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Acquiring precision adjustable morphology of the blend films to improve the efficiency of charge separation and collection is a constant goal of organic solar cells (OSCs). Here, the above problem is improved by synergistically combining the sequential deposition (SD) method and the additive general strategy. By adding one additive 1,10-decanediol (DDO) into PM6 and another 1-chloronaphthalene (CN) into Y6, the molecule orientation of PM6 and the crystallite texture of the Y6 all become order. During the SD processing, a vertical phase separation OSCs device is formed where the donor enrichment at the anode and acceptor enrichment at the cathode. In comparison, the SD OSCs device with only CN additive still displays the bulk-heterojunction morphology similar to PM6:Y6 blend film. The morphology with vertical phase distribution can not only inhibit charge recombination but also facilitate charge collection, finally enhancing the fill factor (FF) and photocurrent in binary additives SD-type OSCs. As a result, the binary additives SD-type OSCs with blend film PM6 + DDO/Y6 + CN exhibit a high FF of 77.45%, enabling a power conversion efficiency as high as 16.93%. This work reveals a simple but effective approach for boosting high-efficiency OSCs with ideal morphologies and demonstrates that the additive is a promising processing alternative.  相似文献   

The perovskite layer contains a large number of charged defects that seriously impair the efficiency and stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs), thus it is essential to develop an effective passivation strategy to heal them. Based on theoretical calculations, it is found that enhancing the electrostatic potential of passivators can improve passivation effect and adsorption energy between charged defects and passivators. Herein, an electrostatic potential modulation (EPM) strategy is developed to design passivators for highly efficient and stable PSCs. With the EPM strategy, 1-phenylethylbiguanide (PEBG) and 1-phenylbiguanide (PBG) are designed. It is found that the charge distribution and electrostatic potential of phenyl- and phenylethyl- substituent on the biguanide are significantly enhanced. The N atom directly bonding to the phenyl group shows larger positive charge than that bonding to the phenylethyl group. The modulated electrostatic potential makes PBG bind stronger with the defects on perovskite surface. Based on the effective passivation of EPM, a champion efficiency of 24.67% is realized and the device retain 91.5% of its initial PCE after ≈1300 h. The promising EPM strategy, which provides a principle of passivator design and allows passivation to be controllable, may advance further optimization and application of perovskite solar cells toward commercialization.  相似文献   

In organic solar cells, photogenerated singlet excitons form charge transfer (CT) complexes, which subsequently split into free charge carriers. Here, the contributions of excess energy and molecular quadrupole moments to the charge separation process are considered. The charge photogeneration in two separate bulk heterojunction systems consisting of the polymer donor PTB7-Th and two non-fullerene acceptors, ITIC and h-ITIC, is investigated. CT state dissociation in these donor–acceptor systems is monitored by charge density decay dynamics obtained from transient absorption experiments. The electric field dependence of charge carrier generation is studied at different excitation energies by time delayed collection field (TDCF) and sensitive steady-state photocurrent measurements. Upon excitation below the optical gap, free charge carrier generation becomes less field dependent with increasing photon energy, which challenges the view of charge photogeneration proceeding through energetically lowest CT states. The average distance between electron–hole pairs at the donor–acceptor interface is determined from empirical fits to the TDCF data. The delocalization of CT states is larger in PTB7-Th:ITIC, the system with larger molecular quadrupole moment, indicating the sizeable effect of the electrostatic potential at the donor–acceptor interface on the dissociation of CT complexes.  相似文献   

The efficiency of organic solar cells (OSCs) is primarily limited by their significant nonradiative energy loss and unfavorable active layer morphology. Achieving high-efficiency OSCs by suppressing nonradiative energy loss and tuning the active layer morphology remains a challenging task. In this study, an acceptor named CH-ThCl is designed, featuring an extended conjugation central core, dichlorodithienoquinoxaline. The incorporation of chlorine-substituted extended conjugation in the central core enhances the acceptor's rigidity and promotes J-aggregation, leading to improved molecular luminescent efficiency and a reduction in nonradiative energy loss. A binary device based on PM6: CH-ThCl demonstrates a power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 18.16% and exhibits a high open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.934 V, attributed to the remarkably low nonradiative energy loss of 0.21 eV. Furthermore, a ternary device is fabricated by incorporating CH-6F as the third component, resulting in a significantly enhanced PCE of 18.80%. The ternary device exhibits improvements in short-circuit current (Jsc) and fill factor (FF) while maintaining the Voc, primarily due to the optimized active layer morphology. These results highlight the effectiveness of combining the reduction of nonradiative energy loss and precise tuning of the active layer morphology as a viable strategy for achieving high-efficiency OSCs.  相似文献   

Organic solar cells (OSCs) are designed based on a blend of polymer donor and small molecular acceptor whereby the thermodynamic relaxation of the morphology raises the concerns related to operational stability. Herein, it is demonstrated that the classical Y6-based binary device can be stabilized by using its derivative of ZCCF3 as the third component, which is designed with the replacing of the thiadiazole group on Y6 with the trifluoromethyl substituted diazepine unit. ZCCF3 delivers not only higher glass transition temperature (Tg) than Y6 but also have hyper-miscibility with Y6, contributing to a favorable diffusion-limited Y6:ZCCF3 alloy when blended with polymer donor. Consequently, a champion power conversion efficiency of 18.54% is achieved in the optimal PM6: Y6: ZCCF3 devices, which can retain their 80% initial efficiency of up to 360 h. This study highlights the importance of high Tg of the third component and its derived hyper-miscible accepter alloys in achieving highly efficient and stable OSCs.  相似文献   

A series of tetrathiophene-based fully non-fused ring acceptors (4T-1, 4T-2, 4T-3, and 4T-4), which can be paired with the star donor polymer PBDB-T to fabricate highly efficient organic solar cells are developed. Tailoring the size of lateral chains can tune the solubility and packing mode of acceptor molecules in neat and blend films. It is found that the incorporation of 2-ethylhexyl chains can effectively change the compatibility with the donor polymer PBDB-T, and an encouraging power conversion efficiency of 10.15% is accomplished by 4T-3-based organic solar cells. It also presents good compatibility with the other polymer donor and an even higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 12.04% is achieved based on D18:4T-3 blend, which is the champion PCE for the fully non-fused acceptors. Importantly, these inexpensive tetrathiophene fully non-fused ring acceptors provide cost-effective photovoltaic performance. The results demonstrate a high photovoltaic performance from synthetically inexpensive materials could be achieved by the rational design of non-fused ring acceptor molecules.  相似文献   

Electron-deficient central core plays a crucial role in the construction of efficient Y-series non-fullerene acceptors (NFAs). Here, fused-ring benzimidazole (BIm) served as a central core for the first time to yield a new NFA named MZ-1 and its structural analogue named MZ-2, which is obtained by replacing the methyl group on the 2C position of BIm in MZ-1 with trifluoromethyl group. Compared with MZ-1, MZ-2 shows obviously blue-shifted absorption and lowers the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) energy level that is more matched to that of polymer donor PM6. Benefiting from the more efficient charge transport and favorable microphase separation morphology of the active layer, the acceptor MZ-2-based device affords an excellent power conversion efficiency (PCE) of 17.31% along with a high open-circuit voltage (Voc) of 0.903 V, a short-circuit current density (Jsc) of 26.32 mA cm−2 and a fill factor (FF) of 72.83%, which is remarkably superior to that of MZ-1-based devices with PCE of 10.70%. This study offers valuable insight into the design of acceptors to enrich Y series NFAs for high-performance organic solar cells (OSCs).  相似文献   

For comprehensive development of organic solar cells (OSCs), some factors such as environmental stability, low cost, insensitive film thickness, component contents tolerance, and green preparation processes are equally crucial to achieve high power conversion efficiencies (PCEs). In this work, a small molecule 3‐(diethylamino)‐7‐imino‐7H‐benzo[4,5]imidazo[1,2‐a]chromeno[3,2‐c]pyridine‐6‐carbonitrile (DIBC), which is commercially available at low cost, is utilized to realize high‐performance ternary OSCs. Demonstrated via Fourier transform infrared and 2D‐1HNMR, DIBC can form hydrogen bond interactions with [6,6]‐phenyl‐C71‐butyric acid methyl ester (PC71BM) in solid films. Further electrostatic potential (ESP) calculations indicate that the hydrogen bond interaction enhances the ESP of PC71BM and accelerates charge transport between donor and acceptor. As a result, poly(4,8‐bis(5‐(2‐ethylhexyl)thiophen‐2‐yl)benzo[1,2‐b;4,5‐b0]dithiophene‐2,6‐diylalt‐(4‐(2‐ethylhexyl)‐3‐fluorothieno[3,4‐b]thiophene‐)‐2‐carboxylate‐2‐6‐diyl (PTB7‐Th):DIBC:PC71BM‐based ternary OSC achieves a maximum efficiency of 12.17%, which is the best result of green solvent processed fullerene OSCs at present. It is noteworthy that the ternary OSCs also show great tolerance to film thickness and blend ratios. These unique properties are attributed to the hydrogen‐bond‐linked DIBC and PC71BM, which modulates molecule distribution and improves film morphology with an interpenetrating network structure. Furthermore, the DIBC containing device also exhibits good thermal and light radiation stability. These results illustrate that intermolecular hydrogen bond interaction has great potential for realizing high‐performance OSCs.  相似文献   

Small‐molecule acceptors (SMAs)‐based organic solar cells (OSCs) have exhibited great potential for achieving high power conversion efficiencies (PCEs). Meanwhile, developing asymmetric SMAs to improve photovoltaic performance by modulating energy level distribution and morphology has drawn lots of attention. In this work, based on the high‐performance SMA (Y6), three asymmetric SMAs are developed by substituting the fluorine atoms on the terminal group with chlorine atoms, namely SY1 (two F atoms and one Cl atom), SY2 (two F atoms and two Cl atoms), and SY3 (three Cl atoms). Y6 (four F atoms) and Y6‐4Cl (four Cl atoms) are synthesized as control molecules. As a result, SY1 exhibits the shallowest lowest unoccupied molecular orbital energy level and the best molecular packing among these five acceptors. Consequently, OSCs based on PM6:SY1 yield a champion PCE of 16.83% with an open‐circuit voltage (VOC) of 0.871 V, and a fill factor (FF) of 0.760, which is the best result among the five devices. The highest FF for the PM6:SY1‐based device is mainly ascribed to the most balanced charge transport and optimal morphology. This contribution provides deeper understanding of applying asymmetric molecule design method to further promote PCEs of OSCs.  相似文献   

Organic solar cells (OSCs) with the conventional configuration usually use polyethylenedioxythiophene:polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS) as the hole-transporting layer (HTL); however, its acidity tends to affect the performance and long-term stability of the devices. Therefore, replacing PEDOT:PSS with other more stable HTLs is essential for realizing the practical applications of OSCs. To achieve this goal, a simple and low-cost vanadyl oxalate (VOC2O4) is identified as a HTL to facilitate high power conversion efficiencies (PCEs), good stability, and high thickness tolerance to be achieved in OSCs. The VOC2O4 thin film can be easily prepared by spin-coating from its aqueous solution onto ITO/glass substrate and thermally annealed at 100 °C to exhibit high transmittance, conductivity, and work function. It can be applied as a robust HTL with wide processing conditions, especially after being heated at 200 °C and treated with UV-ozone (UVO) to afford a very high PCE of 18.94% in OSCs. This value is among the highest PCEs obtained for binary OSCs. In addition, the derived OSCs exhibit high thickness tolerance and better stability than those based on PEDOT:PSS as HTL. These results reveal that VOC2O4 is an excellent HTL for OSCs, having great potential for large-area device applications.  相似文献   

Despite the rapid developments are achieved for perovskite solar cells (PSCs), the existence of various defects in the devices still limits the further enhancement of the power conversion efficiency (PCE) and the long-term stability of devices. Herein, the efficient organic potassium salt (OPS) of para-halogenated phenyl trifluoroborates is presented as the precursor additives to improve the performance of PSCs. Studies have shown that the 4-chlorophenyltrifluoroborate potassium salt (4-ClPTFBK) exhibits the most effective interaction with the perovskite lattice. Strong coordination between  BF3/halogen in anion and uncoordinated Pb2+/halide vacancies, along with the hydrogen bond between F in  BF3 and H in FA+ are observed. Thus, due to the synergistic contribution of the potassium and anionic groups, the high-quality perovskite film with large grain size and low defect density is achieved. As a result, the optimal devices show an enhanced efficiency of 24.50%, much higher than that of the control device (22.63%). Furthermore, the unencapsulated devices present remarkable thermal and long-term stability, maintaining 86% of the initial PCE after thermal test at 80 °C for 1000 h and 95% after storage in the air for 2460 h.  相似文献   

Three asymmetric non-fullerene acceptors (LL2, LL3, and LL4) are designed and synthesized with one norbornyl-modified 1,1-dicyanomethylene-3-indanone (CBIC) terminal group and one chlorinated 1,1-dicyanomethylene-3-indanone (IC-2Cl) terminal group. The three-dimensional shape-persistent CBIC terminal group can effectively enhance the solubility and tune the packing mode of acceptors. Compared with their symmetric counterparts (LL2-2Cl, LL3-2Cl, and LL4-2Cl) bearing two IC-2Cl terminals, the asymmetric acceptors show improved solubilities, giving rise to enhanced crystallinity and favored nanomorphology for charge transport in the blend films with PBDB-T. Asymmetric acceptors based organic solar cells (OSCs) also show much lower voltage loss due to their higher ECT and EQEEL values. Therefore, they exhibit 17−27% higher power conversion efficiency (PCE) than OSCs based on the corresponding symmetric acceptors. Among these six acceptors, LL3 with a central benzotriazole core shows the best PCE of 16.82% with an outstanding Jsc of 26.97 mA cm−2 and a low nonradiative voltage loss (ΔVnr) of 0.18 V, the best values for PBDB-T based OSCs. The Jsc and ΔVnr also represent the best reported for asymmetric non-fullerene acceptors-based OSCs to date. The results demonstrate that the combination of the unique CBIC terminal group with the asymmetric strategy is a promising way to enhance the performance of OSCs.  相似文献   

Ternary organic solar cells (TOSCs) offer a facile and efficient approach to increase the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs). However, the critical roles that guest components play in complicated ternary systems remain poorly understood. Herein, two acceptors named LA1 and LA9 with differing crystallinity are investigated. The overly crystalline LA9 induces large self-aggregates in PM6:LA9 binary system, resulting in a lower PCE (13.12%) compared to PM6:LA1 device (13.89%). Encouragingly, both acceptors are verified as efficient guest candidates into the host binary PM6:NCBDT-4Cl (PCE = 13.48%) and afford markedly improved PCEs up to 15.39% and 15.75% in LA1 and LA9 ternary devices, respectively. Interestingly, the higher crystallinity LA9 reveals smaller interaction energies with both the host acceptor and donor PM6. Compared to LA1, the appropriate mutual interactions in the LA9 ternary system not only induces the orderly crystallinity of PM6 but also better compatibility with the host acceptor, generating further optimized molecular orientations and ternary morphology. Therefore, enhanced charge transport and minimized recombination loss are detected in LA9 ternary devices, affording the most competitive performance among Y6-sbsent TOSCs. This work suggests that complicated intermolecular interactions should be seriously considered when fabricating state-of-the-art multiple components OSCs.  相似文献   

Although non-fused ring electron acceptors (NFREAs) have received increasing attention due to their relatively low synthetic costs, the achievement of high efficiencies strongly depends on tedious pre- or/and post-treatments to refine the active layers, which in turn greatly increase fabrication complexity and expense of organic solar cells (OSCs). Nowadays most of the available as-cast devices based on NFREAs are below 12% efficiencies. Herein, phenylalkyl category side groups (CnPh) are employed to construct new NFREAs named BOR-CnPh (n = 3, 4, and 6), which exhibit inherently decent molecular aggregation and thus exclude additional treatments from device fabrication. The modified alkyl spacers of CnPh side groups not only trigger different aggregation of the acceptors, but also regulate the interaction conformations of donor (D) and acceptor (A), and thus D/A interactions. Encouragingly, the pristine PBDB-T:BOR-C4Ph blend delivers intrinsic fibrous networks with dominating face-on orientation, which yields an optimal efficiency up to 13.12%, and ranks as the highest value among as-cast OSCs based on NFREAs. This research provides a practical strategy to control molecular aggregations, interactions, and pristine heterojunction morphologies for easily available and high-performance organic photovoltaics.  相似文献   

In this paper, two vacuum processed single heterojunction organic solar cells with complementary absorption are described and the construction and optimization of tandem solar cells based on the combination of these heterojunctions demonstrated. The red‐absorbing heterojunction consists of C60 and a fluorinated zinc phthalocyanine derivative (F4‐ZnPc) that leads to a 0.1–0.15 V higher open circuit voltage Voc than the commonly used ZnPc. The second heterojunction incorporates C60 and a dicyanovinyl‐capped sexithiophene derivative (DCV6T) that mainly absorbs in the green. The combination of both heterojunctions into one tandem solar cell leads to an absorption over the whole visible range of the sun spectrum. Thickness variations of the transparent p‐doped optical spacer between both subcells in the tandem solar cell is shown to lead to a significant change in short circuit current density jsc due to optical interference effects, whereas Voc and fill factor are hardly affected. The maximum efficiency η of about 5.6% is found for a spacer thickness of 150‐165 nm. Based on the optimized 165nm thick spacer, effects of intensity and angle of illumination, and temperature on a tandem device are investigated. Variations in illumination intensity lead to a linear change in jsc over three orders of magnitude and a nearly constant η in the range of 30 to 310 mW cm?2. Despite the stacked heterojunctions, the performance of the tandem device is robust against different illumination angles: jsc and η closely follow a cosine behavior between 0° and 70°. Investigations of the temperature behavior of the tandem device show an increase in η of 0.016 percentage points per Kelvin between ?20 °C and 25 °C followed by a plateau up to 50 °C. Finally, further optimization of the tandem stack results in a certified η of (6.07 ± 0.24)% on (1.9893 ± 0.0060)cm2 (Fraunhofer ISE), i.e., areas large enough to be of relevance for modules.  相似文献   

Achieving the desired thermomechanical properties for highly solution-processable organic semiconductors is challenging but crucial for heat tolerance of emerging optoelectronic devices. To this end, the successful synthesis of triphenylene–ethylenedioxythiophene-dimethoxytriphenylamine (TP–ETPA), a star-shaped organic semiconductor, is reported through a direct arylation reaction that involves ETPA, an electron donor, being grafted densely onto TP, which possesses six electron-equivalent functionalization sites. Remarkably, TP–ETPA exhibits significantly improved hole mobility compared to 2,2′,7,7′-tetrakis(N,N-di-p-methoxyphenyl-amine)-9,9′-spirobifluorene (spiro-OMeTAD) at a given hole density, owing to its lower energetic disorder, larger average centroid distance, and smaller reorganization energy. TP–ETPA, with a molecular weight of 2888 Da and lacking flexible chains, demonstrates extraordinary solubility in nonpolar solvents, enabling the formation of dense, pinhole-free films through solution codeposition with an air-doping promoter. By utilizing the p-doped TP–ETPA composite as the hole transport layer, perovskite solar cells with an average power conversion efficiency of 23.4% are successfully fabricated. Notably, these devices display significantly enhanced operational stability and thermal stability at 85 °C. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the TP–ETPA-based hole transport layer possesses a high cohesive energy density, resulting in a large elastic modulus and slow diffusion of external species.  相似文献   

Molecular weight is an important factor determining the morphology and performance of all‐polymer solar cells. Through the application of direct arylation polycondention, a series of batches of a fluorinated naphthalene diimide‐based acceptor polymer are prepared with molecular weight varying from Mn = 20 to 167 kDa. Used in conjunction with a common low bandgap donor polymer, the effect of acceptor molecular weight on solar cell performance, morphology, charge generation, and transport is explored. Increasing the molecular weight of the acceptor from Mn = 20 to 87 kDa is found to increase cell efficiency from 2.3% to 5.4% due to improved charge separation and transport. Further increasing the molecular weight to Mn = 167 kDa however is found to produce a drop in performance to 3% due to liquid–liquid phase separation which produces coarse domains, poor charge generation, and collection. In addition to device studies, a systematic investigation of the microstructure and photophysics of this system is presented using a combination of transmission electron microscopy, grazing‐incidence wide‐angle X‐ray scattering, near‐edge X‐ray absorption fine‐structure spectroscopy, photoluminescence quenching, and transient absorption spectroscopy to provide a comprehensive understanding of the interplay between morphology, photophysics, and photovoltaic performance.  相似文献   

Volatile solid additives are an effective strategy for optimizing morphology and improving the power conversion efficiencies (PCEs) of organic solar cells (OSCs). Much research has been conducted to understand the role of solid additives in active layer morphology. However, it is crucial to delve deeper and understand how solid additives affect the entire morphology evolution process, from the solution state to the film state and the thermal annealing stage, which remains unclear. Herein, the use of a highly crystalline solid additive, phenoxathiin (Ph), in D18-Cl:N3-based OSCs and study its impact on morphology formation and photovoltaic performance is presented. Owing to its good miscibility with the acceptor N3, Ph additive can not only extend the time for the active layer to form from the solution state to the film state, but also provide sufficient time for acceptor aggregation. After thermal annealing, Ph solid additive volatilizes better aligned the N3 molecules and formed a favorable hybrid morphology. Consequently, the D18-Cl:N3–based OSC exhibited an outstanding PCE of 18.47%, with an enhanced short-circuit current of 27.50 mA cm−2 and a fill factor of 77.82%. This research is spurring the development of high-performance OSCs using solid additives that allow fine control during morphology development.  相似文献   

Two compatible donors (PBDB‐T and PTB7‐Th) and two miscible acceptors (ITIC and FOIC) are employed to deliver a parallel‐alloy morphology model in non‐fullerene‐based quaternary organic solar cells. PBDB‐T and PTB7‐Th form a parallel link with a slight adjustment of molecular packing into enhanced face‐on crystallites while ITIC disperses into discontinuous FOIC microcrystal regions to form continuous and ordered alloy‐like acceptor phases. Characterization of blend morphology highlights the parallel‐alloy model—enabled by the introduction of PBDB‐T and ITIC, which contributes to improved molecular packing and reduced domain size resulting in efficient charge generation and consistent transport channels. This successful parallel‐alloy quaternary blend morphology demonstrates an enhanced optical absorption, optimized domain size, and nanostructures toward simultaneous improvement in charge transfer and transport. Therefore, a power conversion efficiency of 12.52% is realized for a quaternary device which is 6% higher than the ternary device (PBDB‐T:PTB7‐Th:FOIC) and 12% higher than the binary device (PTB7‐Th:FOIC). Domination of quaternary devices over ternary and binary blends, which is another feasible way to realize highly efficient devices through further investigation of quaternary OSCs, is presented.  相似文献   

Slot-die (SD) coating is used to fabricate fully solution processed organic solar cells (OSCs) based on a blend of high performance donor polymer (PTB7-Th) and a non-fullerene acceptor (IEICO-4F) for stable devices over extended periods of operation. The optimization of a sequential deposition process of transport and active layers, under ambient conditions, enable high efficiency slot-die coated solar cells with remarkable power conversion efficiencies (PCE) > 11.0% to bridge the gap between lab-to-fab. Fully slot-die coated inverted OSCs are demonstrated with efficiencies reaching 11% along with 1 cm2 devices, proving the scalability and reproducibility of the proposed technique. Further, replacing the evaporated Ag electrode with solution processed Ag nanowire (AgNW) electrodes shows the highest light utilization efficiency of 5.26% for semi-transparent OSC with a PCE of 9.07% and average visible transmission of 58%.  相似文献   

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