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Results of intentional action on the temperature field of the dam, which had been supercooled during the winter of 2009/10, to improve its stress-strain state by regulation of the reservoir-filling regime, are presented.  相似文献   

介绍了桂林天湖水电站宝顶水库坝基帷幕灌浆工艺的选择及施工过程,论述了施工过程中遇到的冒浆、漏浆、串浆等技术问题及解决方法,并对灌浆效果及其质量进行了评价。  相似文献   

黑河水库初次蓄水大坝湿化变形有限元分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用基于邓肯E-B模型的增量有限元法,对黑河水库初次蓄水时大坝的湿化变形进行了计算分析,并与实际观测结果进行了比较。结果表明,所用分析方法合理,所得计算结果接近实际。  相似文献   

Conditions for the earthquake safety of the dam are determined. Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 11, November 2008, pp. 52–57.  相似文献   

1.  The means of engineering protection of the foundation of the structure from seepage specified by the design of the dam of the S-Sh HES provided an effective reduction of the head on the upstream stretch of the underground contour. In this case, the value of the uplift on the base of the dam does not exceed the design values, and the discharges in the drainage devices remain below the values specified by calculation.
2.  The seepage inhomogeneity of the dam foundation is comparatively large and has an ordered character, which was not taken into account in the seepage calculations. Modeling of such an object requires the fabrication of three-dimensional models.
3.  During staged filling of the reservoir, noticeably abrupt changes in the permeability of the permeable medium occurred along with slowly developing processes of an increase of fracture porosity corresponding to a general increase of the head on the structure. Such sharp changes occurred during filling of the reservoir at a rate greater than 2 m/day.
4.  A tendency toward a decrease of the effectiveness of the curtain and drainage device is noted with the course of time. The causes of this, as is seen, are decompression of the contact zone related to seasonal variations of the stress-strain state of the medium in the region of transition of the dam with the foundation rocks and intense deposition of sediments in the drain wells.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 8, pp. 32–36, August, 1990.  相似文献   

洋河水库大坝(土石坝)经历了1976年唐山地震,多处出现裂缝,采用了在背水面贴坡的方案进行了加固,贴坡采用的填筑料为砂砾料及全风化花岗岩弃渣,论述了填筑料的工程特性及其压实技术指标的确定方法。  相似文献   

1.  Processes of variation of the dam-foundation-abutments system are not fading away, the operating regime of the structure has not stabilized.
2.  The unsteady and inelastic work of the bank abutments, evidently, is one of the causes of irreversible radial movements and development of fracturing in the first column of the dam.
3.  Cracking on the upstream face and progressive seepage through the concrete of the first column worsen the state of the concrete and the cracks are subject to healing by polymer materials. Polymer injections do not improve the work of the structure, but if the cracks are not healed promptly the volume of necessary repair works will increase with the course of time.
4.  To evaluate the stress state of the dam it is necessary to make calculations with consideration of the large stress raisers: water intakes, gate grooves, etc.
5.  It is required to evaluate the fact of the excess by a factor of 2–3 of the increments of the maximum arch stress over the design values in various load ranges.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 4, pp. 21–25, April, 1994.  相似文献   

以文登市米山水库除险加固工程为例,介绍了利用坝基帷幕灌浆结合坝体静压灌浆处理水库坝基渗漏问题取得的良好效果,该方法具有施工简便、工效高,成本低等特点,为今后处理类似工程提供了一定的施工经验。  相似文献   

港口湾水库面板堆石坝填筑施工过程中,质量控制严格,填筑石料新鲜,级配连续,其级配曲线一般都在设计包络线内,属优良级配,垫层料,过渡料的细料含量满足设计要求,过渡料与垫层料反滤性能良好,经对填筑过程中的施工工艺现场检查,坝体填筑的铺料,层厚,碾压一般符合要求,坝体填筑检测干密度达到部颁标准的合格要求,坝体碾压质量良好,根据水库蓄水后的观测数据,坝体沉降和水平位移,坝体渗流量等数值的在国内同等规模工程中偏小,反映出坝体填筑施工质量优良。  相似文献   

A model is developed for determination of radial displacement of the dam. __________ Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 6, pp. 9–13, June, 2006.  相似文献   

简要介绍桐柏上水库大坝监测布置情况。基于监测成果,分析大坝变形、渗流分布和变化状况,评价大坝运行性态,并对大坝渗水处理进行了总结,以指导大坝安全运行管理,供同类工程参考借鉴。  相似文献   

施工温降是引起碾压混凝土拱坝裂缝的主要荷载。均匀温降作用下拱坝在裂缝前整个断面处于受拉状态,最大拉应力出现在拱端上游面和拱冠下游面。均匀温降使碾压混凝土拱坝全断面受拉,坝体形成深层的或贯穿性的裂缝对拱坝的危害较大。施工温降在水库放空时所产生的裂缝深度一般比水库蓄满时大。水荷载所产生的压应力可以部分或全部抵销温降所产生的拉应力。一般来说,上游水荷载对拱坝的作用更大,它在拱圈大部分区域产生很大的压力,因而使裂缝的扩展受到抑制。用水平拱作为计算图形进行结构分析,能较好地反映出碾压混凝土拱坝的应力和裂缝状况;混凝土的钝裂缝带模型用于有限元断裂分析和确定裂缝扩展深度比较方便。  相似文献   

1工程概况洋河水库除险加固工程是1998年9月省计委、省水利厅联合批复,安排资金开工的国家第一批水利财政专项资金项目。工程主要建设内容包括:大坝加固、非常溢洪道改建、正常溢洪道加固及泄洪洞加固等单项工程。洋河水库属大Ⅱ型水库,大坝为粘土斜墙坝,坝高31.8m,坝顶为1.8m高的直墙段,1976年唐山大地震时曾有部分倒塌,对于土坝,坝顶直墙明显不合理,大坝存在着安全隐患,本次大坝加固即对坝顶直墙部分全部拆除,上游按现状坝坡1:2.5延长至坝顶高程66.01m,在原坝体下游侧贴坡填筑,贴坡宽度7…  相似文献   

Installation of special embedded instruments for structural monitoring of joint grouting is required for proper evaluation of the temperature regime of a concrete pour. __________ Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 8, pp. 4–8, August, 2006.  相似文献   

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