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We have made the surprising discovery that the thermal damping of a vibrating wire resonator in superfluid 3 He-B at ultra low temperatures is considerably depressed when a second wire in the vicinity is driven supercritically. The damping of a vibrating wire resonator at low velocities in the B-phase arises from the scattering of quasiparticle excitations and has a temperature dependence proportional to the Boltzmann factor exp(–/kT) at low temperatures. At higher velocities (v>vL/3), the wire breaks Cooper pairs and emits a quasiparticle beam. At first sight it seems paradoxical that heating the superfluid can reduce the quasiparticle flux on a neighbouring wire. We can only understand this on the basis that vorticity emitted by the supercritical wire shields, via Andreev reflection, part of the background quasiparticle flux from reaching the other wire. If this interpretation is correct, these techniques will provide a sensitive probe of vortex dynamics in the ultra low temperature regime.  相似文献   

We have performedcwNMR experiments on superfluid 3 He confined to a parallel-plate geometry with a m scale spacing for a wide pressure range. A static field was applied parallel or perpendicular to the plate surface. The spectra of two absorption signals, a main and a satellite, have been observed below the superfluid transition temperature in a parallel field. As the temperature decreased, the main signal decreased with shifts to higher frequencies, and the satellite grew with shifts to much higher frequencies. From the temperature dependence of these signals and the result in the perpendicular field, it is confirmed that the main signal and the satellite correspond to the A phase signal (ABM state) and the B phase signal (BW state), respectively. The temperature dependence of the two signals indicates that a phase transition from the A phase to the B phase occurs with decreasing temperature. By analyzing these signals, we determine A–B transition temperatures experimentaly. TheA–Btransition temperature normalized by the superfluid transition temperature is 0.95 at 20 bar, and decreased further to 0.70 at 0 bar for a thickness of 0.88 m for pure 3 He. The values of TAB/TC were slightly elevated when covering the surface with 4.5 layers of 4 He film, which suggests that this transition is also influenced by the surface condition.  相似文献   

In present work, we continue our experimental investigations of heat instability in superfluid 3He–4He solutions heated from below. We research two solutions with 3He concentrations 5.0% and 9.5% for temperature of 270 mK. It is found that for 5% solution the dependence is linear in temperature range studied whereas for the solution of 9.5% we observed the deviation from linear dependence above some critical value . This effect manifests the thermal instability which appears under start of phase separation in 9.5% solution if heat flow is switched on. For 5.0% solution where one does not observe the phase separation at the values of applied, the instability was not observed. To identify the possible mechanism of a thermal instability in stratified solution, we estimated the dependence of the Nusselt number on relative Raileigh number Ra/Ra c . One observes that the dependence can be fitted as Nu=(Ra/Ra c ) b where b=0.31±0.04. Note that the dependence obtained agrees rather good with the empiric expression of (Busse in Rep. Prog. Phys. 41:1929, 1978) and connecting the numbers Nu and Ra for turbulent convection. This gives grounds to conclude the heat transfer in a stratified solution is realized by transition to the regime of turbulent convection.   相似文献   

We have studied textures of the rotating superfluid 3He–A in a single narrow cylinder by NMR measurement. In a narrow cylinder, the characteristic textures such as Mermin-Ho texture (Mermin and Ho in Phys. Rev. Lett. 36:594, 1976) can be formed in order to minimize the free energy of the system determined by the effect of the wall, the magnetic field, the dipole interaction, the flow of the superfluid and so on. We observed three types of NMR absorption spectra dependent on the processes used to form A-phase in a narrow cylinder. A particular texture shows a characteristic spectrum and we can determine the texture from the observed spectrum by comparing the resonance frequency of the peak in NMR spectrum with the calculated one of the spin wave mode. We present the identification and the phase diagram of textures of the rotating superfluid 3He–A in a single narrow cylinder.  相似文献   

We have examined the superfluidity of 3 He in 98.2% porous silica aerogel with up to 34% 4 He at 21.6 bar. The mixture is phase-separated for 4 He fractions between 11% and 34%. The 4 He-rich, phase preferentially occupies the regions of highest silica density in the aerogel, thus modifying the distribution of the correlated disorder seen by superftuid 3 He. The 3 He T c increases slightly with 4 He content while the superfluid fraction decreases rapidly. This behavior is inconsistent with that of 3 He in a homogeneously scattering medium and is analogous to that of a granular superconductor.  相似文献   

The frequency spectrum of the spin fluctuations δ S(t) superimposed on the coherently precessing spin modes in the A-like superfluid phase in aerogel is analysed. It is shown that the low amplitude spin fluctuations could be most easily observed in the case of an uni-axially deformed aerogel. It is demonstrated, in particular, that for axially stretched (radially squeezed) aerogel described by the U(1)LIM model the fourth order harmonic in δ S z (t) is erased, in contrast with what is expected for the long range Leggett orbital configuration in the 3He-A (ABM state).  相似文献   

Coherent precession of trapped Bose–Einstein condensates of magnons is a sensitive probe for magnetic relaxation processes in superfluid $^3$ He-B down to the lowest achievable temperatures. We use the dependence of the relaxation rate on the density of thermal quasiparticles to implement thermometry in $^3$ He-B at temperatures below $300\,\upmu $ K. Unlike popular vibrating wire or quartz tuning fork based thermometers, magnon condensates allow for contactless temperature measurement and make possible an independent in situ determination of the residual zero-temperature relaxation provided by the radiation damping. We use this magnon-condensate-based thermometry to study the thermal impedance of the interface between A and B phases of superfluid $^3$ He. The magnon condensate is also a sensitive probe of the orbital order-parameter texture. This has allowed us to observe for the first time the non-thermal signature of the annihilation of two AB interfaces.  相似文献   

The proximity effect in superfluid 3He partly filled with high porosity aerogel is discussed. This system can be regarded as a dirty Fermi liquid/spin-triplet p-wave superfluid junction. Our attention is mainly paid to the case when the dirty layer is in the normal state owing to the impurity pair-breaking effect by the aerogel. We use the quasiclassical Green’s function to determine self-consistently the spatial variations of the p-wave order parameter and the impurity self-energy. On the basis of the fully self-consistent calculation, we analyze the spatial dependence of the pair function (anomalous Green’s function). The spin-triplet pair function has in general even-frequency odd-parity and odd-frequency even-parity components. We show that the admixture of the even- and odd-frequency pairs occurs near the aerogel/superfluid 3He-B interface. Among those Cooper pairs, only the odd-frequency s-wave pair can penetrate deep into the aerogel layer. As a result, the proximity-induced superfluidity in a thick aerogel layer is dominated by the Cooper pair with the odd-frequency s-wave symmetry. We also analyze the local density of states and show that it has a characteristic zero-energy peak reflecting the existence of the odd-frequency s-wave pair, in agreement with previous works using the Usadel equation.  相似文献   

A new approach to the calculation of correlation energies in the random phase approximation (RPA) is introduced. The method is applied to the system of adsorbed 3 He in thin 4 He superfluid films. The 3 He component interacts by means of the exchange of virtual surface interactions (ripplons) in addition to the usual atom-atom interaction. We report on a calculation of the RPA contribution to the 3 He ground-state energy of a previously introduced model for this effective interaction called the one-ripplon-exchange potential (OREP). VOREP is manifestly frequency dependent and complex. In this paper we study the differences in the RPA contribution to the ground-state energy between the fully complex and frequency dependent VOREP and VOREP in the real, static limit.  相似文献   

We have studied the resonance of a commercial quartz tuning fork immersed in superfluid 4He, at temperatures between 5 mK and 1 K, and at pressures between zero and 25 bar. The force-velocity curves for the tuning fork show a linear damping force at low velocities. On increasing velocity we see a transition corresponding to the appearance of extra drag due to quantized vortex lines in the superfluid. We loosely call this extra contribution “turbulent drag”. The turbulent drag force, obtained after subtracting a linear damping force, is independent of pressure and temperature below 1 K, and is easily fitted by an empirical formula. The transition from linear damping (laminar flow) occurs at a well-defined critical velocity that has the same value for the pressures and temperatures that we have measured. Later experiments using the same fork in a new cell revealed different behaviour, with the velocity stepping discontinuously at the transition, somewhat similar to previous observations on vibrating wire resonators and oscillating spheres. We compare and contrast the observed behaviour of the superfluid drag and inertial forces with that measured for vibrating wires.  相似文献   

We have studied superfluid 3 He in 0.8 m slab geometry by cw-NMR method. The static magnetic field for NMR was 22 mT and was perpendicularly applied to the surface. At pressures from 5 bar to 27 bar, we observed the negative shifts of NMR frequencies below the transition temperatures. Moreover we observed the fast order phase transition with the supercooling phenomena at lower temperatures, but NMR frequencies did not show a jump as they do at the A-B transition in the bulk liquid. Although the phase at low temperatures seemed to be B-phase, NMR frequencies still had the negative shifts.  相似文献   

We present a model for the friction and effective mass of an oscillating superfluid $^3$ He A–B interface due to orbital viscosity in the B-phase texture close to the interface. The model is applied to an experiment in which the A–B interface was stabilised in a magnetic field gradient at the transition field $B_c = 340$  mT at 0 bar pressure and at a very low temperature $T \approx 0.155$  mK. The interface was then oscillated by applying a small additional field at frequencies in the range 0.1–100 Hz. The response of the interface is governed by friction and by its effective mass. The measured dissipation does not fit theoretical predictions based either on the Andreev scattering of thermal quasiparticles or by pair-breaking from the moving interface. We describe a new mechanism based on the redistribution of thermal quasiparticle excitations in the B-phase texture engendered by the moving interface. This gives rise to friction via orbital viscosity and generates a significant effective mass of the interface. We have incorporated this mechanism into a simple preliminary model which provides reasonable agreement with the measured behaviour.  相似文献   

We study the coupled dynamics of normal and superfluid components of superfluid \(^4\hbox {He}\) in a channel considering the counterflow turbulence with laminar normal component. In particular, we calculated profiles of the normal velocity, the mutual friction, the vortex line density and other flow properties and compared them to the case where the dynamic of the normal component is “frozen.” We have found that the coupling between the normal and superfluid components leads to flattening of the normal velocity profile, increasingly more pronounced with temperature, as the mutual friction, and therefore, coupling becomes stronger. The commonly measured flow properties also change when the coupling between the two components is taken into account.  相似文献   

We have investigated a copper-mesh grid oscillating at its fundamental (0, 1) Bessel mode in superfluid 4He for temperatures 10<T<1500 mK at a pressure of P=5 bar. The high quality factor (Q~105) of the oscillator allowed us to observe new features of its response to a periodic drive which, at the lowest T, was found to depend on the prehistory of the helium. The experiments have confirmed the existence of two critical velocities, and we discuss whether these critical velocities are associated with quantized vortices.  相似文献   

NMR spectra in superfluid A-like phases confined in axially deformed aerogel in the presence of a magnetic field inclined with respect to deformation axis is considered. The characteristic features of dipole frequency shift in axially compressed and axially stretched cases are compared. In particular, it is shown that in axially stretched aerogel environment the stability region of coherently spin-precessing mode is rather narrow due to the U(1) LIM effect. The spectrum of high-frequency spin fluctuations accompanying coherently precessing spin modes is constructed.  相似文献   

We discuss the extension of the Kibble-Zurek scenario of defects creation at cosmological phase transitions to the case when alternative symmetries may be broken and different states nucleated independently. We have calculated the nucleation probability of the various states of superfluid 3 He during a superfluid transition. Our results can explain the asymmetry of transition between non equilibrium A and B phases, triggered by nuclear reaction. The new scenario is a possible alternative to the well-known baked Alaska scenario. This scenario may also be relevant for the early universe, where two different states, SU(3) × SU(2) × U(1) and SU(4) × U(1) can be nucleated after the transition from SU(5) state.  相似文献   

Measurements of the order parameter texture of rotating superfluid 3He-B have been performed as a function of the applied azimuthal counterflow velocity down to temperatures of 0.2 T c. The results are compared to the hydrostatic theory of 3He-B. Good agreement is found at all measured temperatures and rotation velocities when the flow anisotropy contribution to the textural free energy is adjusted. This gives a superfluid energy gap ??(T) which agrees with that measured by Todoshchenko et al., with ??(0)=1.97 k B T c at 29.0 bar. The B-phase susceptibility, longitudinal resonance frequency, and textural phase transition have been extracted from the measurements as a function of temperature and azimuthal counterflow velocity. Owing to decreasing absorption intensities the present measuring method, based on the line shape analysis of the NMR spectrum, loses its sensitivity with decreasing temperature. However, we find that in practice the measurement of vortex numbers and counterflow velocities is still feasible down to 0.2 T c.  相似文献   

A superconducting 100 m planar coil has been tested for low field cw NMR. The nine-turn 5 nH coil is connected via a planar 1:8 step-up transformer to an external parallel capacitor and resonated at 0.8 MHz to give a Q of 350. The tank circuit voltage is measured with a liquid He temperature GaAs MESFET preamplifier. Test experiments have been conducted by immersing the Si chip with the planar pick-up coil in liquid and solid 3 He to measure their cw NMR absorptions in the temperature range 0.05 – 0.5 K.  相似文献   

‘Triad’ or ‘tetrad’? On global changes in a dynamic world   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The US-EU race for world leadership in science and technology has become the favourite subject of recent studies. Studies issued by the European Commission reported the increase of the European share in the world’s scientific production and announced world leadership of the EU in scientific output at the end of the last century. In order to be able to monitor those types of global changes, the present study is based on the 15-year period 1991–2005. A set of bibliometric and technometric indicators is used to analyse activity and impact patterns in science and technology output. This set comprises publication output indicators such as (1) the share in the world total, (2) subject-based publication profiles, (3) citation-based indicators like journal-and subject-normalised mean citation rates, (4) international co-publications and their impact as well as (5) patent indicators and publication-patent citation links (both directions). The evolution of national bibliometric profiles, ‘scientific weight’ and science-technology linkage patterns are discussed as well. The authors show, using the mirror of science and technology indicators, that the triad model does no longer hold in the 21st century. China is challenging the leading sciento-economic powers and the time is approaching when this country will represent the world’s second largest potential in science and technology. China and other emerging scientific nations like South Korea, Taiwan, Brazil and Turkey are already changing the balance of power as measured by scientific production, as they are at least in part responsible for the relative decline of the former triad.  相似文献   

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