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项目地点:沙特阿拉伯利雅得项目类型:建筑(住宅)开工日期:未知该项目获2005年豪瑞可持续建筑大奖赛非洲中东地区提名奖  相似文献   

石材是全世界各民族都十分钟爱的一种装修材料.它不受民族、文化、宗教、信仰、风俗的影响,有其广泛的应用面.只不过一些民族在颜色的使用上有所忌讳罢了.  相似文献   

 For the last 12 years the solid waste of Jeddah City has been placed in Wadi Nakhil, to the east of the city. This facility is now 80% full. No geotechnical site characterisation was undertaken prior to opening this municipal landfill site in 1982 and, being so close to the city, it now poses risks to the health of nearby residents as well as ecological dangers. The paper considers the requirements of a new site and discusses the most appropriate method of closing the existing site to ensure its long-term safety. Received: 28 August 1998 · Accepted: 30 August 1999  相似文献   

Undermanagement of the considerable range of areas reserved for public spaces within modern residential areas in Jeddah has not only reduced socialization for inhabitants, but has become a public burden that continues to prove a drain on urban life. This, in turn, has stimulated the development of regulatory and organizational reforms. The reforms have inexorably drawn all departments and agencies involved in public space management into a new field of responsibility. As they came into operation, new actors appeared in the field of public space management. Although the aim of the reforms was to resolve inter-municipal regulatory conflicts and to place a renewed emphasis on local and private actions as alternative sources of managerial control, the new public space governance arrangements are riddled with tension as a result of the multiplicity of actors and the absence of a well-defined institutional framework; this in turn led to greater confusion about responsibilities. This article attempts to understand the complexities of the ongoing management of public spaces in Jeddah in the light of recent theories of governance, with the aim of developing a conceptual framework that may suggest innovatory approaches through which to address these complexities. Broadly speaking, the investigation – which is based on extensive documentary analysis, a qualitative survey and systematic field observation – notes that, in order to tackle management issues such as non-responsiveness, bureaucratic rigidity, the fragmentation of responsibilities and so on, it is imperative to give further consideration to the role of legislation within an appropriate institutional framework.  相似文献   

 Natural coarse and fine aggregates which accumulated along six selected wadis in the region of Makkah were assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively. The six wadis were Numan, Al-Yamanyah, Al-Shamyah, Hwarah, Alaf and Faydah. More than 440 aggregate samples were collected and their physical, mechanical and chemical properties determined. Petrographic studies on the gravel samples were undertaken to characterise the aggregate types. The results were compared with ASTM and British Standard specifications. The aggregates were generally within the acceptable limits for use in concrete although there were the relatively high values of chloride, sulphate and total dissolved salts in the fine aggregates in Wadis Alaf, Hwarah and Faydah. Nine fine aggregate samples representing upstream, midstream and downstream deposits from these saline wadis were washed in distilled waters after which the aggregates were within the acceptable limits for structural concrete. There were indications of material which could cause alkali-silica in the coarse aggregate at Wadi Faydah. The study proved reserves of 12.5 million m3 of coarse aggregate and 23 million m3 of fine aggregate. Received: 27 May 1998 · Accepted: 18 February 1999  相似文献   

Each year the Hajj attracts over one million pilgrims to Makkah with all the enormous administrative, social and economic implications this signifies. The authors conclude that there are unique factors affecting construction practice in Makkah and it is apparent that early action is always needed to correct aspects of construction, less costly overruns are an inevitable consequence.  相似文献   

业主:Makkah Construction&Development Company面积:2940000平方米国际招标:2002年中标,设计中Programme:Residential buildings,shops and access to Makkah’s Western Gateway.The King Abdul Aziz Road is an exceptional project in an exceptional site,theholy city of Islam.Stretching from west to east towards the Haram,this GatewayAvenue embodies the injunction of the Koran“from wherever you leave,turn yourface towards the holy Mosque”.The MWG will be a landmark avenue in the city of Makkah sym…  相似文献   

In the seventies, Jeddah city, Saudi Arabia expanded rapidly, with the public sewerage system existing only in the old city while the suburbs and newly developed areas depended only on cesspools to dispose its municipal wastewater. The use of this improper effluent control system caused the groundwater table to rise sharply and reach the ground surface creating ponds of wastewater which became breeding ground for mosquitoes and other insects and unpleasant scenes. The impacts on walls (fences) of the buildings, deterioration of foundations and pavements were very clear in some areas where property and land values had declined. A variety of socio‐economic and environmental problems were recognized in affected areas.

This paper investigates a wide spectrum of sewerage systems and sewage management disposal systems as alternatives to the cesspool system existing now in the unsewered areas of Jeddah city — Saudi Arabia. These alternatives are evaluated in the light of local soil conditions, availability of local materials, manpower and facilities, construction and operation and maintenance costs, and preference of local authorities.

Meetings with local authorities, verbal communications with local residents, and a study of existing and future wastewater management plans are led to considering the wide variety of structural and non‐structural alternative solutions (options) to solve the problem.  相似文献   

The wind map of Saudi Arabia indicates that the Kingdom is characterized by the existence of two vast windy regions along the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea coastal areas. The mean annual wind speed in these two windy regions exceeds 9 knots (16.7 kmph) and ranges from about 14 to 22 kmph and 16 to 19 kmph over the Arabian Gulf and Red Sea coastal areas, respectively. The main characteristic features of the wind field of these regions are presented.Four sample sites are selected for possible installation of both small and large wind energy conversion systems. These sites are: Yenbo and Al-Wajh on the Red Sea coast, Dhahran on the Arabian Gulf coast and Quaisumah in the north east of the Kingdom. The manufacturers pre-mass production unit capital costs ($/kW) are used to estimate the cost of electricity produced, in cents/kW h. The estimated costs of electricity produced by WEC systems of various rated powers when installed at the four sites are presented. A further reduction in the manufacturers unit capital cost is still required to enable wind energy to compete with other conventional energy sources. For oil-producing countries, it may be a few decades before wind energy can become cost-competitive with other energy sources.  相似文献   

 Although black scoria deposits occur extensively in western Saudi Arabia, there has been little work undertaken on its engineering characteristics as a light-weight aggregate which can be used in concrete for structural, masonry and insulating purposes. In an attempt to remedy this, central Harrat Rahat was selected for an engineering evaluation of scoria deposits in the vicinity of major cities where it may provide an easily accessible resource for natural aggregate. The petrography of the scoria and the deleterious material content were found to be acceptable by ASTM standards, but grading analyses indicated it would need to be processed before use. The other physical properties of the scoria such as bulk density, specific gravity and absorption indicated that samples from Jabal Halat Ash Shaykh quarry gave acceptable results. The porosity of the scoria is relatively high and some of the pore spaces are not interconnected. The material is pozzolanically active and can be also used as an additive to Portland cement. Received: 16 April 1999 · Accepted: 25 March 2000  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia is experiencing an extremely rapid urbanization. Large numbers of people from rural and nomadic habitats, as well as foreign immigrants, are moving into the country's urban areas. The rapid growth in population and urban land use has been greater than the nation's capacity to plan and absorb population in a systematic manner. Policies to guide urban development which are environmentally compatible with the landscape and climate of Saudi Arabia must be created and adapted. These policies must also be consistent with the cultural orientation of the society. In this article a modern building and subdivision code is proposed which takes into consideration these environmental and cultural conditions.  相似文献   

Most local formations in eastern Saudi Arabia contain variable amounts of clay in calcium sulphate hence an understanding of the engineering behaviour of these materials is a prerequisite for construction. Based on laboratory investigations of field samples, this paper describes the behaviour of clay-bearing calcium sulphate. Results indicated that water intake of anhydrite and gypsum correlated well with crystallization water of the two minerals. The index and swelling properties followed a linear trend with a change in clay content. The swelling potential and the swelling pressure measured 8% and 245 kPa for anhydrite and 1.4% and 56 kPa for gypsum. Surface hydration of clays was the dominant swelling mechanism in the investigated materials with phase transformation partly contributing to swelling in clay-bearing anhydrite.   相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The authors monitored road traffic noise and surveyed public attitudes in Riyadh, the most rapidly developing urban area in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The specific aims of their study were to measure the levels of traffic noise along heavily traveled arterial roadways, to determine the attitudes of individuals exposed to traffic noise, and to determine the degree of association between noise and social attitudes. The feasibility of implementing a traffic noise control policy, based on the findings of the study, is discussed.  相似文献   

The impressive growth in housing stock which the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has experienced during the past two decades is influenced by massive government financial assistance and other housing programmes in the public and private sectors, growth in the real income of the households, demographic changes, and rapid rate of urbanisation. The severe housing shortage experienced during the early phase of economic development prompted the government to formulate an aggressive supply‐oriented housing strategy during the Second and Third Plans, creating a housing surplus during the Fourth Plan period. The existing high rate of housing vacancy directed the government to play an indirect and co‐ordinating role during the Fifth Plan. Future trends in housing need, however, demand a balanced strategy in housing development, emphasising both quantitative and qualitative aspects of housing, within the framework of national urban land development policy and building regulations.  相似文献   

Saudi Arabia has experienced rapid growth inurban development since the 1960s. This urbangrowth is not based on the traditional urbanplanning principles which have been followed inSaudi Arabia for many centuries. Instead,various imported urban forms and planningregulations have been implemented in thecountry. These relate neither to thetraditional built environment and culture norto the local climate of the city. As a result,major cultural and climatic problems haveoccurred. The aim of this paper is to identify andanalyze the types of built environment inRiyadh, as an example of Saudi Arabia's cities,and discuss the cultural conflicts resultingfrom the use of imported planning principlesand regulations. In light of this analysis anddiscussion, the planning regulations will bereviewed and recommendations will be made foramendments.  相似文献   

以沙特阿拉伯某机场工程项目为背景,介绍该机场钢结构优化设计的主要内容,在符合美国标准条件下最大程度地简化结构布置并应用中国钢材资源。同时,结合海外工程项目实施的特点,阐述该项目所采用的施工技术与安全保障措施,从而为中国企业在海外实施类似工程项目提供实践参考。  相似文献   

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