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Processes involving biomass oxidation are considered to be CO2 neutral since the replenishing of the biomass by normal growth will remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Thus the use of charcoal in the production of metallurgical coke, to be used as a reducing agent in the formation of iron, would be a strategy for the reduction of CO2 in the overall ironmaking process. This paper describes experimental attempts to produce industrial grade coke from coking coal blends to which are added amounts of charcoal up to 10%. Coking experiments were carried out partly in a 30 lb coke oven and partly in a sole heated oven. The influence of blend composition, heating rates and charcoal particle size was investigated. Cokes made using fine charcoal addition (− 60 mesh) were considerably weaker than cokes made from the base blend. This is interpreted to be the effect of the ash constituents in the charcoal which, among other things, contains much higher calcium than the coals used. However, carefully sized fractions of coarse charcoal (− 3/8 + 1/4 in) produced much higher quality coke, possibly the result of a different dispersion of the charcoal mineral components.  相似文献   

Using a manometric experimental setup, high-pressure sorption measurements with CH4 and CO2 were performed on three Chinese coal samples of different rank (VRr = 0.53%, 1.20%, and 3.86%). The experiments were conducted at 35, 45, and 55 °C with pressures up to 25 MPa on the 0.354-1 mm particle fraction in the dry state. The objective of this study was to explore the accuracy and reproducibility of the manometric method in the pressure and temperature range relevant for potential coalbed methane (CBM) and CO2-enhanced CBM (CO2-ECBM) activities (P > 8 MPa, T > 35 °C). Maximum experimental errors were estimated using the Gauss error propagation theorem, and reproducibility tests of the high-pressure sorption measurements for CH4 and CO2 were performed. Further, the experimental data presented here was used to explicitly study the CO2 sorption behaviour of Chinese coal samples in the elevated pressure range (up to 25 MPa) and the effects of temperature on supercritical CO2 sorption isotherms.The experiments provided characteristic excess sorption isotherms which, in the case of CO2 exhibit a maximum around the critical pressure and then decline and level out towards a constant value. The results of these manometric tests are consistent with those of previous gravimetric sorption studies and corroborate a crossover of the 35, 45, and 55 °C CO2 excess sorption isotherms in the high-pressure range. The measurement range could be extended, however, to significantly higher pressures. The excess sorption isotherms tend to converge, indicating that the temperature dependence of CO2 excess sorption on coals at high-pressures (>20 MPa) becomes marginal. Further, all CO2 high-pressure isotherms measured in this study were approximated by a three-parameter excess sorption function with special consideration of the density ratio of the “free” phase and the sorbed phase. This function provided a good representation of the experimental data.The maximum excess sorption capacity of the three coal samples for methane ranged from 0.8 to 1.6 mmol/g (dry, ash-free) and increased from medium volatile bituminous to subbituminous to anthracite. The medium volatile bituminous coal also exhibited the lowest overall excess sorption capacity for CO2. However, the subbituminous coal was found to have the highest CO2 sorption capacity of the three samples. The mass fraction of adsorbed substance as a function of time recorded during the first pressure step was used to analyze the kinetics of CH4 and CO2 sorption on the coal samples. CO2 sorption proceeds more rapidly than CH4 sorption on the anthracite and the medium volatile bituminous coal. For the subbituminous coal, methane sorption is initially faster, but during the final stage of the measurement CO2 sorption approaches the equilibrium value more rapidly than methane.  相似文献   

World soils and terrestrial ecosystems have been a source of atmospheric abundance of CO2 ever since settled agriculture began about 10–13 millennia ago. The amount of CO2-C emitted into the atmosphere is estimated at 136 ± 55 Pg from terrestrial ecosystems, of which emission from world soils is estimated at 78 ± 12 Pg. Conversion of natural to agricultural ecosystems decreases soil organic carbon (SOC) pool by 30–50% over 50–100 years in temperate regions, and 50–75% over 20–50 years in tropical climates. The projected global warming, with estimated increase in mean annual temperature of 4–6°C by 2100, may have a profound impact on the total soil C pool and its dynamics. The SOC pool may increase due to increase in biomass production and accretion into the soil due to the so-called “CO2 fertilization effect”, which may also enhance production of the root biomass. Increase in weathering of silicates due to increase in temperature, and that of the formation of secondary carbonates due to increase in partial pressure of CO2 in soil air may also increase the total C pool. In contrast, however, SOC pool may decrease because of: (i) increase in rate of respiration and mineralization, (ii) increase in losses by soil erosion, and (iii) decrease in protective effects of stable aggregates which encapsulate organic matter. Furthermore, the relative increase in temperature projected to be more in arctic and boreal regions, will render Cryosols under permafrost from a net sink to a net source of CO2 if and when permafrost thaws. Thus, SOC pool of world soils may decrease with increase in mean global temperature. In contrast, the biotic pool may increase primarily because of the CO2 fertilization effect. The magnitude of CO2 fertilization effect may be constrained by lack of essential nutrients (e.g., N, P) and water. The potential of SOC sequestration in agricultural soils of Europe is 70–190 Tg C yr−1. This potential is realizable through adoption of recommended land use and management, and restoration of degraded soils and ecosystems including wetlands.  相似文献   

C.J. Liu  G.X. Wang  S.X. Sang 《Fuel》2010,89(10):2665-2672
Pore structure changing of coal during the CO2 geo-sequestration is one of the key issues that affect the sequestration process significantly. To address this problem, the CO2 sequestration process in an anthracite coal was replicated using a supercritical CO2 (ScCO2) reactor. Different coal grain sizes were exposed to ScCO2 and water at around 40 °C and 9.8 MPa for 72 h. Helium pycnometer and mercury porosimetry provide the density, pore size distribution and porosity of the coal before and after the ScCO2 treatment. The results show that after exposure to the ScCO2-H2O reaction, part of the carbonate minerals were dissolved and flushed away by water which made the true density increased as well as total pore volume and porosity most importantly in the micro-pore range. Hysteresis between mercury intrusion and extrusion was observed. Ink bottle shaped pores can be either damaged or created compared with the ScCO2 treated coal samples. This suggests that the ScCO2 treatment most likely increase the volumes of pores in anthracite coal, which also contributed to the increase in porosity of the treated samples. Therefore the CO2 sequestration into coal appears to have the potential to increase significantly the anthracite microporosity which is very advantageous for CO2 storage.  相似文献   

Scope of the work presented in this paper is to examine and evaluate the application of the oxyfuel combustion CO2 capture technology in a lignite-fired power plant from an economic point of view. Results from simulations dealing with the most important features for CO2 reduction are performed. The operational characteristics, the efficiency penalties as well as the net efficiency reduction emerging from the Greenfield application of the oxyfuel technology are presented.CO2 capture costs and the energy requirements associated with the oxyfuel method affect significantly the cost of electricity. This paper focuses on the analysis of the techno-economic factors that result in the increase of the cost of electricity in comparison with the conventional air-fired power plant. For this reason a typical Greek lignite power plant is used as a reference case. Any technical, economic and financial assumptions applied provide a common basis for both power plants (i.e., conventional and oxyfuel) for the assessment of the change of the cost of electricity and the CO2 capture cost. The oxyfuel simulations are performed by taking into account the adoption of measures for the exploitation of heat that would otherwise be wasted. Such measures concern both the water/steam cycle and the gas flows (e.g., the oxygen flow). Heat integration from processes - such as the air separation, the CO2 compression and purification and the flue gas treatment - is adopted in order to lower as much as possible the efficiency penalty.The cycle calculations have been performed using the thermodynamic cycle calculation software ENBIPRO (ENergie-BIllanz-PROgram). ENBIPRO is a powerful tool for heat and mass balance solving of complex thermodynamic circuits, calculation of efficiency, exergetic and exergoeconomic analysis of power plants. The software code models all pieces of equipment that usually appear in power plant installations and can accurately calculate all thermodynamic properties (temperature, pressure, enthalpy) at each node of the thermodynamic circuit, power consumption of each component, flue gas composition, etc. The code has proven its validity by accurately simulating a large number of power plants and through comparison of the results with other commercial software (Stamatelopoulos GN. Calculation and optimisation of power plant thermodynamic cycles. VDI-Regulations. Series 6, No. 340. Braunchweig, Mechanical Engineering Department; 1996 [in German]).  相似文献   

P.G. Ranjith  M.S.A. Perera 《Fuel》2011,90(8):2751-2759
Climate scientists are practically unanimous in the belief that anthropogenic greenhouse gas contributions have added to the thickness and thus the effectiveness of the greenhouse gas layer, leading to a warming of the planet (IPCC, 2005 [1]). Engineers and scientists around the globe are researching and developing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These measures have included proposals to sequester carbon dioxide (CO2) in deep geological formations (Perera et al., in press [18]). For CO2 sequestration in deep geological reservoirs to become a feasible strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, a sound understanding of the manner by which mechanical properties and permeability changes with the introduction of CO2 to the geological reservoir will influence the stability of that reservoir is required. Thus there is a need to develop laboratory equipment capable of simulating the CO2 injection and storage process for deep geological CO2 sequestration under the expected in situ pressure (confinement and fluid) and temperature conditions. Triaxial experiment has been identified as the best method for this purpose (Perera et al., 2011b [19]). Therefore, we present a new high-pressure triaxial apparatus which can provide the high confining and fluid injection pressures and elevated temperatures expected for deep geological CO2 sequestration. The new setup can be used to conduct mechanical and permeability testing on intact or fractured natural rock samples or synthetic rock samples subjected to high-pressure injection of up to three fluid phases (gas and/or liquid) at high pressures and temperatures corresponding to field conditions. The equipment is capable of delivering fluids to the sample at injection pressures of up to 50 MPa, confining pressures of up to 70 MPa and temperature up to 50 °C and will continuously record fluid injection and confining pressures, axial load and displacement, radial displacement and independent outflow rates for liquid and gas fluid phases (under drained conditions).Leakage tests have confirmed the effectiveness of the device at pressures up to its maximum capacities. Additionally the temperature-pressure relationship for the hydraulic oil used to apply confining pressure to the sample has been calibrated to account for the influence of changes in temperature on confining pressure. Several permeability tests (using N2 and CO2 as the injection fluid and 10 MPa confining pressure) and one strength test are reported for black coal samples from the Sydney Basin, New South Wales. According to the results of the permeability tests, coal mass permeability decreases with increasing effective stress for both gases. However, the permeability for N2 gas is much higher than CO2. Moreover, test results are consistent with matrix swelling due to the adsorption of CO2 in coal. The strength testing results are in agreement with the results of testing carried on similar black coal samples from literature, certifying the ability for the new device to accurately measure strength and deformation properties of rock under deep ground conditions.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of experimental investigation and analysis of challenges for utilizing enzyme bovine carbonic anhydrase for sequestration of CO2 in saline formations. Several sets of controlled bench-top experiments were conducted, and results are presented in this paper, where effects of various parameters including pH, concentration of enzyme, and temperature on enhancing hydration and subsequent precipitation of CO2 in the form of calcium carbonate were tested. A mathematical model describing the extent and rate of precipitation was developed upon analyzing the results of these tests. Subsequently, core flood tests were conducted where effect of enzyme on precipitation of CO2 in Berea cores, and its impact on porosity and permeability of the porous media were investigated. These tests indicated that the pressure drop across cores was increased about 2-4 times, which is an indication of precipitation of CO2 in the form of calcium carbonate in porous media. In addition to above tests, effect of timing and scheme of the injection on extent of CO2 precipitation in porous media was tested. It was observed that co-injection of CO2 and enzyme solution leads to higher pressure drop across the cores in tests reported here. Finally, the learning of above tests has been used to outline a series of potential challenges and propose solutions for effective utilization of enzyme bovine carbonic anhydrase for safe sequestration of CO2 in saline formations.  相似文献   


Microalgae are the unicellular or multicellular photosynthetic microorganisms that can efficiently fix carbon dioxide (CO2) from various sources such as the environment, industrial flue gas, and some carbonate salts. In the present study, one green microalgal strain and a cyanobacterial consortium were used separately for the sequestration of CO2 at different pHs (7–11), at different initial concentrations of CO2 (5–20%), and at various inoculum sizes (5–12.5%). The maximum sequestration of CO2 was found to be 74.37 ± 0.49% and 71.12 ± 0.05% at 5% and 15% CO2 for green algae and cyanobacterial consortium. The biomass generated after sequestration of CO2 was utilized for the synthesis of biomolecules.  相似文献   

Oxyfuel boiler design in a lignite-fired power plant   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
E. Kakaras  D. Giannakopoulos  I. Vorrias 《Fuel》2007,86(14):2144-2150
In the context of CO2 capture and storage, the oxyfuel technology provides a promising option applicable in centralised power production schemes. This technology is based on combustion with pure oxygen instead of air and the flue gas mainly consists of CO2 and H2O. The work presented in this paper is focused in the application of the oxyfuel technology in a lignite-fired power plant. Significant design issues are the required extended flue gas recirculation in order to provide the ballasting effect of the absent N2 and moderate the furnace temperatures. Therefore, a modified design of heat exchange surfaces of the oxyfuel steam boiler was formulated and was compared to a conventional air-fired boiler. A typical modern Greek air-fired power plant has been used as reference. The dominating factors that affect the dimensioning of the oxyfuel boiler are the higher radiative heat transfer - due to the high concentrations of CO2 and H2O in the flue gas - and the different flue gas mass flow, compared to a conventional air-fired boiler. For the determination of the thermodynamic cycle characteristics, simulations were made with the use of a thermodynamic cycle calculation software [Stamatelopoulos GN. Calculation and optimisation of power plant thermodynamic cycles, VDI-Regulations, Series 6, Nr. 340. Braunchweig, Mechanical Engineering Department; 1996 [in German]].  相似文献   

Changdong Sheng  Yi Li 《Fuel》2008,87(7):1297-1305
The present paper was addressed to mineral transformations and ash formation during O2/CO2 combustion of pulverized coal. Four Chinese thermal coals were burned in a drop tube furnace to generate ashes under various combustion conditions. The ash samples were characterized with XRD analysis and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy. The impacts of O2/CO2 combustion on mineral transformation and ash formation were explored through comparisons between O2/CO2 combustion and O2/N2 combustion. It was found that, O2/CO2 combustion did not significantly change the mineral phases formed in the residue ashes, but did affect the relative amounts of the mineral phases. The differences observed in the ashes formed in two atmospheres were attributed to the impact of the gas atmosphere on the combustion temperatures of coal char particles, which consequently influenced the ash formation behaviors of included minerals.  相似文献   

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