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In 3 experiments with 240 male Sprague-Dawley rats, it was determined that tolerance was contingent in that it did not develop if Ss were not exposed to food under the influence of dextroamphetamine (DAM). Tolerance developed only if access to food occurred under the influence of DAM, but it was substantially diminished in an environment not previously associated with drug administration. Thus, tolerance to DAM-induced anorexia was both contingent on previous experience with food in the drugged state and subject to Pavlovian control. No current explanation for the occurrence of contingent tolerance or for the control of tolerance by Pavlovian processes can at once account for both of these findings. Another experiment confirmed the hypothesis that interaction with the food stimulus would be necessary to extinguish tolerance. This finding is also problematic for any current behavioral theory of tolerance. It is proposed that interaction with food is necessary for the homeostatic regulation of disturbances in eating caused by DAM. When activated, this regulatory process operates by means of Pavlovian conditional compensatory processes. (20 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Dosed 36 female Wistar rats, in 3 groups, with cyclophosphamide (CY), an immunosuppressive drug, 10 days before induction of adjuvant arthritis (by injection of complete Freund's adjuvant into each S's hind paw). A saccharin/vanilla solution (SV) was presented either 2 days before CY treatment (Group NC) or immediately before (Groups C and C2). Three further SV presentations started either 30 min after antigenic stimulation (Groups C and NC) or 2 days afterward (Group C2). The groups did not differ with respect to the degree of swelling in the injected paws. In contrast, Group C showed no external signs of a proliferation of inflammation in the uninjected hind paws, whereas approximately half of the Ss in Groups NC and C2 developed small lesions. Exp II, similar to Exp I, with 48 Ss, yielded the same results. The results essentially confirm previous findings on conditioned immunosuppression and extend them to an inflammatory joint disease. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Six experiments used rats to study blocking and unblocking of fear learning. An excitatory stimulus (A) blocked fear learning to a neutral stimulus (B). Unblocking of B occurred if the AB compound signaled an increase in unconditioned stimulus (US) intensity or number. Assessments of associative change during blocking showed that more was learned about B than A. Such assessments during unblocking revealed that more was learned about B than A following an increase in US intensity but not US number. These US manipulations had no differential effects on single-cue learning. The results show that variations in US intensity or number produce unblocking of fear learning, but for each there is a different profile of associative change and a potentially different mechanism. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two experiments, with 280 Sprague-Dawley rats, demonstrated unblocking in an appetitive conditioning preparation. One stimulus, A, was first paired with either a low-value reinforcer (1 food pellet) or a high-value reinforcer (1 food pellet followed by 2 more food pellets). A 2nd stimulus, X, was then added to A, and the compound was reinforced with either the high- or low-value reinforcer. Conditioning to X was blocked if the same reinforcer was used in both phases of the experiment, but there was substantial conditioning to X when the reinforcer value was shifted either up or down when X was introduced. Exp I demonstrated this unblocking phenomenon using a design that minimized the potential contribution of generalization decrement. Exp II examined the effects of a variety of posttraining manipulations on conditioned responding to the added X cue after unblocking procedures. Among Ss that received downshifts in reinforcer value when X was introduced, responding was affected by several posttraining manipulations, including changes in context value. Those manipulations had smaller effects on the responding of Ss that received upshifts in reinforcer value and no effects on responding in control conditions. Findings are considered in relation to the model of conditioning outlined by R. A. Rescorla and A. R. Wagner (1972). (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Evidence for associational and nonassociational mechanisms of tolerance development was found in 4 experiments using an automated flinch/jump assessment of morphine's analgesic effects on a total of 175 male Holtzman rats. Ss receiving morphine in a distinctive environment displayed greater tolerance when tested in that environment than Ss receiving equal but unpaired exposure to the drug and environment. This context effect occurred at low (5 mg/kg) and moderate (20 mg/kg) doses and was attenuated by predrug exposure to the tolerance-test environment. This attenuation was found to be due to latent inhibition rather than to stress induction or novelty reduction. In general, results support a Pavlovian model of contextually mediated tolerance and are consistent with other explanations. (39 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present experiments addressed a fundamental discrepancy in the Pavlovian conditioning literature concerning responding to a target cue following compound reinforced training with another cue of higher salience. Experiment 1 identified one determinant of whether the target cue will be overshadowed or potentiated by the more salient cue, namely contiguity between compound CS termination and US presentation. Overshadowing and potentiation were observed with delay and trace procedures, respectively. Experiments 2 and 3 contrasted elemental and configural explanations of potentiation. Both experiments supported a configural account. Experiments 3 and 4, by manipulating prior learning experiences to bias subjects to encode the same compound elementally or configurally, demonstrated decreased potentiation and overshadowing, respectively. Overall, these experiments demonstrate potentiation with nontaste stimuli and identify one variable that determines whether overshadowing or potentiation will occur. Moreover, they show that prior experiences can determine how a compound is encoded and are compatible with the idea of flexible encoding as a principle of information processing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 13(3) of Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes (see record 2008-10750-001). The last sentence in the second paragraph of the Discussion on page 128 should read as follows: "A second possibility is that in the marked ITI group, the marking of irrelevant events in the middle of the intertrial interval promoted associations between those events and food, which then interfered with the learning of an association between SI and food."] In four experiments we investigated pigeons' acquisition of a successive discrimination with a trace autoshaping procedure. The conditioned stimuli were 5-s presentations of colored key lights, one of which was followed by food after a 5-s delay. In Experiment 1, which used spatially defined cues, we found that acquisition of differential responding to the reinforced cue was facilitated when a brief flash of light immediately followed both reinforced and nonreinforced cues. Experiment 2 found a similar enhancement by the added light flash in a purely visual discrimination. Experiment 3 found that the flash facilitated learning only when presented immediately after the discriminative cues, and not when it occurred immediately before the cues or at the time of reinforcement. A fourth experiment found this facilitation effect only when the flash and reinforcement occurred on the same trial. These results are interpreted in terms of marking: The flash enhanced learning because it triggered a backward scan through recent memory to search for possible predictors. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

60 New Zealand albino rabbits were tested for Pavlovian conditioning and extinction of eye-blink (EB) and heart-rate (HR) responses following water or various doses of oral ethanol (375–2,500 mg/kg). The highest dose suppressed both EB and HR conditioning during training, whereas the lowest dose enhanced HR responses during training and increased EB responses during later extinction in a symmetrically state-dependent manner. An intermediate dose (750 mg/kg) administered during training enhanced HR responses and suppressed EB responses but increased EB responses during later extinction following either ethanol or water. Ethanol treatments also suppressed unconditioned responses (UCRs) to shock and increased locomotor activity; however, these effects differed qualitatively from those that ocurred during Pavlovian training and extinction. Results suggest that very low doses of ethanol can enhance the ability of stimuli to elicit Pavlovian conditioned reflexes and impair the ability to adaptively modify these reflexes when stimulus contingencies later change. (55 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Four experiments used delay conditioning of magazine approach in rats to investigate the relationship between the rate of responding, R, to a conditioned stimulus (CS) and the rate, r, at which the CS is reinforced with the unconditioned stimulus (US). Rats were concurrently trained with four variable-duration CSs with different rs, either as a result of differences in the mean CS-US interval or in the proportion of CS presentations that ended with the US. In each case, R was systematically related to r, and the relationship was very accurately characterized by a hyperbolic function, R = Ar/(r +c). Accordingly, the reciprocal of these two variables—response interval, I (= 1/R), and CS-US interval, i (= 1/r) – were related by a simple affine (straight line) transformation, I = mi+b. This latter relationship shows that each increment in the time that the rats had to wait for food produced a linear increment in the time they waited between magazine entries. We discuss the close agreement between our findings and the Matching Law (Herrnstein, 1970) and consider their implications for both associative theories (e.g., Rescorla & Wagner, 1972) and nonassociative theories (Gallistel & Gibbon, 2000) of conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Forward blocking is one of the best-documented phenomena in Pavlovian animal conditioning. According to contemporary associative learning theories, forward blocking arises directly from the hardwired basic learning rules that govern the acquisition or expression of associations. Contrary to this view, here the authors demonstrate that blocking in rats is flexible and sensitive to constraints of causal inference, such as violation of additivity and ceiling considerations. This suggests that complex cognitive processes akin to causal inferential reasoning are involved in a well-established Pavlovian animal conditioning phenomenon commonly attributed to the operation of basic associative processes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Pavlovian eyeblink (EB) conditioning was studied in both trace and delay paradigms in rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) with either medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) lesions or sham lesions. mPFC lesions of prelimbic cortex (Brodmann's Area 32) retarded EB conditioning in the trace but not the delay paradigm. However, this effect was significant only when the conditioned stimulus (CS) was 500 rather than 100 ms in duration. Lesions of the anterior cingulate cortex (Area 24) did not affect EB conditioning in a trace paradigm. Accompanying CS-evoked heart rate slowing was attenuated under all conditions by the mPFC lesions, although this result was not always statistically significant. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Three experiments with New Zealand albino rats examined the role of anterior and posterior cingulate cortex in Pavlovian conditioning. Tones served as CSs, and paraorbital electric shock served as the UCS. Anterior cingulate lesions attenuated conditioned heart rate (HR) decelerations, relative to posterior cingulate or sham lesions, but enhanced the magnitude of the bradycardiac component of the orienting reflex. Posterior cingulate lesions enhanced the bradycardiac component of the CR, particularly late in training, relative to anterior or sham lesions. Somatomotor eye-blink conditioning, shock thresholds, and HR UCRs were unaffected by cingulate lesions. Electrical stimulation of cingulate cortex revealed effective sites for eliciting HR and blood pressure (BP) changes only in anterior cingulate cortex. Relatively large (70–200 beats/min) HR decelerations accompanied by small (1–5-mm Hg) BP depressor responses were elicited by stimulation of this area; the HR decreases were abolished by methylatropine nitrate but were unaffected by either propranolol hydrochloride or phentolamine hydrochloride. Results are discussed in terms of cingulate involvement in the mediation of the cardiovascular component of a response pattern related to stimulus processing. (29 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

20 female albino Simonsen rats received paired injections of either ethanol or saline as the CS and LiCl as the UCS in a Pavlovian differential conditioning paradigm. LiCl evoked a large deceleration in heart rate (80–200 beats/min) as a UCR. As a result of 10 conditioning trials, the substance paired with LiCl elicited a lower average heart rate than that elicited by the unpaired substance. Moreover, Ss that received ethanol–LiCl injections subsequently were more averse to the taste of ethanol than Ss receiving saline–LiCl pairings. However, there were no differences in ethanol's ability to serve as the UCS to induce an aversion to a novel flavor solution (i.e., the Avfail phenomenon was not observed). The overall pattern of results underscores the value of using multiple indexes of learning in drug–drug conditioning paradigms. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In Pavlovian overshadowing, a stimulus that predicts a biologically important event reduces conditioning to another, equally predictive stimulus. We tested the effects of an opioid antagonist and dopamine agonist on the ability of a salient white noise to overshadow a less salient light. Rats were conditioned to fear a light or a noise–light compound using a mild footshock. Compound-conditioned rats trained under the saline vehicle revealed significant overshadowing of the light by the noise. This overshadowing effect was significantly attenuated in rats trained under the opioid antagonist naltrexone, consistent with an opioid-mediated negative feedback model of conditioning. In line with predictions made by negative feedback-type models, we failed to obtain overshadowing with few trials, suggesting that the processes underlying conditioning during initial trials do not contribute to the opioid-dependent Pavlovian overshadowing obtained in our preparation. Lastly, we compared the involvement of dopamine-mediated and opioid-mediated processes in overshadowing by conditioning rats under the partial dopamine D1 receptor agonist SKF 38393 or the opioid antagonist naltrexone. Both naltrexone and SKF 38393 were found to attenuate overshadowing; however, the behavioral profiles produced by each pharmacological manipulation were distinct. Collectively, these studies demonstrate an important role for both opioid- and dopamine-mediated processes in multiple-trial overshadowing. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Presents a review of experiments that demonstrate the effects of generalization decrement in Pavlovian conditioning and argues that an adequate theoretical explanation for them is currently not available. A theoretical account for the processes of generalization and generalization decrement in Pavlovian conditioning is developed. This model assumes that animals represent their environment by a stimulus array in a buffer and that this array in its entirety constitutes the conditioned stimulus/stimuli (CS). Generalization occurs when some stimuli represented in the array on a test trial are the same as some of those represented in the array during training; the magnitude of generalization is determined by the proportion of the array occupied by these common stimuli during training compared with the proportion of the array they occupy during testing. It is proposed that this model can explain all the results that were difficult for its predecessors to account for. (52 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Investigated the effect of conditional environmental stimuli on morphine consumption in 117 male Sprague-Dawley rats. Ss were first trained to consume a morphine solution (increased from 1.2 mg/ml) by a forced drinking procedure spanning 235 days. Then, a period of abstinence of 81 days was given. They next received injections of morphine in 1 environment and injections of saline in a different environment (30 injections of morphine, dose increased from 5- to 40 mg/kg). At the end of this phase, the effects of conditional environmental stimuli on tolerance to the analgesic effect of 40 mg/kg morphine were examined. Consistent with previous results, analgesic tolerance was most pronounced in the context of the cues previously associated with subcutaneous morphine injections. The effects of the different environments on consumption of morphine were determined in 1- and 2-bottle tests. Findings show that, in a 2-bottle test, there was almost no consumption of the morphine solution regardless of environment. In a 1-bottle test, significantly more morphine was consumed in the drug environment than in the saline environment. Results are discussed in relation to theoretical views of the role of environmental stimuli in tolerance and drug dependence. (23 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conditioned antinociception can be established in spinal rats by pairing stimulation to one hind leg (the conditioned stimulus [CS]) with an intense tailshock (the unconditioned stimulus [US]). After this training, the paired CS (CS+) elicits greater antinociception on the tail-flick test than a CS that was explicitly unpaired (CS–). Five experiments are reported that suggest that this effect reflects protection from habituation. Experiment 1 showed that the CS (legshock) induces antinociception before training. Presenting the CS alone weakened (habituated) its antinociceptive impact (Experiment 2). Less habituation was observed when the CS was paired with the US (Experiment 3). Decreasing habituation to the CS– (by increasing the interval between trials) and facilitating habituation to the CS+ (by increasing the number of trials) effectively eliminated the CS+/CS– difference (Experiments 4 and 5). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

At both empirical and theoretical levels, multiple functional roles of contextual information upon memory performance have been proposed without a clear dissociation of these roles. Some theories have assumed that contexts are functionally similar to cues, whereas other views emphasize the retrieval facilitating properties of contextual information. In Experiment 1, we observed that one critical parameter, the spacing of trials, could determine whether the context would function as a conditioned stimulus or as a retrieval cue for memories trained in different phases. Experiments 2 and 3 doubly dissociated these functions by selectively disrupting one role but not the other, and vice versa. Overall, these observations identify one determinant of different functions of contextual information and pose a major challenge to theories of learning that assume exclusively one or the other function of the context. Moreover, these data emphasize the importance of parametric variations on behavioral control, which has critical implications for studies designed to understand the role of the hippocampus in processing of contextual attributes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Potentiation of blink startle during aversive and nonaversive Pavlovian single-cue conditioning was assessed in human Ss. In Exp 1 (N?=?89), the conditioning group received paired presentations of a visual CS and an unconditioned stimulus/stimuli (UCS), whereas the control group was presented with a random sequence. The UCS was an electric shock for half the Ss and a nonaversive reaction time (RT) task for the other half. Electrodermal conditioning was evident regardless of the nature of the UCS, but blink potentiation was found only in the conditioning group that had been trained with the aversive UCS. These results were replicated in Exp 2 (N?=?65), in which a nonaversive UCS of increased motivational significance was used. Thus, only aversive conditioning seems to affect the affective valence of the CS, at least as reflected by changes in a skeletal reflex. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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