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黄海冷水团的季节变化特征及其形成机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在普林斯顿海洋模式(POM)的基础上,利用高精度卫星遥感得到的风和海表温度(SST)数据并考虑M2分潮的作用,模拟了黄、渤海海域三维热结构和环流的时、空变化;在此基础上,系统描述了黄海冷水团水文现象;并对黄海冷水团形成机制进行了探讨。研究结果表明:温跃层、潮混合、暖流和地形对黄海冷水团起着重要作用。  相似文献   

各地海洋的潮汐来自对引潮力的响应,人类活动影响可改变这一响应,使潮汐调和常数发生变化。本文为证实该论点,在东海沿岸选择了人类活动影响相当小的资料,所选两个站同步的18年资料表明:除了海平面和M2分潮振幅有变化,且与天文参数F2(M2)有关外,其余主要半日分潮和全日分潮的调和常数基本稳定。  相似文献   

1自然概况1.1地理位置连云港市位于江苏省的东北部,处于东经118°24'至119″48',北纬34°12'至35°07'之间,东临黄海,海岸北起苏鲁交界的绣针河口,南至灌河口,海岸线全长162km。本市属滨海平原,地面高程(废黄河基面,下同)大多在2.2 ̄3.0m。1.2气候及大气环流情况连云港市地处中纬度地区,属暖温带与北亚热带过渡地带,既有暖温带气候特征又具北亚热带气候特征。环流季节变化明显,干温季界分明,光照充足,雨量适中,气候温和,属海洋性气候。夏季雨量丰沛,受副高影响,在台风活动季节,常遭台风的危害。由于连云港市处于黄海湾的弯部,北部同沂蒙山脉…  相似文献   

夏、冬季山东半岛东北部沿岸悬浮物输送机制的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
利用2007年夏季和冬季两个航次的国家908专项ST02区块(渤海海峡及北黄海)水体专项调查资料,分析了温度、盐度、密度、浊度等水文要素的夏、冬季的大面站变化,并选取了有代表性的B1、B2两个断面,结合该水域的历史地层浅剖资料,辅以ECOM模型对研究海域的冬季环流场进行模拟,着重分析了夏、冬季山东半岛东北部沿岸悬浮物输送的机制.研究结果表明,山东半岛沿岸悬浮物向外海输送存在类似“夏储冬输”的规律:夏季,调查海区海水浊度普遍小,加之盛行东南风,沿岸流主要流向北部,夏季黄海冷水团在中底层与山东半岛东部沿岸水形成明显的锋面,阻碍了沿岸流携带的悬浮物的经向输送,故夏季应是悬浮物沉积的主要时节;冬季,借助于强劲的东北风,山东半岛沿岸流大大加强,携带大量再悬浮沉积物沿岸向外海输送,但冬季北向的黄海暖流与南下的沿岸流形成了明显的剪切,使悬浮物不能越过山东半岛东部陆架末梢,从而形成了山东半岛东部沿海特有的Ω状泥质沉积带.  相似文献   

该文基于黄河三角洲沿岸实测潮位数据,探讨了研究区域沿岸日潮区的空间分布与潮汐特征。全日潮的潮型特性和潮位曲线形态分析结果表明,黄河三角洲北岸日潮区的西界位于老九井至106沟之间,东岸日潮区的南界位于现行黄河入海口南侧。半日分潮无潮点和潮汐调和常数计算结果表明,众多半日分潮无潮点集合在一定区域而形成黄河口无潮区,致使半日分潮振幅减小,全日分潮振幅上升为主控当地整体潮汐运动的因子。潮汐学理论计算与实测潮位数据统计分析结果表明,大潮和小潮的理论出现时间分别在月赤纬最大和最小的日期;全日潮约占全年时间的三分之二。日潮区的潮差小,大潮与小潮潮差相差悬殊;涨潮历时比落潮长。月平均海面的月际变化、年际变化与年内变化均较大。最高潮面夏半年比冬半年高,最低潮面冬半年比夏半年低。  相似文献   

潮流不对称与推移质泥沙长期净输运   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
由统计学中的“偏度”概念出发,对潮流不对称的量化进行了探讨,进而将潮流不对称与推移质泥沙的长期净输运联系起来.在此基础上,对潮流不对称对推移质泥沙输运的作用机制进行了研究,并推导了利用潮流调和常数估算推移质泥沙长期净输运的方法.研究认为,产生潮流不对称的原因包括满足一定条件的分潮间的相互作用以及余流与分潮的相互作用,不同分潮组合对潮流不对称的贡献既与分潮间的相对振幅有关,又与分潮间的相对相位有关;对推移质泥沙输运而言,既包括同方向的分潮之间、分潮与余流之间的相互作用,又包括不同方向的分潮之间、分潮与余流之间的相互作用.由偏度结合推移质泥沙输沙公式导出的潮流不对称与推移质输沙之间的关系提供了一个由潮流调和常数估算河口推移质输沙的简便方法,经对比,该方法与直接采用推移质输沙率公式结果是一致的.  相似文献   

1991年梅季少雨,台汛无热带风暴影响,全年降水偏枯。本文试就宁波市大、中型水库1991年的实时调度作一初略分析,并针对有关问题进行探讨。一、1991年降水、径流情况1、天气实况:据水文、气象资料反映,1~3月我市降水、雨日略偏多。进入二季度后,冷暖气流频繁交汇于长江中下游,4月降水正常。但由于副高北跳西伸较早,使天气出现异常,5月发生高于36℃的天气,后期降水骤减。东西向副商边缘湿暖流和南下冷空气组成的辐合带稳定在N32°附近。暴雨中心位于 N31~32°之间,处在雨带南沿的我市,虽于6月中旬进入梅季,但实时降水不多,未形成梅汛。7月初出梅后,一直受副高控制,出现连续16天35℃以上的高  相似文献   

基于拉格朗日粒子追踪的渤海冬季与夏季环流及影响因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于三维非结构有限体积海洋模式(FVCOM)对渤海环流进行了数值模拟研究.数值模拟中采用三角形网格,以更好地拟合渤海复杂的岸线边界.潮位、潮流、温盐模拟结果验证良好.通过对粒子的拉格朗日追踪研究了渤海冬季与夏季环流及潮、风、海气热交换和人海径流对渤海环流的影响.研究表明:粒子输移存在明显的三维结构;与渤海中部及海峡附近...  相似文献   

冬、夏季北黄海悬浮物分布特征   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用国家908专项ST02区块(北黄海)水体专项调查2007年夏、冬资料,应用浊度观测资料对悬浮物质量浓度进行线性拟合,得到较好的反演结果。在北黄海海域选取了具有代表性的9个断面,利用反演的悬浮物质量浓度,综合温度、盐度等水文要素,辅以冬、夏季山东半岛沿岸流、北黄海冷水团和黄海暖流的季节变化特征,着重分析了冬、夏季北黄海悬浮物分布特征、形成原因以及季节变化。研究结果表明,冬、夏山东半岛北部沿岸、成山头海域和老铁山水道以及旅顺湾附近海域始终为高悬浮物浓度区,呈现出近岸高,离岸低,底层高,表层低的态势。夏季,水体垂向层结显著,受北黄海冷水团以及沿岸流的作用,老铁山水道附近及山东半岛北部沿岸的高悬浮物浓度值区基本不能进入北黄海,只能沿岸分布,并且由于海底底质为粘土质以及沿岸流的共同作用,成山头附近海域悬浮物浓度值很高,但基本为局地再悬浮,没有向外输送的趋势。冬季受强劲东北风的影响,水体垂向混合均匀,悬浮物浓度值比夏季高得多,悬浮物的分布受黄海暖流、沿岸流以及地形的影响,特别是成山头附近海域,存在一个显著的高悬浮物浓度值区,并具有向南输送的特征。  相似文献   

如东县位于北纬32°12′~32°36′,东径120°42′~121°22′之间,东滨黄海,有海岸线近100km。在近几十年的海堤防护中积累了一些经验。我们先后采用了坝挑流保滩、干砌块石防护、水泥土防护、竹筋混凝土防护、生物防护等多种护坡形式,在抗御台风高潮的袭击中,发挥了巨大的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

In spite of significant differences in their sizes, depths, salinity and other properties, the Aral Sea and the Dead Sea share many features, as illustrated by a comparison of the histories of both water bodies. Fifteenth and early sixteenth century maps, based on the ‘Geography’ of Ptolemy, contain both lakes. The first successful limnological surveys of the lakes were made in the same year 1848, when Alexey Butakov explored the Aral Sea and William Lynch mapped the Dead Sea. Paintings and drawings by Taras Shevchenko (Aral Sea) and David Roberts (Dead Sea) document the landscapes around the lakes in the first half of the 19th century. The water balance of both lakes has been strongly negative in the past decades, leading to a decreased water surface area and volume for both lakes, their increased salinity and deterioration of their local infrastructures. Complex and expensive mitigation schemes have been proposed for both lakes, based on the import of large quantities of water from distant sources via canals or pipelines (i.e. Siberian rivers or Caspian Sea to supply water to the Aral Sea, Mediterranean Sea or Red Sea, to be connected with the Dead Sea). Less dramatic solutions to improve the local situations already have resulted in improved water quality in the Aral Sea, and partial restoration of its fisheries. In contrast, the Dead Sea remains much too saline to support higher forms of life. Nevertheless, a biblical prophecy predicts that even this most hypersaline of all lakes will eventually be teeming with fish of many kinds.  相似文献   

利用近海海浪环境开展大尺度船模试验是一种有效的船舶性能试验技术,了解近海海浪环境特征对该试验的开展具有重要意义。文中对黄、渤海多个海域近海海浪进行实地测量,采用谱分析法得到测量海浪的有义波高、特征周期、波能谱等参数,并将实测波浪谱与大洋谱进行无因次化比较,讨论了实测波浪谱与大洋谱的相似性。分析结果表明特定风向与潮汐条件下近海海浪谱与大洋谱具有相似性。  相似文献   

Sea level variability in East China Sea and its response to ENSO   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Sea level variability in the East China Sea (ECS) was examined based primarily on the analysis of TOPEX/Poseidon altimetry data and tide gauge data as well as numerical simulation with the Princeton ocean model (POM). It is concluded that the inter-annual sea level variation in the ECS is negatively correlated with the ENSO index, and that the impact is more apparent in the southern area than in the northern area. Both data analysis and numerical model results also show that the sea level was lower during the typical El Nio period of 1997 to 1998. El Nio also causes the decrease of the annual sea level variation range in the ECS. This phenomenon is especially evident in the southern ECS. The impacts of wind stress and ocean circulation on the sea level variation in the ECS are also discussed in this paper. It is found that the wind stress most strongly affecting the sea level was in the directions of 70o and 20o south of east, respectively, over the northern and southern areas of the ECS. The northwest wind is particularly strong when El Nio occurs, and sea water is transported southeastward, which lowers the sea level in the southern ECS. The sea level variation in the southern ECS is also significantly affected by the strengthening of the Kuroshio. During the strengthening period of the Kuroshio, the sea level in the ECS usually drops, while the sea level rises when the Kuroshio weakens.  相似文献   

为了研究陆源污染对上海海域的影响,分析长江入海污染物通量的季节变化、黄浦江与长江对上海海域污染的贡献率、上海海域主要污染物的时空分布特征。结果表明:污染物随季节基本呈规律性变化,长江入海污染物对海域污染的贡献远大于黄浦江,长江和黄浦江对上海海域影响最大的污染物是TP;上海市主要污水排放系统对上海海域的N、P污染有很大贡献。最后提出控制上海海域污染形势的对策建议。  相似文献   

1. INTRODUCTION Under the role of the geostrophic β -effect, wind driven ocean circulation encounters the western boundary and forms the westward intensification current with the longitude movement along the boundary in the direction of the leaving equat…  相似文献   

Aboriginal ichthyofauna of the Aral Sea consisted of 20 generative‐freshwater species from seven families. After acclimatization in 1927–1963, the number of species increased to 34. The regulation of Syr Dar’ya and Amu Dar’ya river water flows, and increasing water withdrawals, primarily for irrigation, resulted in a declining lake water level, increasing salinization and changing habitat conditions, especially for reproduction. As a result, the spawning areas were greatly reduced, and because of worsening conditions for natural reproduction, fish catches in 1961–1976 decreased more than 4‐fold. The first signs of the negative impacts of salinization on fishes appeared in the mid‐1960s. Natural reproduction ceased by the mid‐1970s, and indigenous commercial fish fauna were lost by the end of the 1970s. Flounder‐gloss was introduced from the Black Sea in 1979–1987 to preserve the fishery, and it was the only commercial fish left by 1991–2000. Because of the water level decline, the Aral Sea became divided in 1989 into the Large and Small Seas. By the end of the 1990s, flounder became extinct in the Large Aral because of high salinity, as did other fishes. Decreasing agriculture activity has resulted in stabilized run‐off of the Syr Dar’ya to the Small Aral since 1988, creating a freshened water zone where indigenous ichthyofauna returned from lacustrine systems and the river. The ecological state of the Small Aral is improving, with some aboriginal valuable commercial fishes having reached numbers making their commercial catch possible once again.  相似文献   

The Romanian Black Sea coastal zone is divided into two main sectors. Sediment characteristics and general transport patterns are presented for each of them. The human activities influencing the beaches’ evolution are depicted and the present‐day impact described.  相似文献   

The Aral Sea is a terminal lake lying within the deserts of Central Asia in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, draining the Amu Darya and Syr Darya rivers. Before the 1960s, it was a large brackish water lake with an average salinity of 10.3 g L?1. The anthropogenic regression and salinization of the Aral Sea at that time resulted from increasing water withdrawals from the Amu Darya and Syr Darya for irrigation purposes. The salinization resulted in the disappearance of most of its invertebrates and all freshwater fish. As a result of the water level decrease, the Aral Sea divided into a northern Small Aral and a southern Large Aral at the end of the 1980s, with the two having different hydrological regimes. After construction the first Kokaral Dam in 1992, the water level of the Small Aral Sea increased by >1 m, with a gradual decline in the salinity beginning. To date, the Small Aral has again become brackish. Its average salinity reached 5.3 g L?1 by April–May 2013, with the highest salinity of 9.9 g L?1 in Butakov Bay, whereas the salinity was very low at 1.2–2.0 g L?1 in the estuary zone of the Syr Darya. There is an ongoing process of restoration of the former biodiversity, with many fresh water and brackish water invertebrate species reappearing due to the decreasing salinity. Freshwater fish species (bream, roach, carp, asp, zander, wels, etc.) returned into the Small Aral from the Syr Darya River and lakes in its lower reaches where they survived. Fisheries are recovering and catches are growing. Continuing salinity decreases, however, may cause decreases in the numbers, or even disappearance, of marine and halophilic invertebrate species. This study summarizes the results of studies of the Small Aral zooplankton, zoobenthos and ichthyofauna carried out in the spring of 2013. An historical review of changes in the Aral Sea and its fauna also is presented.  相似文献   

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