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1.  Construction and operation of the Sayano-Shushenskoe hydrostation has not introduced noticeable deviations into the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the region with respect to the most important indices-climate and water quality.
2.  It is necessary to continue monitoring the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems for accumulating a databank on the effect of the hydropower complex on the environment.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 9, pp. 19–22, September, 1998.  相似文献   

1.  The fluvial processes in the Ob River downstream of the hydro development, which markedly changed after damming the river and creation of the reservoir during the first decade of operation of the hydrostation, were expressed in the natural process of deep erosion of the channel, which had a diminishing character.
2.  Starting with the second half of the 1960s, quarrying in the Ob channel on the 30-km stretch of the lower pool adjacent to the hydrostation began to have a substantial effect on the natural process of transformation of the channel due to streamflow regulation and retention of sediments by the reservoir.
3.  During the period between 1966 and 1984 more than 40 million m3 of sand-gravel mixture was removed from the river channel and floodplain in the indicated stretch, as a result of which the decrease of levels relative to the normal, natural values at the site of the Novosibirsk gauging station was 0.9–1.0 m.
4.  A decrease of the levels downstream led to a deficit of water resources of the reservoir in dry years and, as a consequence, to worsening of the operating conditions of the majority of participants of the Novosibirsk water-management complex.
5.  After some stabilization of the position of the levels in the river in 1984–1986, the decrease, slump, of the levels in the stretch passing through the city subsequently resumed beginning in 1987–1988. The rating curve for the Novosibirsk gauging station in 1988 shifted downward from the analogous 1986 curve along the height axis by 15–20 cm.
6.  The priority task facing water users and consumers of Novosibirsk is the fastest possible realization of the recommendations of MGU, VNIIG, and ZapSibRNIGMI on partial restoration of the water levels in the stretch between the hydrostation and Novosibirsk city by constructing embankments damming nonnavigable branches and converting the Ob channel here at low-water discharges (less than 2000 cm3/sec) into a single-branch channel.
7.  For a radical solution of the problem of reliable provision of water consumers of Novosibirsk, it is necessary to reconstruct all intakes located downstream of the hydro development.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 10, pp. 25–28, October, 1989.  相似文献   

1.  The problem of energy dissipation of the flow remains one of the most important in constructing high-head hydraulic structures with pulsating loads.
2.  During operation of the world's largest gravity-arch dam of the Sayano-Shushenskoe hydrostation, the energy of the flow being discharged is dissipated by a stilling basin. It was established that the powerful dynamic impulses created in this case originate, among others, from the baffle platform and its foundation. The latter circumstance requires the provision of reliable tightness of the joints between the blocks composing the platform and deep solid transition of the platform with its foundation.
3.  For the first time in domestic hydrotechnical practice fastening of the platform of the stilling basin by means of advance grouting and prestressed anchors installed to a depth greater than 20 m was mastered on the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskoe dam.
4.  Works on the manufacture, transport, assembly, tensioning, and testing PSAs were successfully mastered by the Krasnoyarsk enterprise of Gidrospetsstroi. A number of innovations were introduced at the know-how level.
5.  Passage of the 1992 floodwaters at the elevation of the NPL, after pumping water from the stilling basin, showed the effectiveness of the repair and restoration measures taken, which indicates the correctness of the selected designs, optimal technology, and high quality of the works of Gidrospetsstroi.
6.  An analysis of the strengthening works for high-head structures under analogous conditions permits recommending the following measures for designing and constructing a stilling basin: grouting of the foundation in the region of the stilling basin to a depth of 30–40 m;  相似文献   

1.  An analysis of the results of a unique on-site experiment at the Sayano-Shushenskoe dam on regrouting the sites of column and radial joints under practically equal conditions was carried out for the first time in our country. Information about analogous works could not be found in the foreign literature.
2.  The works performed indicate the effectiveness and high performance of the multiple grout outlets designed by Gidrospetsstroi.
3.  Having equal conditions of grouting sites of column and section joints under conditions of the upper pool head (H=60 m), we can say the following:
at a head H=60 m, the predominant opening of column joints compared to the opening of section joints located at the same elevation is observed during regrouting; this may be evidence of the action of the arch effect in a gravity-arch dam already during its construction;  相似文献   

1.  The plan of arrangement of the monitoring and measuring instruments on hydraulic structures of the Sayano-Shushenskoe hydrostation, developed on the basis of an approximate calculated prediction of the SSS of the dam — foundation system without consideration of the technology of constructing the dam and structural and tectonic features of the rock foundations did not meet the requirements of present-day monitoring and needed substantial expansion.
2.  The installation of additional measuring instruments was done with consideration of the real scheme of the static behavior of the dam and foundation and with consideration of the need to monitor the technological measures being taken to restore the solidity of the dam and foundation.
3.  Nontraditional approaches to problems of monitoring hydraulic structures, automation of on-site observations, and the development and introduction of information display programs made it possible to increase the reliability and promptness of monitoring and to monitor the state of the dam at a modern level.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 9, pp. 32–34, September, 1998.  相似文献   

1.  Devices for measuring all dredge operating parameters were developed and tested.
2.  The devices developed are distinguished by simplicity of design, accessibility for manufacture in workshops, their installation and adjustment can be performed by the dredge crew according to the available instruments.
3.  The technical manuals can be sent by the authors by agreement with customers. For concluding an agreement, contact the article's coauthor N. N. Kozhevikov at the address: 105568, Moscow, Chechulin Street, house 22, apartment 22, telephone 308-80-96.
Methods MI 1948 -88can ordered from Hydrotech enterprise at the address: 103062, Moscow, Chaplygin Street, house 5.  相似文献   

1.  The development of an ATDS should be realized individually for each operating station with consideration of the design characteristics of the units and should be aimed at solving one of the most important problems of increasing the operating reliability of the main equipment and economy of operating the hydrostation.
2.  The deterministic approach to compiling technological diagnostic algorithms makes it possible to use the operating experience gained and to make the diagnosis on the basis of the actual technical state of the units of the hydrostation.
3.  The ATDSs should satisfy the requirements of prompt, integrated, automatic, and dynamic performance (possibility of the modular buildup of problems being solved as a result of developing new diagnostic means and methods).
4.  The proposed development of an ATDS at the unit level should be done with the possible prospects of inclusion in the PCS of the hydrostation.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 10, pp. 43–48, October, 1990.  相似文献   

1.  Sludge storage ponds can be located on any foundation soils, but economic calculations should be made for selecting the site.
2.  In the presence of seismic conditions, it is necessary to remove weak soils within the shoulder in order to provide its stability with a steepness of the downstream slope up to m=5. Other methods providing stability of the shoulder can also be used with appropriate technical and economic substantiation.
3.  The stability and possible liquefaction of soils of the shoulder should be determined only according to the guide Consideration of seismic loads when designing hydraulic structures, which is the only standard with respect to this problem.
4.  The size of the hydraulic-fill beach is determined on the basis of the particle-size distribution of the slurry.
5.  The permissible minimum width of the hydraulic-fill beach is determined on the basis of calculating the stability of the shoulder.
6.  It is necessary to recommend the construction of a siphon intake (discharge) located on the bank of the settling pool, which gives a more reliable and economical solution.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 12, pp. 53–55, December, 1991.  相似文献   

1.  Processes of variation of the dam-foundation-abutments system are not fading away, the operating regime of the structure has not stabilized.
2.  The unsteady and inelastic work of the bank abutments, evidently, is one of the causes of irreversible radial movements and development of fracturing in the first column of the dam.
3.  Cracking on the upstream face and progressive seepage through the concrete of the first column worsen the state of the concrete and the cracks are subject to healing by polymer materials. Polymer injections do not improve the work of the structure, but if the cracks are not healed promptly the volume of necessary repair works will increase with the course of time.
4.  To evaluate the stress state of the dam it is necessary to make calculations with consideration of the large stress raisers: water intakes, gate grooves, etc.
5.  It is required to evaluate the fact of the excess by a factor of 2–3 of the increments of the maximum arch stress over the design values in various load ranges.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 4, pp. 21–25, April, 1994.  相似文献   

1.  The 40-year experience of operating the Volga hydrostation indicates that as experience was gained in operating the equipment and it was modernized and improved, the design hydropower indices composing the basis of the high cost effectiveness of the station gradually increased and at the current stage of operation exceeded their design values.
2.  The Volga hydrostation is successfully fulfilling the function of the central, main base of the Russian power grid.
3.  The design data of the hydropower indices were confirmed by the actual operating results, which indicates correctness of the method of calculating the main parameters of large hydropower plants.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 3, pp. 29–32, March, 1997.  相似文献   

1.  The experience of design works on the hydropower equipment of a hydrostation as large of a large number of suppliers requires a technical coordinator of the works with strict obligations on coordinating the designs of equipment with this coordinator before sending to the customer.
2.  At the stage of preparing the tender documents for complete delivery of hydrostation equipment it is necessary to enlist a design organization for a general assessment of the layout of equipment given in the tender drawings, for preparing alternative variants of the layout, and simplifying the process of final coordination of changes in the contract specifications in the case of winning the tender.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, No. 3, pp. 52–54, March, 1998.  相似文献   

1.  Despite the decisions made repeatedly at various conferences and seminars, there are still no scientific design guidelines. As a consequence of this, crucial decisions are made without sufficient substantiation and thorough evaluation of the decisions made.
2.  Research institutes should not be limited to collecting data on settlements and temperature and seepage regimes of dams, but on the basis of data already available should give clear-cut standards and regulations for the design of earth structures in the northern construction-climatic zone.
3.  The construction of transition zones between the rock fill of the downstream shoulder and foundation, drainage blanket, and relief drainage is mandatory in all cases when the foundation is composed of fractured rocks covered by a diverse stratum of loose soils of various origin.
4.  The core-filters-drainage system should be a zone of increased attention when performing works and assigning the characteristics of the soils being placed. As far as possible, it is necessary to change to dam designs with narrow cores protected by transition zones and developed drainage. When constructing such dams in the winter, especially in the case of heavy snow falls, it is easier to check the quality of placing the material in the zone of increased attention — core-filter.  相似文献   

1.  The accuracy of modeling the velocity field depends heavily on the orthogonality of the grid being generated. Deviation from orthogonality even by 10° increases the ductility of the scheme markedly.
2.  It is necessary to relate bottom erosion not only to the tangential stresses on the bottom, but also the distribution of the kinetic energy of turbulence along the bottom.
3.  In studying channel deformations, a diffusion model with a terminal velocity is most effective, among other things, because it does not include difficult-to-determine diffusion coefficients that enter into a semi-empirical model.
4.  It is better to establish the adhesion condition, and not the reflection condition on the bottom for descending particles — this perceptibly changes the velocity of the bottom forms and their transformation.
5.  A change of ±50% in the transfer frequencies ik that enter into the diffusion model has virtually no effect on the computed deformation of the bottom.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 11, pp. 42–45, November, 1990.  相似文献   

1.  The most substantial and sharp changes in the state of the rock-concrete contact appeared beginning in 1985 after reaching 76% of the design hydrostatic load.
2.  Opening of the rock-concrete contact is distinguished by a nonuniform rate of change with time and nonuniform distribution of the amplitude of opening along the front of the dam, which reflects the complex interaction the dam with the foundation and effect of inhomogeneity of the foundation and different technological conditions of placing the contact concrete.
3.  Opening of the rock-concrete contact is accompanied by substantial changes in stresses and strains in the rock and concrete of the contact zone and in the piezometric heads in the foundation, reflecting structural changes in it during interaction of the dam with the foundation.
4.  In addition to the effect, which occurs for all types of concrete dams on a rock foundation, of technological factors and design differences of individual parts of the dam on the behavior of the contact zone of the foundation and concrete of the Sayano-Shushenskoe dam, also noted are such features as active opening of the rock-concrete contact over the entire length of the channel part of the foundation, presence of signs of hanging of the arch on the first columns on the banks, and a special stress state of the concrete in the lower part of the upstream face, which can be a reflection of the design features of the gravity-arch dam.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 10, pp. 44–49, October, 1991.  相似文献   

1.  Operation of the structures of the Votkinsk hydrostation occurs under condition different from those proposed in the design: there is no backwater from the reservoir of the Lower Kama hydrostation, as a consequence of transformation of the Kama channel the lower pool levels are 1 m below the design levels.
2.  As the experience of operating the Votkinsk hydrostation with considerable daily variations of the load and, accordingly, with considerable fluctuations of the lower pool level shows, the unprotected stretches in the lower pool in the zone of variable levels are subjected to erosion. They have to be protected during operation. The earlier works on revetting the eroded stretches are performed, the smaller the expenditures they require.
3.  At hydrostations operating under conditions analogous to those of the Votkinsk hydrostation it is necessary to conduct hydraulic studies in the lower pool and to measure the flow velocities for the purpose of eliminating erosion as well as for the correct selection of the variant of revetting the downstream stretches.
4.  For further safe operation of the Votkinsk hydrostation it is necessary to carry out in 1996–1998 revetting of the downstream slope of earth dam No. 1 and works on preventing scour behind the toe wall of the apron of the hydrostation in accordance with the design of Lengidroproekt.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 2, pp. 33–36, February, 1997.  相似文献   

1.  The unique arch dam of the Chirkey hydroelectric power plant is operating under difficult conditions of high natural and excited seismicity under a geodynamic load from the left bank, which is not well defined. Reliable design solutions and the safety factor of the concrete have permitted its reliable operation to date.
2.  The rock mass enclosing the dam exhibits appreciably lower reliability. The clay interlayers contained in the rock and the pattern of dislocation lower the shear strength under the influence of saturation, changes in the upper-pool level, and repeated earthquakes. The safety of the hydraulic facility is determined by the stability of the laft-bank/dam/right-bank system under left-bank creep caused by the gravitational imbalance of the site.
3.  To retain the proper level of reliability and safety of the Chirkey hydroelectric power plant, it is necessary to perform check geomechanical calculations and organize state-of-art monitoring of geodynamic processes and an earthquake-forecasting service.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 5, pp. 30–35, May, 1994.  相似文献   

1.  Provision for stability of slopes is one of the main problems in designing plains PSHS.
2.  The reasons for occurrence and a chain reaction of development of landslide phenomena on the south slope of the area of basic structures of the Zagorsk PSHS were peculiarities of its engineering-geological structure that were not properly taken into account in designing and carrying out construction work.
3.  For the purpose of stabilizing the landslide slope, a system of engineering measures was developed and implemented, including a change in the configuration and structure of the right-bank abutment of the upper-basin levee to the water intake, construction of a banquette, filling of a counterbanquette, draining of moraine loams, grading of the slope, surface water diversion, and monitoring of the state of the slope and elements of the antilandslide protection.
4.  Data from full-scale observatins indicate the effectiveness of the antilandslide measures that were performed and a state of the slope corresponding to criteria for the hydro development's safe operation.
5.  Innovative elements of the system of measures to stabilize the south landslide slope of the Zagorsk PSHS are:
–  the complex nature of measures, providing for the optimum set of criteria with respect to reliability, technological efficiency, construction time, and cost of adjusted expenditures;
–  minimization of one-time and total excavation for the banquette, providing for the least disruption of the slope in the process of construction;
–  draining of moraine loams, which has no known analog;
–  the use of an ejector unwatering system, which provides for minimum adjusted expenditures on construction and operation of the drainage system.
Deceased.  相似文献   

1.  The construction of facilities of the southern Yakut hydropower complex, making it possible to bring 23–25 billion kWh of renewable energy resource into the energy balance of the Far Eastern power region, should become one of the strategic directions of power construction.
2.  For further elaboration of the concept of development of the energy base of the Far East, it is necessary in the shortest possible time to work out a Feasibility study of the southern Yakut hydropower complex, in which problems of the organization of construction and social and commercial substantiation should be elaborated; in the latter it is necessary to investigate all possible variants of obtaining such large investments in construction.
3.  The creation of the SYaHPC in the territory of the Yakut ASSR will have great significance for the development of the economy and improvement of the living conditions of the population of the republic. Export of part of the electricity to China will make it possible to reliably and constantly meet (as compensation for the removal of lands) a considerable part of the republic's needs for vegetables and fruits and other goods; it will make it possible to eliminate investing a part of the means and material and labor resources in unproductive and unprofitable agricultural enterprises.
4.  The SYaHPC with partial export of the electricity being generated at its hydrostation, being practically unaffected by inflationary processes by virtue of low operating expenses, under market economy conditions in the future can become one of the most profitable enterprises, a most important object of international and regional economic collaboration in the RSFSR.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 2, pp. 52–56, February, 1991.  相似文献   

1.  Despite their openness, transverse discontinuous structures have a jetty effect.
2.  Discontinuous structures formed by two rows of rectangular support masses connected by longitudinal beams have the strongest effect on the dynamics of a pebble beach.
3.  It can be recommended to use circular supports with a diameter of not more than 2 m arranged in one row at a distance of at least 6 m from one another for constructing hydraulic structures intersecting pebble beaches.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 5, pp. 23–25, May, 1989.  相似文献   

1.  Small hydrostations under high-mountain conditions should operate with trash racks, devices should be provided for their cleaning from trash and shuga, as well as shuga-deflectors into the diversion canal.
2.  To reduce abrasion of the turbine equipment, it is necessary to provide operation of the suspended-particle settling basins.
3.  Specifications on the assembly of bearings and movable couplings should be developed for conducting maintenance works.
4.  During restoration works the profile of the runner blades should be made strictly according to the template in conformity with the plant drawings.
5.  Extremely necessary is the equipping of hydrostation with means for monitoring the technial parameters (bearing temperature, water pressure in the passage, wobble of the shafting, etc.), observation of the changes in which will make it possible to carry out in good time preventive maintenance and to reduce the probability of occurrence of breakdown.
Translated from Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel'stvo, No. 3, pp. 43–45, March, 1990.  相似文献   

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