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<正>近期,由中国食品科学技术学会休闲食品加工技术分会主办的第四届中国休闲食品产业发展高峰论坛于近日在北京召开,来自休闲食品产业各领域的400位代表就中国休闲食品的现状、问题和发展机遇与挑战等话题进行交流。与会代表一致认为,休闲食品在满足消费者娱乐和休闲需要的同时,正在成为"一日三餐"中的第四餐。中国食品科学技术学会孟素荷理事  相似文献   

正三字经说:"酸苦甘,及辛咸;此五味,口所含。"甜味是中国传统五味之一,普遍受到消费者喜爱。而作为食品添加剂的一种,甜味剂也逐渐受到大家的关注。何为甜味剂?按照《食品安全国家标准食品添加剂使用标准》(GB 2760-2014),甜味剂是指赋予食品甜味的物质,如三氯蔗糖、阿斯巴甜等。通常我们从蔗糖和蜂蜜中获得甜感,中国传统上还使用甘草,现代使用罗汉果、甜叶菊调配甜味。但是,蔗糖、  相似文献   

<正>由中国食品工业协会糖果专业委员会和科隆展览中国有限公司共同主办的2010中国糖果文化节暨第七届中国国际甜食及休闲食品品展览会于2010年10月28日至30日在上海国际展览中心隆重举行。对专业观众而言,该活动是中国甜食与休闲食品行业的风向标;对终端消费者而言,该活动是甜食与休闲食品文化的传播者。  相似文献   

丁莹 《粮油食品科技》2021,29(3):125-133
养生休闲食品是一种根据中医理论,利用药食同源物品进行食养或具有养生功能宣称的传统休闲食品制成品。养生休闲食品的主要售卖渠道是基于淘宝、天猫、京东等线上电商平台和微店、有赞商城以及微商渠道,养生休闲食品如今已经发展成为线上休闲食品品类下不可忽视的子品类。综合考察线上养生休闲食品,其中相当一部分受到了古代食养思想、中医中药理论的影响,从用材配方到功效宣称,都很大程度上继承了古代食治方剂和药食同源思想,养生休闲食品传承了中国古代食治方剂非遗遗产,一定程度上弘扬了我国的文化遗产,但其高度还原性也同时暴露了养生休闲食品发展的天生缺陷,即复制有余、创新不足,这可能也是制约当前古法养生休闲食品发展的重要原因。随着电商经济的持续发展,部分养生休闲食品品牌在坚持古为今用的基础上,创造性地进行了食品硬件和软件方面的改进升级,做出了有益的尝试和突破,为未来休闲食品产业发展,提供了中国智慧和方案。  相似文献   

休闲食品自问世以来,受到不同年龄段人的青睐。休闲食品与其他食品的最大区别在于它是一种吃不饱的食品,食用一定量也不会引起饱胃感。休闲食品食用的主要目的是为了消除闲暇时的寂寞,是闲情逸趣的伴侣;它也是一种享受型的食品,是增添口福的零食。休闲食品是以糖和各种果仁、谷物、水果的果实以及鱼、肉类为主要原料,配之各种香料及调味品而生产的具有不同风味的食品。  相似文献   

<正>在食品加工中,甜味剂砂糖在口内的甜味强,但不适用于咖啡等饮料或食品料中作甜味剂,因为砂糖甜味会使食品本来风味减少,味质发粘不受人欢迎。如单用葡萄糖作甜味剂甜味又过低,单用果糖作甜味剂也有残留在口内糖度高及发粘的缺点。  相似文献   

<正> 中国国际甜食及休闲食品生产技术展览会继2007年成功首展后,2008年9月3日至5日将继续在上海浦东新国际博览中心举办。与其展品形成上下游产业关系的中国国际甜食及休闲食品展览会仍将同期举行,为中国糖果、巧克力及休闲食品的原料、设备及生产包装企业和广大批发商、零售商搭建贸易大平台。  相似文献   

<正> 翘首以盼的科隆四重专业食品展——2008中国国际甜食及休闲食品展览会、中国国际甜食及休闲食品生产技术展览会、世界食品中国展览会和中国上海国际食品加工及包装机械展览会,在经历了忙碌而精彩的三天展期后,于2008年9月5日顺利落下帷幕。展览会得到了中国食品工业协会、中国食品和包装机械工业协会、中国焙烤食品糖制品工业协会、上海市连锁经营协会、德国农业学会、德国糖果工业  相似文献   

<正>2017年3月21日,"第三届中国休闲食品产业发展高峰论坛暨首届中国成都休闲食品新品发布会"在四川成都隆重召开。本次会议由中国食品科学技术学会休闲食品加工技术分会(以下简称"分会")主办,中国农业科学院农产品加工研究所果蔬食品制造与营养科学团队承办,成都乐客食品技术开发有限公司、郑州远东食品联盟协办。论坛得到了国家工信部消费品工业司、中国食品科学技术学会、伊春市政府、青海省海西州都兰县政府等单位的大力支持,来自科研院  相似文献   

露酒是中国传统酒种,调味是中国露酒勾调的核心工艺之一,具有甜味的成分是露酒风味调控的常用物质。GB/T 17204—2021《饮料酒术语和分类》将露酒从配制酒中分离出来作为独立酒种,并重新定义。该文简述了露酒和甜味物质的定义,通过统计市售露酒产品的配料总结露酒的常用甜味物质,对糖源、既是食品又是中药材的物质和酒基这些具有甜味的物质的特点、功能进行总结,对甜味物质在中国露酒风味调控中的应用研究进展进行了综述,并对甜味物质的应用研究方向进行了展望,以期为中国露酒的产品开发、风味调控和规范化生产提供参考。  相似文献   

Objective: To quantify and compare the nutrient‐density of commonly consumed snacks using two nutrient‐density measures, Nutrient Rich Foods Indices 9.3 (NRF 9.3) and 15.3 (NRF 15.3). Design: Identify commonly consumed categories of snacks and individual snack foods, calculate NRF 9.3 and 15.3 scores, rank snacks by category and by individual food based on nutrient density, compare and contrast scores generated by the two NRF Indices. Main Outcome Measures: NRF 9.3 and 15.3 scores. Analysis: Averages and standard deviations of nutrient‐density scores for each snack category. Results: Vegetables and coffee/tea received the highest category scores on both indices. Cakes/cookies/pastries and sweets had the lowest category scores. NRF 9.3 scores for individual snacks ranged from –46 (soda) to 524 (coffee). NRF 15.3 scores ranged from –45 (soda) to 736 (coffee). Conclusions and Implications: If added to food labels, NRF scores could help consumers identify more nutritious choices. The differences between NRF 9.3 and 15.3 scores generated for the same foods and the limitations of these indices highlight the need for careful consideration of which nutrient‐density measure to include on food labels as well as consumer education.  相似文献   

Due to the efforts of the modern health media and food industry some foods have been praised as healthful while at the same time others have been criticized as promoters of disease and obesity. Does this categorical thinking concerning foods influence judgements of the weight-enhancing properties of foods? In the present study, a group of snack names that were shown to possess positive reputations for health (e.g., raisins) along with snack names that were more disreputable in terms of wholesomeness (e.g., potato chips) were rated in terms of their capacity to promote weight gain. The results indicated that lower-calorie-disreputable snacks were always perceived to promote greater weight gain than much higher-calorie-reputable snacks. Further, fat content rather than sugar or carbohydrate content best predicted the respondents’ ratings. The good versus bad message that we have assimilated concerning food may be contributing to our weight troubles.  相似文献   

崔昭伟  陈建设 《食品科学》2022,43(3):267-275
坚果类休闲食品是以各种坚果、瓜果籽等为原材料,经烘焙、干制、炒制而成,是一类营养丰富且具有独特风味和口感体验的零食,深受消费者的喜爱.本文对坚果类休闲食品的定义、特点、发展现状进行了较为系统的分析,重点阐述坚果类食品的感官与饮食体验及其影响因素和各种评价方法等,以期为坚果类休闲食品的感官体验研究提供新的思路,更好地推进...  相似文献   

随着经济的快速发展与人民消费水平的不断提升,肉类休闲食品产业也随之快速发展。肉类休闲食品属于零食的一种,是人们在闲暇时所享用的食品,也是快速消费食品中重要的组成部分之一。肉类休闲食品种类繁多,在味道、便利、营养、口感和健康方面备受人们青睐。与此同时,随着消费理念不断更新,肉类休闲食品品质与食品安全问题日益受到关注。肉类休闲食品在目前的发展面临诸如肉制品的品质较低等问题,因此需要提升其品质,尤其是在减盐、减糖、减脂、增鲜等方面。在食品加工中存在一些危害物等安全隐患,如化学性、物理性及加工伴生危害物等,需要建立起检测技术和控制技术以做到安全控制。基于此,文章系统性总结了肉类休闲食品品质提升的方法及安全控制领域近十年来的研究进展,以期为肉类休闲食品品质安全保证及产业升级提供借鉴与参考,进而促进肉类休闲食品产业的高质量发展。  相似文献   

在我国经济快速增长、消费方式多样化兴盛和旅游业快速拓展的社会环境中,休闲食品产业发展迅速,而泡椒风味休闲食品作为我国特有的一类发酵食品正异军突起,开始抢占休闲食品大市场。同时随着生活水平的提高,人们对食品安全也越来越重视。为此,该综述对泡椒风味休闲食品生产过程中可能产生有害物质的环节进行研究,从而提出针对提高其安全性的控制措施,促进产业发展。  相似文献   

‘Mediterranean snacks’ (dried fruits and nuts as principal ingredients), a little known food product with a high nutritional value, might be considered a good alternative for consumers looking for healthy snacks. The aim of this research was to determine the physicochemical properties and nutritional value of this type of food stuff (traditionally called ‘fruit cakes’ in Mediterranean countries) and to evaluate their phenolic content and antioxidant activity. All the fruit‐based extruded snacks studied are shelf‐stable at room temperature (because of their pH and water activity values). The final product has a low moisture (<32%) and high sugar content (>30%), the only sugars being those naturally present in the food. All the fruit‐based extruded snacks had a dietary fibre content higher than 10% (high‐fibre foods). Date extruded snack and apricot extruded snack showed the highest total phenolic and flavonoid content and also the highest antioxidant activity as determined by the DPPH and FRAP methods.  相似文献   

<正> 近年来,中国饮食结构不断受到西方餐饮文化的影响,而麦当劳、肯德基等知名快餐店在国内的流行也将一些西方饮食逐渐带入中国人的食谱,其中就包括了油炸薯条。而作为经验丰富的机械设备商,美国热能与控制有限公司(Heatand Control Inc.)一直以来为世界各地提  相似文献   

<正> 甜食业经过2004年的奶糖热,2005年的胶母糖热,在2006~2007年开始了理性调整时期,目前该行业的流行趋势层出不穷。从包装上看,有一口装、小包装和多形式包装;从口感方面来看,分高口感型食品和非高口感型食品从功效上看,又有功能性和非功能性之分。功能性甜食是近几年逐渐在市场上崭露头角且较有发展潜力的主力品种之  相似文献   

Front-of-package (FOP) nutrition labels are designed to help consumers evaluate the healthiness of foods and to promote healthier food choices. In this study, an online experiment with Swiss consumers (N = 1313) was conducted to compare the effects of different nutrition label formats on consumers’ evaluations of snack food healthiness. Participants were asked to select the healthier option in 105 pairwise comparisons of 15 salty snacks. The participants were randomly assigned to one of five conditions: the FOP presented with (1) the nutrition facts table, (2) the multiple traffic light (MTL), (3) the Nutri-Score, (4) the Nutri-Score on half of the products, or (5) no nutrition information (control). The consumers’ evaluations of the snacks’ healthiness were fairly accurate, even without being given nutrition information on the packaging. The Nutri-Score led to the greatest accuracy in identifying the healthier of two snacks (when using the British FSA/Ofcom nutrient profiling score to determine product healthiness); however, this had only a minimal effect on the evaluation when only some of the products were labelled. Both FOP labels were superior to the FOP with and without the nutrition facts. This indicates that for maximum effectiveness, the labelling of all available products is needed. The perceived usefulness and public support of mandatory implementation were higher for the MTL than for the Nutri-Score label; however, for the latter, perceived usefulness and public acceptance were higher among the participants who became familiar with the label during the experiment than among those who did not.  相似文献   

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