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A secreted CC chemokine homolog, encoded by the MC148 gene of molluscum contagiosum virus, potently interfered with the chemotaxis of human monocytes, lymphocytes, and neutrophils in response to a large number of CC and CXC chemokines with diverse receptor specificities. Evidence that the viral protein binds to human chemokine receptors was obtained by competition binding and calcium mobilization experiments. The broad spectrum chemokine antagonistic activity of MC148 can explain the prolonged absence of an inflammatory response in skin tumors that harbor replicating molluscum contagiosum virus.  相似文献   

The ability of enteropathogenic salmonellae to recruit inflammatory cells and induce secretory responses in the infected ileum is considered to be a main feature in Salmonella-induced enteritis. Interactions between the pathogen and intestinal epithelial cells result in a variety of cellular responses mediating inflammation and fluid secretion. It is becoming apparent that proteins secreted by the Inv-Spa type III secretion system of Salmonella spp. play a key role in the induction of these responses. We have recently demonstrated that the SopB effector protein is translocated into eukaryotic cells via a Sip-dependent pathway and mediates inflammation and fluid secretion in infected ileal mucosa. However, SopB did not appear to be the only effector involved, as inactivation of the sopB gene only partially impaired enteropathogenicity. We suggested that at least some of such protein effectors are likely to be proteins of the same class as SopB, i.e., secreted effector proteins translocated into eukaroyotic cells via a Sip-dependent pathway. In this work, we identify SopD, another secreted protein belonging to the family of Sop effectors of Salmonella dublin. Using the cya reporter system we showed that SopD is translocated into eukaroyotic cells. We assessed the potential involvement of SopD in enteropathogenicity and found that inactivation of sopD has an additive effect in relation to the sopB mutation.  相似文献   

CCR5 is a chemokine receptor expressed by T cells and macrophages, which also functions as the principal coreceptor for macrophage (M)-tropic strains of HIV-1. To understand the molecular basis of the binding of chemokines and HIV-1 to CCR5, we developed a number of mAbs that inhibit the various interactions of CCR5, and mapped the binding sites of these mAbs using a panel of CCR5/CCR2b chimeras. One mAb termed 2D7 completely blocked the binding and chemotaxis of the three natural chemokine ligands of CCR5, RANTES (regulated on activation normal T cell expressed and secreted), macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1alpha, and MIP-1beta, to CCR5 transfectants. This mAb was a genuine antagonist of CCR5, since it failed to stimulate an increase in intracellular calcium concentration in the CCR5 transfectants, but blocked calcium responses elicited by RANTES, MIP-1alpha, or MIP-1beta. This mAb inhibited most of the RANTES and MIP-1alpha chemotactic responses of activated T cells, but not of monocytes, suggesting differential usage of chemokine receptors by these two cell types. The 2D7 binding site mapped to the second extracellular loop of CCR5, whereas a group of mAbs that failed to block chemokine binding all mapped to the NH2-terminal region of CCR5. Efficient inhibition of an M-tropic HIV-1-derived envelope glycoprotein gp120 binding to CCR5 could be achieved with mAbs recognizing either the second extracellular loop or the NH2-terminal region, although the former showed superior inhibition. Additionally, 2D7 efficiently blocked the infectivity of several M-tropic and dual-tropic HIV-1 strains in vitro. These results suggest a complicated pattern of HIV-1 gp120 binding to different regions of CCR5, but a relatively simple pattern for chemokine binding. We conclude that the second extracellular loop of CCR5 is an ideal target site for the development of inhibitors of either chemokine or HIV-1 binding to CCR5.  相似文献   

Procedures have been developed to identify the chromatographic binding domains of horse heart cytochrome c (Cyt c) and bovine growth hormone (bGH) during their interaction with reversed-phase sorbent materials. The procedure involves adsorption of the protein solute to the chromatographic sorbent, followed by proteolytic cleavage. Comparison of the proteolytic map obtained for Cyt c and bGH in free solution with the corresponding map obtained when these proteins are adsorbed to the chromatographic sorbent revealed significant differences in the digestion pattern. Following characterization of the peptides generated in both maps, the results indicated that specific regions on the surface of both Cyt c and bGH are inaccessible to tryptic cleavage when adsorbed to the hydrophobic surface of both a C-4 and a C-18 sorbent. Based on the assumption that the region of the protein surface that is in contact with the sorbent remains intact and bound to the sorbent during the digestion step, while the protein surface that is exposed to the solvent is accessible to proteolysis, the regions that were inaccessible to tryptic digestion were found to correspond to hydrophobic domains on the protein surface. These results also suggest that the three-dimensional structures of these proteins remain largely intact upon adsorption to the hydrophobic surface.  相似文献   

The goals of this study were to determine the steroid-binding specificity of the mouse salivary androgen-binding protein (ABP) family and to ascertain whether there might be other proteins in mouse saliva capable of binding steroids. The optimal conditions for testosterone binding by mouse salivary proteins were determined using a small-scale chromatography system to separate bound from unbound steroid. Testosterone binding appeared to be biphasic but was directly proportional to saliva concentration, with an optimum temperature of 37 degrees C in the second phase. These results were used to develop a steroid-binding protocol to study the steroid specificity of salivary proteins separated by electrophoresis. The ABP family bound testosterone and progesterone well and HO-progesterone and DHT to a lesser extent but did not bind either cholesterol or estradiol. Steroid structural comparisons suggest that binding by ABP is governed by the A ring of the steroid. Another protein that is not a member of the ABP family bound cholesterol specifically but no protein that specifically bound estradiol was observed.  相似文献   

Cutaneous lesions induced by infection of mice with the protozoan parasite, Leishmania mexicana, contain abundant amounts of a high molecular mass proteophosphoglycan (PPG), which is secreted by the amastigote stage residing in phagolysosomes of macrophages and can then be released into the tissue upon rupture of the infected cells. Amastigote PPG forms sausage-shaped but soluble particles and belongs to a novel class of serine-rich proteins that are extensively O-glycosylated by phosphooligosaccharides capped by mannooligosaccharides. The purified molecule is shown here to efficiently activate complement (C) and deplete hemolytic activity of normal serum and may prevent the opsonization of L. mexicana amastigotes. Complement activation is Ca2+ dependent but does not depend on antibodies or the complement component C1. PPG binds to serum mannan binding protein (MBP), thus activating the MBP-associated serine protease, P100. Subsequently, the C cascade is triggered through C4 leading to covalent modification probably of carbohydrate hydroxyls of PPG by C3 fragments. Thus, PPG is able to activate C via the mannan binding lectin pathway which is unusual for secreted, soluble products of microbial origin. The proteophosphoglycan-induced complement activation is postulated to contribute to the lesion development and pathology caused by the parasite.  相似文献   

One of the heterogeneous mRNA binding activities in the 0.5 M KCl eluate of rabbit reticulocyte polyribosomes co-purified to apparent homogeneity through phosphocellulose and DEAE-cellulose chromatography and isoelectric focusing with the GTP-dependent Met-tRNAf binding protein. Analysis by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis following iodination revealed putative subunits of 51,000 and 39,000 apparent molecular weights. Specificity of mRNA binding by this protein was suggested since the ability of poly(A)-rich mRNA to compete for binding of [3H]poly(A)-rich mRNA exceeded by 10- to 100-fold that of most natural or synthetic RNAs tested, except for the hybrid poly(G) - poly(C) which was almost as effective, and poly(G), which was more effective, at competing for protein-dependent binding. The mRNA binding activity exhibited complete GTP independence and no apparent divalent cation requirement. GDP inhibited Met-tRNAf binding but neither GDP, GMP, nor 7-methylguanosine 5'-monophosphate inhibited mRNA binding by this protein. Similar data were obtained with respect to the ability of natural or synthetic RNAs to compete for binding of [3H]poly(A)-rich mRNA by proteins associated with purified rabbit reticulocyte polyribosomal mRNA-protein particles; while poly(A) was an ineffective competitor, poly(G) was more effective than even mRNA at competing for protein-dependent binding. No significant binding of Met-tRNAf by mRNA-protein particles was detected. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis following reduction of mRNA-protein particles revealed apparent co-migration of a major protein with one subunit of the GTP-dependent Met-tRNAf binding protein, but no protein comparable to the 39,000 dalton subunit protein.  相似文献   

The insulin-like growth factor receptors are integral membrane proteins and demonstrate separate, but important effects on the regulation of cellular processes. The IGF-I receptor signals multiple cascades via its inherent tyrosine kinase activity. The IGF-II/M-6-P receptor on the other hand is primarily involved in targeting of enzymes to various subcellular compartments. In contrast, the insulin-like binding proteins are secreted by the cells and accumulate in the extracellular matrix or on the external surface of the cell. They are also involved in regulating cellular processes more indirectly. They modulate the interactions of the IGFs with their receptors, and in addition, may have some IGF-independent effects probably by direct interaction with integrin and other cell membrane receptor proteins. The recent studies, as outlined in this review, strongly suggest an important, if not essential role for the IGF system in normal physiology and disease states. The challenge now is to define the mechanisms involved in these effects. More studies are required to fully understand the post-receptor mechanism involved in IGF-I receptor signal transduction and the mechanisms whereby the IGFBPs exert their interesting effects. Understanding these mechanisms will enable investigators to create new therapeutic modalities for diseases that are affected by the IGF system.  相似文献   

Our first year of experience in the use of PET scanning in the management of nine patients with ovarian cancer leads us to conclude that this promising new technique may be more sensitive than either serum CA-125 determinations or computed tomography for the detection and demonstration of residual or recurrent abdominal and pelvic tumor. Seven of these patients underwent second-look laparotomy which confirmed our impressions from preoperative PET scans in six patients, and the one other scan showed a focus of metabolic uptake coinciding with residual tumor in our retrospective review. The clinical courses of two other patients who did not undergo laparotomy confirmed the impressions gained from PET scans.  相似文献   

Drosophila homeotic genes and their vertebrate cognates, the Hox genes, encode homeodomain proteins that are thought to control segment-specific morphogenesis by regulating subordinate target genes. Although expression of many genes is thought to be influenced by homeotic/Hox function, little is known about the genes they directly regulate in the developing embryo. One of the Drosophila homeotic genes is Ultrabithorax (Ubx) that specifies the identity of specific thoracic and abdominal metameres. Towards identifying genes directly regulated by Ubx we have mapped the binding sites of Ubx proteins (UBX) in polytene chromosomes. We found that the UBX isoforms Ia and IVa accumulate in about 100 discrete chromosomal sites. Most, if not all, the sites are the same for the two UBX isoforms. These sites are all euchromatic, include both bands and interbands and are reproducible from chromosome to chromosome. Some of these sites correspond to the locations of known genes that are good candidates, or are known to be, under direct Ubx control.  相似文献   

Recent studies show that Hox homeodomain proteins from paralog groups 1 to 10 gain DNA binding specificity and affinity through cooperative binding with the divergent homeodomain protein Pbx1. However, the AbdB-like Hox proteins from paralogs 11, 12, and 13 do not interact with Pbx1a, raising the possibility of different protein partners. The Meis1 homeobox gene has 44% identity to Pbx within the homeodomain and was identified as a common site of viral integration in myeloid leukemias arising in BXH-2 mice. These integrations result in constitutive activation of Meis1. Furthermore, the Hoxa-9 gene is frequently activated by viral integration in the same BXH-2 leukemias, suggesting a biological synergy between these two distinct classes of homeodomain proteins in causing malignant transformation. We now show that the Hoxa-9 protein physically interacts with Meis1 proteins by forming heterodimeric binding complexes on a DNA target containing a Meis1 site (TGACAG) and an AbdB-like Hox site (TTTTACGAC). Hox proteins from the other AbdB-like paralogs, Hoxa-10, Hoxa-11, Hoxd-12, and Hoxb-13, also form DNA binding complexes with Meis1b, while Hox proteins from other paralogs do not appear to interact with Meis1 proteins. DNA binding complexes formed by Meis1 with Hox proteins dissociate much more slowly than DNA complexes with Meis1 alone, suggesting that Hox proteins stabilize the interactions of Meis1 proteins with their DNA targets.  相似文献   

The high-molecular-weight (HMW) immunoglobulin binding proteins (IgBPs) of Haemophilus somnus and a 76-kDa surface protein (p76) are found in serum-resistant virulent strains but not in several serum-sensitive strains from asymptomatic carriers. For the first time, p76 was shown to be an IgBP also. This was done by competitive inhibition studies with affinity-purified antidinitrophenol (anti-DNP) and DNP to ensure that binding was not antigen specific. The HMW IgBPs, but not the p76 IgBP, were partially purified from concentrated culture supernatant in detergent by fluid-phase liquid chromatography with a gel filtration column. Membrane extraction studies showed that p76 predominated in the Sarkosyl-soluble fraction of the bacterial cell pellet. Since integral outer membrane (OM) proteins are Sarkosyl insoluble, this is consistent with our previous finding that implicated p76 as a peripheral OM protein. The HMW IgBPs were found predominantly in the Sarkosyl-soluble fraction of the culture supernatant. This suggests that they were not integral membrane proteins and that their presence in the supernatant was not due to OM blebbing. We then showed that two IgBP-positive serum-resistant virulent strains have a surface fibrillar network but that two IgBP-negative serum-sensitive H. somnus strains from asymptomatic preputial carriers do not. Fibrils on the surfaces of IgBP+ strains bound gold-labelled bovine immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) anti-DNP, indicating that these fibrils have IgG2 binding activity. Therefore, this study shows that H. somnus has two IgBPs, including a peripheral membrane protein and a fibrillar surface network.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: There are many ways to represent a molecule's properties, including atomic-connectivity drawings, NMR spectra, and molecular orbital models. Prior methods for predicting the biological activity of compounds have largely depended on these physical representations. Measuring a compound's binding potency against a small reference panel of diverse proteins defines a very different representation of the molecule, which we call an affinity fingerprint. Statistical analysis of such fingerprints provides new insights into aspects of binding interactions that are shared among a wide variety of proteins. These analyses facilitate prediction of the binding properties of these compounds assayed against new proteins. RESULTS: Affinity fingerprints are reported for 122 structurally-diverse compounds using a reference panel of eight proteins that collectively are able to generate unique fingerprints for about 75% of the small organic compounds tested. Application of multivariate regression techniques to this database enables the creation of computational surrogates to represent new proteins that are surprisingly effective at predicting binding potencies. We illustrate this for two enzymes with no previously recognizable similarity to each other or to any of the reference proteins. Fitting of analogous computational surrogates to four other proteins confirms the generality of the method; when applied to a fingerprinted library of 5000 compounds, several sub-micromolar hits were correctly predicted. CONCLUSIONS: An affinity fingerprint database, which provides a rich source of data defining operational similarities among proteins, can be used to test theories of cryptic homology unexpected from current understanding of protein structure. Practical applications to drug design include efficient pre-screening of large numbers of compounds against target proteins using fingerprint similarities, supplemented by a small number of empirical measurements, to select promising compounds for further study.  相似文献   

Coenzyme A is involved in a number of important metabolic pathways. Recently the structures of several coenzyme A binding proteins have been determined. We compare in some detail the structures of seven different coenzyme A protein complexes. These seven proteins all have distinctly different folds.  相似文献   

The human cytomegalovirus (CMV) US28 gene encodes a functional CC chemokine receptor. However, this activity was observed in cells transfected to express US28 and might not correspond to the actual role of the protein in the CMV life cycle. Expression of US28 allows human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) entry into certain CD4(+) cells and their fusion with cells expressing HIV-1 envelope (Env) proteins. Such properties were initially reported for the cellular chemokine receptors CCR5 and CXCR4, which behave as CD4-associated HIV-1 coreceptors. We found that coexpression of US28 and either CXCR4 or CCR5 in CD4(+) cells resulted in enhanced synctium formation with HIV-1 Env+ cells. This positive effect of US28 on cell fusion seems to be distinct from its HIV-1 coreceptor activity. Indeed, enhancement of cell fusion was also observed when US28 was expressed on the HIV-1 Env+ cells instead of an CD4(+) target cells. Furthermore, US28 could enhance cell fusion mediated by other viral proteins, in particular, the G protein of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV-G). The HIV-1 coreceptor and fusion-enhancing activities could be affected by mutations in different domains of US28. The fusion-enhancing activity of US28 seems to be cell type dependent. Indeed, cells coexpressing VSV-G and US28 fused more efficiently with human, simian, or feline target cells, while US28 had no apparent effect on fusion with the three mouse or rat cell lines tested. The positive effect of US28 on cell fusion might therefore require its interaction with a cell-specific factor. We discuss a possible role for US28 in the fusion of the CMV envelope with target cells and CMV entry.  相似文献   

The weak binding of sugar substrates fails to induce any quantifiable physical changes in the L-fucose-H+ symport protein, FucP, from Escherichia coli, and this protein lacks any strongly binding ligands for competitive binding assays. Access to substrate binding behavior is however possible using NMR methods which rely on substrate immobiliza-tion for detection. Cross-polarization from proton to carbon spins could detect the portion of 13C-labeled substrate associated with 0.2 micromol of the functional transport system overexpressed in the native membranes. The detected substrate was shown to be in the FucP binding site because its signal was diminished by the unlabeled substrates L-fucose and L-galactose but was unaffected by a three- to fivefold molar excess of the non-transportable stereoisomer D-fucose. FucP appeared to bind both anomers of its substrates equally well. An NMR method, designed to measure the rate of substrate exchange, could show that substrate exchanged slowly with the carrier center (>10(-1) s), although its dynamics are not necessarily coupled strongly to this site within the protein. Relaxation measurements support this view that fluctuations in the interaction with substrate would be confined to the binding site in this transport system.  相似文献   

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