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Turkey frankfurters containing 20 and 40% salt (NaCl) reductions were manufactured and evaluated in comparison to a standard formulation containing 2.5% sodium chloride. Additionally, either 0.4% sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP), sodium hexametaphosphate (HMP), or sodium acid pyrophosphate (SAPP) were incorporated into frankfurters containing similar salt reductions. Phosphates improved emulsion stability and yields, especially in formulas with 40% salt reductions. TPP increased frankfurter firmness compared to that provided by SAPP or HMP regardless of salt level, but TPP had a deleterious effect on freshness at the 2.0% salt level. SAPP was more effective than HMP in improving plumpness and enhancing salt flavor intensity. Overall, SAPP appeared to provide greater benefits than either HMP or TPP as a single polyphosphate for reduced salt turkey frankfurters.  相似文献   

Changes in particle size affected measured characteristics more than changes in mixing time. Sensory results indicated that use of a 2.0 mm plate produced the coarsest (P<0.05) product. CIE b* values decreased (<0.05) as particle size was increased. Products produced with a 2.0 mm plate compared to a 1.4 mm plate had higher (P<0.05) hardness values and total energy to shear. Particle size did not affect (P>0.05) cooking loss, springiness, cohesiveness, or chewiness. Additional mixing tended to decrease sensory particle size and increase springiness and chewiness.  相似文献   

Two high-collagen meat emulsions were prepared by using two levels of sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP) with samples taken after one to four emulsification passes (EP) through an emulsion mill. Raw emulsions were evaluated for emulsion stability and comminuting temperature increase, whereas yield, color and texture tests were performed on cooked frankfurters. The addition of 0.25% STPP signficantly (p<0.05) improved emulsion stability and consumer cook yield over the control. The number of EP signficantly (p<0.05) increased emulsion temperature. As the number of EP increased, frankfurter color became lighter and less red. Frankfurters with STPP were signficantly (p<0.05) lighter upon reheating. Skin texture scores decreased after three EP.  相似文献   

Frankfurters, with and without 0.5% sodium tripolyphosphate (STPP), containing 3.5% vital wheat gluten (VWC), calcium reduced nonfat dry milk (RNFDM) and soy protein concentrate (SPC) were processed to an internal temperature of 72° or 82°C and compared to an all-meat control. Processing yields, textural profile analysis (TPA) and sensory textural attributes were not different among protein treatments, but SPCand VWG contributed slight-to-moderate off-flavor. VWG and SPC franks were acceptable, but slightly less desirable than the control and RNFDM treatments. Franks processed to 82°C were more desirable, but at the expense of reduced yields. STPP did not affect yields, but increased sensory firmness and TPA fracturability and hardness. VWG, RNFDM and SPC were comparable to the control for most traits studied, but alterations in spice formulation are needed to improve VWG and SPC flavor.  相似文献   

Frankfurter-type sausages were made in which 5%, 10%, or 15% of the meat was replaced with the following cottonseed-derived protein products: genetically glandless cottonseed flour (CF); liquid cyclone processed deglanded cottonseed flour (LCPC); genetically glandless cottonseed storage protein isolate (CI). All-meat controls (0% cottonseed protein additive) were formulated at each replacement level with fat contents equivalent to those of the cottonseed protein-added frankfurters. Compared to all-meat controls, frankfurters made with increasing levels of cottonseed proteins generally had higher pH values, less cured color, less firmness of skin, softer texture, and were less desirable as judged by sensory panels. At the 10% and 15% replacement levels, frankfurters containing LCPC, had significantly (P < 0.05) lower scores for external and internal visual color, overall satisfaction and bioyield and rupture force values than did Cl-added frankfurters. Simple correlation coefficients suggest that significantly (P < 0.05) correlated responses exist within and across replacement levels between pH and sensory panel scores, Instron values and visual color scores.  相似文献   

The interrelationships among organoleptic, rheological, and chemical properties of canned peaches were studied. The rheological properties were determined by relaxation and Boussinesq die loading methods with the assumption that the Hertz theory was valid under experimental conditions. The results indicated that these methods could be used to monitor the textural properties of canned peaches. Chemical analysis showed that the total titratable acidity was significantly correlated to the hardness and graininess, while alcohol insoluble solids had a significant correlation with graininess. Acid detergent fibers showed a negative correlation with the mouthfeel.  相似文献   

Inhibitory effects of sodium chloride (NaCl), potassium chloride (KCl), and magnesium chloride (MgCl2) on C. botulinum inoculated turkey frankfurter emulsions were determined. Ionic strengths (I.S.) of 0.42, 0.55, and 0.68 were compared (equivalent to 2.5%, 3.25%, and 4.0% NaCl). Sodium nitrite levels were constant at 150 ppm. Inoculated emulsions (103 spores/g) were incubated and maintained at 27°C. In-creasing NaCl from I.S. 0.42 to 0.68 delayed toxin production from 4 days to at least 40 days. KCl was almost as effective as NaCl at I.S. 0.42, but inferior at higher levels. MgCl2 did not demonstrate any inhibitory effect. Fifty percent substitution of 2.5% NaCl with KCl or MgCl2 generally reduced time for toxin production to occur.  相似文献   

The effects of electrical stimulation, tender stretching, ageing, freezing and thawing on beef palatability were assessed by a trained sensory panel and by several objective methods. The overall palatability of both longissimus dorsi (strip loin) and semimembranosus (topside) steaks improved with ageing, irrespective of tenderizing method, but there appeared to be little advantage in extending ageing beyond 10 days. Tender stretched longissimus dorsi steaks were marginally preferred by the taste panel to electrically stimulated steaks subjected to the same ageing. Unfrozen steaks were preferable to frozen and thawed steaks with respect to juiciness, flavor and tenderness. Thawing method had little effect on steak palatability.  相似文献   

Potato starch and flour were examined as possible constituents in frankfurter formulations. Frankfurters manufactured with 3% potato starch or 1.5% potato starch plus 1.5% potato flour in place of 3% wheat flour normally used as a binder, and stored at 4–5°C for 28 days did not differ significantly in percent shrink, water, protein, fat, ash or salt. Residual nitrite levels decreased during the storage period. Total plate counts reflect residual nitrite levels since the frankfurters (3% starch) with the lowest nitrite concentration also had the greatest number of bacteria (6.4 × 106/g) on day 28. Frankfurters formulated with 1.5% potato starch plus 1.5% potato flour were rated more tender and more juicy than those made with 3% potato starch (P≤0.05 and P≤0.01) and 3% wheat flour (P≤0.01 and P≤0.01), respectively. Fresh potato starch and wheat flour franks did not differ from each other in either characteristic but after one week's storage the potato starch samples were rated more tender (P≤0.05) and more juicy (P≤0.01). Less force was required to shear the frankfurters formulated with 3% potato starch.  相似文献   

Patties from a Control (100% meat), Treatment I (meat, 1.1% water, 1.0% NaCl and 0.5% STP) and Treatment II (meat, 11.1% water, 1.0% NaCl and 0.5% STP) were frozen for 0 to 52 wk, broiled, and analyzed. Yield, moisture, expressible moisture, tenderness, and juiciness of both Treatments were improved compared to the Control. TBA values of Treatment II were greater than that of the Control. The force needed to penetrate top surface of patties (FI) from Control and Treatment I was similar and greater than that of patties from Treatment II. The force needed to penetrate bottom surfaces of patties (F2) differed across formulation. Storage adversely affected moisture content of Control along with F2 and TBA values of all formulations. Juiciness was negatively correlated with moisture.  相似文献   

Product formulations and processing methods were developed using seven corn-based flours. They were fortified with various levels of sesame, chickpea, soybeans, powdered egg, nonfat dry milk, lysine, and methionine. Products were formulated to provide as closely as possible the FAO requirements for essential amino acids and to have acceptable physical, chemical, nutritional, sensory properties and cost. The overall nutritional value was increased at least by 92% as compared to similar existing products. There were no obvious differences in physical properties of the fortified flours and products as compared to commercial counterparts. The protein cost of the fortified products was less than that of food from animal sources; the PER values being the same or higher.  相似文献   

Preblends of prerigor or postrigor pork with 2 or 4% salt were used to make sausages with finished product salt contents of 2.5 or 1.5% and with or without sodium tripolyphosphate. pH values increased (P > 0.001) when sausages were made with preblends of 4% salt or when phosphate was used. Reducing salt contents from 2.5 to 1.5% did not (P < 0.05) affect physical, chemical or sensory properties except for saltiness and Instron force of rupture values. Firmness of sausages increased (P < 0.05) when sodium tripolyphosphate or preblends with 4% salt were used. Data suggest that salt levels could be reduced 50% without detrimentally affecting physical, chemical or sensory properties of these frankfurter-type sausages.  相似文献   

The effects of gamma-irradiation doses (0, 0.5, and 1.0 Mrad) on C. botulinum toxin production in turkey frankfurters formulated with three different chloride salts (NaCl, KCl, and MgCl2) at isoionic strength (equal to 2.5% NaCl) and three types of phosphates added to 2.0% NaCl frankfurters were studied. The use of 2.5% NaCl together with 0.5 or 1.0 Mrad was substantially more effective at inhibitinlg botulinal toxin production when frankfurters were incubated at 27°C than the combination of irradiation with KCl or MgC12 (40, 9, and 4 days, respectively, when treated with 1 Mrad). Phosphate addition revealed that 0.4% sodium acid pyrophosphate addition was the most inhibitory for botulinal toxin production followed by hexametaphosphate and tripolyphosphate addition.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》1988,71(8):2010-2020
AbsractCheddar cheese containing selected levels of added NaCl ranging from 0 to 1.44% was evaluated for various chemical, microbiological, and sensory properties over a 7-mo ripening period. Cheese with the least NaCl showed an increase in proteolysis and water activity. Cheese with less salt supported higher lactic acid bacteria populations. Trained panel evaluation of the experimental cheese with reduced levels of NaCl showed an increase in adhesiveness, cohesiveness, acidity, bitterness, unpleasant aftertaste, and a concomitant decrease in firmness and saltiness. Consumers were unable to detect flavor and texture differences in cheese containing 1.44 and 1.12% NaCl. Although consumers noted a difference between 1.12 and .73% NaCl, cheese with .73% salt received acceptable overall desirability ratings.  相似文献   

Three formulations of bologna were prepared, differing only by the lean meat used: (1) ostrich meat from Iliofibularis muscle (fan thigh), (2) ostrich meat from Femorotibialis medius muscle (tip thigh), and (3) beef meat from Subscapularis muscle (shoulder). Physical, chemical, and sensory analyses were made. The final products formulated with ostrich meat, although having a dark appearance, were acceptable in chemical composition and other sensory characteristics. The low fat and high protein content for ostrich bolognas will help to ensure that, if marketed in sufficient quantities, ostrich meat can successfully compete with other healthy meat products. The ostrich meat (Iliofibularis muscle) formula reached the highest general quality scores in the sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

Grapes of four muscadine (Vitis rotundifolia Michaux) cultivars were subjected to carbonic maceration (CM) treatment during vinification. CM involved holding the intact grape berries anaerobically under an atmosphere of CO2 prior to crushing the grapes. Two different sets of conditions, 20 days at 16°C and 10 days at 24°C, were used for CM treatments. For comparison, standard wines were made from these cultivars by the usual vinification procedures. When compared to the standard wines, CM white wines had lower pH values, higher titratable acidity and phenols, lower alcohol, were yellower in color and were judged significantly lower in sensory quality. CM is not recommended for white wine production. Red CM wines, compared to the standard wines, had higher pH values, had a tendency towards higher volatile acidity, were generally lower in phenols, alcohol and color, and received similar sensory ratings. However, the red CM wines had a distinctively spicy bouquet and flavor which was not present in the standard wines.  相似文献   

为了研究不同干燥方式对苹果蟠桃纸的感官品质和理化特性的影响,本文采用五种干燥方式(烘箱热风干燥、烤箱干燥、微波炉干燥、烤箱-烘箱联合干燥、烤箱-微波炉联合干燥)制备苹果蟠桃纸,考察不同干燥方式制备的苹果蟠桃纸在感官评定、质构、色泽、褐变度、总酚和维生素C含量、抗氧化活性等方面的差异。结果表明,烘箱热风干燥的产品的形态、口感、色泽、风味更能吸引感官评定人员,感官评定分数为最高(86.7),总酚类含量最高(5.66 mg GAE/g dw)、抗氧化活性较强(DPPH自由基清除率66.00%,FRAP法测定的总还原能力0.32 mmol Trolox/g dw),但维生素C含量较低(4.56 mg/100 g)、褐变程度较高。微波炉干燥的苹果蟠桃纸维生素C含量最高(9.78 mg/100 g),但感官评定分数最低为66.7,总酚含量(4.11 mg GAE/g dw)和抗氧化活性最低(DPPH自由基清除率58.00%,FRAP法测定的总还原能力 0.18 mmol Trolox/g dw)。烤箱-烘箱联合干燥和烤箱-微波炉联合干燥的产品则没有突出优势。综上,建议在苹果蟠桃纸生产中不采用微波炉干燥,采用烘箱热风干燥。  相似文献   

Instrumental and sensory evaluations were conducted on frankfurters manufactured with an increased monounsaturated/saturated (M/S) lipid ratio and 25% less fat than control. The M/S ratio was altered by using lean and fat from pigs fed 0%, 10%, or 20% canola oil (CO) which is high in oleic acid. Incorporation of 10% and 20% CO pork tissue into the product decreased saturated fat by 11.0% and 18.6%, respectively. Instron texture analysis indicated slight increases in cohesiveness with elevated CO, whereas decreasing fat increased gumminess and chewiness. Sensory evaluation demonstrated that the overall palatability ratings of the test frankfurters were similar to the control product. Frankfurters with significantly less total fat and saturated fatty acids without adverse sensory and storage characteristics were produced.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The technical feasibility of using organic acid salts for surface treatment of frankfurters to determine their sensory and other quality characteristics and their ability to inhibit bacterial growth was investigated. To be practically effective, such treatments for frankfurters should have no adverse effects on meat quality attributes, including sensory quality, color, or texture. A 6% sodium diacetate + potassium benzoate (SD/PB) treatment significantly increased meat flavor, and a 3% sodium lactate + sodium diacetate + potassium benzoate (SL/SD/PB) treatment significantly decreased smoke flavor compared with the control group, but there was no significant difference between controls and the surface-treated frankfurters when comparing salty, sour, or pepper flavors. On the other hand, the SL/SD/PB at either 3% or 6% significantly increased the lightness ( L *) and decreased the redness ( a *) value for frankfurters compared with the control group. For storage time longer than 2 mo, the L * value significantly increased and the a * value decreased. Evaluation of quality characteristics showed that after surface treatment with organic acid salts, no differences were observed between controls and treated frankfurters for pH, nitrite concentration, or sodium content.  相似文献   

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