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A participatory ergonomics programme was implemented in an automotive parts manufacturing factory in which an ergonomics change team was formed, composed of members from management, the organized labour union and the research team. It was hypothesized that the participatory nature of this change process would result in enhanced worker perceptions of workplace communication dynamics, decision latitude and influence, which in conjunction with anticipated mechanical exposure reductions would lead to reduced worker pain severity. Utilizing a sister plant in the corporation as a referent group, a quasi-experimental design was employed with a longitudinal, repeat questionnaire approach to document pre-post intervention changes. Nine participatory activities (psychosocial interventions) were implemented as part of the process. Communication dynamics regarding ergonomics were significantly enhanced at the intervention plant compared to the referent plant. However, there were no significantly different changes in worker perceptions of decision latitude or influence between the two plants, nor did pain severity change. Possible explanations for these results include limited intervention intensity, context and co-intervention differences between the two plants, high plant turnover reducing the statistical power of the study and lack of sensitivity and specificity in the psychosocial measures used. Further research should include the development of psychosocial tools more specific to participatory ergonomic interventions and the assessment of the extent of change in psychosocial factors that might be associated with improvements in pain.  相似文献   

Air consumption, oxygen uptake (VO2), carbon dioxide output (VCO2) and respiratory exchange ratio (RER = VCO2/VO2) were measured directly from the self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) as 36 professional firefighters (three women) completed scenarios of high-rise stair climbing and fifth floor search and rescue. During stair climbing VO2 was 75 ± 8% VO2max (mean ± SD), RER = 1.10 ± 0.10, and heart rate = 91 ± 3% maximum (based on maximum treadmill data). Firefighters stopped climbing on consuming 55% of the air cylinder then descended. In the fifth floor search and rescue VO2 was slightly lower than stair climbing but RER remained elevated (1.13 ± 0.12) reflecting high anaerobic metabolism. The first low air alarm sounded, indicating 25% of the air remaining in a “30-min cylinder”, during the stair climb at 8 min with 19 of 36 sounding before 12 min. Aggressive air management strategies are required for safety in high-rise firefighting.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to develop a multifactor model of job, individual and psychosocial factors in prevalence of distal upper extremity musculoskeletal disorders (DUE MSDs); and quantify job physical exposure to establish safe exposure limits. The study sample comprised of 525 workers who were part of a large prospective cohort study and represented a broad array of industrial practices and a wide range of job physical exposure. Only baseline data was considered for the analysis in the study. Workers underwent laptop administered questionnaires, structured interviews, two standardized physical examinations and nerve conduction studies to ascertain demographic, medical history, psychosocial factors and current DUE MSDs. All workers' jobs were individually measured for job physical exposure factors and videotaped. Binomial logistic regression was used to develop and test the multifactor association and quantification of job physical exposure for safe exposure limits. Results indicated that work-related DUE MSDs are multifactor in nature and are significantly affected by specific factors of (1) job physical exposure - percentage duration of exertion (PDOE), workers' subjective ratings of perceived effort or intensity of exertion (IOE) (using Borg CR-10), hand activity level measured by the American conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH) threshold limit value for hand activity level (TLV for HAL), and presence of 2-point pinch grasps; (2) individual factors - female gender, diabetes, higher body mass index (BMI), and past and current smokers; (3) psychosocial factors - neither likely/unlikely or very unlikely to take up the current job again, divorced/separated, and presence of family problems. Quantification of job physical exposure indicated that prevalence of work-related DUE MSDs significantly increases with efforts per minute (Eff/min) >8 (OR = 1.69, p = 0.006) and woker's perceived effort based on Borg rating for IOE at the end of the shift >3 (OR = 2.46, p < 0.001). Further studies should be conducted to validate these safe exposure limit criteria.  相似文献   

This study examined work tolerance and subjective responses while performing two levels of work and wearing four types of protective ensembles. Nine males (mean age = 24·8 years, weight = 75·3 kg, [Vdot]O2 max = 44·6 ml/kg min) each performed a series of eight experimental tests in random order, each lasting up to 180 min in duration. Work was performed on a motor-driven treadmill at a set walking speed and elevation which produced work intensities of either 30% or 60% of each subject's maximum aerobic capacity. Work/rest intervals were established based on anticipated SCBA refill requirements. Environmental temperature averaged 22·6°C and average relative humidity was 55%. The four protective ensembles were: a control ensemble consisting of light work clothing (CONTROL); light work clothing with an open circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA); firefighter's turnout gear with SCBA (FF); and chemical protective clothing with SCBA (CHEM). Test duration (tolerance time) was determined by physiological responses reaching a predetermined indicator of high stress or by a 180-min limit. Physiological and subjective measurements obtained every 2·5 min included: heart rate, skin temperature, rectal temperature, and subjective ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, and perspiration.

The mean tolerance times were 155, 130, 26, and 73 min, respectively, for the CONTROL, SCBA, FF, and CHEM conditions during low intensity work; and 91, 23, 4, and 13 min, respectively, during high intensity work. Differences between ensemble and work intensity were significant FF and CHEM heart rate responses did not reach a steady state, and rose rapidly compared to CONTROL and SCBA values. SCBA heart rates remained approximately 15 beats higher than the CONTROL ensemble during the tests. At the low work intensity, mean skin.  相似文献   

This study examined work tolerance and subjective responses while performing two levels of work and wearing four types of protective ensembles. Nine males (mean age = 24.8 years, weight = 75.3 kg, VO2 max = 44.6 ml/kg min) each performed a series of eight experimental tests in random order, each lasting up to 180 min in duration. Work was performed on a motor-driven treadmill at a set walking speed and elevation which produced work intensities of either 30% or 60% of each subject's maximum aerobic capacity. Work/rest intervals were established based on anticipated SCBA refill requirements. Environmental temperature averaged 22.6 degrees C and average relative humidity was 55%. The four protective ensembles were: a control ensemble consisting of light work clothing (CONTROL); light work clothing with an open circuit self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA); firefighter's turnout gear with SCBA (FF); and chemical protective clothing with SCBA (CHEM). Test duration (tolerance time) was determined by physiological responses reaching a predetermined indicator of high stress or by a 180-min limit. Physiological and subjective measurements obtained every 2.5 min included: heart rate, skin temperature, rectal temperature, and subjective ratings of perceived exertion, thermal sensation, and perspiration. The mean tolerance times were 155, 130, 26, and 73 min, respectively, for the CONTROL, SCBA, FF, and CHEM conditions during low intensity work; and 91, 23, 4, and 13 min, respectively, during high intensity work. Differences between ensemble and work intensity were significant. FF and CHEM heart rate responses did not reach a steady state, and rose rapidly compared to CONTROL and SCBA values. SCBA heart rates remained approximately 15 beats higher than the CONTROL ensemble during the tests. At the low work intensity, mean skin temperatures at the end of the test were 32.7, 33.1, 36.7, and 36.3 degrees C, while mean core temperatures were 37.6, 37.9, 37.9, and 38.5 degrees C, respectively. The subjective data indicated that, in general, subjects were able to perceive relative degrees of physiologic strain under laboratory conditions. Wearing protective clothing and respirators results in significant and potentially dangerous thermoregulatory and cardiovascular stress to the wearer even at low work intensities in a neutral environment. Physiologically and subjectively, firefighter's turnout gear (the heaviest ensemble) produced the most stress, followed by the CHEM, SCBA, and CONTROL protective ensembles.  相似文献   


This study proposed a procedure for predicting the point in time with high risk of virtual crash using a control chart methodology for behavioural measures during a simulated driving task. Tracking error, human back pressure, sitting pressure and horizontal and vertical neck bending angles were measured during the simulated driving task. The time with a high risk of a virtual crash occurred in 9 out of 10 participants. The time interval between the successfully detected point in time with high risk of virtual crash and the point in time of virtual crash ranged from 80 to 324 s. The proposed procedure for predicting the point in time with a high risk of a crash is promising for warning drivers of the state of high risk of crash.

Practitioner Summary: Many fatal crashes occur due to drowsy driving. We proposed a method to predict the point in time with high risk of virtual crash before such a virtual crash occurs. This is done using behavioural measures during a simulated driving task. The effectiveness of the method is also demonstrated.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (1) to identify which physical performance tests could best explain the development of fatigue during a simulated ambulance work task, (2) to investigate the effect of height and weight and (3) to investigate in what respects these findings differ between female and male ambulance personnel. Forty-eight male and 17 female ambulance personnel completed a test battery assessing cardio-respiratory capacity, muscular strength and endurance, and co-ordination. The subjects also completed a simulated ambulance work task — carrying a loaded stretcher. The work task was evaluated by development of fatigue. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were used to investigate to what extent the tests in the test battery were able to explain the variance of developed fatigue. The explained variance was higher for female than for male ambulance personnel (time > 70% of HRpeak: R2 = 0.75 vs 0.10, accumulated lactate: R2 = 0.62 vs 0.42, perceived exertion: R2 = 0.75 vs 0.10). Significant predictors in the models were VO2max, isometric back endurance, one-leg rising, isokinetic knee flexion and shoulder extension strength. Height, but not weight, could further explain the variance. The high physical strain during carrying the loaded stretcher implies the importance of investigating whether improved performance, matching the occupational demands, could decrease the development of fatigue during strenuous tasks.  相似文献   

This study presents data on self-reported prevalence of Musculo-Skeletal Disorder (MSD) symptoms and psychosocial risk exposures by age and gender among a group of office based University workers who use their computers for at least 25% of their workday. Employees in two academic organisations received an invitation to participate in an on-line questionnaire. A total of n = 852 office workers participated in this study; yet respondents who were employed for greater than 12 months were only included in the study cohort. Furthermore, participants were only considered for further analysis if they spent 50% or more of their workday in their office, and of this time at least 50% was spent on computer work (n = 569). The study indicates that self-reported symptoms of MSDs for these workers were highest in the neck, shoulder and lower back. Neck, shoulder and back MSDs were higher for females than males, yet age differences within genders were not evident for these symptoms. For neck disorders, symptomatic individuals reported significantly higher levels of office work (p < 0.05) and PC usage (p < 0.005), and significantly lower levels of job content (p < 0.01), job demands (p < 0.05), and work environment (p < 0.05) compared to asymptomatic participants. For the shoulder, symptomatic individuals exposure levels were significantly higher for office work (p < 0.05) and PC usage (p < 0.05) and significantly lower for job content (p < 0.05) compared to asymptomatic individuals. There was evidence of important differences in the psychosocial exposures between age and genders, but associations between these differences and MSD symptoms were not present.Relevance to industryThis study presents prevalence data on age and gender differences in self-reported symptoms of MSDs and psychosocial risk exposures in a group of sedentary workers.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were (1) to identify which physical performance tests could best explain the development of fatigue during a simulated ambulance work task, (2) to investigate the effect of height and weight and (3) to investigate in what respects these findings differ between female and male ambulance personnel. Forty-eight male and 17 female ambulance personnel completed a test battery assessing cardio-respiratory capacity, muscular strength and endurance, and co-ordination. The subjects also completed a simulated ambulance work task -- carrying a loaded stretcher. The work task was evaluated by development of fatigue. Univariate and multiple regression analyses were used to investigate to what extent the tests in the test battery were able to explain the variance of developed fatigue. The explained variance was higher for female than for male ambulance personnel (time > 70% of HRpeak: R2 = 0.75 vs 0.10, accumulated lactate: R2 = 0.62 vs 0.42, perceived exertion: R2 = 0.75 vs 0.10). Significant predictors in the models were VO2max, isometric back endurance, one-leg rising, isokinetic knee flexion and shoulder extension strength. Height, but not weight, could further explain the variance. The high physical strain during carrying the loaded stretcher implies the importance of investigating whether improved performance, matching the occupational demands, could decrease the development of fatigue during strenuous tasks.  相似文献   

Several studies in the literature have shown positive psychophysical effects during or immediately after mindfulness meditation. However, the extent to which such positive effects are maintained in real-life, stressful contexts, remains unclear. This paper investigates the effects of an 8-week mindfulness-oriented meditation (MOM) program on the psychological and physiological responses evoked by immersive virtual environments (IVEs) that simulate emergency situations that may occur in life. Before and after the 8-week period, healthy MOM participants and a group of controls not involved in any meditation course were administered self-report measures of mindfulness and anxiety, and acted in the IVEs while a set of physiological parameters were recorded. Responses of MOM participants to the immersive virtual experiences were different from those of controls. MOM participants showed increased mindfulness and decreased anxiety levels. They also showed decreased heart rate and corrugator muscle activity while facing IVEs. We explain these results in terms of the awareness and acceptance components of mindfulness. More generally, the present experimental methods could also open up new lines of research that combine psychological and physiological indices with ecologically valid stimuli provided by IVEs in an effort to increase understanding of the impact of mindfulness meditation on realistic life situations.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the effects of sonification pulse rate and sensor reliability on operator trust and mental workload. Processing resources and operator trust were sensitive to both pulse rate and sensor reliability. These findings suggest that setting pulse rates to 60 pulses per min may have considerable benefits in critical task environments.  相似文献   

Prolonged physical exertion is regulated subjectively by the perception of effort. This preliminary study was conducted to validate the use of subjective perceptions of effort in assessing objectively tolerable workloads for prolonged lifting tasks. Eight healthy male subjects underwent incremental and 30-minute endurance lifting tests. Cardiorespiratory parameters were monitored with an oxygen uptake analyser and mechanical parameters were calculated using a lift dynamometer. Ratings of perceived exertion were given on Borg's 10-point scale. Physiological responses to repetitive lifting were matched with subjective perceptions. The relationship between the perception of exertion and the duration of the endurance tests was described by power functions; Y=aXn in which 0 > n >1. A single-variable statistical regression for power functions was performed to obtain the individual ‘iso-perception’ curves as functions of the mechanical work exerted. It was found that the ‘iso-perception’ curve corresponding to a ‘moderate’ perception of effort may represent the individual ‘tolerance threshold’ for prolonged lifting tasks, since physiological responses at this intensity of effort did not change significantly and the respiratory exchange ratio was less than one. The individually tolerable power over lime for lifting tasks has been estimated.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the significance of boot sole properties on reducing fatigue, to evaluate the effects of load carrying and walking (over a 1 h period) on biomechanical, physiological and psychophysical responses, and to investigate the correlations between the measurements. The results indicated that elasticity and shock absorption of the boot had significant effects on outcome variables. Significant load effects were seen in most measurements. All of the significant time period effects gave strong regressions, with no R2 value less than 0.983. The findings of this study provide useful information for the selection and design of clean room boots as well as for job design for load carrying tasks in the clean room environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine selected physiological and psychological responses to strenuous live-fire drills in different configurations of protective firefighting gear. Career firefighters (n = 10) performed three sets of firefighting drills in a training structure that contained live fires in two different configurations of firefighting gear. On separate days subjects wore: (a) the NFPA 1500 (1987) standard configuration, and (b) a hip-boot configuration of the firefighting gear. Physiological and psychological measurements were recorded pre-activity and at the end of each trial. Repeated measures ANOVA revealed a strong trend for performance time to be greater in the 1500 gear than in the hipboot gear. There was a significant Time × Gear interaction for tympanic membrane temperature, with temperature being greater in the 1500 gear. Perceptions of effort and thermal sensations were also greater in the 1500 gear than in the hip-boot configuration of the gear. There was little difference in mean performance on cognitive function measures between the two gear configurations, but there was greater variability in performance in the 1500 gear. These data suggest that performing strenuous firefighting drills in the current NFPA 1500 standard configuration results in longer performance time, greater thermal strain, and greater perception of effort and thermal sensation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the physiological and psychological responses during and after high-intensity exercise in a warm and humid environment in subjects wearing shirts of different fabrics. Eight healthy men exercised on two separate occasions, in random order, wearing two types of long-sleeve T-shirt: one made of polyester (PES) and the other of cotton fabric (CT). They performed three 20 min exercise bouts, with 5 min rest between each, and then rested in a chair for 60 min to recover. The ambient temperature was 25 °C and relative humidity was 60%. The exercise comprised of treadmill running at 8 km/h at 1° grade. Rectal temperature, skin temperatures at eight sites, heart rate, T-shirt mass and ratings of thermal, clothing wettedness, and shivering/sweating sensation were measured before the experiment, during the 5 min rest period after each exercise bout, and during recovery. Nude body mass was measured before the experiment and during recovery. The physiological stress index showed that the exercise produced a state of very high heat stress. Compared with exercise wearing the CT shirt, exercise wearing the PES fabric produced a greater sweating efficiency and less clothing regain (i.e., less sweat retention), but thermophysiological and subjective sensations during the intermittent high-intensity exercise were similar for both fabrics. However, skin temperature returned to the pre-exercise level faster, and the thermal and rating of shivering/sweating sensation were lower after exercise in the warm and humid environment in subjects wearing PES than when wearing the more traditional CT fabric.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of individually prescribed physical exercise programmes on development of fatigue during the carrying of a loaded stretcher up and down the stairs. Nineteen ambulance personnel performed the training for 1 year. Testing occurred before and after 1 year of the training. Both the training group (n = 19) and the control group (n = 15) were assessed for physical capacity and lactate concentration in blood and ratings of perceived exertion during carrying a stretcher on the stairs. When comparisons were made between those who had been training three times/week for 1 year and the control group, lactate concentration was significantly decreased. In conclusion, markers of fatigue during stretcher carrying can be reduced by the use of individually prescribed physical exercise programmes.  相似文献   

The biomechanical benefits (e.g., muscular activity) of slanted ergonomic mice have been comprehensively identified; however, their effects on task performance and subjective responses have not been fully investigated. The present study examined the effects of two slanted mice (slant angle = 30° and 50°) in comparison with a conventional mouse (slant angle = 0°) in terms of task performance (task completion time and error rate) and subjective responses (perceived discomfort score and overall satisfaction score). Experimental results showed that all of the task and subjective measures worsened as the slant angle of the target mice increases. For example, the task completion time (unit: ms) and overall satisfaction score (unit: point) of the 30° slanted mouse (time = 0.71, satisfaction = −0.09) and 50° slanted mouse (time = 0.73, satisfaction = −0.79) significantly deteriorated than the conventional mouse (time = 0.65, satisfaction = 1.21). The slanted mice seem to compromise biomechanical benefits with task performance and subjective responses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the physiological and subjective strain in workers wearing a disposable “Tyvek” (TYV) and a ventilated “Mururoa” (MUR) coverall in a real working situation. Eleven men performing normal abatement tasks volunteered to participate. Physiological measurements included oral temperature, heart rate and sweat loss. Subjective evaluations of clothing comfort, cooling, robustness, cumbersomness, acceptable exposure duration and physical exertion were carried out at the end of the task. The ventilated MUR reduced heat strain. Indeed, it allowed significantly higher sweat loss than TYV and showed a tendency to reduce the increase in oral temperature. Subjective ratings reveal that MUR was considered better than TYV in terms of clothing comfort, coolness and robustness. On the other hand, MUR is more cumbersome to wear. In this study, where workload and heat stress were moderate, there were few differences between the two coveralls in terms of physiological strains, but far more significant differences in the subjective ratings.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of individually prescribed physical exercise programmes on development of fatigue during the carrying of a loaded stretcher up and down the stairs. Nineteen ambulance personnel performed the training for 1 year. Testing occurred before and after 1 year of the training. Both the training group (n = 19) and the control group (n = 15) were assessed for physical capacity and lactate concentration in blood and ratings of perceived exertion during carrying a stretcher on the stairs. When comparisons were made between those who had been training three times/week for 1 year and the control group, lactate concentration was significantly decreased. In conclusion, markers of fatigue during stretcher carrying can be reduced by the use of individually prescribed physical exercise programmes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of load position in an internal frame backpack on physiological and perceptual variables. Ten female participants walked on a level treadmill for 10?min carrying 25% of their body weight in a high, central, or low position. The variables measured included oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (HR), respiratory exchange ratio (R), respiratory rate (RR), minute ventilation (VE), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). VO2, VE, and RPE were significantly lower in the high position (18.6?±?2.3?ml/kg/min, 31.7?±?5.0?l/min, 2.8?±?0.8, respectively) compared to the low position (22.2?±?3.0?ml/kg/min, 38.6?±?7.5?l/min, 3.7?±?1.0, respectively). HR, R, and RR did not change significantly as the load was moved from the high (129.8?±?16.8, 0.89?±?0.06, 30.3?±?4.2, respectively) to the low position (136.0?±?25.3, 0.92?±?0.04, 33.8?±?5.2, respectively). The results of this study suggest that load placement is an important factor in the physiological and perceptual responses to load carriage, and that packing heavy items high in the backpack may be the most energy efficient method of carrying a load on the back.  相似文献   

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