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1. To determine the contribution of the various phosphodiesterase (PDE) isozymes to the regulation of the L-type calcium current (ICa(L)) in the human myocardium, we investigated the effect of selective and non-selective PDE inhibitors on ICa(L) in single human atrial cells by use of the whole-cell patch-clamp method. We repeated some experiments in rabbit atrial myocytes, to make a species comparison. 2. In human atrial cells, 100 microM pimobendan increased ICa(L) (evoked by depolarization to +10 mV from a holding potential of -40 mV) by 250.4 +/- 45.0% (n = 15), with the concentration for half-maximal stimulation (EC50) being 1.13 microM. ICa(L) was increased by 100 microM UD-CG 212 by 174.5 +/- 30.2% (n = 10) with an EC50 value of 1.78 microM in human atrial cells. These two agents inhibit PDE III selectively. 3. A selective PDE IV inhibitor, rolipram (1-100 microM), did not itself affect ICa(L) in human atrial cells. However, 100 microM rolipram significantly enhanced the effect of 100 microM UD-CG 212 on ICa(L) (increase with UD-CG 212 alone, 167.9 +/- 33.9, n = 5; increase with the two agents together, 270.0 +/- 52.2%; n = 5, P < 0.05). Rolipram also enhanced isoprenaline (5 nM)-stimulated ICa(L) by 52.9 +/- 9.3% (n = 5) in human atrial cells. 4. In rabbit atrial cells, ICa(L) at +10 mV was increased by 22.1 +/- 9.0% by UD-CG 212 (n = 10) and by 67.4 +/- 12.0% (n = 10) by pimobendan (each at 100 microM). These values were significantly lower than those obtained in human atrial cells (P < 0.0001). Rolipram (1-100 microM) did not itself affect ICa(L) in rabbit atrial cells. However, ICa(L) was increased by 215.7 +/- 65.2% (n = 10) by the combination of 100 microM UD-CG 212 and 100 microM rolipram. This value was almost 10 times larger than that obtained for the effect of 100 microM UD-CG 212 alone. 5. These results imply a species difference: in the human atrium, the PDE III isoform seems dominant, whereas PDE IV may be more important in the rabbit atrium for regulating ICa(L). However, PDE IV might contribute significantly to the regulation of intracellular cyclic AMP in human myocardium when PDE III is already inhibited or when the myocardium is under beta-adrenoceptor-mediated stimulation.  相似文献   

Many designs of unicompartmental knee replacement show early and mid-term failure due to polyethylene wear. We studied the wear rate of congruent polyethylene meniscal bearings retrieved from failed Oxford unicompartmental knee replacements. We examined 16 bearings, 0.8 to 12.8 years after implantation, measuring their thickness and comparing it with that of 14 unused bearings. The mean rate of penetration, which included the effects of wear at both upper and lower surfaces, was 0.036 mm per year (maximum 0.08). Bearings as thin as 3.5 mm wore no faster than thicker models, but ten with evidence of impingement had greater wear. The six bearings with no impingement showed a mean rate of penetration of 0.01 mm per year. In unicompartmental knee replacement, careful implantation of fully congruous meniscal bearings can avoid failure due to polyethylene wear.  相似文献   

Two distinct but related cGMP-inhibited cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (cGI PDE) cDNAs were cloned from rat adipose tissue cDNA libraries. The open reading frame (3324 base pairs) of RcGIP1 encodes 1108 amino acids, including a hydrophobic membrane-associated domain in the NH2-terminal portion and, in the COOH-terminal portion, a putative catalytic domain conserved among all mammalian PDEs which is preceded by a putative regulatory domain that contains three consensus cAMP-dependent protein kinase phosphorylation sites and followed by a hydrophilic COOH-terminal domain. The carboxyl-terminal portion including the conserved domain was expressed as a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein and exhibited cAMP PDE activity which was inhibited by cilostamide, a specific cGI PDE inhibitor. RcGIP1 cDNA hybridizes strongly with RNA from isolated adipocytes, and its mRNA increases dramatically during differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes. The deduced sequence of the second partial cDNA clone (RcGIP2 clone 53B) is highly homologous to the corresponding region of human cardiac cGI PDE cDNA. RcGIP2 cDNA hybridized strongly with rat cardiac tissue RNA and weakly if at all with RNA from rat adipocytes or 3T3-L1 fibroblasts or adipocytes. We suggest that RcGIP1 represents the hormone-sensitive, membrane-associated rat adipocyte cGI PDE and RcGIP2, a cGI PDE from vascular elements in rat adipose tissue.  相似文献   

Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases (PDEs) regulate intracellular levels of cAMP and cGMP by hydrolyzing them to their corresponding 5' monophosphates. We report here the cloning and characterization of a novel cAMP-specific PDE from mouse testis. This unique phosphodiesterase contains a catalytic domain that overall shares <40% sequence identity to the catalytic domain of all other known PDEs. Based on this limited homology, this new PDE clearly represents a previously unknown PDE gene family designated as PDE8. The cDNA for PDE8 is 3,678 nucleotides in length and is predicted to encode an 823 amino acid enzyme. The cDNA includes a full ORF as it contains an in-frame stop codon before the start methionine. PDE8 is specific for the hydrolysis of cAMP and has a Km of 0.15 microM. Most common PDE inhibitors are ineffective antagonists of PDE8, including the nonspecific PDE inhibitor 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine. Dipyridamole, however, an inhibitor that is generally considered to be relatively specific for the cGMP selective PDEs, does inhibit PDE8 with an IC50 of 4.5 microM. Tissue distribution studies of 22 different mouse tissues indicates that PDE8 has highest expression in testis, followed by eye, liver, skeletal muscle, heart, 7-day embryo, kidney, ovary, and brain in decreasing order. In situ hybridizations in testis, the tissue of highest expression, shows that PDE8 is expressed in the seminiferous epithelium in a stage-specific manner. Highest levels of expression are seen in stages 7-12, with little or no expression in stages 1-6.  相似文献   

Two forms of phosphodiesterase (F1 and F2) with different regulatory properties have been isolated from the soluble fraction of human brain cortex. F1 is the Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent phosphodiesterase and its activity is inhibited by calmodulin antagonists (W-7, TFP, tamoxifen) via a mechanism typical for the majority of Ca(2+)-calmodulin-dependent enzymes. F2 is activated by micromolar concentrations of cGMP (7-14-fold) and by Ca2+ ions (1.5-3-fold) in the absence of exogenous calmodulin. F2 contains a tightly bound Ca(2+)-binding component (apparently calmodulin) which does not dissociate from the enzyme in the presence of EGTA. The mechanism of calmodulin antagonists action on F2 is different from that for F1.  相似文献   

A highly potent inhibitor of calmodulin-sensitive phosphodiesterase (PDE) activity was isolated from the culture broth of an unidentified fungal isolate, SCF-125. A chemically defined medium was developed for production of this compound. The PDE inhibitor was isolated from the fermentation filtrate by adsorption on a macro-reticular resin and further purified by gel filtration chromatography and reverse-phase HPLC. The major PDE inhibitor was identified as cephalochromin, a bis-naphthopyrone, by spectral data analysis. The compound, SCH 45752, inhibited calmodulin-sensitive PDE activities with IC50 values of 40-47 nM. It inhibited the activities of calmodulin-independent PDE and various protein kinases with higher IC50 values (2-40 microM). SCH 45752 does not appear to be a calmodulin antagonist. Furthermore, SCH 45752 affects smooth muscle contraction at a concentration of 30 microM; it potentiated the relaxing effect of sodium nitroprusside on carotid artery media contracted by histamine. Thus SCH 45752 is one of the most potent inhibitors of calmodulin-sensitive PDE activity known, and it is capable of exerting a pharmacological effect in at least one intact tissue model.  相似文献   

Epithelial cells actively participate in inflammatory airway disease by liberating mediators such as arachidonate metabolites and cytokines. Inhibition of phosphodiesterases (PDEs) may be a useful anti-inflammatory approach. The PDE isoenzyme pattern and the effects of PDE inhibition on mediator generation were analyzed in primary cultures of human and porcine airway epithelial cells (AEC) and in the bronchial epithelial cell line BEAS-2B. PDE4 and PDE5 were detected in lysates of all cell types studied. In primary cultures of human AEC, the PDE4 variants PDE4A5, PDE4C1, PDE4D2, and PDE4D3 were identified by polymerase chain reaction analysis. Evidence of the recently described PDE7 was obtained by rolipram- insensitive cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) degradation, and its presence was verified by the demonstration of PDE7 messenger RNA. Primary cultures of human airway epithelium also expressed PDE1. Enhanced epithelial cAMP levels, induced by forskolin and PDE4 inhibition, increased formation of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), but not of interleukin (IL)-8 or 15-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid (15-HETE) in airway epithelial cells. Increased cyclic guanosine monophosphate levels in these cells provoked by sodium nitroprusside and the PDE5 inhibitor zaprinast reduced the PGE2 synthesis, whereas 15-HETE and IL-8 formation were unchanged. The data suggest that PDE isoenzymes are important in airway inflammation and that PDE inhibitors exert anti-inflammatory effects by acting on AEC.  相似文献   

Epidemiological studies suggest that moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages may be beneficial for bone in postmenopausal women. To investigate prospectively these uncontrolled observations, female rats were divided in four groups of 10 animals each and treated with 1) ovariectomy (OVX) and 2.5% ethanol diet (OVX-ETOH group), 2) OVX and control diet (OVX-C group), 3) sham surgery and 2.5% ethanol diet (SHAM-ETOH group), or 3) sham surgery and control diet (SHAM-C group). Three weeks after surgery, bone histomorphometry revealed that the OVX-C group, as expected, had lower trabecular bone volume and higher parameters of bone formation and resorption than the SHAM-C group (p < 0.01). Intake of ethanol did not change these parameters in the SHAM rats, but in the OVX rats it was associated with sharp reduction in parameters of bone resorption (p < 0.01) without a concomitant effect on parameters of bone formation. The cytokines are believed to contribute to accelerated bone resorption during the early postmenopausal period. Indeed, the peripheral blood monocytic cells (PBMC) from the OVX-C rats produced higher amounts of TNF-alpha than the PBMC from the SHAM-C rats (p < 0.05) and administration of ethanol prevented this increase in OVX rats but had no effect in SHAM rats. In summary, short-term intake of moderate doses of ethanol was associated with markedly different effects in rats with and without ovarian function. Although ethanol had no significant effect on the bone tissue and TNF-alpha production of the SHAM rats, it was associated with markedly lower parameters of bone resorption and less TNF-alpha production in the OVX animals. This suggests that exposure to low-dose ethanol may protect from osteopenia following cessation of ovarian function.  相似文献   

The effects of intracellular cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) on L-type calcium current (lCa) and contraction of ventricular myocytes enzymatically isolated from guinea pig hearts were investigated to test the hypothesis that cGMP increases contractions along with ICa in these cells. ICa and contractions, elicited every 15 sec, were recorded simultaneously with a whole-cell voltage-clamp method and a video edge-detector, respectively. Cells were superfused with Tyrode's solution (22 degrees C); the pipette solution contained 120 mM potassium aspartate, 30 mM KCl, 4 mM ATP, 5 mM N-(2-hydroxyethyl)piperazine-N-(2-ethanesulfonic acid), 0.01 mM ethylene glycol bis(beta-aminoethyl ether)-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid and various concentrations of cGMP, which entered the cell interior through the patch electrode. In the presence of 3 nM isoproterenol (ISO) in the bath, ICa was increased 3.2-fold. ICa was further increased by 20% with 30 microM cGMP; cell contractions were also increased by 32%. When ICa was maximal in the presence of 30 nM ISO, cGMP no longer increased ICa or contractions, an indication that the effects of cGMP and ISO were additive. When ICa was increased maximally (4.3-fold) by 100 microM isobutylmethylxanthine, a nonselective phosphodiesterase inhibitor, application of 100 microM cGMP in the pipette decreased ICa by 53% and cell shortening by 64%. Cyclic GMP changed contraction in parallel with ICa in the presence of either ISO or isobutylmethylxanthine. 5'-GMP had no significant effect on ICa or contraction in the presence of ISO or isobutyl-methylxanthine. Cyclic GMP alone, at 30 microM, increased ICa by 25%; this effect on basal ICa was reversed by removal of cGMP from the pipette solution. We conclude that intracellular cGMP had two effects on ICa and contraction, namely, 1) an increase caused by an action on cGMP-inhibited phosphodiesterase and 2) a decrease attributed to activation of cGMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Stimulatory effects of several types of adjuvants on secondary antibody response to inactivated Newcastle disease virus (iNDV) were examined in chickens. For this purpose, animals were primed with iNDV without adjuvant resulting in a low but significant antibody response, boosted with iNDV plus adjuvant 3 weeks later, and analysed for specific antibody titres in serum 3 weeks after the booster. Water-in-mineral oil emulsion (W/O) caused significant increase in antibody titres measured in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA), haemagglutination inhibition (HI), and virus neutralisation (VN) assay. The adjuvants tested included three oil-in-water emulsions (i.e. mineral oil-in-water, sulpholipo(SL)-Ficoll400/squalane-in-water and sulpholipo-cyclodextrin/squalane-in-water), three negatively-charged polymers with high molecular weight (i.e. polyacrylate, polystyrenesulphonate and sulpho(S)-Ficoll400) and two surface-active agents (i.e. dimethyldioctadecylammonium bromide (DDA) and Quil A). These adjuvants enhanced significantly the secondary immune response but none reached the titre obtained with W/O. Combinations of adjuvants with distinct physicochemical properties, i.e. polyacrylate and DDA revealed only slight, beneficial effects. We concluded that the various types of adjuvants tested can stimulate secondary immune responses in primed animals but that W/O is superior.  相似文献   

The ubiquitous Ca2+-binding regulatory protein calmodulin (CaM) binds and activates a wide range of regulatory enzymes. The binding is usually dependent on the binding of Ca2+ to CaM; however, some target proteins interact with CaM in a calcium-independent manner. In this work, we have studied the interactions between CaM and a 20-residue synthetic peptide encompassing the major calmodulin-binding domain of cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE1A2). The binding was studied in the absence and presence of Ca2+ by far-UV and near-UV circular dichroism, fluorescence, and infrared spectroscopy. In addition, two-dimensional heteronuclear NMR studies with 13C-methyl-Met-CaM and uniformly 15N-labeled CaM were performed. Competition assays with smooth muscle myosin light chain kinase revealed a Kd of 224 nM for peptide binding to Ca2+-CaM, while binding of the peptide to apo-CaM is weaker. The peptide binds with an alpha-helical structure to both lobes of Ca2+-saturated CaM, and the single Trp residue is firmly anchored into the C-terminal lobe of CaM. In contrast, the Trp residue plays a minor role in the binding to the apo-protein. Moreover, when bound to apo-CaM, the PDE peptide is only partially helical, and it interacts solely with the C-terminal lobe of CaM. These results show that the Ca2+-induced activation of PDE involves a significant change in the structure and positioning of the CaM-bound PDE peptide domain.  相似文献   

Propofol, a widely-used intravenous anesthetic, causes bradycardia, depression in contractility and hypotension. The cellular mechanisms responsible for these cardiac toxicity remain unclear. In this study, we examined the cellular electropharmacological actions of propofol on calcium current in guinea-pig heart. Single ventricular myocytes were freshly isolated from guinea-pig using modified enzymatic method. Whole-cell voltage-clamp technique was applied with one suction pipette. Transmembrane L-type calcium current (ICa(L)) was separated from other ionic currents by voltage-control, ionic channel blockers and ion substitution methods. Our results show that propofol decreased ICa(L) in a concentration-dependent manner (KD = 54.2 microM). Slope conductance of current-voltage relation was decreased by 56 microM propofol. Propofol did not affect the steady-state activation curve, but shifted the inactivation curve to hyperpolarizing direction. Recovery from inactivation was slowed down by propofol. Marked resting block and use-dependent block were noted. In conclusion, our results indicate that propofol inhibits cardiac L-type calcium current mainly by shifting inactivation curve and retarding the recovery from inactivation.  相似文献   

Extracellular cAMP is a critical messenger in the multicellular development of the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. The levels of cAMP are controlled by a cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase (PDE) that is secreted by the cells. The PDE gene (pdsA) is controlled by three promoters that permit expression during vegetative growth, during aggregation, and in prestalk cells of the older structures. Targeted disruption of the gene aborts development, and complementation with a modified pdsA restores development. Two distinct promoters must be used for full complementation, and an inhibitory domain of the PDE must be removed. We took advantage of newly isolated PDE-null cells and the natural chimerism of the organism to ask whether the absence of PDE affected individual cell behavior. PDE-null cells aggregated with isogenic wild-type cells in chimeric mixtures, but could not move in a coordinated manner in mounds. The wild-type cells move inward toward the center of the mound, leaving many of the PDE-null cells at the periphery of the aggregate. During the later stages of development, PDE-null cells in the chimera segregate to regions which correspond to the prestalk region and the rear of the slug. Participation in the prespore/spore population returns with the restoration of a modified pdsA to the null cells.  相似文献   

CD22 antibodies (Abs) bound to B-cell lymphomas are known to be internalized and catabolized rapidly. Therefore, it would be expected that use of CD22 as a target for radioimmunotherapy should be enhanced by the use of "residualizing" radiolabels, which are trapped within the cell after catabolism of the Ab to which they had been conjugated. Our study was intended to evaluate this hypothesis using Ab LL2. In initial experiments, we found that LL2 binding was strongly temperature dependent, with approximately 15-fold greater binding at 37 degrees C than at 0 degrees C. A series of experiments suggested that this difference is due to a conformational change in the antigen at low temperature, so that the LL2 epitope is partially blocked. In vitro, residualizing labels-including 125I-dilactitol tyramine and 111In-DTPA-were retained by cells much longer than a conventional iodine label. In vivo, residualizing labels also showed a marked advantage in terms of uptake by Ramos B-cell lymphoma xenografts in nude mice. However, the absolute Ab uptake by xenografts was quite low, in comparison with results obtained with many carcinoma xenografts, which appears to be due in part to vascular properties of the B-cell lymphoma xenografts.  相似文献   

The diversity among cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterases provides multiple mechanisms for regulation of cAMP and cGMP in the cardiovascular system. Here we report that a calmodulin-stimulated phosphodiesterase (PDE1C) is highly expressed in proliferating human arterial smooth muscle cells (SMCs) in primary culture, but not in the quiescent SMCs of intact human aorta. High levels of PDE1C were found in primary cultures of SMCs derived from explants of human newborn and adult aortas, and in SMCs cultured from severe atherosclerotic lesions. PDE1C was the major cAMP hydrolytic activity in these SMCs. PDE expression patterns in primary SMC cultures from monkey and rat aortas were different from those from human cells. In monkey, high expression of PDE1B was found, whereas PDE1C was not detected. In rat SMCs, PDE1A was the only detectable calmodulin-stimulated PDE. These findings suggest that many of the commonly used animal species may not provide good models for studying the roles of PDEs in proliferation of human SMCs. More importantly, the observation that PDE1C is induced only in proliferating SMCs suggests that it may be both an indicator of proliferation and a possible target for treatment of atherosclerosis or restenosis after angioplasty, conditions in which proliferation of arterial SMCs is negatively modulated by cyclic nucleotides.  相似文献   

In atrial myocytes, an initial exposure to acetylcholine (ACh1) exerts a short-term conditioning effect such that a second ACh exposure (ACh2) activates ATP-sensitive K+ current (IK,ATP). The purpose of the present study was to determine the mechanism underlying the short-term conditioning induced by ACh that results in subsequent ACh-induced activation of IK.ATP. Cat atrial myocytes were studied using a nystatin-perforated patch whole cell recording method. Changes in L-type Ca2+ current (ICa,L) amplitude were used as an index of relative changes in cyclic AMP (cAMP). The results show that when atrial myocytes are treated with two consecutive exposures to 10 microM ACh separated by a recovery interval, ACh2 activates a larger increase in potassium conductance (gK+) than ACh1. The additional ACh2-induced increase in gK+ is selectively blocked by 10 microM glibenclamide, identifying the current as IK,ATP. Moreover, ICa,L activated immediately after the withdrawal of ACh1 exhibited a transient increase in amplitude above control (+ 76%), consistent with rebound stimulation of cAMP. Rp-cAMPs (50 microM), a selective antagonist of cAMP-dependent protein kinase A, blocked the rebound stimulation of ICa,L and abolished ACh2-induced activation of IK,ATP. Thapsigargin (5 microM), an inhibitor of Ca2+ ATPase in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), abolished ACh2-induced activation of IK,ATP without decreasing rebound stimulation of ICa,L. Rebound stimulation of ICa,L and ACh2-induced activation of IK,ATP both varied as a function of ACh1 duration. We conclude that withdrawal of an initial ACh exposure elicits a rebound cAMP-mediated stimulation of SR Ca2+ uptake. This mechanism induces a short-term conditioning in atrial myocytes such that a subsequent ACh exposure activates IK,ATP. The present results demonstrate novel cholinergic signaling mechanisms in the regulation of IK,ATP.  相似文献   

The present study explored the possibility that an alteration in the transmembrane calcium current (ICa), through its ability to modulate Ca2+ release from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, could contribute to the depressed peak [Ca2+]i we previously observed in hypertrophied failing myocardium. Whole-cell patch clamp was used to measure ICa in single guinea pig ventricular myocytes isolated from hearts of normal guinea pigs and from guinea pig hearts in which hypertrophy and failure were induced by gradually developing left ventricular pressure overload subsequent to ascending aortic banding of young animals. Membrane capacitance (Cm) was significantly greater. and ICa, normalized for Cm, was significantly lower in myocytes from hypertrophied failing hearts. Myocytes from hypertrophied failing hearts did not differ significantly from normal myocytes in terms of the voltage-dependence of the activation variable (d) of ICa (except at -30 mV), the time course of removal of inactivation of ICa, and the time constant of decay of ICa. Measurement of the voltage dependence of the inactivation variable (f) of ICa showed that significantly more steady-state inactivation was present at 0, -10, and -20 mV in myocytes from hypertrophied failing hearts. Multiple regression analysis of all data indicated that ICa density decreased with increasing myocyte membrane area (as reflected by Cm) irrespective of any specific effects of hypertrophy and heart failure. We conclude that ICa, normalized for Cm, is significantly reduced in myocytes isolated from hypertrophied failing hearts, probably by a process associated with increased cell size, per se.  相似文献   

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