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并行设计和施工方法具有缩短项目完成时间的潜力,但是该方法比传统方法具有更多的不确定性.主要原因之一是未预料的变更带来的反复循环及其对项目绩效的影响.文中基于并行设计和施工方法的动态行为,提出了变更影响项目绩效的作用机制模型.  相似文献   

工程设计区别于土建施工,有其自身的特点,采用常规的关键路径法(cPM)技术不能解决设计计划中的“反复”和“循环”问题。为此,可以采用分析设计计划技术(ADEPT)对CPM技术加以改进,并应用于设计计划管理。改进后的方法在建立依赖结构矩阵(DSM)的基础上,运用遗传算法进行DSM优化,将设计“反复”和“循环”包装成“环节点”,回归到常规的CPM表现形式中,实现了ADEPT和CPM的结合,应用实例对此改进做了验证。该方法适用于以信息加工为特征、以非物质产品或服务为成果的项目。  相似文献   

结合天津市某逆作施工项目实例,设计了一种新型逆作法梁板施工悬挂支撑体系,此支撑体系悬挂在地下室顶板上,每层结构施工完成且下步土方开挖至要求标高后,可直接将此支撑体系下降至下层标高循环使用,省去了模板架料反复搭拆、倒运过程,加快了施工速度,同时也可有效保证结构施工质量,对类似地下逆作施工具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

当高铁与在建铁路并行时,并行段线路方案的选择和建设方案的确定直接影响到铁路施工安全和工程的经济性,如何在有效确保施工安全的同时缩短线间距、节约用地和减少拆迁量,提高工程经济性是高铁选线设计研究的重点内容。论文以南沿江城际铁路为项目背景,对高铁与在建铁路并行段选线要点和建设方案进行总结和研究,从而对高铁与在建铁路并行段的选线设计提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

根据在卵石层中试桩的施工经验,提出了卵石层中钻孔灌注桩的施工方法。宜采且正循环钻进2~3 m,再采用泵吸反循环对卵石及碎屑进行抽吸清碴,清碴至正循环钻进的孔深后,再采用正循环钻进2~3 m之后,将钻具提高2~3 m采用泵吸反循环对卵石及碎屑进行抽吸清碴,如此反复进行,直至成孔达到设计要求。  相似文献   

部分斜拉预应力混凝土组合桥梁裂缝成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
涂俊 《城市建筑》2013,(12):244-245
预应力结构中出现裂缝一直困扰着桥梁工程技术人员。本文引用某工程实例中出现的裂缝病害,利用MIDAS空间三维杆系单元,分析该桥在施工工况和使用工况作用下的受力情况,并分析对比该桥塔下双支座之一的约束方向摆放错误对整体结构和细部构件造成的影响。本文得出的结论是,设计时的不足和施工中的错误综合造成了该桥严重病害的局面。本文的分析结果为该项目的后续改造提供了依据,本文的裂缝分析方法也为今后相关项目的病害预防和成因分析提供了参考。  相似文献   

机电安装工程是建筑工程施工的重要组成部分,机电安装和设计管理的重要性不断提高,并且加强了机电设计管理。PDCA循环方法已成为施工管理的一项重大成功,将其应用于各种安全管理和管理实践中可以大大提高施工效率,将其应用于机电安装工程的开发可确保各种连接的顺利进行。PDCA循环在提高管理水平方面起着重要作用。  相似文献   

并行工程技术在制造业中的成功应用以及施工企业存在建筑过程各阶段集成度不高,特别是信息集成度和项目管理水平不高的问题,使有可能、有必要将其引入建筑业。本文结合建筑业自身特点和并行思想,提出了基于并行团队的施工项目组织模式和基于PDM的并行工程集成框架,建立了适应施工企业的信息模型即基于项目分解和虚拟文件夹的项目信息模型。  相似文献   

李明 《四川建材》2011,37(3):273-273,275
在施工阶段,因业主对项目要求修改、设计错误、或因现场施工环境和施工技术要求与设计不一致,均会产生设计变更。本文分析了工程变更的影响因素,介绍了工程变更的管理及处理原则,论述了工程变更对造价的影响与控制。  相似文献   

BIM 在发达国家广泛应用的实践经验表明能有效提高项目建设的生产效率。基于 BIM 和价值链理论,探讨 BIM 理念及相关技术在 EPC 项目价值链的各增值环节的重要作用,提出以 BIM 为基础,对 EPC 项目建设各环节的活动进行强化以提高项目质量和生产效率,对设计采购施工并行建设优化降低项目成本,为实现 EPC 项目价值增值提供手段和途径,也为业主、总承包商和其他利益相关方更好地创造价值和获取利润奠定基础。  相似文献   

Design errors can have a negative impact on the cost, schedule and safety performance of construction projects. They can also have an adverse effect on an organisation's profitability, as additional work requires resources and time to rectify the error that has occurred. The reduction (i.e. measures designed to limit the occurrence of failures) and containment (i.e. measures designed to increase the detection and accelerate the recovery of errors) of design errors can therefore ameliorate organisational and project performance as well as improve safety. A systemic framework that classifies design error reduction and containment strategies according to people, organisation and project is propagated. It is suggested that when people, organisational and project strategies are implemented, incongruence then the propensity for design error reduction will significantly increase. The proposed framework can be used as a point for reference for implementing error management strategies to anticipate for ‘what might go wrong’ in construction projects.  相似文献   

Rework that is experienced in construction projects is often caused by errors made during the design process. Factors that contribute to design errors are identified and used to design and develop a systems dynamics model, which is used to simulate a number of practical scenarios that can be used to reduce design errors and rework. The model presented in this paper can enable design and project managers to understand better the process of design documentation and how design errors occur in construction projects.  相似文献   

随着建设工程项目的大型化、复杂化,其设计中的迭代问题也呈多发趋势。但相应技术或方法的缺乏,使得管理者在面对此类问题时常显得束手无策。因此,本文尝试将DSM理论引入到复杂建设工程设计进度管理领域,针对传统进度管理方法的缺陷及现有复杂建设工程设计过程中易发的迭代问题,构建一种以DSM理论为基础的进度优化体系,同时用蒙特卡洛模拟方法对设计进度的不确定性进行研究,最终将其运用于某大飞机配套工程设计进度优化中。结果显示,该模型在迭代活动识别、活动排序优化及工期分布预测计算方面均具有一定的优势,并可以通过解耦操作实现进度的优化,通过仿真模拟预判关键活动,为复杂建设工程设计进度的优化提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

车辐式张拉结构施工随机误差敏感性研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
深圳市宝安体育场屋盖结构为车辐式张拉结构,目前拟采用定尺定长设计与张拉的施工方法.在索系结构的张拉施工过程中,各种类型的构件会产生不同的制作与安装误差.这些误差对结构的位形与力学性能影响,涉及到误差影响的敏感性分析.针对宝安体育场屋盖结构,提出一个误差敏感性判定指标,对其施工过程中可能产生的各种误差进行敏感性分析,包括各类拉索的误差与外环梁误差等.通过对屋盖结构在各类随机误差同时存在下的结构力学性能研究发现,当构件加工与安装等各环节的精度满足一定条件时,宝安体育场屋盖结构能够抵抗各种随机误差造成的不利影响.  相似文献   

作为重大基础设施投资项目,地铁工程建设持续时间长、涉及专业多,对建设单位的专业化管理程度要求高。结合地铁项目特点,从管理实践出发,分析研究了建设单位在不同设计阶段规划设计管理工作的主要内容和工作重点,对工作中存在的问题提出解决方案或思路。研究认为,地铁项目的规划设计管理人员应按照规划设计阶段的不同,理出主要工作,抓住关键任务,对各阶段容易出现的问题提前进行预判,做到心中有数;规划资料和现状基础资料的收集是建设单位主要职责,也是稳定设计的前提,应该作为重点工作完成;成熟、稳定且可实施性强的方案离不开外部条件的协调稳定,在初步设计阶段外部协调工作应予以高度重视;设计功能的不断完善和投资的有效控制应该作为设计管理人员的工作目标而不断强化。  相似文献   

结合某工程海洋平台的结构特点、功能和安装装配关系,对整个结构进行了设计划分,并对拆分的模块进行单独施工与安装,最后将各个模块进行装配组合成为整个海洋平台结构,通过模块化设计与施工可以降低结构设计、制造和安装的成本,缩短项目工期,减少失误。  相似文献   

地铁车辆段上盖物业开发的关键工程问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地铁车辆段上盖物业开发存在很多关键性问题。针对开发策划、建设时序、运营成本、交通组织、消防设计和防雷接地等多个关键问题,逐一进行分析。地铁运营后,考虑车辆段对上盖物业产生的环境影响,重点分析了地铁列车振动、噪声、电磁辐射、废气及固体垃圾等其它因素对上盖物业的影响,并提出了相应的控制措施。地铁车辆段上盖物业开发的关键问题研究可为后续地铁车辆段上盖物业的设计及可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

We analyze the impact of parallel vs. sequential design coordination strategies on coordination productivity and information sharing. Previous studies have shown how building information modeling (BIM) could improve interorganizational design coordination between architecture, structure, and mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) components of buildings (MEP coordination, for short) and thus improve the quality and efficiency of a design and construction project in terms of the reduced numbers of errors and requests for information. This paper presents a unique case where two MEP coordinators were hired for a BIM-assisted project, which was a pharmaceutical company headquarters office building in Silver Spring, Maryland. The first coordinator coordinated MEP designs concurrently with other trades, whereas the second coordinator coordinated MEP designs step-by-step in a sequential process. The results of our analysis showed that the two different coordination processes largely affect the number of clashes in the first run of clash detection, coordination meeting time and efficiency, ease in finding root causes of the clashes, and number of coordination cycles to complete the coordination. As such, the sequential coordination strategy was about three times faster than the parallel strategy in terms of coordination productivity. A further examination of these two processes from an information-sharing perspective showed that the sequential coordination process reduces the concentration of information, thus reducing the overload of a coordinator with decision-making tasks, and facilitates information sharing between heterogeneous project participants. The findings of this study have potential as a basis for future development of BIM-based MEP coordination best practices and strategies as well as providing the metrics for understanding, measuring, and predicting the performance of BIM-based MEP coordination and strategically planning the coordination process.  相似文献   

设计管理是项目管理中承前启后的重要环节,设计是联系业主需求和现场施工的桥梁,对整个工程的质量、进度、造价和业主功能需求的满足具有重大的影响和作用,通过设计管理可以深化目标、指导实施.因此,设计管理是进行项目管理、决定项目成败的关键因素之一.  相似文献   

One of the most perplexing issues facing organizations in the construction industry is their inability to become quality focused. As a result sub-standard products and services often emanate, which inadvertently result in rework. Typically, rework is caused by errors made during the design process. These errors appear downstream in the procurement process and therefore have a negative impact on a project's performance. The lack of attention to quality, especially during the design process, has meant that rework has become an inevitable feature of the procurement process, and the costs have been found to be as high as 12.4% of total project costs. Such costs could be even higher because they do not represent schedule delays, litigation costs and other intangible costs of poor quality. To reduce the cost and effect of rework, an understanding of its causal structure is needed so that effective prevention strategies can be identified and the effects of rework reduced or eliminated. A case study approach based upon deductive and inductive reasoning is used to identify the major factors that influence rework in projects. From the findings and with reference to recent literature, the concept of system dynamics is used to develop a series of influence diagrams, which are then integrated to develop a conceptual causal loop model that is used to determine the overall causal structure of rework. Once an understanding of the causal structure of rework events has been acquired, effective strategies for rework prevention can be designed and implemented in order to improve project performance. This paper contributes to study of quality in construction by capturing the complexity and dynamism of those factors that influence rework and project performance in a holistic manner.  相似文献   

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