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石英砂流化床床料的磨损实验与灰色关联分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
王辉  姜秀民  刘建国  袁德权 《化工学报》2006,57(5):1133-1137
针对工业装置运行中的实际问题,在综合热态流化床实验台上研究了不同运行参数下石英砂的磨损规律.实验的设计采用正交实验方法,研究不同运行参数(初始颗粒平均直径、床温、流化数、床料高度)对石英砂床料磨损的影响并作灰色关联分析,得到各运行参数的影响程度排序为:初始颗粒平均直径>床温>流化数>床料高度.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of the BM-5 insect cell line of Bombyx mori (silkworm) have been experimentally investigated in order to develop optimal growth protocols when these cells are used to produce large quantities of biopesticides or human proteins by recombinant baculoviruses. Experiments were performed in 2 mL wells and 200 mL spinner flasks. Spinner flasks were operated at 80 rpm with 0.3% methyl cellulose (MCL) added to the medium in order to protect the cells from liquid shear stress. In addition to the effect of agitation rate and amount of MCL added to the medium, the cell response during the adaptation to growth in suspension from stationary cultures is reported. Exposure of the cells to varying nutrient and metabolite concentrations is accomplished through batch and repeated-batch modes in 2 mL wells. The results imply that glutamine is a limiting nutrient and lactate has an inhibitory effect on cell growth. Ammonia depletion from the medium was accompanied by uric acid accumulation, suggesting that ammonia is converted to this metabolic product by the “uricotelic” and “nucleicolytic” metabolic pathways.  相似文献   

Laser diffraction (LD) and static image analysis (SIA) of rectangular particles [United States Pharmacopeia, USP30-NF25, General Chapter <776>, Optical Miroscopy.] have been systematically studied. To rule out sample dispersion and particle orientation as the root cause of differences in size distribution profiles, we immobilize powder samples on a glass plate by means of a dry disperser. For a defined region of the glass plate, we measure the diffraction pattern as induced by the dispersed particles, and the 2D dimensions of the individual particles using LD and optical microscopy, respectively. We demonstrate a correlation between LD and SIA, with the scattering intensity of the individual particles as the dominant factor. In theory, the scattering intensity is related to the square of the projected area of both spherical and rectangular particles. In traditional LD the size distribution profile is dominated by the maximum projected area of the particles (A). The diffraction diameters of a rectangular particle with length L and breadth B as measured by the LD instrument approximately correspond to spheres of diameter ØL and ØB respectively. Differences in the scattering intensity between spherical and rectangular particles suggest that the contribution made to the overall LD volume probability distribution by each rectangular particle is proportional to A2/L and A2/B. Accordingly, for rectangular particles the scattering intensity weighted diffraction diameter (SIWDD) explains an overestimation of their shortest dimension and an underestimation of their longest dimension. This study analyzes various samples of particles whose length ranges from approximately 10 to 1000 μm. The correlation we demonstrate between LD and SIA can be used to improve validation of LD methods based on SIA data for a variety of pharmaceutical powders all with a different rectangular particle size and shape.  相似文献   

六氟磷酸锂是目前应用最为广泛的锂离子电池电解质锂盐,其国产化是国内锂离子电池更大规模应用的重要先决条件之一。本文在给出六氟磷酸锂产品中各种组分含量的测量方法的同时,详细介绍了六氟磷酸锂生产中对其产品质量和设备腐蚀具有重要影响的生产设备和管道的预处理方法。  相似文献   

Human gastric lipase (HGL) cDNA was synthesized by RT-PCR amplificationand cloned into the PVL 1392 baculovirus transfer vector. Therecombinant transfer vector was cotransfected with a modifiedbaculovirus DNA (BaculogoldTM) which contains a lethal deletion.Cotransfection of baculovirus DNA with the recombinant transfervector rescues the lethal deletion of this virus DNA and reconstitutesviable virus particles inside the transfected insect cells.BTI-TN-5B1-4 insect cells (also called High FiveTM cells) wereused to express recombinant HGL. The level of HGL secretionwas {small tilde}32 mg/1 of culture medium. The insect cellsalso accumulated HGL intracellularly, which indicated the existenceof rate-limiting steps in the secretion of HGL. Therefore weinvestigated the effect of replacing the HGL signal peptide(SP) by other SP of secreted proteins. The honeybee melittinSP and the human pancreatic lipase (HPL) SP were tested. Thefusion of HGL with HPL SP resulted in a 2-fold increase in theamount of lipase secreted from the insect cells. The recombinantactive HGL was not processed at the expected cleavage site ofthe natural enzyme, however, but at residue +3. On the otherhand, High FiveTM cells transfected with the vector encodingHGL fused to the melittin SP did not secrete any detectableactive HGL. Recombinant HGL was identified using the Westernblot procedure with rabbit polyclonal antibodies. The proteinmigrated with an apparent molecular mass of 45 kDa under SDS–PAGEanalysis (compared with 50 kDa in the case of natural HGL),indicating that the insect cells have only a limited capacityto glycosylate HGL. The maximum specific activities of the recombinantlipase were 434, 730 and 562 units/mg using long-chain (IntralipidTM),medium-chain (trioctanoylglycerol) and short-chain (tributyroylglycerol)triacylglycerols, respectively.  相似文献   

A thermodynamic analysis and a mathematical model were developed to describe the free energy changes corresponding to various possible morphologies in composite latex particles. Two experimental composite latex systems were used to verify and establish limitations of the model. The two latex systems were based on polystyrene/poly(methyl methacrylate), one prepared by conventional seeded emulsion polymerization and the second system by direct emulsification of a solution of a blend of the two polymers. The influence of several experimental parameters on latex particle morphology was investigated. These included monomer/polymer ratio, surfactant type, and initiator type in the seeded emulsion polymerization system. The influence of local viscosity, shear effects, and molecular weights of polymers were investigated in the artificial latex system.  相似文献   

目的:为确保蜂蜡质量稳定可控,建立建全蜂蜡的质量控制方法。方法:收集14个不同产地的蜂蜡,利用柱前衍生化气质联用技术对蜂蜡中成分进行分析,利用指纹图谱对14个不来源不同的蜂蜡样品进行鉴定分析,随后采用主成分分析进行结果验证,并找出引起质量差异的化合物,建立简单快捷的质量评价方法。结果:主成分(PCA)分析的结果表明,存在样品质量差别的最明显原因可能是由化合物2、6、9、14、17、21、22、24、29、33、37、39、44等造成。结论:蜂蜡质量标准应该控制总烷酸类含量的同时也控制烷烃及游离烷酸的含量。  相似文献   

罗莲英 《氯碱工业》2020,56(3):37-39
在开展问题解决型质量管理小组活动中,原因分析不可或缺。要分析到问题的末端原因,须展示问题的全貌,从人、机、料、法、环、测,从全面到重点,从综合到局部,分析到可以直接采取对策的因素为止。掌握原因分析的技巧和要点,有效采取头脑风暴法、5why分析法、5M1E分析环节,正确使用因果图、系统图、关联图,一定能够达到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

聚氯化铝是目前使用最广泛的高效混凝剂,具有用量少、产生污泥少、除浊效率高、对出水p H影响小等优点,在技术和原料方面都有很大优势。根据我国水处理行业对该产品的要求及其在水处理中的实际应用情况,从重金属含量、盐基度和不溶物含量出发,对聚氯化铝的生产技术和质量控制问题进行分析,并提出了关于国家标准方面的改进意见。  相似文献   

针对开流粉磨系统水泥中出现熟料粗颗粒,逐步进行原因查找及处理,通过修复隔仓板筛板,助磨剂管道优化、改造打散分级机筛板、打散机内筒增加钢丝网等一系列的处理及技术改造,彻底解决了水泥中的硬质粗颗粒,保证了产品品质,同时还提高了磨机产量,降低了粉磨电耗。  相似文献   

徐志明  张一龙  刘坐东  张仲彬 《化工学报》2014,65(12):4742-4748
研究松花江水在换热过程中,主要水质参数对表面污垢热阻的影响程度,分别测定3种管型在换热过程中水质参数的变化情况,所选管型分别是光管、交叉缩放椭圆管和不连续双斜向内肋管,水质参数为pH、碱度、电导率、溶解氧、钙离子浓度和亚铁离子浓度.应用灰色关联方法,将水质数据和污垢热阻数据进行关联分析得出,两种强化管的水质参数关联顺序相同.其中的两种参数与污垢热阻呈现同向变化趋势,其余参数与污垢热阻呈现反向变化的趋势.强化换热管不但对水质参数的变化产生影响,而且对关联程度也有影响.  相似文献   


Grape is one of the most popular fruits and various types of grape have been cultivated by more than 100 countries around the World. The wine and juice industry produces large quantities of by-product, called grape pomace (GP) as an industrial waste and it consists of skins, seeds, and stems. Various processes such as separation, pressing, drying, and milling are applied to benefit from its health effects. In this study, the seeded black GP Kalecik karas? (Vitis vinifera) was dried in an assisted closed cycle heat pump dryer (HPD) designed for high-moisture products to investigate the drying behaviors of GP. The effects of drying air temperature on bioactive properties and the drying characteristics of GP, and performance of system have discussed. Experiments were carried out at two different temperatures (45 and 50°C) and air velocity of 1.0 m/s. It was seen that increasing temperature decreased the drying time, coefficient of performance of whole system (COPws), and specific energy consumption (SEC). The average values of COPws for temperatures 45°C and 50°C were calculated as 3.28 and 3.10, respectively. The drying efficiencies (DE) at drying air temperature of 45°C and 50°C ranged from 2 to 12% and from 2 to 15%, respectively. Additionally, result of analysis has indicated that using a HPD at lower temperatures increases performance of system despite of higher energy input. Bioactive properties of dried samples at drying air temperature of 45°C are better than 50°C. The results show that drying the GP at low temperature is more suitable for product quality. For this reason, heat pump may be preferred. It shows that this drying system with higher capacities in the future can be recommended as an alternative technique in terms of energy usage, drying time, and performance of system.  相似文献   

受配水管网系统运行工况的复杂程度、建模方法的经验性及模型初始参数的不准确性等因素的影响,水质模型的预测结果具有一定的不确定性。通过采取控制模型初始参数、延时模拟校核或多工况校验、进行模型脆弱性评价等措施可以建立水质预测风险"防火墙",为帮助供水企业更广泛地应用模型预测水质提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

煤层气产出水水质特征及处理技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述了国内外煤层气产出水的水质特征及其处理技术的研究进展。煤层气产出水具有高钠度和高矿化度的特征。反渗透法普遍运用于处理煤层气产出水,并且已投入实际工程应用,通常和纳滤或超滤联用,处理后的产出水可进行再利用。而其他处理技术如离子交换法、电容去离子法、电絮凝法、吸附法和化学法等仍处于试点研究阶段。  相似文献   

乙二醛是一种重要的精细化工产品,在医药、轻工、纺织印染以及石油化工等方面具有广泛的用途。目前,乙二醛的生产方法主要有乙二醇气相氧化法和乙醛硝酸氧化法2种,我国的乙二醛采用乙二醇气相氧化法进行生产。介绍了乙二醛的生产技术及其进展,分析了我国乙二醛的生产、消费及发展前景,提出了今后的发展建议。  相似文献   

李勤  赵峰 《中国氯碱》2014,(5):11-13
通过对PVC树脂生产过程中产生杂点的各种因素及生产环节分析,查找出不同工序产生杂点的原因,结合实际生产情况制定了相应的预防措施。  相似文献   

中国聚氯乙烯生产技术与市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简单介绍了近几年聚氯乙烯的生产技术、生产状况、进出口情况和消费结构、上游产品、价格趋势等方面的情况,对。十二五”期间中国聚氯乙烯产业的发展进行了预测,并提出了建议。统计数据显示:中国聚氯乙烯产能已经过剩,未来5年供过于求的局面仍将继续,聚氯乙烯行业将进入整合阶段。  相似文献   

介绍了临涣煤矸石热电厂自调试以来机械过滤器出水水质恶化的现象,分析了出水水质恶化的原因,提出了相应的处理对策。  相似文献   

我国醋酸乙酯合成技术进展及市场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国醋酸乙酯合成技术的研究和开发进展,分析了我国醋酸乙酯的生产消费现状及发展趋势。2009年,我国醋酸乙酯的生产能力约为155.0万t/a,消费量约为82.1万t,产能过剩,今后市场竞争将更加激烈。  相似文献   

我国乙二醇生产技术进展及市场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了我国乙二醇合成技术的最新进展,分析了我国乙二醇的供需现状及发展前景。2009年我国乙二醇的生产能力达到243.8万t/a,但需求量达到777.1万t,产量仍不能满足市场需求。今后除扩大生产能力,积极开发新技术外,还应该积极拓展新的应用领域等,以促进我国乙二醇产业健康有序发展。  相似文献   

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