containing both polymers at pH 6.8 was slower than that of the matrix tablets containing individual polymers. We observed similar drug release rates at both pH 1.2 and pH 6.8 between tablets containing the physical blend of these two polymers and tablets containing preformed interpolymer complexes.  相似文献   

Formulation and evaluation of Methocel K15M bioadhesive matrix tablets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Methocel K15M is a bioadhesive polymer. Its adhesion and bioadhesion characteristics were evaluated by shear stress measurement and detachment force measurement methods, respectively. The effect of pH on adhesion was studied, and it was found that the maximum adhesion was between pH 5 and pH 6. Adhesion strength at different parts of the sheep intestine was studied; in the duodenal portion of the intestine, the adhesion was maximum. Chlorpheniramine maleate and diclofenac sodium drugs are formulated with Methocel K15M as matrix tablets. In vitro release studies revealed that some of the formulations showed initial first-order behavior followed by zero-order release behavior.  相似文献   

A sustained-release (SR) formulation of phenobarbital (PB) microcapsule tablet was prepared using low molecular weight (MW) DL- and high MW L-poly(lactic acid) (PLA) polymer. Microencapsulation of PB showed a unimodal size distribution (375 to 550 microns) of the microcapsules with high loading capacity (> 84%). Drug release from the microcapsule was influenced by the polymer ratios and increased with an increase in L-PLA amount. Microcapsules and physical mixtures of PB and the PLA were directly compressed independently to form microcapsule and matrix tablets, respectively. Drug release from the microcapsule tablets was significantly lowered (p < .001) compared to matrix tablets or free microcapsule (free microcapsule > matrices > microcapsule tablets). We also investigated the effect of tablet adjuvants, compression pressures, and microcapsule loading on the tablet performance in terms of friability, hardness, porosity, tensile strength, and the release kinetics of PB. The drug release rate increased with increasing compression pressure in the case of Emcompress or lactose, but not Avicel. The drug release rate was three- to fivefold increased with sodium starch glycolate compared to tablets without a disintegrant. With an increase in microcapsule loading, a decrease in the drug release rate was observed; however, the tablet performance remained satisfactory. The morphology of the microcapsules was monitored microscopically after the dissolution and the disintegration of tablets. The drug release accelerated with compression pressures and microcapsule loading from the tablets due to mechanical destruction of the microcapsule wall, which was more clearly seen after disintegration and dissolution of the tablets. Our data suggest that the PLA microcapsule can be tableted to make a SR product without significantly affecting its release kinetics.  相似文献   


The tablets prepared by the direct compression of spray-dried particles of a drug and zein were evaluated in vitro. The release of drug from the tablets was retarded compared with drug powder alone and tablets prepared from the physical mixtures. Drug release from the tablets was controlled by changing drug content and tablet, weight.  相似文献   

The tablets prepared by the direct compression of spray-dried particles of a drug and zein were evaluated in vitro. The release of drug from the tablets was retarded compared with drug powder alone and tablets prepared from the physical mixtures. Drug release from the tablets was controlled by changing drug content and tablet, weight.  相似文献   

The aims were to compare the mucoadhesivity, controlled release properties, and release mechanisms of several polymeric systems of propranolol buccal tablets and to propose polymer(s) for formulation optimization. Mucoadhesivity differences in the polymer ranking between compacts and tablets were found. Mathematical models that best described the matrices were power law or a combination of the power law and Hopfenberg models. Poly acrylic acid (PAA), carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC), and poly ethylene glycol (PEG) in combination, were identified as suitable polymers for formulation optimization of a multipolymeric propranolol buccal tablet. Artificial neural networks were employed as a confirmatory approach to explicate that the selected polymers, in particular PAA, produced the most significant effect on the mean dissolution time and mucoadhesivity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of tablet surface area/volume (SA/Vol) on drug release from controlled-release matrix tablets containing hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC). Soluble drugs (promethazine HCl, diphenhydramine HCl, and propranolol HCl) were utilized in this study to give predominantly diffusion-controlled release. Drug release from HPMC matrix tablets with similar values of SA/Vol was comparable within the same tablet shape (i.e., flat-faced round tablets) and among different shapes (i.e., oval, round concave, flat-faced beveled-edge, and flat-faced round tablets). Tablets having the same surface area but different SA/Vol values did not result in similar drug release; tablets with larger SA/Vol values hadfaster release profiles. Utility of SA/Vol to affect drug release was demonstrated by changing drug doses, and altering tablet shape to adjust SA/Vol. When SA/Vol was held constant, similar release profiles were obtained with f2 metric values greater than 70. Thus, surface area/volume is one of the key variables in controlling drug release from HPMC matrix tablets. Proper use of this variable has practical application by formulators who may need to duplicate drug release profiles from tablets of different sizes and different shapes.  相似文献   

The effects of different concentrations of various polysorbates on the release rate of atenolol from film-coated tablets were evaluated. The release profile of atenolol showed that increasing the concentration of polysorbate resulted in an increase in the release rate of atenolol. The type of polysorbate had less effect on the release rate of atenolol. This study revealed that the release kinetic of atenolol from these film-coated tablets was a function of polysorbate concentration. Correlation coefficients of kinetic models could not solely determine the suitability of the models; the sum of the least square of differences also should be calculated when different kinetic models have similar correlation coefficients.  相似文献   

No bioadhesive patch-based system is currently marketed. This is despite an extensive number of literature reports on such systems detailing their advantages over conventional pressure sensitive adhesive-based patches in wet environments and describing successful delivery of a diverse array of drug substances. This lack of proprietary bioadhesive patches is largely due to the fact that such systems are exclusively water-based, meaning drying is difficult. In this paper we describe, for the first time, a novel multiple lamination method for production of bioadhesive patches. In contrast to patches produced using a conventional casting approach, which took 48 hours to dry, bioadhesive films prepared using the novel multiple lamination method were dried in 15?min and were folded into formed patches in a further 10?min. Patches prepared by both methods had comparable physicochemical properties. The multiple lamination method allowed supersaturation of 5-aminolevulinic acid to be achieved in formed patch matrices. However, drug release studies were unable to show an advantage for supersaturation with this particular drug, due to its water high solubility. The multiple lamination method allowed greater than 90% of incorporated nicotine to remain within formed patches, in contrast to the 48% achieved for patches prepared using a conventional casting approach. The procedure described here could readily be adapted for automation by industry. Due to the reduced time, energy and ensuing finance now required, this could lead to bioadhesive patch-based drug delivery systems becoming commercially viable. This would, in turn, mean that pathological conditions occurring in wet or moist areas of the body could now be routinely treated by prolonged site-specific drug delivery, as mediated by a commercially produced bioadhesive patch.  相似文献   

Cellulose derivatives are the most frequently used polymers in formulations of pharmaceutical products for controlled drug delivery. The main aim of the present work was to evaluate the effect of different cellulose substitutions on the release rate of ibuprofen (IBP) from hydrophilic matrix tablets. Thus, the release mechanism of IBP with methylcellulose (MC25), hydroxypropylcellulose (HPC), and hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC K15M or K100M) was studied. In addition, the influence of the diluents lactose monohydrate (LAC) and β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) was evaluated. Distinct test formulations were prepared containing: 57.14% of IBP, 20.00% of polymer, 20.29% of diluent, 1.71% of talc lubricants, and 0.86% of magnesium stearate as lubricants. Although non-negligible drug-excipient interactions were detected from DSC studies, these were found not to constitute an incompatibility effect. Tablets were examined for their drug content, weight uniformity, hardness, thickness, tensile strength, friability, porosity, swelling, and dissolution performance. Polymers MC25 and HPC were found to be unsuitable for the preparation of this kind of solid dosage form, while HPMC K15M and K100M showed to be advantageous. Dissolution parameters such as the area under the dissolution curve (AUC), the dissolution efficiency (DE20 h), dissolution time (t 50%), and mean dissolution time (MDT) were calculated for all the formulations, and the highest MDT values were obtained with HPMC indicating that a higher value of MDT signifies a higher drug retarding ability of the polymer and vice-versa. The analysis of the drug release data was performed in the light of distinct kinetic mathematical models—Kosmeyer-Peppas, Higuchi, zero-, and first-order. The release process was also found to be slightly influenced by the kind of diluent used.  相似文献   

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