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Isbufylline metabolism after oral administration to humans was studied. The main metabolites detected by the HPLC method, in plasma, were 1-methyl-7-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl-propyl) xanthine (I), 1,3-dimethyl-7-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl-propyl) xanthine (II), and 1-methyl-7-(2-methyl-propyl) xanthine (III). The main metabolites detected in urine were 1-methyl-7-(2-hydroxy-2-methyl-propyl) xanthine (I), 1,3-dimethyl-7-(2-carboxy-propyl) xanthine (IV), and 1,3-dimethyl-7-(2-hydroxymethyl-propyl) xanthine glucuronic acid (V)-Gluc. They were isolated by HPLC, identified by GC/MS, HPLC/MS, or HPLC/MS/MS, and finally synthesized. Recovery of these metabolites, along with the absence of unmetabolized isbufylline in the urine, indicated biotransformation and renal excretion as the main routes of isbufylline elimination in humans. HPLC quantitation of the characterized urine metabolites revealed that 49% of the drug was eliminated as (I), 9% as (V)-Gluc, and 5% as (IV).  相似文献   

The metabolism and toxicokinetics of cyclohexane (CH) and cyclohexanol (CH-ol), important solvents and chemical intermediates, were studied in volunteers after 8-h periods of inhalation exposure at concentrations of 1010 and 236 mg m(-3), respectively (occupational exposure limits: CH, 1050 mg m(-3); CH-ol, 200 mg m(-3)). Of the dose of absorbed parent compounds, the yields of urinary CH-ol and 1,2- and 1,4-cyclohexanediol (CH-diol) were 0.5%, 23.4%, and 11.3%, respectively, after exposure to CH and 1.1%, 19.1%, and 8.4%, respectively, after exposure to CH-ol as determined by a gas chromatography method involving hydrolysis of glucuronide conjugates. The metabolic patterns of CH and CH-ol were very similar to that of cyclohexanone (CH-one) studied in the laboratory previously. For all three compounds, peak excretion of CH-ol occurred at the end of the exposure period, after which it decayed rapidly. Excretion curves of 1,2- and 1,4-CH-diol reached maximal values within 0-6 h postexposure, with subsequent elimination half-lives being 14-18 h. The rate-limiting step in the elimination of CH compounds from the organism is renal clearance of CH-diols. Determination of CH-diols in end-of-shift urine samples is recommended as a useful new method of biomonitoring of CH, CH-ol, and CH-one at the workplace. However, due to accumulation of CH-diols in the body during repeated exposure, quantitative relationships between the exposure and the level of CH-diols have to be adjusted according to the day of sampling during the working week.  相似文献   

The adrenal gland is involved in the control of urinary sodium excretion mainly via the secretion of the mineralocorticoid aldosterone. Although under certain conditions glucocorticoid seem to be also involved in the regulation of sodium homeostasis, there are contradictory reports on the relationship between cortisol secretion and sodium intake. Given recent findings linking regulation of physiological activity of steroids to the activity of specific enzymatic pathways, we have examined changes in urinary excretion of cortisol and its metabolites in eight healthy volunteers on a low sodium diet. Urinary steroids were measured with specific radioimmunoassays after extraction and chromatography (F and E) or after dilution (THF and THE). Excretion of cortisol (124 +/-41 nmol/day) was significantly lower on Day 2 (86 +/- 27 nmol/day, p < 0.01) and Day 7 (85 +/- 25 nmol/day, p < 0.01) of sodium restriction. On the same samples calculated ratios of THF/F (55 +/- 15; 61 +/- 22; 68 +/- 21) and E/F (2.5 +/- 0.6; 2.8 +/- 1.4; 3.0 +/- 1.3) reflecting the activity of 5 beta-reductase and 11 beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, respectively, showed significant increases in the former on both Days 2 and 7 and for the latter only on Day 7. This study supports the notion that sodium restriction decreases urinary cortisol excretion and provides evidence that increased activity of 5 beta-reductase and lowered metabolism by 11 beta-HSD are presumably the mechanisms of this decrease.  相似文献   

Peptides were isolated from the water-soluble fraction of Feta cheese by reversed-phase HPLC in three successive steps. Peptide sequencing was performed by automatic Edman degradation. Most of the peptides originated from alpha s1-casein (CN), especially from the N-terminal half of the molecule. Two peptides originated from the C-terminal domain of beta-CN. Only one peptide, which was rich in histidine, originated from kappa-CN. beta-Lactoglobulin and alpha-lactalbumin were also identified in the water extract of Feta cheese. The origin of most of these peptides could be explained on the basis of known specificities of chymosin and lactococcal cell-wall proteinases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The oxidative metabolism of estrogens in humans is mediated primarily by cytochrome P450, many isoenzymes of which are inducible by dietary and pharmacologic agents. One major pathway, 2-hydroxylation, is induced by dietary indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which is present in cruciferous vegetables (e.g., cabbage and broccoli). PURPOSE: Because the pool of available estrogen substrates for all pathways is limited, we hypothesized that increased 2-hydroxylation of estrogens would lead to decreased activity in competing metabolic pathways. METHODS: Urine samples were collected from subjects before and after oral ingestion of I3C (6-7 mg/kg per day). In the first study, seven men received I3C for 1 week; in the second study, 10 women received I3C for 2 months. A profile of 13 estrogens was measured in each sample by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. RESULTS: In both men and women, I3C significantly increased the urinary excretion of C-2 estrogens. The urinary concentrations of nearly all other estrogen metabolites, including levels of estradiol, estrone, estriol, and 16alpha-hydroxyestrone, were lower after I3C treatment. CONCLUSIONS: These findings support the hypothesis that I3C-induced estrogen 2-hydroxylation results in decreased concentrations of several metabolites known to activate the estrogen receptor. This effect may lower estrogenic stimulation in women. IMPLICATIONS: I3C may have chemopreventive activity against breast cancer in humans, although the long-term effects of higher catechol estrogen levels in women require further investigation.  相似文献   

1. Rapamycin is metabolically transformed in rat liver microsomes to 3,4- and 5,6-dihydrodiol metabolites under the influence of the cytochrome P-450 mixed function oxygenase system. These metabolites were produced from dexamethasone-induced as well as from non-induced rat liver microsomes. The comparison of the ion spray mass spectra of the 5,6-dihydrodiol with the 3,4-dihydrodiol of rapamycin shows clearly that dihydrodiols were formed in two distinct positions of rapamycin. 2. FAB mass spectra as well as electrospray mass spectra of two additional peaks isolated from the same chromatographic run confirm the presence of a 3,4-dihydrodiol metabolite of rapamycin as also strongly suggested by UV spectra. Hplc reinjection of each individual peak always resulted in chromatograms showing a combination of the same three peaks and therefore are to be considered as tautomers of the 3,4-dihydrodiol of rapamycin. 3. These tautomeric conformations were found to have no immunosuppressive potency, most probably due to important structural and stereochemical modifications of the rapamycin binding domain to the binding protein (FKBP-12) and/or to important metabolic structural modifications of rapamycin effector domain.  相似文献   

1. The biotransformation of a single i.p. dose of [14C]2-chloroaniline (1.0 mmol/kg, approximately 60 microCi/rat) was investigated in the urine and faeces of the male Fischer 344 rat. 2. During 24 h, 53.1% of the administered radioactivity was eliminated into the urine, while < 1% of the radioactivity appeared in the faeces. 3. The major biotransformation pathways were para-hydroxylation and sulphate conjugation. 4-Amino-3-chlorophenyl sulphate was the major urinary metabolite comprising 31.6% of total urinary radioactivity. The para-hydroxylated metabolite, 4-amino-3-chlorophenol (10.8%), and its O-glucuronide conjugate (3.7%) were also urinary metabolites. The formation of direct conjugates of 2-chloroaniline, the N-sulphate and N-glucuronide, was significant with as much as 18.6 and 8.6%, respectively, of these metabolites excreted in the urine. The parent compound, 2-chloroaniline, accounted for 16.9% of urinary radioactivity. 4. N-Acetylated products were minor metabolites present in urine as 2-chloro-4-hydroxyacetanilide and its sulphate or glucuronide conjugate. Neither 2-chloroacetanilide nor its oxidation products, 2-chloroglycolanilide and 2-chlorooxanilic acid, were urinary metabolites.  相似文献   

The metabolism of a new antisecretory and antiulcer drug, trithiozine (I.S.F. 2001, T), was studied in 4 hr rat urine samples after i.p. administration. After extraction at pH 7 with chloroform, the urine was either incubated with beta-glucuronidase or acidified to pH 2 and subsequently extracted with chloroform. The organic layers were evaporated to dryness and the residues used for TLC analysis. The neutral extracts revealed five spots, not present in control rat urine, corresponding to the unchanged drug T and to four metabolites. Two of the metabolites had been previously identified as the 4-(3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoyl)tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine (TBO) and the 4-(3,4,5-trimethoxythiobenzoyl)tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine-S-oxide (TO). Three other metabolites were found in the extracts after beta-glucuronidase incubation. TLC, U.V. and M.S. data were consistent with the structure 4-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxythiobenzoyl)tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine (HT), the corresponding S-oxide (HO) and the 4-(3,5-dimethoxy-4-hydroxybenzoyl)tetrahydro-1,4-oxazine (HBO). The acidic extracts revealed two spots structurally identified as the 3,4,5-trimethoxybenzoic acid (TBA) and the previous HBO. On the basis of present knowledge, a possible metabolic pathway of T is reported, consisting in a rapid metabolic oxidation on the sulfur atom and a slower demethylation on the para methoxy group. The presence of TBA is indicative of subsequent enzymatic hydrolysis of TBO. The intense and long-lasting inhibitory effect of T on gastric secretion is tentatively correlated with the pharmacological activities of some of its metabolites.  相似文献   

Analysis of content of death notices (obituaries, in memoriams, and funeral announcements) may offer some explanation of how Ghanaians express their feelings about the death of loved ones and the meanings they assign to death and dying. Analysis of 371 death notices selected from two widely read Ghanaian newspapers, the Daily Graphic and the Ghanaian Times yielded six thematic expressions about death and dying: death is personified as cold and unfeeling and described as an ongoing painful experience: the deceased is described as beloved, devoted, and valued. Death notices indicate impending restructured roles and social relationships survivors face; the image and personality of the deceased are included; and the availability and proximity of the deceased's next of kin can be inferred. The findings add to the literature on (1) cultural attitudes toward death and (2) how death is managed and feelings about death and dying are expressed.  相似文献   

Antihypertensive effects of SKP-450 (KR-30450, CAS 172489-10-0, (-)-(2R)-2"-(1",3"-dioxolan-2-yl)-2-2methyl-4-(2'-oxopyrr olidin-1-yl)-6- nitro-2H-1-benzopyran), a newly synthesized potassium channel activator, and its major metabolites SKP-818 ((-)-(2R)-2"-hydroxymethyl-2-methyl-4-(2'-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-6-ni tro- 2H-1-benzopyran) and SKP-310 ((-)-(2R)-2"-carboxy-2-methyl-4-(2'-oxopyrrolidin-1-yl)-6-nitro-2H -1- benzopyran) were evaluated in freely moving spontaneously hypertensive (SHR), renally hypertenisve (RHR), DOCA/salt-induced hypertensive (DHR) and normotensive rats (NR). The effects of long-term treatment with SKP-450 on blood pressure and arterial reactivity were also studied in SHR. SKP-450 (3-300 micrograms/kg, p.o.) and SKP-818 (3-100 micrograms/kg, i.v.) dose-dependently decreased mean arterial pressure (MAP) (potency order: SKP-450, RHR > SHR = DHR > NR; SKP-818, DHR = SHR = RHR > NR); however, SKP-310 did not influence MAP. Compared with lemakalim, SKP-450 was 2 to 5 fold more potent in SHR and NR, and equipotent in RHR and DHR. Repeatedly administration of SKP-450 to SHR over 21 days (10 and 30 micrograms/kg, p.o., once a day), had no significant effect on the degree and pattern of its antihypertensive effects and on the reactivity of isolated aorta to various vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. These results suggest that SKP-450 is a potent peripheral vasodilator acting without the development of tolerance and the alteration in vascular reactivity. SKP-818 and SKP-310 may play a role as an active metabolite and inactive intermediary, respectively.  相似文献   

Following iv administration of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal (HNE) and [4-3H]HNE to rats, 15 polar urinary metabolites accounting for about 50% of the urinary radioactivity were separated by HPLC. Among them, eight major compounds and tritiated water were quantified. The metabolites were unequivocally characterized using GC/MS and ESI/MS/MS/MS. Most of "HNE polar metabolites" originate from omega-oxidation of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenoic acid (HNA): 9-hydroxy-HNA, its mercapturic acid conjugate, and two diastereoisomers of the corresponding lactone. The oxidation of 9-hydroxy-HNA by alcohol and aldehyde dehydrogenases leads to the excretion of 9-carboxy-HNA and of the corresponding lactone mercapturic acid conjugate. 1, 4-Dihydroxy-2-nonene (DHN) originating from the reduction of HNE by alcohol dehydrogenase was to a lesser extent omega-hydroxylated, leading to 9-hydroxy-DHN which was excreted as a mercapturic acid conjugate (two diastereoisomers).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Withdrawal from long-term cocaine use is accompanied by symptoms resembling major depression. Because acute cocaine affects serotonin (5-HT) neurons, and 5-HT dysfunction is implicated in the pathophysiology of depression, we evaluated the effects to 5-HT agonists in rats withdrawn from repeated injections of cocaine (15 mg/kg i.p., b.i.d., 7 days) or saline. METHODS: In the first study, prolactin (PRL) responses elicited by the 5-HT-releasing agent fenfluramine, the 5-HT1A agonist (+/-)-8-hydroxy-2-(di-n-propylamino)tetralin (8-OH-DPAT), and the 5-HT2A/2C agonist (+/-)-1-(2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodophenyl)-2-aminopropane hydrochloride (DOI) were examined as indices of postsynaptic 5-HT receptor function. In a second study, specific responses induced by 8-OH-DPAT, namely inhibition of brain 5-HT synthesis and stimulation of feeding, were examined as correlates of 5-HT1A autoreceptor function. RESULTS: Prior treatment with cocaine did not modify fenfluramine-evoked PRL release; however, the PRL secretory response to 8-OH-DPAT was blunted and the PRL response to DOI was potentiated after chronic cocaine treatment. Cocaine exposure did not alter the inhibitory effect of 8-OH-DPAT on 5-HT synthesis. 8-OH-DPAT-induced feeding was influenced by prior cocaine, but this effect was secondary to pronounced baseline hyperphagia in the cocaine-treated group. CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that withdrawal from chronic cocaine renders specific subpopulations of postsynaptic 5-HT1A receptors subsensitive and 5-HT2A/2C receptors supersensitive. No evidence for cocaine-induced changes in 5-HT1A autoreceptor responsiveness was found. A survey of the literature reveals similarities in the profile of 5-HT dysfunction between rats withdrawn from cocaine and humans diagnosed with depression. We propose that withdrawal from chronic cocaine in rats may serve as a useful animal model of depressive disorders.  相似文献   

The metabolism of levonorgestrel (LNG) in the bile following oral administration of the drug was examined in female rat. 1) Within 48 h after administration of 14C-labelled LNG (LNG-14C), 67-82% of the radioactivity was excreted into the bile. 2) Almost all the metabolites in the bile were conjugated with glucuronic acid or sulfuric acid and only a small amount of the unchanged compound was found. 3) After treatment of these metabolites in the bile with beta-glucuronidase and arylsulfatase, more than ten aglycones were detected on TLC. Three main aglycones, M1, M2 and M3, were isolated. They accounted for 68.0, 0.8 and 11.5% of the radioactivity excreted into the bile, respectively. 4) The structures of M1 and M2 were assumed to be 13-ethyl-18,19-dinor-5 alpha,17 beta-pregn-20-yne-3 alpha,17- diol and 13-ethyl-18,19-dinor-5 beta,17 beta-pregn-20-yne-3 alpha,17-diol, respectively, by NMR and LC/MS analyses, and confirmed by direct comparison with respective authentic samples. M3 was assigned to be 13-ethyl-18,19-dinor-5 alpha,17 beta-pregn-20-yne-3 alpha,16 beta,17-triol by NMR, LC/MS and GC/MS analyses and acetonide derivation. 5) Isolation of the glucuronide metabolite, M4, from the bile, was achieved by column chromatography using Amberlite XAD-2 and Sephadex LH-20. Hydrolysis of this compound with beta-glucuronidase released M1 and glucuronic acid. After M4 was converted to an acetylated-methyl ester derivative, the definite structural assignment of M4 was established to be M1-3-O-yl glucuronic acid by NMR analysis. The NOE effect and the value of the corresponding coupling constant of the anomeric proton showed that the glucoside moiety was in the beta configuration. These findings suggested that LNG was predominantly converted to 5 alpha-reduced metabolites and that the 5 beta-metabolite accounted for less than 1% of the total metabolites in female rats. These metabolites were excreted as glucuronides into the bile.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the hypoglycemic effect and the insulin-releasing effect of the main glyburide (glibenclamide) metabolites 4-trans-hydroxy-glibenclamide (M1) and 3-cis-hydroxy-glibenclamide (M2) in humans. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Eight healthy subjects participated in a placebo-controlled, randomized, single-blind crossover study with five single-dose tests, 3 months apart: 3.5 mg glibenclamide (Gb) orally, 3.5 mg Gb intravenously, 3.5 mg M1 intravenously, 3.5 mg M2 intravenously, and placebo intravenously, each in the fasting state. Standardized meals were given 0.5 and 5.5 h after each medication. Blood glucose levels were measured by a glucose oxidase method, and serum insulin concentrations were analyzed by a specific immunoassay. RESULTS: Blood glucose levels during the first 5 h were significantly lowered not only by Gb but also by M1 and M2. The mean +/- SE blood glucose reductions (versus placebo) expressed as percent of area under the curve (AUC) (0-5 h) were 18.2 +/- 3.3% for M1, 12.5 +/- 2.3% for M2, 19.9 +/- 2.1% for intravenous Gb, and 23.8 +/- 1.2% for Gb orally. Serum insulin levels were significantly increased by Gb as well as by M1 and M2. and M2. CONCLUSIONS: The two main metabolites of glyburide (glibenclamide) have a hypoglycemic effect in humans, which is due to increased insulin secretion.  相似文献   

Based on an article by S. Schachter (see record 1971-24450-001) that draws parallel findings for obese humans and rats, a case is made for the parallel features of humans with anorexia nervosa and rats made aphagic through destruction of the lateral hypothalamus (LTH). The etiology of anorexia nervosa may in part be a function of pathology, either functional or structural, in the LTH. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The in vivo disposition and in vitro metabolism of rifabutin, a new spiropiperidylrifamycin, were studied in rats and in microsomes from rat liver and enterocytes, respectively. After i.v. doses of 1,5, 10 and 25 mg/kg the systemic clearance was 0.7 to 1.0 liters/hr/kg; the volume of distribution was 4.4 liters/kg for the 1 mg/kg dose and 7.4 to 7.7 liters/kg for the 5 to 25 mg/kg doses, and the half-life ranged from 4.4 to 9.1 hr. Urinary and fecal excretion over 0 to 96 hr after i.v. administration of 25 mg/kg [14C]rifabutin accounted for 40.1 and 52.2% of the dose, respectively. Exteriorization of the bile duct showed that approximately 24% of the dose was eliminated in bile, > or = 98% as metabolites. Bioavailability after oral administration of 25 and 1 mg/kg rifabutin was > 90% and 44%, respectively, suggesting significant first-pass metabolism of the lower dose. Concentrations of rifabutin in gastric juice were 10 to 17 times higher than in blood, indicating extensive secretion into the stomach. Experiments with the isolated small intestinal loop demonstrated direct exsorption of the drug into the lumen. The rate of rifabutin metabolism by enterocyte microsomes was > 10 times higher than that by liver microsomes, i.e., 84 and 8 pmol/min/mg protein, respectively. Biotransformation of rifabutin in vivo and in vitro was markedly induced by dexamethasone and inhibited by erythromycin, suggesting that CYP3A is involved in the metabolism of rifabutin. Several metabolites, including 20-OH-rifabutin and 27-O-demethyl-rifabutin, isolated from urine and microsomes were identified by mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Rats dosed with cinnamic aldehyde (I) excreted two mercapturic acids in the urine. The major one was identified as N-acetyl-S-(1-phenyl-3-hydroxypropyl)cysteine (V). The minor one was identified as N-acetyl-S-(1-phenyl-2-carboxy ethyl)cysteine (VI). The ratio appeared to be V : VI = 4 : 1. The hydroxy mercapturic acid (V) was also isolated from urine of rats dosed with cinnamyl alcohol (II). The total mercapturic acid excretion as percentage of the dose was 14.8 +/- 1.9% for cinnamic aldehyde (250 mg/kg) (n = 4) and 8.8 +/- 1.7% for cinnamyl alcohol (n = 4) (125 mg/kg). Inhibition of the alcohol dehydrogenase by pyrazole (206 mg/kg) diminished the thioether excretion of cinnamyl alcohol to 3.3 +/- 1.4% of the dose (n = 8). Cinnamic aldehyde has been proposed to be an intermediate in the mercapturic acid formation of cinnamyl alcohol.  相似文献   

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