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研究由一个供应商和一个制造商组成的二级供应链协同创新中的知识转移问题,分析了分散决策、集中决策、普通收益共享决策和议价条件下的收益共享决策时四种情形对供应链协同创新中知识转移决策的影响,比较了四种决策情况下的相关变量的大小和在不同知识吸收能力下的变化规律。结果发现:收益共享契约机制可显著提高供应链协同创新中的知识转移数量,有利于提高供应链的整体利润,还有助于降低产品零售价格、批发价格等,并且议价条件下的收益共享契约机制比普通的收益共享契约机制效果更为明显。研究表明收益共享契约机制能够有效地促进供应链企业间的协同创新,同时供应链企业间的知识吸收能力也会影响到供应链协同创新的效率。  相似文献   

张本成  范会联  瞿堃 《计算机工程》2007,33(13):150-152
分析了目前CSCL系统在支持个性化与移动性等方面灵活度不够的问题,结合SIP协议具有灵活、方便、易扩展的会话呼叫控制特性,提出并实现了一种基于SIP协议的CSCL模型系统,讨论了该模型系统的体系结构及解决个性化与移动性问题的机制。  相似文献   

考虑无人机群体行为决策与状态变化的内在驱动,从信息处理角度提出基于决策知识学习的多无人机航迹协同规划方法.首先,基于马尔科夫决策过程对无人机的行为状态进行知识表示,形成关于连续动作空间的决策知识;然后,提出基于知识决策学习的深度确定性策略梯度算法,实现无人机在决策知识层次上的协同规划.实验结果表明:在研发设计演示系统的基础上,所提方法通过强化学习能够得到一个最优航迹规划策略,同时使航迹综合评价和平均奖励收敛稳定,为无人机任务执行提供了决策支持.  相似文献   

计算机支持的远程协作学习的理论、环境及技术   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
远程教育若想持续发展和生存 ,其关键是解决好教学的规模和质量问题 .目前的远程教学中主要依赖的信息共享 ,个体学习 ,有限交互的模式已经不能满足学习者对学习质量越来越高的期望 .本文认为 ,导致学习效果不佳的原因是由于网络环境下学习者之间相互隔离 ,缺少课堂学习的互动互助效果 .因此在远程学习系统中提供多种方式的交互手段 ,促进协作学习 ,是提高学习质量的有效途径 .为此 ,本文讨论了计算机支持的远程协作学习中有关的理论和环境要求 ,提出了基于信息资源重构 ,可操作浏览器以及 XML 统一数据类型协议等技术的解决方案  相似文献   

江雨燕 《微机发展》2003,13(2):55-58,65
随着计算机网络技术的迅速发展和计算机协同工作CSCW(Conputer Supported Collaborative Work)理论和技术研究的深入,计算机协同学习(Computer Supported Collborative Learning)的思想逐渐被引入计算机网络远程教育的应用中,它打破了“背靠背”网络教学模式引发的交流障碍,在充分继承和发扬网络教学优势的基础上,更加强调老师和学生之间,学生和学生之间各种教学信息的实时交互性和学习的协同性,从而将传统课堂教学与网络教学的优势充分地结合起来。主要介绍基于CSCW系统中协作学习的基本概念和远程教育的基本模式。  相似文献   

协同学习环境中的嵌套式知识空间模型和感知处理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为使协同学习环境能提供合理的学习导航和灵活的感知处理,提出了嵌套式知识空间模型,其中包含知识域、知识域之间的4种关系和知识空间等.根据该模型建立的协同学习环境,可以对系统中的文档资料进行有效的组织和管理,帮助学习者找到学习目标以及所需的资料进行学习.为了消除用户在远程协同学习环境中的“孤独感”,在嵌套式知识空间模型的基础上,提出了协同学习环境中的多级感知处理模型.它包括两种感知方式:多层感知空间方式和定制监测方式.此外在感知处理模型中,为用户提供了信息过滤器和隐私保护器,可有效地进行信息过滤和隐私保护.  相似文献   

基于WEB的教学系统正在流行,但多数局限于学生孤独地浏览网上教材,缺乏依靠网络而形成的同学之间相互讨论和经验分享,因而无法吸引学生上网学习,使用效果并不理想。文章提出了基于WEB平台的“知识分布式合作学习”的概念,它通过网络建立合作工作环境(CSCW),形成虚拟的合作学习群体,促使教师与学生、学生与学生经验共享、信息交、讨论问题。文章介绍了该系统的设计与实现。  相似文献   

Over the past several years, a number of research studies have investigated the application of group support system (GSS) technology to the classroom. The purpose of this paper is twofold: (1) to summarize and assess what has been learned from this emerging body of research, and (2) to draw on the GSS and cooperative learning literatures to construct a framework to guide future studies. The review of research studies reported in this paper focuses on comparative studies investigating the synchronous GSS classroom environment. While research findings regarding the impacts of GSS on learning performance are somewhat mixed, early indications are encouraging and suggest that GSS may have a positive impact under certain situations. A framework based on the GSS and cooperative learning research is introduced that identifies the contextual, group process, and outcome factors that researchers may wish to consider when designing and interpreting future research studies in this area.  相似文献   

陈明  鲁强 《计算机工程》2007,33(16):32-34
团队成员进行项目开发时需要共享彼此之间的知识,这样能够增加项目的开发效率。针对在Internet环境下进行团队项目开发的特点,提出了一种团队知识共享模型,通过使用本体来描述模型下的知识结构,在此基础上实现知识订阅和发布的形式化表示方法和规则,实验表明,此模型下的知识订阅和发布机制能够加快团队成员之间的知识共享。  相似文献   

Analysis of interaction patterns is one of the most important indicators of quality of learning in educational web forums. Social network analysis (SNA) is gradually assuming importance in the study of interaction patterns as it focuses on the analysis of the interrelationships between individuals, thus providing a holistic perspective on group performance. However, most of the studies that use SNA in computer-supported collaborative learning scenarios derive their data from server log files, on the assumption that this data source reflects the way people really interacted online. This study, the purpose of which is to better understand the communication flows that really occur among users, challenges these assumptions through an experimental study that makes a comparison between the structural method normally used to detect the posting addressees and an approach enriched with semantic coding. Results show that this new coding schema, if compared with traditional structural coding, detected a greater number of addressees, thus allowing a greater number of postings to be included in an SNA adjacency matrix.  相似文献   

符合学习者特征的学习资源对于提高协作学习效率具有重要的影响。但是传统的学习资源推荐,没有充分考虑学习者、学习资源的特征和高效的推荐算法。针对上述问题,提出了基于协同过滤的学习资源推荐算法,根据学习者学习特征、学习资源特征和学习者对学习资源历史评价信息,采用协同过滤推荐算法,实现学习资源推荐。首先,通过学习者特征和学习资源的评分,寻找相似学习者并计算学习资源预测评分,然后根据该评分值和学习资源与学习者匹配度推荐学习资源,从而为学习者推荐符合自己兴趣爱好最合适的学习资源。实验结果表明该算法在个性化学习资源推荐的准确性上优于传统算法。  相似文献   

一种面向个性化协同学习的任务生成方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
现有协同学习应用无法很好地支持学习任务的生成以及学习者的个性化学习.针对此问题,提出了一种面向个性化协同学习的学习任务生成方法.该方法在学习任务形式化描述的基础上,通过学习者分组、确定学习资源、分解学习单元、分配学习模式以及生成事件序列等步骤,生成既符合学习者群体认知水平,又符合个体学习者个性特征的协同学习任务.根据此任务,可以较好地实现网络环境下群体学习者的个性化协同学习.目前,该方法已在Smart-Realcalss网络教学系统中得到应用.  相似文献   

This article is a methodological contribution to the use of design experiments in educational research. We will discuss the implications of a historical and situated interpretation to design experiments, the consequences this has for the analysis of the collected data and empirically based suggestions to improve the designs of the computer-based learning resources. This interpretation differs from that of the majority of other researchers who consider design experiments as fixed interventions. Our interpretation allows for an understanding of students' learning trajectories as part of the school's overall activities, which in turn has implications for suggestions regarding the improvement of computer-based learning resources. We develop argument in three different ways. First, we discuss our interpretation of design experiments and compare it with the dominant debate about design experiments as a methodological approach. Second, we discuss the implications this position has for interaction analysis methods. Finally, we empirically demonstrate this methodological implication by illustrating how vital it might be to consider data collected as part of design experiments as an element of a larger, established institutional setting characterized by inherent socio-cultural features. A conclusion that may be drawn from our situated interpretation of this design experiment is that, to improve students' knowledge constructions, it is not enough – nor is it in principle possible – to perfect the design of the technology. We also need to improve institutional aspects on how schools support students' knowledge constructions when using these technological tools, where the teacher's role in this work is invaluable. A historical and situated interpretation of design experiments provides insight into how these improvements may be made.  相似文献   

针对传统的基于协同过滤的饮食推荐算法只利用用户-物品评分矩阵,没有考虑物品本身的语义信息而导致推荐精度不高的问题,本文通过构建知识图谱引入菜品间的语义信息作为重要推荐依据,提出一种基于知识图谱嵌入和协同过滤的个性化饮食推荐算法.通过在2个不同的低维连续的向量空间里表示出菜品实体及其关系,计算菜品间的语义相似度,将语义相...  相似文献   

针对目前语义缺失,缺少可重用性、互操作性、共享性的学习资源现状,提出将知识点本体引入学习资源库功能模型的构建和学习知识的表达,模型中采用KDD技术对领域学科知识点的内在联系及层次关系进行分析和研究.并构建领域知识点本体模型,为学习资源适应个性化学习提供语义基础,实现资源的共享和重用。  相似文献   

提出了一种用于动态序列合成的统计模型-基于核密度估计的隐马尔可夫模型,给定一个输入动态序列,该模型可以自动产生被控的输出动态序列,文中提出的模型是一种以非参数化概率密度估计作为观测模型的隐马尔可夫模型,该模型对输入和受控输出序列的联合概率分布进行建模,并利用基于核函数的概率密度估计来学习联合概率分布的细节信息,文中详细地讨论了该模型的学习和合成算法,并利用该模型实现了一个虚拟指挥系统,即给定一段音乐,系统可以自动生成相关的乐队指挥动作,该文利用该系统对不同风格和节拍的音乐做了实验,实验结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Many teachers adopt networked collaborative learning strategies even though these approaches systematically increase the time needed to deal with a given subject. But who's making them do it?. Probably there has to be a return on investment, in terms of time and obviously in terms of educational results, which justifies that commitment. After surveying the particular features of two experimental projects based on networked collaborative learning, the paper will then offer a series of thoughts triggered by observation of the results and the dynamics generated by this specific approach. The purpose of these thoughts is to identify some key factors that make it possible to measure the real added value produced by network collaboration in terms of the acquisition of skills, knowledge, methods and attitudes that go beyond the mere learning of contents (however fundamental this may be). And it is precisely on the basis of these considerations that teachers usually answer the above question, explaining who (or what) made them do it!.  相似文献   

协同学习环境中的嵌套式知识空间模型及实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对传统协同学习系统中普遍存在着学习材料组织混乱、学习工具隔离使用和感知处理困难等问题,本文提出了嵌套式知识空间模型,该模型包含知识域、知识域之间的包含关系、相关关系、拟序关系和并行关系以及知识空间等概念。根据此模型建立的协同学习系统中,可将学习材料及学习工具和学生的学习过程有机的整合在一起,提高学生的学习效果。另外本文还给出了描述此模型的具体数据结构和相关算法,并开发了相应的工具给教师进行模型管理。  相似文献   

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