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Defining the meaning of a specific place is difficult. Blairgowrie is a peaceful and naturally protected beach haven on the Nepean Peninsula on the tip of the Mornington Peninsula, in Victoria, Australia. When a major development is perceived as threatening the quality of place, it is perhaps already too late to begin to name its characteristics or particular attributes. The evocative and poetic qualities of Blairgowrie do not reveal themselves immediately. Only over a period of time, and by visiting at various times of the day in all seasons, can one begin to fathom its moods, its soul, its many colours; and to touch its memories. Here sea and sky can meet, or divide, totally unobstructed, depending on climatic conditions, seasonal weather patterns and diurnal changes. It is still possible to get a sense of scale and wide-angle limitless vision. When a Safe Boat Harbour was proposed for Blairgowrie, residents came out in force to voice their objections or their support. A tribunal hearing was put in place. In light of the dismissal of qualitative data, of reflective experiential material, of community opinion, of values of the 'other' in planning tribunal hearings, this paper attempts to build a case for putting into words 'the meaning of place'. The Safe Boat Harbour proposal was the catalyst for this exploration of 'meaning of place', and is not itself primarily the subject of this paper. This very personal paper begins to examine the meaning of this place. Through images, perceptions, and representations; through time; history, topography; flora and fauna: it attempts to find a way of coming to terms with this extraordinary land/seascape. In the long term this project aims to produce relevant, authoritative, and defensible research that provides the context and rationale for the selection and assessment of places of outstanding heritage significance. Further, it will provide a case study in support of new planning regulations for 'place' zones (Mant, 2001) rather than the generic land use zones, which are current in Victoria.  相似文献   

“Land use” is a key term in the language of city planning, but its meaning is growing ever more ambiguous. In this article, the author identifies some of the major dimensions of the land use concept, and attempts to make each dimension the basis of a distinct land use classification. The result is a multiple classification system which is comprehensive, flexible, and well suited to modern machine-techniques of data manipulation; it is also capable of putting land use data in a form which corresponds to many of the practical concerns of planning.  相似文献   

随着全球恐怖袭击日益增多,安全城市在反恐研究和部署方面的滞后性也逐渐显现出来。恐怖袭击具有针对平民、以标志性建筑和政要人物活动聚集处为主要目标、手段极端、带有政治目的等特点。针对以上特点,安全城市可进行非常规安全规划,打造"外松内紧"的安全规划体系,建构高科技监护下的"水陆空"立体安全体系,针对重点地段进行重点防护,建立起有效、完整的反恐体系。  相似文献   

陈孟东 《世界建筑》2005,(4):110-112
西九龙40 hm2的填海造地重新规划为香港未来文娱艺术区可追溯到1994年,当时政府意向在维多利亚港这块海滨宝地建造一个重点体育馆和一个大型的海滨公园。1999年香港新机场的设计建筑师诺曼·福斯特设计的一个平均高达120m,覆盖面积为20hm2的“天篷”赢取了政府为此新规划举办的概念设计比赛。2004年底,政府宣布了最后招标的3个入围发展财团,2005年中将决定最终中标者。自此香港公众开始质疑此大型滨海发展被单一发展财团控制,及未来30年文化活动依赖于房地产收益的可行性。而政府对于这重点的发展未提供有效控制的规划条例,也成为公众批评的重点。这篇文章主旨在介绍此高度争议项目的背景及公众主要争议的内容。  相似文献   

This paper examines the application of concepts of place, locality and constructions of place identities as frameworks for place-based regulatory planning instruments to control development across whole local government areas. New approaches to achieving single-level, place-integrated planning documents in NSW are summarised that move away from the traditional format of land use zones. This will require a more place-focused governance to act as a strategic relational arena in existing localities.  相似文献   

Although the concept of ‘land use planning’ is now firmly enmeshed in American urban planning, its meaning still remains vague. This paper aims to clarify the meaning by examining the historical development of land use planning in the USA. At the beginning of the twentieth century, city planners viewed a city as an organic unit of public facilities. While city planning thereafter provided potential elements of land use planning, such as zoning, zoning surveys and land use classification systems, the idea of land use planning itself was actually derived from rural county planning and was initially utilized in urban county planning as a guide for zoning in the 1930s. After bringing about a change in the way cities were viewed, that is, as a pattern of land use and population density, land use planning was further employed as a guide for urban redevelopment policies in the 1940s, and finally reaching full integration into city planning in the 1950s and 1960s.  相似文献   

国际海岸带规划管制研究与山东半岛的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王东宇  刘泉  王忠杰  高飞 《城市规划》2005,29(12):33-39,I0002
尽管海岸带规划管制在国际上的开展已非常普遍,但在我国仍属新兴和前沿课题。结合笔者主持的多项山东半岛海岸带相关规划课题的研究成果,对国际海岸带规划管制发展的背景、管制方式和重要内容,以及沿海化压力下,山东半岛海岸带规划管制的解决之道做了解析和总结。  相似文献   

华侨大学厦门校区龙舟训练馆是学校在国侨办的批示下,为更好地发展中华才艺(龙舟)培训基地而筹划设计的专业训练场馆。本文尝试通过对其设计背景、设计思路的分析,说明其如何在满足基本功能需求的同时,达到传递中华文化并体现侨校特色的特殊要求。  相似文献   

Spatial planning has been the subject of critique within the South African context, particularly the disconnect between the intentions of spatial plans and land use decision-making. The City of Cape Town uses a land use assessment mechanism called the Package of Plans, originally developed for the assessment of the Victoria and Alfred Waterfront development, which based on the hierarchical nature of the approach, can provide a link between strategic spatial planning and land use decision-making. Although the mechanism was developed for a specific purpose over 20 years ago, it has not been reviewed within the current spatial planning and land use legislative context. The paper reviews the Package of Plans within this current context and discusses the role it can play in linking spatial planning and land use management within the Cape Town context (and perhaps elsewhere). In so doing, it raises particular questions regarding the role of the mechanism within the City of Cape Town and ways its implementation could be improved.  相似文献   

Rapid population growth and industrialisation resulted in severe pollution in Hong Kong's urban harbours. Victoria Harbour is located in the centre of Hong Kong and received substantial discharges of untreated sewage and industrial effluents but even the formerly rural Tolo Harbour experienced serious pollution as a consequence of excessive nutrient loadings from livestock wastes and wastewaters following the development of new towns around its shores. This paper provides an overview of the marine ecological disturbance and pollution pressures in Hong Kong coastal waters and discusses the measures adopted to intercept and improve wastewater discharges that consequently led to improvements in coastal water quality in local harbours.  相似文献   

This study aims to raise the level of attention paid to surface water management issues in spatial planning and urban development processes. In the case of cities located in alluvial river plains, surface water bodies may occupy large areas but severe ecological and environmental consequences can arise if they are given insufficient weight in the planning and development processes. After discussing in general terms some of the connections between surface water bodies and urban land use we specifically examine the situation in Wuhan, one of the largest cities in China, which has many surface water bodies in its urban region. We measure and analyse land use changes between 1993 and 2004 to lakes and shallow water bodies and their riparian areas using data derived from detailed land use surveys of the city. Our results show that urban expansion has had a significant impact on Wuhan's surface water bodies and their riparian zones. The reduction, disappearance and pollution of surface water may contribute to the undervaluation of water bodies, thereby increasing the likelihood of further impacts taking place. An integrative and proactive land use planning and management system at regional strategic level and local action level is considered to be essential if surface water systems are to be conserved and improved. Increased recognition of their societal and ecological value should be reflected in more detailed attention to the spatial requirements of water bodies and riparian areas in urban planning policies.  相似文献   

Understanding the ways people respond to place in an inter-cultural context is a rich and rewarding process. The knowledge-discovery journey can involve different modes of transport and multiple and various routes. The qualitative vehicle, although soft in its steering and often circular in direction, provides opportunities to explore landscapes that one rarely sees in single-trajectory intellectual travel. Using hermeneutics and phenomenology, with a particular focus on metaphors and tropes, a number of conceptual journeys related to researching the experience of migration are described. The difficult state of being 'between place' and how this becomes manifest in real places is explored. The journeys show that only by travelling circuitously can one arrive at a multi-faceted form of awareness of the experience of migration and place.  相似文献   

对日本职业教育院校校园规划中的空间分布,以及用地面积指标进行分析,结论如下:职校的空间布局适应区域产业发展的特征,但与工业用地的关系并不密切。以东京和名古屋为例,职业院校倾向于分布在交通干线密集的城市中心区,较少分布在工业用地集中区。与我国不同,日本职校建设标准不要求校园容积率,对体育用地要求也较灵活。日本职校规划在校园与城市的结合度、土地开发强度和体育用地配置方面对我国有所启示。  相似文献   

事实上,它是一个优美的、具有表现力和充满灵感的建筑,而不是一个仅能满足基本要求的遮蔽物,它是设计者想象力和洞察力的见证。The fact that it is a beautifully expressive and inspiring structure,rather than a lowest-common-denominator shed,is witness to the imaginative and visionary powers of its designers. 千禧穹顶是为了迎接新千年而兴建的标志性建筑,旨在建成一个庆祝性、标志性和非等级的建筑,以提供巨大而灵活的空间。不仅这个项目本身备受瞩目,它还是整个格林威治半岛未来发展规划的关键环节,这个规划正是由罗杰斯·斯特克·哈伯及合伙人事务所(RSHP)完成的。  相似文献   

代朋  梁琳 《建筑与文化》2016,(2):132-133
在城市的产生和发展建设过程中,人类在一定程度上不断探索并创造着满足自身意愿和文化理想的人工环境,以人类中心主义为原则的现代城市建设已经引起了严重的环境问题,生态城市的规划建设正是解决这一问题的理想途径。建立人与自然、人与经济、人与社会之间整体协调的发展观,是现代城市建设的思想之基,规划和建设和谐统一生态文明城市的实质就是建设一种美好的人居环境和人类文明与礼仪的居所。  相似文献   

Taking the method of formal consensus as its conceptual point of departure, the article analyses the Swedish cadastral executive procedure ( fastighetsförrättning ) as a case where the issue of land use directly confronts the individual citizen with the state administrative apparatus and its interpretation of the land policy legislation. In the mixture of negotiations, consensual decision-making and court procedure that characterizes this process the emphasis is on the crucial, and complex role of the executive land surveyor. Identifying deliberative democracy and communicative planning theory as two complementary discourses within which to discuss the cadastral executive procedure, the article finally argues that giving consensual approaches to planning a stronger place in their training would substantially improve the ability of the land surveyor to execute her/his delicate set of roles in this procedure.  相似文献   

此案位于香港北角中段一座四十年老房的第十五层,窗外美丽的维多利亚海景一览无遗。  相似文献   

灰色用地在苏州工业园区的规划探索   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨忠伟  臧慧怡 《规划师》2009,25(5):21-24,38
灰色用地是城市发展的弹性用地,是在城市发展过程中的一种过渡用地形式,当土地利用形式不能满足社会发展需要时,可以将弹性用地转换为其他类型用地.苏州工业园区规划将灰色用地定义为"退二进三"的工业用地,通过两次规划(整治性规划和功能置换规划),实现以最低的成本置换土地功能,适应市场经济发展要求.  相似文献   

The Black Dirt Region in the State of New York has been well-known for the unique taste of its onions, which is attributed to the organic matter that weighs over 80% in the soil. In recent years, however, the rigid economic pattern restrains the development of this area. In the meantime, local agricultural production is more and more vulnerable to flooding. When this region is labeled as “highly productive of crops,” the persistent factors that have been shaping the black-dirt landscape are omitted. The other name of the place, “the Drowned Lands,” may better capture its entangled relationship with water. In this article, hydrogeological dynamics and human desire are regarded as the factors that sustain landscape continuity and stability. Based on the research on historical sedimentation in the Drowned Lands, this article attempts to delineate a local scenario of covert landscape evolution since the Last Glacial Maximum. The proposal initiates a composite pathway of ecological functions and touristic values in the agricultural region. Within a series of “landscape prompts,” a lesser-known tale of local geology and prehistoric culture is told. Through design interventions, alternative possibilities of rural landscape are tested, embedded meaning of the agricultural land becomes tangible, and a more adaptive human–land relationship is restored.  相似文献   

This paper explores the interplay between people and a distinctive rural locality namely Vredefort Dome World Heritage Site, South Africa to inform spatial planning guidelines. A transdisciplinary, qualitative research methodology was followed. First, participants’ experiences in relation to the rural landscape were obtained using photographs, interviews and focus groups. Experiences related to physical and emotional safety, relaxation and tranquillity, hope and curiosity, and relational experiences with people and a divinity emerged. Drawing on these interactional experiences, participants (divided into multi-disciplinary groups) made visual collages of how to maintain the sense of place. Guidelines developed included two-dimensional site planning guidelines: (i) a sense of arrival; (ii) development zones; (iii) conservation zones; (iv) compatible land uses; (v) a low density, spatially dispersed development pattern and (vi) footpaths. Three-dimensional design guidelines included: (i) unity in style with a diversity of detail designs; (ii) restricted buildings sizes; (iii) building heights of maximum two storeys; (iv) specified building materials and (v) prescribed colour codes. The paper contributes to existing sense of place research by proposing an integrated, contextual and participatory approach as a possible way forward to make the sense(s) of place explicit by integrating these in spatial planning guidelines.  相似文献   

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