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利用STM进行纳米加工的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文对空气中应用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)进行的纳米级加工进行了研究。采用石墨(HOPG)和金薄膜作为样品.通过在STM探针和样品之间施加一定的电压脉冲制造出了具有纳米级尺度的结构。本文对形成的特征结构进行了分析.总结出部分实验规律.认为电场静电力作用使STM针尖或样品产生的机械变形是特征结构形成的主要原因。 相似文献
利用STM构建金属有机材料的纳米结构和改变电学性质 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
研究和开发利用扫描隧道显微镜(STM)对材料进行纳米尺度加工的功能,藉助于STM针尖和样品之间的强电场在金属有机络合物Ag-TCNQ薄膜表面构建了纳米点、纳米点阵和纳米线等纳米结构。伏安(I-U)特性曲线和扫描隧道的测试表明,在针尖强场作用后材料表面的局域电子态密度迅速增大,在电学上由高阻态转变为低阻态,这种效应可能归因于金属原子和有机分子之间的电荷转移。这些纳米结构展示了用作高密度存储器和纳米导线的可能性,有机导电材料将是未来纳米电子材料的理想候选者,而STM则将成为纳米电子学微细加工的有力工具。 相似文献
以草酸和十二烷基苯磺酸为电解质,利用电化学方法,基于镍片制备了ZnO质量分数不同(10%~30%)的聚吡咯/氧化锌(PPy/ZnO)纳米复合材料,并对其进行了表征和性能分析。结果表明基于镍片的复合材料中,聚吡咯呈典型的菜花状结构,白色的Zn0颗粒夹杂在PPy中,填充在PPy颗粒间的缝隙中,防止基底与溶液的直接接触,这种结构对基底有着很好的防腐蚀保护性能。而且随着质量比的增加,PPy/Zn0复合材料中的白色ZnO颗粒更为密集。研究发现PPy/ZnO复合材料比纯PPy具有更好的电化学性能,而且随着质量比的增加,PPy/ZnO复合材料的氧化还原可逆性、电化学交换反应与容纳电荷的能力等电化学性能有增强的趋势。 相似文献
电化学STM及对固液界面的研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
电化学扫描探针显微术是将电化学研究系统和扫描探针显微技术(Scanning Probe Microscopy:SPM)相结合而产生的一门新的研究技术。该技术的最大特点是可以在溶液环境下工作,以原子分辨率,实时,原位,三维空间观察,控制化学反应及过程,又可以对材料进行原子级加工等,本文将以SPM技术的重要分支-电化学扫描隧道显微技术(ECSTM:electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy)为主,简要介绍其工作原理,对固液界面的研究及发展趋势。 相似文献
Yuan-Pei Jhang Hsiao-Fan Chen Hung-Bao Wu Yun-Shiuan Yeh Hai-Ching Su Ken-Tsung Wong 《Organic Electronics》2013,14(10):2424-2430
Exciton quenching in the recombination zone close to electrochemically doped regions would be one of the bottlenecks for improving device efficiencies of solid-state white light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs). To further enhance device efficiencies of white LECs for practical applications, we adjust the emissive-layer thickness to reduce exciton quenching. In white LECs with properly thickened emissive-layer thickness, the recombination zone can be situated near the center of the emissive layer, rendering mitigated exciton quenching and thus enhanced device efficiencies. High external quantum efficiencies and power efficiencies of optimized devices reach ca. 11% and 20 lm/W, respectively, which are among the highest reported for white LECs. These results confirm that tailoring the thickness of the emissive layer to avoid exciton quenching would be a feasible approach to improve device efficiencies of white LECs. 相似文献
The in-plane molecular structures of octa-alkyl substituted copper phthalocyanine LB films deposited on graphite have been resolved with a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). The face-to-face stacking of Pc macrocycles has been observed in the topographies of R8PcCu monolayers. The stacking period was found to be 3.8–4 Å and the molecular rows were separated by 19 Å and 16 A for (C6H13)PcCu and (C5H11)PcCu respectively. 相似文献
IntroductionFerrofluidswithpotentialapplicationinphysics,chemistry,biology ,medicineandotherfieldshasattractedmuchattention[1~ 4 ] .Magneticultra fineparticleswithnano scaleweredispersedinbaseliquidformativecollidedsysteminordertomakesuspension .Thethreaddeg… 相似文献
原位电化学法制备纳米尺寸金属肖特基势垒研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
摘要:介绍了原位电化学方法在半导体表面制备纳米尺寸肖特基势垒的工艺,讨论了其制备原理和实验条件,描述了纳米尺度金属/半导体界面特性,并对这种方法制备的肖特基势垒与传统方法制备的肖特基势垒进行了比较,这种制备肖特基势垒的方法克服了传统制备方法的缺点,所形成的金属-半导体界面光滑无缺陷;生成的纳米尺度金属肖特基势垒可用于制备单电子晶体管、单电子存储器等纳米器件。 相似文献
Recently, white solid-state light-emitting electrochemical cells (LECs) have drawn great attention since they exhibit advantages such as low-voltage operation, compatibility with solution processes and employing inert cathode metals. Since different correlated color temperatures (CCTs) of background illumination are necessary for various lighting applications, a real-time tunable CCT of white LECs would be highly desired in modern smart lighting systems. In this work, a widely and dynamically tuning CCT (>10000 K) of white LEC is demonstrated by employing an electrochromic device (ECD) as a real-time controllable color filter. By increasing the applied bias on the ECD to attenuate more the red parts of white EL from the white LEC, the LEC-based white light source becomes more bluish and, in consequence, shows higher CCT. This proposed LEC-based white light source with the characteristics of wide CCT range and real-time tunability is suitable for most lighting applications and modern smart lighting systems. 相似文献