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The thermodynamic data for the Y2O3–BaO–Cu2O–CuO quaternary system were optimized from measured thermodynamic data. A two-sublattice model for ionic solution was used to express the Gibbs free energy of the liquid phase, and a two-sublattice regular solution model was used for the nonstoichiometric YBa2Cu3O6+δ superconducting compound. The optimized thermodynamic data were used to calculate the phase diagrams of the Cu2O–CuO binary system and the CuO x –Y2Cu2O5 and CuO x –BaCuO2 quasi-binary systems. The results were in good agreement with reported measured data. The liquidus projection and isothermal and vertical sections of the Y2O3–BaO-CuO x quasi-ternary system were calculated. The effect of oxygen pressure on some reaction temperatures was predicted by calculating them at various oxygen pressures, and the oxygen contents (6 +δ) in YBa2Cu3O6+δ were calculated at various temperatures and oxygen pressures. The results were compared with experimental data.  相似文献   

The model proposed to explain the defect behavior of nominally pure β-Ta2O5 was extended to the case of defect equilibria and charge transport in β-Ta2O5 doped with a multivalent cation, i.e., Nb2O5-doped P-Ta2O5. This case is of practical interest in the electronics industry, where Nb2O5, is a dominant impurity in capacitor-grade β-Ta2O5.  相似文献   

Electrical conductivity and thermoelectric power were measured on sintered α-Sb2O4 at 250° to 780°C. Oxygen partial pressure dependence of the conductivity and sign of the Seebeck coefficient showed α-Sb2O4 to be a p -type semiconductor above 600°C in the oxygen pressure range of lo5 to 102 Pa. A hopping conduction was proposed from very small hole mobility with an activation energy of 18 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

Simple ionic defect theory has not been successful in describing the observed defect and transport behavior in β-Ta2O5. The available data were reviewed, and a revised model is proposed which more adequately describes the defect behavior of nominally pure or lightly doped β-Ta2O5.  相似文献   

As an alternative, the voltage data of Kurita et al . recently published on galvanic cells with commercial α-Al2O3 as a solid electrolyte and with O2, H2O/α-Al2O3 as well as H2, H2O/α-Al2O3 as electrodes can be quantitatively described by assuming that α-Al2O3 represents a mixed sodium ionic–electronic conductor rather than a protonic–electronic conductor. From the evaluation of the experimental data, numerical values for the p -type electronic conduction parameter are obtained that agree sufficiently well with the data known to date for the sodium ion conductor Na-beta-Al2O3.  相似文献   

In the system Ta2O3-Al2O5 solid solutions of metastable δ-Ta2O5 (hexagonal) are formed up to 50 mol% Al2O3 from amorphous materials prepared by the simultaneous hydrolysis of tantalum and aluminum alkoxides. The values of the lattice parameters decrease linearly with increasing Al2O3, content. The to β-Ta2O5 (orthorhombic, low-temperature form) transformation occurs at ∼950°C. The solid solution containing 50 mol% Al2O3 transforms at 1040° to 1100°C to orthorhombic TaAlO4. Orthorhombic TaAlO4 contains octahedral TaO6 groups in the structure.  相似文献   

An epitaxial β-alumina crystal growth method was used to modify α-AI2O3 platelet surfaces before inclusion as a reinforcing phase in partially stabilized zirconia (3Y-TZP). The as-grown surface phase was Na-β"-AI2O3. This was converted to Ca-β"-AI2O3 by ion exchange, as the latter is more temperature-stable at composite sintering temperatures. The conditions of formation, thermal stability, and chemical compatibility of these interfacial phases were examined. α-AI2O3 platelets with Ca-β"-AI2O3 film were incorporated into 3Y-TZP. The β"-AI2O3/ZrO2 interface was found to promote platelet debonding and pullout, thus enhancing the α-AI2O3 platelet/crack interactions during the fracture process.  相似文献   

Computer-modelling techniques are applied to the calculation of defect formation and migration energies in α-Fe2O3 and α-Cr2O3: both electronic and lattice defects are considered. The results are used to predict Arrhenius energies for cation and anion migration in different composition and temperature regimes and show reasonable agreement with experimental data where these are available.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline AI2O3 containing a glassy aluminosilicate second phase displays a low-activation-energy conductivity when Na is present. The conductivity is ionic in nature at high oxygen pressure and electronic at low oxygen pressure and is attributed to the migration of Na+ ions and electrons through the second phase present at triple junctions. A smaller low-activation-energy conductivity is found in the absence of sodium, but in that case the low-activation-energy branch has different properties. AI2O3:Na without silicon bas no low-temperature low-activation-energy branch.  相似文献   

The phase relations for the system y2o3–Ta2o5 in the composition range 50 to 100 mol% Y2O3 have been studied by solid-state reactions at 1350°, 1500°, or 17000C and by thermal analyses up to the melting temperatures. Weberite-type orthorhombic phases (W2 phase, space group C2221), fluorite-type cubic phases (F phase, space group Fm3m )and another orthorhombic phase (O phase, space group Cmmm )are found in the system. The W2 phase forms in 75 mol% Y2O3 under 17000C and O phase in 70 mol% Y2O3 up to 1700°C These phases seem to melt incongruently. The F phase forms in about 80 mol% Y2O3 and melts congruently at 2454° 3°C. Two eutectic points seem to exist at about 2220°C 90 mol% Y2O3, and at about 1990°C, 62 mol% Y2O3. A Phase diagram including the above three phases were not identified with each other.  相似文献   

Oxygen-18 exchange between gaseous oxygen, held at a pressure of 125 mm Hg in a Pt10Rh chamber, and spheres of α-Cr2O3 containing three or less grains was determined from 1100° to 1450°C. Isotope equilibrium on crystal surfaces appears to be quickly established, and the rate-determining factor is self-diffusion conforming to the relation D = 15.9 exp(-101,000/ RT) cm2sec−1. Changing sphere diameters caused no detectable variation in diffusion coefficients. Anions are the much slower diffusing species in this oxide.  相似文献   

The Phase relations of the system Gd2O3-Ta2O5 in the composition range 50 to100 mol% Gd2O3 was studied by solidstate reactions at 1350°, 1500°, or 1700°C and by thermal analyses up to the melting temperatures. Weberite-type orthorhombic phase (W2 phase, space group C2221) with the composition of Gd3 TaO7 seems to melt incongruently; at about 2040°C, although this Gd3TaO7 Phase was previously reported to melt congruently. A new fluorite-type cubic phase (F phase, space group Fm3m ) was found for the first time above 1500°C in the system. It melts congruently with the composition of about 80mol% Gd2O3at 2318° 3°C. A phase diagram was proposed for the system Gd2O3–Ta2O5 in the Gd2O3–rich portion  相似文献   

Oxygen diffusion coefficients have been determined for polycrystalline samples of NiCr2O4 and α-Fe2O3 by exchange measurements with oxygen gas containing the stable isotope18O, using mass spectrometer analysis. Oxygen diffusion in NiCr2O4 can be represented by the equation D = 0.017 exp (-65,400/RT); oxygen diffusion in α-Fe2O3 can be represented by the equation D = 1 × 1011 exp (-146,000/RT). The large difference between D0 and activation energy for these materials suggests that different diffusion mechanisms are involved.  相似文献   

The ionic conductivity of the hafnia-scandia, hafnia-yttria, and hafnia-rare earth solid solutions with high dopant concentrations of 8, 10, and 14 mol% was measured in air at 600° to 1050°C. Impedance spectroscopy was used to obtain lattice conductivity. A majority of the investigated samples exhibited linear Arrhenius plots of the lattice conductivity as a function of temperature. For all investigated dopant concentrations the ionic conductivity was shown to decrease as the dopant radius increased. The activation enthalpy for conduction was found to increase with dopant ionic radius. The fact that the highest ionic conductivity among 14-mol%-doped systems was obtained with HfO2─Sc2O3 suggested that the radius ratio approach should be used to predict the electrical conductivity behavior of HfO2─R2O3 systems. A qualitative model based on the Kilner's lattice parameter map does not seem to apply to these systems. For the three systems HfO2─Yb2O3, HfO2─Y2O3, and Hf2O3─Sm2O3 a conductivity maximum was observed near the dopant concentration of 10 mol%. Deep vacancy trapping is responsible for the decrease in the ionic conductivity at high dopant concentrations. Formation of microdomains of an ordered compound cannot explain the obtained results. A comparison between the ionic conductivities of doped HfO2 and ZrO2 systems indicated that the ionic conductivities of HfO2 systems are 1.5 to 2.2 times lower than the ionic conductivities of ZrO2 systems.  相似文献   

Since the difference between oxygen-ion and cation diffusion coefficients is greater for α-Cr2O3 than for α-Fe2O3 or α-Al2O3, a study of initial-sintering kinetics was undertaken to show unequivocally which species is rate controlling. Fine powders of α-Cr2O3, obtained by thermal decomposition of reagent-grade (NH4)2Cr2O7, were lightly compacted and their isothermal rates of shrinkage were determined between 1050° and 1300°C. Resultant data follow volume-diffusion sintering models, and calculated diffusion coefficients agree with, those measured for oxygen ions in α-Cr2O3. There is little evidence that oxygen diffusion along grain boundaries becomes so enhanced that chromium ions are left in control of the process.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline α-Al2O3 ceramic powders have been prepared from an aqueous solution of aluminum nitrate and sucrose. Soluble Al ion-sucrose solution forms the precursor material once it is completely dehydrated. Heat treatment of the dehydrated precursors at low temperature (600°C) results in the formation of porous single-phase α-Al2O3. The precursor and heat-treated powders have been characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), and BET surface area analysis. The phase-pure nanocrystalline α-Al2O3 particles had an average specific surface area of >190 m2/g, with an average pore size between 18 and 25 nm.  相似文献   

Refractory Y-α-SiAlON with elongated grain morphology was obtained by utilizing La2O3 as a densification aid, which resulted in excellent room-temperature and high-temperature strength. Room-temperature strength of 1000 MPa was achieved when La2O3 was augmented by adding Y2O3 or removing AlN. With only La2O3, a temperature-independent strength of 800–950 MPa was maintained up to 1100°C, then gradually decreasing by 25% when reaching 1300°C. The R-curve measurements of fracture toughness showed relatively little dependence on microstructure, consistent with a strong interface that suppresses grain boundary decohesion. Compared with other densification aids such as SiO2, Al2O3, Sc2O3, Y2O3, and Lu2O3, a finer microstructure was obtained by using La2O3. High nitrogen content in the residual La–Si–Al–O–N glass in equilibrium with the nitrogen-rich α-SiAlON is suggested to be the cause of these findings.  相似文献   

Electrical conduction in tetragonal β-Bi2O3 doped with Sb2O3 was investigated by measuring electrical conductivity, ionic transference number, and Seebeck coefficient. The β-Bi2O3 doped with 1 to 10 mol% Sb2O3 was stable up to 600°C and showed an oxygen ionic and electronic mixed conduction, where the electron conduction was predominant at low oxygen pressures. The oxygen-ion conductivity showed a maximum at 4 mol% Sb2O3, whereas the activation energy for the ionic conduction remained unchanged for 4 to 10 mol% Sb2O3-doped specimens. These results were interpreted in terms of the oxygen vacancy concentration and the distortion of the tetragonal structure. The electron conductivity and its oxygen pressure dependence decreased with increasing Sb2O3 content. The fact that Sb5+ is partially reduced by excess electrons in heavily doped β specimens at low oxygen pressures is explained.  相似文献   

Oxygen-diffusion coefficients were determined in single crystals of MgO and α-Fe2O3 by exchanging the samples with 18O enriched gas at 1 atm and measuring 18O profiles using a proton activation technique. For MgO, in the temperature range 1580 to 1820 K, the diffusion coefficient is represented by:      相似文献   

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