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Molecular cytogenetics includes a spectrum of methodologies that use molecular reagents to better define chromosomal alterations in normal and neoplastic cells. Brain tumors are a group of neoplasms for which there is a wealth of cytogenetic and molecular genetic information, and some of the newer techniques have extended the types of samples from which genetic information which can be obtained to biopsies and even paraffin-embedded sections. Fluorescence in situ hybridization on interphase nuclei has been used to confirm gains of chromosome 7, loss of chromosome 10, 9p deletion and gene amplification in malignant gliomas, and to visualize isochromosome 17q in medulloblastomas. Comparative genomic hybridization uses genomic DNA to determine gains and losses of chromosomes and chromosomal regions. This approach is particularly useful for identifying gene amplification. For cases in which chromosomal spreads are obtained, chromosomal painting is helpful in determining the origin of chromosomal segments. Several methods are now available in which each of the 22 autosomes and the sex chromosome can be identified by unique colors, termed Spectral karyotyping and multiplex-FISH. These molecular cytogenetic techniques are important clinical and experimental tools that have provided new insight into the genetic alterations of brain tumors.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most common malignancy among men in many developed countries. One-fourth of prostate cancers are diagnosed at metastatic stage but there is no curative treatment for such disease and palliative androgen withdrawal therapy remains the most used one. Thus, understanding the molecular events that underlie the development and progression of prostate cancer could help to answer many clinical questions on its treatment. In this review article, I want to illustrate some of the most interesting findings (by fluorescence in situ hybridization and comparative genomic hybridization) in the molecular cytogenetics of prostate cancer.  相似文献   

Genetic transmission in manic depressive illness (MDI) has been explored in twins, adoption, association, and linkage studies. The X-linked transmission hypothesis has been tested by using several markers on chromosome X: Xg blood group, colour blindness, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD), factor IX (haemophilia B), and DNA probes such as DXS15, DXS52, F8C, ST14. The hypothesis of autosomal transmission has been tested by association studies with the O blood group located on chromosome 9, as well as linkage studies on chromosome 6 with the Human Leucocyte Antigens (HLA) haplotypes and on Chromosome 11 with DNA markers for the following genes: D2 dopamine receptor, tyrosinase, C-Harvey-Ras-A (HRAS) oncogene, insuline (ins), and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Although linkage studies support the hypothesis of a major locus for the transmission of MDI in the Xq27-28 region, several factors are limiting the results, and are discussed in the present review.  相似文献   

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma is characterized by a high rate of activating mutations involving codon 12 of the K-ras protooncogene. As a means of ras-targeted intervention, the effects of enhanced Krev-1 gene expression on the growth and tumorigenicity of the hamster pancreatic adenocarcinoma cell line PC-1 were evaluated. Overexpression of the Krev-1 gene product resulted in morphologic reversion to a less transformed phenotype, as well as retarded growth kinetics and diminished potential for anchorage-independent growth. Among six transfected cell lines, the magnitude of these changes correlated with the degree of Krev-1 overexpression as assessed by Western blot. When PC-1 cells overexpressing high levels of the Krev-1 gene product were assessed for tumorigenicity in syngeneic animals, an increased latency to tumor growth and a decreased tumor size were noted. The results confirm that overexpression of the Krev-1 gene may provide a useful strategy for ras-targeted intervention in this disease.  相似文献   

Galactocerebrosidase (GALC) is a lysosomal beta-galactosidase responsible for the hydrolysis of the galactosyl moiety from several galactolipids, including galactosylceramide and psychosine. The deficiency of this enzyme results in the autosomal recessive disorder called Krabbe disease. It is also called globoid cell leukodystrophy (GLD), because of the characteristic storage cells found around cerebral blood vessels in the white matter of affected human patients and animal models. Although most patients present with clinical symptoms before 6 months of age, older patients, including adults, have been diagnosed by their severe deficiency of GALC activity. More than 40 mutations have been identified in patients with all clinical types of GLD. While some mutations clearly result in the infantile type if found homozygous or with another severe mutation, it is difficult to predict the phenotype of novel mutations or when mutations are found in the heterozygous state. A high incidence of polymorphic changes on apparent disease-causing alleles also complicates the interpretation of the effects of mutations. The detection of mutations has greatly improved carrier identification among family members and will permit preimplantation diagnosis for some families. The molecular characterization of the naturally occurring mouse, dog, and monkey models will permit their use in trials to evaluate different modes of therapy.  相似文献   

While sharing the same techniques as the field at large, diagnostic molecular genetics is unique among the subdisciplines of molecular pathology in many of its aspects, from sample collection to ethical implications of the test results obtained. Yet, despite its many challenges, this branch of DNA diagnostics has already pervaded the practice of medical genetics to an extent unmatched in any other clinical specialty. Genetic disease also presents the most immediately obvious opportunities for extension from DNA-based diagnosis to DNA-based therapy.  相似文献   

Metachromatic leukodystrophy is an autosomal recessive inherited lysosomal storage disease. It can be caused by mutations in two different genes, the arylsulfatase A and the prosaposin gene. These genes encode two proteins that are needed for the proper degradation of cerebroside sulfate, a glycolipid mainly found in the myelin membranes. Deficiency of arylsulfatase A or of a proteolytic product of prosaposin leads to the accumulation of cerebroside sulfate, which causes a lethal progressive demyelination. Mutations in the arylsulfatase A gene are far more frequent than those of the prosaposin gene. So far 31 amino acid substitutions, one nonsense mutation, three small deletions, three splice donor site mutations, and one combined missense/splice donor site mutation have been identified in the arylsulfatase A gene. Two of these mutant alleles are frequent, accounting for about one-half of all mutant alleles, whereas the remainder are heterogeneous. Amino acid substitutions cluster in exons 2 and 3, a region that shows a high degree of conservation among sulfatases of different function and origin. Different mutations are associated with phenotypes of different severity, but there is a remarkable variability of severity when patients with identical genotypes are compared. Demonstration of an arylsulfatase A deficiency is not a proof of metachromatic leukodystrophy, since a substantial deficiency without any clinical consequences is frequent in the general population. This deficiency is caused by an arylsulfatase A allele, which due to certain mutations encodes greatly reduced amounts of functional enzyme. However, these amounts are sufficient to sustain a normal phenotype. In the diagnosis and genetic counseling, these deficiencies must be differentiated from those causing metachromatic leukodystrophy. So far only six patients with mutations in the prosaposin gene have been described, in which three defective alleles two with amino acid substitutions and one with a 33-bp insertion have been identified.  相似文献   

Myeloperoxidase (MPO) belongs to a family of related proteins which also includes eosinophil, thyroid, and lactoperoxidase. The MPO gene is a 14-kb gene located on the long arm of chromosome 17. Thus far four mutations (R569W, Y173C, M251T and a 14-base deletion in exon 9) have been identified in patients with MPO deficiency. As in other genetically determined diseases, many more mutations will eventually be revealed that cause this disease. Present evidence shows that most patients are compound heterozygotes, i.e., they have inherited different mutations on their paternal and maternal MPO alleles. Understanding why some patients with this genetic deficiency develop clinical symptoms while others do not requires mutation analyses of a large number of patients. This includes the analysis of genotype-phenotype relationships. Genotyping has also been started in patients with EPO-deficiency.  相似文献   

The cardiopulmonary response elicited by intravenous bacteria or endotoxin is well characterized in swine and has two major components. The first represents the acute pulmonary and broncho-constrictive phase (0-2 h) and the second phase (3-8 h) represents increased microvascular permeability, hypotension, and enhanced leukocyte-endothelial adhesion. The pulmonary vasoconstriction and bronchoconstriction of phase 1 results in acute pulmonary hypertension and airway dysfunction, which may result in rapid mortality. Because this acute pulmonary response may not mimic the development of human septic shock, we sought to block this early phase and examine the role of tumor necrosis factor in the latter septic phase (3-8 h). Employing a thromboxane A2 (TXA2) receptor antagonist (BAY U 3405) in the presence of LD100 Escherichia coli challenge, we blocked the acute pulmonary hypertensive phase and prevented early mortality, however, TXA2 blockade did not affect the latter development of septic shock and death. This latter lethal phase, characterized by prolonged leukopenia, was blocked in a dose-dependent manner by tumor necrosis factor monoclonal antibody. We conclude that the TXA2-blocked E. coli-challenged swine may provide a novel animal model in which to investigate the pathophysiology of acute septic shock.  相似文献   

The outlook for patients with acute promyelocytic leukaemia has improved vastly with the use of all-trans retinoic acid. The development of this therapeutic agent stemmed from the finding that an abnormality of the retinoic acid receptor is involved in this disease. In the search for other molecular abnormalities in the acute leukaemias that might serve as therapeutic targets, the chromosomal translocations associated with this group of disorders have been helpful in indicating where to look for potential cancer genes. Some common signal-transduction pathways through which different such genes act have been identified, and compounds that interfere with these pathways are already being screened for.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that spinal calmodulin inhibitors (W-7 and calmidazolium) dose-dependently inhibit the nociceptive reaction (biting, scratching, licking, BSL) evoked by intrathecal N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and septide, an agonist of the neurokinin (NK) NK1 receptor. To compare this effect with that induced by standard analgesics, we now report a study of the effects of calmidazolium (14420 nmol), bupivacaine (29-582 nmol) and morphine (26-260 nmol) when coadministered intrathecally with either NMDA (4 microg) or septide (0.5 microg). Calmidazolium had the highest potency for inhibiting septide-induced nociceptive behaviour, acting over a dose range of 34-130 nmol (dose eliciting a half-maximal response, ED50, 67 nmol) lower than that of bupivacaine [ED50 234 (115-475) nmol]. Only the highest dose of morphine (260 nmol) inhibited septide-evoked BSL [ED50=133 (69-255) nmol]. Higher doses of morphine could not be tested due to the appearance of an excitatory aversive reaction. Both calmidazolium [ED50=232 (138-388) nmol] and bupivacaine [ED50=123 (59-256) nmol] dose-dependently reduced NMDA-induced BSL reaching an almost maximal inhibition at the highest doses assayed (420 and 291 nmol, respectively). In contrast, morphine had less effect on NMDA-induced behaviour, inducing only a partial reduction of BSL even with the highest dose assayed (260 nmol). Overall, it can be concluded that the calmodulin inhibitor calmidazolium inhibits septide- and NMDA-evoked nociceptive behaviour with a potency and efficacy at least as high as those of morphine and bupivacaine.  相似文献   

Oculocutaneous albinism (OCA) is a group of autosomal recessive disorders characterized by deficient synthesis of melanin pigment. Type I (tyrosinase-deficient) OCA results from deficient enzymatic activity of tyrosinase, which catalyzes at least three steps in the melanin biosynthetic pathway. Type II (tyrosinase-positive) OCA results from abnormalities of the "P" polypeptide. Recent application of molecular genetic techniques to the study of these disorders has led to extraordinary advances in knowledge of their molecular pathogenesis, paving the way to improved diagnosis, carrier detection, and even treatment.  相似文献   

During 1994, 129 specimens of chub (Leuciscus cephalus L.) from two localities, polluted--Bolelouc, 80th river kilometer, near the city of Olomouc, and unpolluted--Brodské, 225th river kilometer, near the Lanzhot on the Morava river, were examined for metazoan parasites. Altogether 38 metazoan parasite species including helminths, leeches and glochidia belonging to 14 genera were found, 34 in the case of unpolluted locality (Brodské) and 28 in the polluted one (Bolelouc). In both localities, 24 parasite species (Dactylogyrus folkmanovae, D. naviculoides, D. prostae, D. vistulae, D. vranoviensis, Gyrodactylus carassii, G. gasterostei, G. gracilihamatus, G. scardiniensis, G. vimbi, Gyrodactylus sp., Paradiplozoon ergensi, P. homoion, P. megan, Paradiplozoon sp., Caryophyllaeus brachycollis, Diplostomum spathaceum--larval stage, Philometra abdominalis, Acanthocephalus anguillae, Pomphorhynchus laevis and Glochidium sp.) were found, 10 (D. crucifer, D. nanoides, G. hemibarbi, G. lamberti, G. leucisci, G. lomi, P. rutili, C. fennica, A. imitans, S. bramae) were identified solely in the unpolluted locality Brodské and 4 (D. fallax, G. laevis, P. ovata, G. kearni) parasite species were found only in the polluted locality Bolelouc. Differences in parasite species richness, the level of dominance, the structure of core and in satellite species were observed. Current methods of statistical evaluation were used.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND METHODS: Anemia is common in patients with chronic renal insufficiency and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Erythropoietin therapy is effective, but the dose required varies greatly. One possible determinant of the efficacy of erythropoietin therapy is the extent of marrow fibrosis caused by hyperparathyroidism. We examined the relation between the erythropoietic response to erythropoietin and hyperparathyroidism in a cross-sectional study of 18 patients undergoing hemodialysis who had received erythropoietin therapy for one to three years. In 7 patients (the poor-response group), the dose of intravenous erythropoietin needed to maintain a mean (+/- SD) target hematocrit of 35 +/- 3 percent was > 100 units per kilogram of body weight three times a week, and in 11 patients (the good-response group) it was < or = 100 units per kilogram. In all patients, indexes of the adequacy of dialysis and the extent of hyperparathyroidism and aluminum toxicity were determined monthly, and bone histomorphometry was performed. RESULTS: The mean (+/- SD) dose of erythropoietin required to maintain the target hematocrit was 174 +/- 33 units per kilogram three times a week in the poor-response group and 56 +/- 18 units per kilogram in the good-response group. The mean ages, duration and adequacy of dialysis, increment in hematocrit, iron requirements, and serum concentrations of calcium, phosphate, and aluminum were similar in the two groups. The percentages of osteoid volume and surface, the osteoid thickness, and the stainable aluminum content of bone were similar in the two groups. In contrast, the mean serum parathyroid hormone concentration, the percentages of osteoclastic and eroded bone surfaces, and the degree of marrow fibrosis were greater in the poor-response group than in the good-response group (P = 0.03, P = 0.04, P = 0.009, and P = 0.009, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: In patients with uremia, the dose of erythropoietin needed to achieve an adequate hematocrit response may depend on the severity of secondary hyperparathyroidism and the extent of bone marrow fibrosis.  相似文献   

The biology of telomeres and telomerase has been the subject of intensive investigative effort since it became evident that they play a significant role in two important biological processes, the loss of cellular replicative capacity inherent to organismal ageing and the unrestricted cell proliferation characteristic of carcinogenesis. Telomere shortening in normal cells is a result of DNA replication events, and reduction beyond a critical length is a signal for cellular senescence. One of the cellular mechanisms used to overcome proliferative restriction is the activation of the enzyme telomerase, which replaces the loss of telomeric DNA that occurs at each cell division. Studies have demonstrated that tumours have shorter telomeres than normal tissue and that telomerase is activated in up to 90% of all human cancers while it is present only in a limited range of normal adult tissues. The role of telomerase in the extension of the cellular replicative lifespan has recently been shown by ectopic expression of the enzyme, being consistent with the oncogenesis model whereby the acquisition of an 'immortal' phenotype is a requirement for advanced tumour progression. In this article we review the present knowledge of telomeres and telomerase in cancer and discuss the potential use of this enzyme as a diagnostic and prognostic tumour marker and as a target for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Recreational SCUBA diving exposes individuals to environmental stresses not often encountered in other types of activity. These stresses include increased ambient pressure, raised partial pressure of O(2), increased resistance to movement, added weight and drag of diving equipment, cold stress, and a higher breathing resistance. One means to understand how such stresses affect a diver is to employ the stress-strain-adaptive response model. Physiologic adaptations, like an increase in VO(2) in response to cold stress, will minimize the strain placed on thermal balance. Nonphysiologic adaptive responses include those behavioral and equipment interventions that isolate the diver from a particular stress. Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA) isolates the diver from the inability to extract O(2) from the water; dive garments minimize the stress of cold water immersion. This review will focus on cardiorespiratory and thermal responses to SCUBA diving, using the stress-strain-adaptive response model to illustrate the interaction between diver and environment. Some responses like hyperventilation, cardiac arrhythmias, or cold injury due to vasoconstriction are not considered adaptive but are realistic possibilities in diving environments.  相似文献   

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