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In next-generation wireless systems, one of the major features that is different from the current personal communication service systems is the seamless global roaming. The mobile subscribers will be allowed to move freely across different networks while maintaining their quality of service for a variety of applications. To meet this demand, the signaling protocol of mobility management must be designed, supporting location registration and call delivery for roaming users who move beyond their home network. A new signaling protocol is proposed, emphasizing the active location registration for ongoing services during the mobile subscribers' movement. Another important goal of this new protocol is to reduce the overhead caused by mobility management so that the signaling traffic load and consumption of network resources can be reduced. The new protocol efficiently reduces the latency of call delivery and call loss rate due to crossing wireless systems with different standards or signaling protocols. The numerical results reveal that the proposed protocol is effective in improving the overall system performance  相似文献   

The next-generation mobile network will support terminal mobility, personal mobility, and service provider portability, making global roaming seamless. A location-independent personal telecommunication number (PTN) scheme is conducive to implementing such a global mobile system. However, the nongeographic PTNs coupled with the anticipated large number of mobile users in future mobile networks may introduce very large centralized databases. This necessitates research into the design and performance of high-throughput database technologies used in mobile systems to ensure that future systems will be able to carry efficiently the anticipated loads. This paper proposes a scalable, robust, efficient location database architecture based on the location-independent PTNs. The proposed multitree database architecture consists of a number of database subsystems, each of which is a three-level tree structure and is connected to the others only through its root. By exploiting the localized nature of calling and mobility patterns, the proposed architecture effectively reduces the database loads as well as the signaling traffic incurred by the location registration and call delivery procedures. In addition, two memory-resident database indices, memory-resident direct file and T-tree, are proposed for the location databases to further improve their throughput. Analysis model and numerical results are presented to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed database architecture. Results have revealed that the proposed database architecture for location management can effectively support the anticipated high user density in the future mobile networks.  相似文献   

Third-generation mobile systems are emerging. These systems will support a unified user access to a variety of services, including the existing mobile and fixed network (PSTN, N-ISDN) services, the enhanced multimedia and multiparty services envisaged for broadband networks, and personal communication services as well. The role of signaling is predominant in building a flexible, efficient, and evolving system. The aim of this paper is to provide a framework for developing a signaling protocol architecture for future mobile networks. The study especially focuses on the universal mobile telecommunication system (UMTS). Within this framework various design and operational requirements imposed on UMTS can be satisfied. A method to deal with the functional complexity of UMTS is provided. Mobile networks are viewed as integral parts of the broadband infrastructure and are built upon the IN principles.  相似文献   

The functional architecture, connection model, and services of the generic signaling protocol (GSP) are described. GSP is a simple, yet powerful, connection management protocol for ISDN. The semantics and structure of GSP support call suspension and resumption, symmetric and asymmetric bridging, third-party `proxy' call setup, and multiple-connection multimedia calling. GSP can function as a network access, interswitch, computer-to-switch, or network configuration protocol, and it has applications in circuit-switching and packet-switching networks. An example message flow demonstrating how GSP can be used to perform third-party call setup is provided  相似文献   

To guarantee stable convenience and feasibility of the widely applied wireless network, the handover technique is playing an important role nowadays to meet the epidemic mobile device usage. As is known, the wireless network authentication protocol can decide security for whole operating scheme and help protect rights of legal users, while there are still some flaws that prevent entire architecture from working favorably. Considering such flaws including computation overload as well as the key management burden, we propose a brand new authentication protocol to ensure secure message transmission and reduce computation overload. The proposed mechanism can be used both in the intra-domain and inter-domain, catering to the aim of decreasing management burden for the key distribution center and expediting the validation process efficiently. Furthermore, we provide the formal security analysis of BAN logic to demonstrate the applicability of the protocol.  相似文献   

基于身份的异构无线网络匿名漫游协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
姜奇  马建峰  李光松  刘宏月 《通信学报》2010,31(10):138-145
分析了一种基于身份的认证模型的安全缺陷,指出该方案存在身份伪装攻击,无法实现用户身份认证.提出了一种改进方案用于实现异构无线网络匿名漫游.与原方案相比,改进之处主要体现在2方面:第一,弥补了原协议的安全缺陷,并且在CK模型下是可证明安全的;第二,简化了协议流程,提高了协议的效率.  相似文献   

IT IS NOW widely recognized that the Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) concept is providing a useful framework for the development of future telecommunications networks and services. An ISDN can be regarded as a generalpurpose digital network capable of supporting (or integrating) a wide range of services (voice and non-voice) using a small set of standard multipurpose user-network interfaces. Relevant CCITT Recommendations (or standards) on ISDN interfaces were expected to be available in 1984, the final year of the current study period. This paper reviews CCITT progress on the architectural studies of protocols associated with ISDN's, in particular, the ISDN Protocol Reference Model being developed by Study Group XVIII. This Model, based on the concepts and principles of the ISO/CCITT Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Reference Model, aims at providing a unified framework for modeling ISDN multiservice communications and capabilities. The new Model is applied to several possible ISDN communications configurations, enabling a number of technical issues to be easily identified.  相似文献   

For the transition from 3G communication systems to 4G communication systems, 3G-WLAN interworking systems can be a reference model for 4G communication systems. In this paper, we identify challenging problems in 3G-WLAN interworking systems and propose a loosely coupled architecture called SHARE. In SHARE, each WLAN hotspot access point (AP) is equipped with a 3G radio transmission module to generate radio signals for control channels of 3G networks in addition to a WLAN radio module. Consequently, base stations of the 3G networks share their control channels with hotspot APs. By monitoring these channels, mobile nodes can easily detect available WLAN hotspots without probe delay for handovers.
Chong-Ho ChoiEmail:

The authors discuss the architecture and protocol for broadband ISDN (B-ISDN) based on the CCITT standards. The discussion attempts to address the general concept of B-ISDN architecture and protocol and, whenever possible, present alternatives and the rationale for decisions in the selection of the protocol. B-ISDN is presented as a network evolution, and the impact of the asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) on the network is described. The role of virtual channel and virtual path in B-ISDN is discussed. The B-ISDN protocol structure and lower layer functions comprising the physical, ATM, and adaptation layers are presented, and the tentative trends of signaling and traffic control for the B-ISDN are delineated  相似文献   

张娜  廉婕 《现代电子技术》2020,(3):36-39+44
针对3DMAX软件仅可展示静态三维图像,无法实现交互式建筑园林景观漫游,提出基于3DMAX的交互式建筑园林景观漫游设计方法。该方法将3DMAX,Photoshop以及Java3D三个平台相结合,先采集建筑园林景观基本信息、场景设计以及降本预设;再在3DMAX平台通过建筑园林景观的基础建模、材质贴图以及灯光渲染和相机设定等过程实现3D可视化建模,利用Photoshop平台通过编辑场景材质以及制作界面实现建筑园林景观的纹理处理;最终将视点变换公式与Java3D技术相结合,获取交互式建筑园林景观漫游算法。在Java3D平台通过该算法设定行为脚本以及路径实现交互式漫游,并在Windows 10系统中测试该方法,测试结果显示,该方法满足建筑园林景观的交互式漫游需求,且操作界面简单,漫游效果好。  相似文献   

InfiniBand体系结构和协议规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机网络和计算机技术的高速发展,传统I/O(输入/输出)技术导致了新的瓶颈,市场上迫切需要新的宽带I/O技术,目前的主流体系统结构有InfiniBand和RapidI/O。文中介绍了InfiniBand技术的产生,InfiniBand的结构,物理拓扑,协议分层结构及主要技术,最后对InfiniBand与传统的I/O技术如PCI进行了比较。  相似文献   

Recently, Chang, Lee, and Chiu proposed an enhanced anonymous authentication scheme which permits mobile users to anonymously enjoy roaming service in global mobile networks. In this letter, we show that their scheme fails to achieve the anonymity by providing four attack strategies. Moreover, we show that anyone can recover a mobile user?s session keys by using the identity of the mobile user. Hence, Chang et al.'s scheme cannot provide secure key establishing service since an adversary can recover the identity of a mobile user by performing one of our attacks.  相似文献   

WiMedia, Wi-Fi, WiMax, Wi-Mobile, WiRAN, the Wi-family is getting bigger; so does the network architecture. It is encouraging to see the fast development of the new IEEE wireless technologies promising the ultimate Internet service deployment on wireless and mobile infrastructures since they would offer larger bandwidth at cheaper price compared to the telecommunication wireless radio resource. However it is disquieting to see that the TCP/IP protocol stack which is supposed to be the heart of the Internet services deployment is not evolving as fast as the wireless technologies do. Here we come up with the hard question which is the network performance of the TCP/IP architecture over wireless networks. It is probably too early to decide to replace TCP/IP by another protocol stack for wireless network support, but it is important to not ignore the problem and analyse the main drawbacks of TCP/IP in wireless networks and think about a new architecture of network communication over the wireless networks. This paper provides a brief survey of what we name here the Wi-family wireless technologies, and emphasizes on new network architecture to optimize the TCP/IP behaviour worsen by the wireless characteristics.  相似文献   

李广鹏  蒋胜  王闯 《电信科学》2019,35(10):13-20
通过对现有网络协议技术演进历史的分析,试图提出适用于未来数据网络统一协议体系的创新指导原则。通过将网络功能本质划分到网元和网元之间的联系,提出了数据面、控制面、用户面、管理控制类与内生网络安全等协议创新的 5 个领域,并分析了该协议体系在众多异构场景网络中的体现与应用。最后,通过分析确定性网络转发技术中的协议创新过程验证了协议体系创新指导原则的合理性。  相似文献   

Recently, two authentication schemes with anonymity for roaming service in wireless networks were proposed by He et al. and Xu et al. In this paper we point out that neither of the two schemes is sufficiently practical owing to the high computational cost involved. Furthermore, we also find that both schemes still have some weaknesses which allow the attacker to trace a certain user's behaviors and thus infer his real identity. Thereafter, we propose a novel lightweight authentication scheme with anonymity for roaming service in global mobility networks to overcome the aforementioned defects. Moreover, we formally analyze our proposed scheme with BAN‐logic and show that it can withstand several possible attacks. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A wireless infrared (IR) LAN for the indoor environment is proposed which is compatible with the familiar CSMA/CD protocol used in Ethernet. Eye safe 140 Mbit/s transmission at only 5 mW transmitter power in a 20 m2 cell is experimentally demonstrated  相似文献   

Overview of the GSM system and protocol architecture   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The global system for mobile telecommunications (GSM), which provides terminal mobility, with personal mobility provided through the insertion of a subscriber identity module (SIM) into the GSM network, is discussed. Cellular mobile communications, the cellular network infrastructure, and the specification of network databases and standards are described. The GSMs, numbering plan, radio channel structure, mobility management, call routing and signaling, protocol layering architecture, signaling transport protocols, and paging messaging systems are also described  相似文献   

Networking together hundreds or thousands of cheap microsensor nodes allows users to accurately monitor a remote environment by intelligently combining the data from the individual nodes. These networks require robust wireless communication protocols that are energy efficient and provide low latency. We develop and analyze low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH), a protocol architecture for microsensor networks that combines the ideas of energy-efficient cluster-based routing and media access together with application-specific data aggregation to achieve good performance in terms of system lifetime, latency, and application-perceived quality. LEACH includes a new, distributed cluster formation technique that enables self-organization of large numbers of nodes, algorithms for adapting clusters and rotating cluster head positions to evenly distribute the energy load among all the nodes, and techniques to enable distributed signal processing to save communication resources. Our results show that LEACH can improve system lifetime by an order of magnitude compared with general-purpose multihop approaches.  相似文献   

提出一种基于信息汇聚协议的网格架构(IPBGA).将资源与任务间的需求提升为信息服务,使资源分配和任务调度转换成基于信息汇聚协议的信息匹配操作;将虚拟组织分解为信息服务层和协同工作层,有助于构建信息全局视图.实验和理论分析证明其核心的信息汇聚协议具有较高搜索和信息处理效率,较好的容错性且带宽和处理器消耗较少.  相似文献   

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