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国家营养改善项目--铁强化酱油   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球约有1/5人患缺铁性贫血,我国儿童贫血率在25%左右,妇女贫血率在20%左右,孕妇贫血率高达35%,成年男子贫血率则在10%左右。铁缺乏及贫血严重影响儿童的体格、智力发育及其成年后从事体力和脑力劳动的能力,对育龄妇女则不仅危害其自身健康,更可能波及下一代健康。中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所研制出的乙二胺四乙酸铁钠(NaFeEDTA)强化酱油具有吸收率高,不改变酱油自身的食用方法和口感,改善贫血效果显著以及经济安全等特点。随着人们对铁缺乏的重视以及各方的鼎立支持,铁强化酱油将得到全力推广,使百姓真正受益于铁强化酱油。  相似文献   

食品营养强化是现阶段解决人群营养素缺乏的重要途径之一。自20世纪40年代起,许多国家和地区相继出台了各自的食品营养强化法规及标准,这对促进食品营养强化产业的发展发挥着重要的指导性作用。食品营养强化标准主要根据目标人群营养状况、膳食结构、预期营养改善程度、营养素安全性、科学性以及国际贸易等因素制定,并且能够根据实施效果的动态监测数据及时进行调整。该文通过对美国、加拿大、菲律宾、澳大利亚、新西兰及中国的食品营养强化原则和强化标准进行比较分析,提出可以借鉴其他国家经验,引导我国食品营养强化行业的发展;为避免营养素摄入不足或过量应分人群规定营养素强化水平;建立食品营养强化法规标准有助于营养强化食品的推广和普及;一些新兴食品产业如生物强化食品等相关营养标准也亟待建立,以规范市场秩序及满足广大居民的营养需求。  相似文献   

国内外食品强化管理法规标准比较研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 完善我国食品强化政策体系,修订相关标准.方法 利用法规文献检索、案例分析等方式研究分析了国内和部分国家食品强化法律法规体系、食品强化目的 、强化类型、强化营养素及强化水平、食品载体等方面的管理模式和主要内容.结果 所研究的国家根据国情采取不同的食品强化管理模式;法规、标准及政策指南等构成了食品强化管理法规体系;通常综合考虑目标人群营养状况、膳食结构、预期营养改善程度、营养素的安全性以及国际上认可的科学资料等因素制定食品强化标准.结论 建议尽快完善我国的食品强化政策指南,结合营养素风险等级和食品营养声称确定强化水平,系统开展某些营养素的危险性评估工作.  相似文献   

将受试学生分为正常(NA)组、铁缺乏不贫血(IDNA)组和缺铁性贫血(IDA)组,测定铁强化酱油干预前后学生的铁营养指标和认知能力水平。结果表明,干预后,IDA组血红蛋白Hb、血清铁蛋白SF水平均显著升高(P<0.05),IDNA组的SF水平显著升高(P<0.05),而NA组的Hb、SF水平无明显变化(P>0.05)。干预后,IDNA组记忆再认量表分显著增加(P<0.05),IDA组的基本认知能力、知觉速度、心算效率和记忆再认能力均显著增加(P<0.05),而NA组的各项基本认知能力在干预前后均无统计学差异(P>0.05)。干预后IDA组学生的托尼测试得分增加,但与NA组比较仍有显著差异(P<0.05)。铁强化酱油干预可以有效改善铁缺乏学生的铁营养状况,对铁缺乏不贫血和缺铁性贫血学生的认知能力也有明显的改善作用。  相似文献   

铁强化面粉研究与开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文概述了铁作为一种必需的微量元素,在人体生长发育过程中的生理功能。探讨了面粉中强化铁的可行性和必要性,对铁营养强化剂的选择、配方设计原则及强化工艺等技术问题进行了研究论述,介绍了一种多维富铁面粉的产品配方等。  相似文献   

牛乳是一种营养丰富、易消化吸收的营养食品。随着我国人民生活水平提高,现代乳业迅速发展,牛乳已越来越多地成为人们的重要的营养品和婴幼儿的主食品。牛乳中营养成分含量的多少,尤其是微量元素的含量,直接影响到人民身体的健康,尤其是婴幼儿的生长发育。据中国预防医学科学院等单位,对我国19个省市学前儿童抽样检测,发现有60%左右的儿童缺锌。鲁力同志报道,“估计世界上缺铁至贫血者占人口的10—20%,我国七岁以下儿  相似文献   

铁营养与铁强化酱油   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文介绍了铁对人体健康的影响、铁营养的强化及铁强化酱油。  相似文献   

该文介绍了铁缺乏引起的危害以及如何防治,其中食用铁强化酱油是一种事半功倍的有效途径。  相似文献   

观察乙二胺四乙酸铁钠(NaFeEDTA)强化酱油干预对铁缺乏不贫血(iron deficiency without anemia,IDNA)学生注意力和学习成绩的影响.以血红蛋白(Hb)值、血清铁蛋白(SF泄为指标将受试者分成正常(NA)组、铁缺乏不贫血(IDNA)组,观察NaFeEDTA强化酱油对IDNA、注意力和学...  相似文献   

Food fortification strategy--preventing iron deficiency anemia: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) is a significant challenge in developing countries. It increases the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight. In children, IDA retards growth, impairs cognitive performance, and reduces physical activity. It also accelerates the mortality and morbidity rate in women. The key factors responsible include dietary elevated iron demand, socioeconomic, and disease status. To overcome IDA, disease control measures, dietary diversification, supplementation and iron fortification in food have been adopted. Iron fortification in food is considered a long term and sustainable strategy in the present scenario. For an efficient fortification program, the combination of iron fortificants and food vehicle must be safe, acceptable, and consumed by the target population. Moreover, it should not adversely affect acceptability and stability of the end product.  相似文献   

Effects of iron/lipid ratio, Tween 80 and polyglycerol monostearate (PGMS)/iron ratio on encapsulation efficiency (EE) of liposome and fatty acid esters (FAE) methods were investigated. Then, microencapsulated irons were added to pasteurised milk, and during storage, stability, colour and sensory characteristics were evaluated. Regarding liposome method, the highest EE (85.5%) was found at iron/lipid ratio and Tween 80 of 0.04 and 5%, respectively. In terms of FAE, the highest EE (81.8%) was obtained at PGMS/iron salt ratio of 15:1. Regarding sensory properties, the differences were insignificant (P > 0.05) except metallic taste and smell (P < 0.05). Moreover, milk fortified with FAE‐microencapsulated irons showed highest similarity to control particularly at low concentration (7 mg L?1). In general, the FAE technique was found very efficient, low cost, simple, rapid and practical for microencapsulation of iron in either forms as well as fortification of pasteurised milk.  相似文献   

乙二胺四乙酸铁钠(NaFeEDTA)的国内外法规情况研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了国内外关于NaFeEDTA的法规标准情况。在安全及毒理学方面,其使用量不超过铁的暂定每日最大耐受摄入量(PMTDI)0.8mg/kg bw,以及EDTA不超过1.9mg/kg.bw时,NaFeEDTA在食品中应用是安全的。从质量技术指标上,各个国家主要参考JECFA 2006的质量标准为制订依据;相较其他国家,美国食品化学品法典(FCC 6&FCC 7)又补充了部分指标要求,而且对铁、EDTA和pH的指标也做了更严格的限定。在使用范围方面,各国要求各异,大多局限于食物强化中应用,但根据欧盟最新批准状况,NaFeEDTA已经批准应用于食品补充剂和特殊营养用食品中。  相似文献   

The use of high‐temperature extrusion for the development of a micronutrient delivery vehicle (MDV), made of rice and maize (1:1 w/w), as part of a fortification technology for traditional nixtamalised maize (NM) masa at the point of use was evaluated. A Welly puffing extruder and a peristaltic pump were used to establish a uniform extrusion process for MDVs containing 302 ± 13 mg kg?1 of NaFeEDTA or 656 ± 8 mg kg?1 of ferrous bisglycinate. After manual premixing (30 s) of MDVs with NM (1:20 or 1:40 MDV:NM) and grinding with a pilot scale burr mill (5 min), iron distribution in masa was variable, ranging 3–21% RSD within sections of individual 2‐kg batches. Kneading (5 min) shortly after grinding resulted in uniformed iron distribution (<4% RSD). Despite the iron source and fortification level, fortified NM masa was harder and darker than control after 8‐h storage at room temperature; however, these changes require further sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

Zinc fortification of whole rice grain through parboiling process   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The present study evaluated the effectiveness of zinc (Zn) fortification in a parboiling process for improving Zn density in parboiled-polished rice and its potential bioavailability in the human diet. Fortification of Zn in whole paddy rice grain with 50–400 mg Zn/kg paddy rice, during parboiling, increased Zn concentrations in polished-parboiled rice from 1.3 to 4.5 times those in unfortified parboiled rice. The added Zn rapidly penetrated into parboiled rice grains in the initial soaking process before saturation. There was an exponential correlation between Zn concentrations in unpolished (r = 0.63) (p < 0.01) and polished rice (r = 0.30) (p < 0.05) and soaking time. Zinc concentrations in unpolished rice were linearly correlated with Zn concentration in the polished rice (r = 0.60) (p < 0.01). Moreover, more than half of the added Zn is retained after a simulated washing process before cooking, ranging from 64–100%. In the Zn-fortified parboiled rice, 57–100% of Zn in polished rice grain was soluble in dilute acid, which was indicative of a high potential Zn bioavailability for human intake. The results suggest that parboiled rice has great potential for Zn fortification.  相似文献   

In this study, we manufactured 3 types of caprine milk Cheddar cheese: a control cheese (unfortified) and 2 iron-fortified cheeses, one of which used regular ferrous sulfate (RFS) and the other used large microencapsulated ferrous sulfate (LMFS). We then compared the iron recovery rates and the microstructural, textural, and sensory properties of the 3 cheeses under different storage conditions (temperature and duration). Compositional analysis included fat, protein, ash, and moisture contents. The RFS (FeSO4·7H2O) and LMFS (with 700- to 800-μm large particle ferrous sulfate encapsulated in nonhydrogenated vegetable fat) were added to cheese curds after whey draining and were thoroughly mixed before hooping and pressing the cheese. Three batches of each type of goat cheese were stored at 2 temperatures (4°C and ?18°C) for 0, 2, and 4 mo. We analyzed the microstructure of cheese using scanning electron microscopy and image analysis software. A sensory panel (n = 8) evaluated flavors and overall acceptability of cheeses using a 10-point intensity score. Results showed that the control, RFS, and LMFS cheeses contained 0.0162, 0.822, and 0.932 mg of Fe/g of cheese, respectively, with substantially higher iron levels in both fortified cheeses. The iron recovery rates of RFS and LMFS were 71.9 and 73.5%, respectively. Protein, fat, and ash contents (%) of RFS and LMFS cheeses were higher than those of the control. Scanning electron microscopy analyses revealed that LMFS cheese contained smaller and more elongated sharp-edged iron particles, whereas RFS cheese had larger-perimeter rectangular iron crystals. Iron-fortified cheeses generally had higher hardness and gumminess scores than the control cheese. The higher hardness in iron-fortified cheeses compared with the control may be attributed to proteolysis of the protein matrix and its binding with iron crystals during storage. Control cheese had higher sensory scores than the 2 iron-fortified cheeses, and LMFS cheese had the lowest scores for all tested sensory properties.  相似文献   

Iron deficiency is the leading nutritional deficiency in the U.S. and the rest of the world, with its highest prevalences in the developing world. Iron fortification of food has been proposed as a strategy to reduce the high prevalence of iron deficiency. Poor consumer acceptance, unacceptable taste, and discoloration of the iron-fortified foods have been frequently listed as causes of unsuccessful iron fortification programs. An excellent prospect for improving consumer acceptance of iron-fortified foods is the incorporation of a thorough, organized, and unified approach to sensory evaluation practices into iron fortification programs for product optimization. The information gained from systematic sensory evaluation allows for the manipulation of the sensory attributes, and thus improvement of the sensory properties of the fortified food. However, iron fortification programs have not systematically measured the effect of fortification on the sensory quality of the food. Because sensory evaluation is an important criterion in successful iron fortification, an integrated approach is necessary. Therefore, nutritionists and sensory scientists should work closely with each other to select the most suitable sensory tests and methods. The objectives of this article are to: (1) critically review and discuss some traditional and contemporary approaches and applications of sensory evaluation practices in iron fortification programs, and (2) demonstrate the importance of incorporating a multidisciplinary, systematic sensory evaluation approach in iron fortification programs.  相似文献   

Deficiencies of iron, zinc and vitamin A have been a focus of the governments and world organizations for decades and extensive efforts are being made to address this malnutrition. Being a popular and most common dietary staple of the population living in sub-continent and developing countries, wheat flour (WF) has gained a significant attention as a suitable vehicle for micronutrient fortification. Fortification of wheat flour has been established as an appropriate strategy to curtail micronutrient deficiencies especially in the developing economies. Extent of the prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies, their consequences, selection of a suitable vehicle, choice of fortificants and their levels and storage stability, acceptability and bioavailability of iron and zinc fortified WF are the key points of discussion in the current review. This review further highlights multifaceted issues pertaining to the appropriateness and suitability of fortification over other intervention strategies, ecological needs and fortification success stories and advantages of simply adding fortificants to flour to meet nutritional requirements of vulnerable groups. The authors have attempted to encompass the subject matter based on their research endeavors made in this direction.  相似文献   

Iron supplementation can promote oxidation of food matrices as well as cell lipids. The oxidative stability of oil/water emulsions stabilised by β-lactoglobulin (BLG) or sodium caseinate (SC) was studied in the presence of Fe-bisglycinate, NaFe-EDTA or FeSO4. Lipid oxidation was evaluated by following the peroxide value (PV) and the thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) over 7 days. At pH 6.5, for Fe-bisglycinate iron complement, the oxidation kinetics was more reduced with BLG than with SC. Contrarily to BLG, SC possesses phosphate groups that have more affinity for iron ions than carboxylate residues. Both BLG and SC stabilised emulsions were more oxidised with Fe-bisglycinate or FeSO4 than with NaFe-EDTA. At pH 3.5, lipid oxidation was higher compared to pH 6.5. These results indicate that the competition for iron complexation between functional groups of protein and salt counter-ions (glycinate, sulphate or EDTA) appear as a key factor in oxidation.  相似文献   

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