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A series of experiments on the instability of steep water wave trains in water with finite water depths and infinite water depths in a wide wave basin were performed. It was found that under the coupled development of modulational instability and class-I instability, the initial two-dimensional steep wave trains evolved into three-dimensional crescent waves, followed by the occurrence of disordered water surfaces, and that the wave energy transferred to sidebands in the amplitude spectrum of the water surface elevation. The results also show that water depth has a significant effect on the growth of modulational instability and the evolution of crescent waves. The larger the water depth, the more quickly the modulational instability suppresses class-I instability.  相似文献   

二维滑坡涌浪的SPH方法数值模拟   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
块体滑坡往往引起自由水面的剧烈变化,研究块体滑坡激发的水面波动一直是水利与海岸工程界非常感兴趣的问题。该文使用SPH方法(光滑质点水动力学)对水下块体下滑引起的自由表面水动力学过程进行了二维数值模拟,并将数值计算结果与试验数据作了对比,计算结果给出了块体下滑过程中,水体表面出现的二次卷破现象,以及在块体上方出现两个方向相反的旋涡,显示了SPH方法对处理块体下滑引起的自由表面大变形问题具有十分优越的特性。通过数值试验,文中还讨论了滑块下滑速度对自由表面破碎和形成的旋涡个数的影响。  相似文献   

浅水域中两船交错运行时的非定常波浪干涉   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以Green-Naghdi(G-N)方程为基础,采用波动方程/有限元法计算两艘船舶在浅水域交错运动时的非定常波浪干涉特性。把运动船舶对水面的扰动作为移动压强直接包含在Green—Naghdi方程里,以描述运动船体和水面的相互作用。本文以S60 CB=0.6船为算例,给出在两艘船交错运动时,自由面波高,波浪阻力及横向力的变化特征。计算结果发现,当两艘船船首接近时,波浪阻力增加。接着,两艘船船身相向平行航行时,阻力减少。两艘船船尾相遇时,波浪阻力又增加。最后随着两船的远离,波浪阻力趋于正常。两船之间的侧向力呈现相似的变化规律。两船先承受横向排斥力,接着相互吸引,尔后又排斥。最后两船远离,横向力消失。计算结果表明,在两船间距较小和船速较大时,两船间的吸引力相当显著,应该予以充分重视。  相似文献   

The slit-type energy dissipater(STED)is widely used in hydraulic projects of high water head,large discharge,and narrow river valley,thanks to its simple structure and high efficiency.However,the water wing caused by the shock waves in the contraction section of the STED may bring about harmful effects.A coefficient is introduced for the application of Ippen?s theory in the STED.The expression of the coefficient is experimentally obtained.Simplified formulas to calculate the shock wave angle and the water wing scope are theoretically derived,with relative errors within 5%.  相似文献   

隔水幕布改善深水水库下泄低温水效果研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
练继建  杜慧超  马超 《水利学报》2016,47(7):942-948
深水水库的低温水效应明显,以往常采用叠梁门、多层取水口等结构解决下泄低温水问题,但此类方案需在水库投入运行前完成且会造成一定的发电损失。针对已投入运行但未设计建设分层取水设施的水库水温问题,本文提出了在电站进水口前设置隔水幕布的新型水库低温水治理方案,建立三维水动力水温数值模拟模型,模拟分析了隔水幕布改善水库下泄低温水的效果及其主要影响因素。模拟结果表明,隔水幕布可使春夏季水库下泄水温提高2~8℃,幕布型式、淹没水深和坝前水温分布是影响改善效果的主要因素;并基于上述结论提出了隔水幕布方案的下泄水温预测公式。隔水幕布改善水库低温水的效果良好,具有广泛的推广应用前景。  相似文献   

瞬态面波勘察方法是近年来发展很快的一种物探方法, 应用于探查覆盖层厚度、基岩埋深等.根据实地地质情况与勘探目的,结合地质资料采用瞬态面波技术能经济、快速、有效地为工程地质勘探提供可靠资料.总结瞬态面波勘察方法在桂中治旱乐滩引水线路的勘探情况,根据该法解释出的波速界面与钻探资料所呈现的岩性差异界面基本吻合,证明该法解决此类地质问题的可行性.  相似文献   

大涡模拟水环境中污染物团的运动规律   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
马福喜  李志伟 《水利学报》2002,33(9):0055-0060
本文采用大涡模拟方法封闭引入浮力特性并经空间平均后的Navier-Stokes紊流方程,对水环境中污染物的运动规律进行研究。在用有限差分法对控制方程进行求解时,用破开算子法将控制方程分为对流、扩散和源项三部分,其中对流项用QUICKET程式求解,扩散项用中心差分求解,源项用Gauss-Seidel迭代法求解。数值计算结合物理模型结果表明,污染物团在水环境中运动除有时均定量关系之外,还有三大定性规律:第一,污染物团在时间和空间上具有不规则性;第二,污染物团后部是空的;第三,在同一条件下进行多次试验(数学和物理),污染物团的运动是不一样的。计算表明大涡模拟要优于通常的 κ-ε 紊流模型,它不但能够象 κ-ε 紊流模型那样计算出污染物在水环境中的时均运动规律,而且能够计算出其在空间上的不对称发展过程,能够准确地再现其在物理模型中的不对称运动特性。计算结果无论从定性还是从定量关系上都与试验结果吻合一致。  相似文献   

Conclusion The proposed mathematical model of a deep flowing water body makes it possible to study the effects of hydrological and meteorological factors on hydrothermal processes in planned reservoirs and to offer suggestions on their optimization by means of a selective intake.Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 7, pp. 3–5, July, 1991.  相似文献   

恒茂国际华城2号楼桩基采用人工挖孔桩,桩底标高-14~-14.8m,地下水位为-9.79m,须采用人工降低地下水位5-6m才能进行桩基施工。降低地下水位采用深井降水方式,降水效果良好,正式开始降水2d就达到设计的稳定水位,保证了人工挖孔桩的顺利施工。在深井降水设计中必须认真分析水文地质条件、预测降水对周围环境的影响;在设置井点数量、选择井径和抽水设备时应留有安全储备以保证降水一次成功。在深井施工中必须严格控制成井工艺和质量。  相似文献   

源头溪流是流域污染负荷控制的关键节点。源头溪流接纳流域内输入的污染物后,通过促进污染物在河道内的滞留及消减,降低对流域下游的输出,为下游水域水环境治理减轻压力。本文从暂储理论出发,对源头溪流营养盐滞留的研究进行了综述。介绍了暂储的定义,探讨了影响暂储区的水文、地形地貌及生物因素,分析了暂储区对溪流中营养盐滞留的作用,辨析了目前研究中存在的不足,指出未来宜在国内诸多源头溪流尽快开展相关工作,研究暂储区变化对营养盐滞留的影响机理,从而为下游流域污染负荷削减、河流廊道生态恢复提供支撑。  相似文献   

冬宇辉 《给水排水》2004,30(8):73-75
介绍了深井水源系统在北京嘉和公寓中的应用 ,深井水源系统是地源式水源热泵中央空调系统的关键 ,而深井水源的管路系统又是系统的核心 ,管路系统设计是否合理直接影响整个系统运行 ,重点介绍深井水的抽取、回灌和系统控制的设计  相似文献   

以太湖重要的浅水湖湾——东太湖为例,应用经典风浪经验公式,将风速转化为浪高,以直接体现风浪强度,在分析其与污染底泥卷起、水质指标相关关系的基础上,对风浪影响湖区水质的机制进行进一步探究。结果表明:随着风速、浪高的增加,水体浑浊度增加,偏北风作用下湖区浑浊度更高;DO的质量浓度呈降低趋势,全年浓度呈现冬季偏高而夏季偏低的规律;COD的质量浓度呈增加趋势,全年浓度呈现冬季偏高而夏季偏低的规律;TN的质量浓度与风速相关关系不明显,全年浓度呈现夏季偏高而冬季偏低的规律;浑浊度与COD存在较好的相关性。确定风浪对湖区水质的影响机制,旨在为针对性地制定湖泊水质改善措施提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Even in heavily impounded river ecosystems, aquatic populations and communities retain limited connectivity via movement through dams. This connectivity has the potential to influence population dynamics but has been infrequently characterized. We used 1995–2008 paddlefish mark–recapture data to perform the following: (i) quantify rates of movement through dams and (ii) examine the influence of dam discharge on fish passing dams. We found that there are substantial one‐way (upstream to downstream) population connections maintained via fish passing dams and that dam discharge is a key driver of downstream fish movement. Results of our study suggest that population connections maintained by fish passing dams can play an important role in population dynamics depleting upstream populations and subsidizing downstream populations, particularly in years with high flow events. We suggest that the influence of hydrology on maintaining populations in fragmented ecosystems is an increasingly important consideration for conservation and management of aquatic ecosystems in the face of predicted hydrological changes from climate change. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To our knowledge, precise data concerning the pollution in terms of qualitative and quantitative fluctuations in discharge water from the laundry sector have seldom been reported. This study investigated the chemical composition of the discharge water from a laundry industry. Over 160 chemical substances and 15 standard water parameters were monitored. The results showed that the discharge water presented both inorganic and organic polycontamination with a high degree of qualitative and quantitative variability. However, of all monitored substances, only five metals (Al, Cu, Fe, Sr, and Zn), five minerals (P, Ca, K, Na, and S), and alkylphenols were systematically present and quantifiable. For a daily average water flow of 129 m3, the released metal flux was 356 g/d. Substances, such as trichloromethane, brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) 47, and fluorides, were occasionally found and quantified. Other substances, such as chlorophenols, organo-tins, and pesticides were never identified. All the samples had quantifiable levels in the chemical oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand (BOD), and hydrocarbons. Only the concentrations of Zn (8.3 g/d), Cu (21.4 g/d), and BOD (57.4 g/d) were close to or above the regulatory values: 74.0 g/d for Zn, 9.0 g/d for Cu, and 57.0 kg/d for BOD. The data obtained from this study are useful to the choice of additional treatments for the reduction of pollutant fluxes.  相似文献   

本文基于自由射流扩散规律的研究成果,在对常规水垫塘内水流流态进行分析研究的基础上,结合模型试验成果对深水垫情况下水垫塘内水流流态进行了分析,对淹没射流特征进行了研究。研究结果认为,深水垫情况下的水垫塘内水流流态的规律性比较明显,淹没冲击射流流态与淹没水跃流态平顺衔接过渡,总体上可认为是一种射流流态,符合射流的线性扩散规律。  相似文献   

伊吗图河流域水源涵养林工程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对伊吗图河流域水土流失严重现状,提出实施伊吗图河(王府以上)流域水源涵养林工程规划,并提出了具体治理模式。预计治理措施全部生效后,直接产生的经济效益可达1018.62万元,生态环境将得到极大的改善。  相似文献   

研究空气吹脱塔对饮用水中三卤甲烷的去除效果.在水温为24℃、气温为25℃、水力负荷≤20 m~3/(m~2·h)、气液比60的条件下,THMs去除率可达90%以上.THMs单体中,三氯甲烷最易去除,三溴甲烷最难去除.通过成本分析,吹脱塔运行费用为0.03元/m~3.研究表明,吹脱法是一种费用低、操作简单、高效率的去除THMs的工艺.  相似文献   

袁丽蓉  沈永明  唐军 《水利学报》2007,38(3):260-266
本文根据垂向二维数值模型计算求解和分析了波流环境中的一维对流扩散方程中的混合系数。此二维数值模型采用非线性k-ε紊流模型封闭雷诺时均方程,应用VOF方法处理自由面。分析方法是用该二维模型计算波流环境中污染物瞬时源产生的浓度场,计算该浓度场的断面平均浓度,求此断面平均浓度的概率分布,由概率分布的方差随时间的导数得到一维对流扩散问题中的混合系数。通过算例分析,发现波流环境混合系数随着波浪周期和波 高的不同,可能大于纯流和纯波的混合系数之和,也可能比纯流情况下小;波周期与混合系数呈正比。且存在一个使混合系数最大的波高。  相似文献   

A simple and highly-efficient method for numerically evaluating the waves created by a ship that travels at a constant speed in calm water, of large depth or of uniform depth, is given. The method, inspired by Kelvin's classical stationary-phase analysis, is suited for evaluating far-field as well as near-field waves. More generally, the method can be applied to a broad class of integrals with integrands that contain a rapidly oscillatory trigonometric function with a phase function whose first derivative(and possibly also higher derivatives) vanishes at one or several points, commonly called points of stationary phase, with the range of integration.  相似文献   

嘉兴市深层地下水开采与地面沉降的分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
嘉兴市城乡用水量逐年增加,废、污水排放量不断增大,地面水体污染严重,供水水源矛盾日益突出.由于缺乏严格管理,对深层地下水进行掠夺性开采,使深层地下水位大幅度下降,导致地面严重沉降,这种人为的地质灾害已使嘉兴市和一些临近地区生态平衡遭到破坏,也必将会影响嘉兴市经济建设和市民正常生活.从深层地下水开采的角度分析嘉兴市日益严重的地面沉降问题,并提出治理对策.  相似文献   

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