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Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) combines information-rich chemical detection with spatial localization of analytes. For a given instrumental platform and analyte class, the data acquired can represent a compromise between analyte extraction and spatial information. Here, we introduce an improvement to the spatial resolution achievable with MALDI MSI conducted with standard mass spectrometric systems that also reduces analyte migration during matrix application. Tissue is placed directly on a stretchable membrane that, when stretched, fragments the tissue into micrometer-sized pieces. Scanning electron microscopy analysis shows that this process produces fairly homogeneous distributions of small tissue fragments separated and surrounded by areas of hydrophobic membrane surface. MALDI matrix is then applied by either a robotic microspotter or an artist's airbrush. Rat spinal cord samples imaged with an instrumental resolution of 50-250 μm demonstrate lipid distributions with a 5-fold high spatial resolution (a 25-fold increase in pixel density) after stretching compared to tissues that were not stretched.  相似文献   

A new sample ionization technique, atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (AP MALDI), was coupled with a commercial ion trap mass spectrometer. This configuration enables the application-specific selection of external atmospheric ionization sources: the electrospray/APCI (commercially available) and AP MALDI (built in-house), which can be readily interchanged within minutes. The detection limit of the novel AP MALDI/ion trap is 10-50 fmol of analyte deposited on the target surface for a four-component mixture of peptides with 800-1700 molecular weight. The possibility of peptide structural analysis by MS/MS and MS3 experiments for AP MALDI-generated ions was demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

Kim TY  Brun YV  Reilly JP 《Analytical chemistry》2005,77(13):4185-4193
The effect of esterification on MALDI ion yield is investigated by using alcohols having different aliphatic chain lengths. For peptides whose ionization yields increase with derivatization, more hydrophobic alcohols tend to yield greater peak enhancements. The completeness of the reaction increases from propanol to methanol. Undesired solvolysis of the amide group in the side chain of Asn or Gln leads to unexpected ester products. Ethanol is suggested as the optimal alcohol for esterification in proteomics experiments since it yields almost complete esterification without substantial solvolysis. Ethanol esterification was employed to facilitate the identification of gel-separated proteins.  相似文献   

An atmospheric pressure (AP) MALDI imaging interface was developed for an orthogonal acceleration time-of-flight mass spectrometer and utilized to analyze peptides, carbohydrates, and other small biomolecules using infrared laser excitation. In molecular imaging experiments, the spatial distribution of mock peptide patterns was recovered with a detection limit of approximately 1 fmol/pixel from a variety of MALDI matrixes. With the use of oversampling for the image acquisition, a spatial resolution of 40 microm, 5 times smaller than the laser spot size, was achieved. This approach, however, required that the analyte was largely removed at the point of analysis before the next point was interrogated. Native water in plant tissue was demonstrated to be an efficient natural matrix for AP infrared laser desorption ionization. In soft fruit tissues from bananas, grapes, and strawberries, potassiated ions of the most abundant metabolites, small carbohydrates, and their clusters produced the strongest peaks in the spectra. Molecular imaging of a strawberry skin sample revealed the distribution of the sucrose, glucose/fructose, and citric acid species around the embedded seeds. Infrared AP MALDI mass spectrometric imaging without the addition of an artificial matrix enables the in vivo investigation of small biomolecules and biological processes (e.g., metabolomics) in their natural environment.  相似文献   

The rotating ball inlet (ROBIN) is presented in a new design for on-line matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry (MS). This method uses a capillary to deliver a matrix and analyte solution to the surface of a rotating ball upon which MALDI is carried out. The ball is in contact with a polymer gasket surrounding the capillary. Sample adhering to the surface of the ball is dragged past the gasket into the vacuum of the mass spectrometer where it is irradiated by a pulsed UV laser, and the resulting ions are mass-separated in a linear time-of-flight mass spectrometer. The mechanical sample introduction prevents clogging of the vacuum interface by matrix crystals or frozen solvent. Preliminary results from flow injection analysis (FIA) suggest that the new interface does not introduce a significant peak-tailing or memory effect. The system is capable of 20-30 h of continuous operation with a flow rate of 2 microL/min before cleaning of the ball is needed. With the prototype inlet, concentration detection limits are at the low micromolar level.  相似文献   

A MALDI QqTOF mass spectrometer has been used to identify proteins separated by one-dimensional or two-dimensional gel electrophoresis at the femtomole level. The high mass resolution and the high mass accuracy of this instrument in both MS and MS/MS modes allow identification of a protein either by peptide mass fingerprinting of the protein digest or from tandem mass spectra acquired by collision-induced dissociation of individual peptide precursors. A peptide mass map of the digest and tandem mass spectra of multiple peptide precursor ions can be acquired from the same sample in the course of a single experiment. Database searching and acquisition of MS and MS/MS spectra can be combined in an interactive fashion, increasing the information value of the analytical data. The approach has demonstrated its usefulness in the comprehensive characterization of protein in-gel digests, in the dissection of complex protein mixtures, and in sequencing of a low molecular weight integral membrane protein. Proteins can be identified in all types of sequence databases, including an EST database. Thus, MALDI QqTOF mass spectrometry promises to have remarkable potential for advancing proteomic research.  相似文献   

High-throughput microfluidic processing of protein digests integrated with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry on a compact disk (CD) is described. Centrifugal force moves liquid through multiple microstructures, each containing a 10-nL reversed-phase chromatography column. The CD enables parallel preparation of 96 samples with volumes ranging from one to several microliters. The peptides in the digests are concentrated, desalted, and subsequently eluted from the columns directly into MALDI target areas (200 x 400 microm) on the CD using a solvent containing the MALDI matrix. After crystallization, the CD is inserted into the MALDI instrument for peptide mass fingerprinting and database identification at a routine sensitivity down to the 200-amol level. Detection of proteolytic peptides down to the 50-amol level is demonstrated. The success rate of the CD technology in protein identification is about twice that of the C(18) ZipTips and standard MALDI steel targets. The CDs are operated using robotics to transfer samples and reagents from microcontainers to the processing inlets on the disposable CD and spinning to control the movement of liquid through the microstructures.  相似文献   

A novel interfacing technology is described to combine solution-based separation techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC) with matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry. The interface includes a transfer tube having an inlet and an outlet, the inlet being adapted to accept the LC effluents and the outlet being adapted to form continuously replaced, hanging droplets of the liquid stream, and a MALDI sample plate mounted below the outlet of the transfer tube for collecting the droplets. The liquid stream in the transfer tube is heated to a temperature sufficient to cause partial evaporation of the carrier solvent from the hanging droplets. The droplets are dislodged to the MALDI plate, which is heated to above the boiling point of the carrier solvent to cause further evaporation of the carrier solvent from the collected droplets. It is found that analytes can be fractionated and deposited to a sample spot of 0.8 mm in diameter when a liquid flow rate of up to 50 microL/min and a fractionation interval of 1 min/spot are used. Flow rate of up to 200 microL/min can be used with a deposition sample spot of 2.4 mm in diameter on a commercial MALDI target. This heated droplet interface does not introduce sample loss, and the detection sensitivity of LC/MALDI is similar to that of standard MALDI, i.e., low femtomoles for peptide analysis with a microliter sample deposition. It is compatible with microbore and narrow-bore column separation, thus allowing the injection of a larger amount of sample for separation and analysis, compared to a capillary column LC/MALDI system. The detection dynamic range is shown to be in the order of 10(6) for peptide mixture analysis, which is 4 orders of magnitude greater than standard MALDI. The application of this interface for combining LC with MALDI MS/MS is demonstrated in the proteome analysis of water-soluable protein components of E. coli K12 extracts.  相似文献   

Presented are initial results from the first commercially available matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer specifically designed for the sensitive detection of very high mass ions (macromizer, Comet AG). This new instrument utilizes a 16-element superconducting tunnel junction detector coupled with a fully adjustable gimbal-mounted ion source/focusing region that allows unparalleled sensitivity for detection of singly charged high molecular weight ions. Using this new technology, the singly charged ions in the megadalton region are detected from immunoglobulin M and von Willebrand factor proteins. This detector technology also measures the kinetic energy of the particles impacting the detector, which can be correlated to the charge of the particles. Immunoglobulin G and streptavidin were used to demonstrate the ability of the macromizer instrument to detect high-mass ions and to discern the charge state of the ions.  相似文献   

An atmospheric pressure matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (AP MALDI) source coupled to Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT ICR MS) under UV laser and solid matrix conditions has been demonstrated to analyze a variety of labile oligosaccharides including O-linked and N-linked complex glycans released from glycoproteins. Spectra were acquired by both AP MALDI and vacuum MALDI and directly compared. The results presented here confirm that AP MALDI can generate significantly less energetic ions than vacuum MALDI and is able to produce the intact molecular ions with little or no fragmentation in both positive and negative ion mode analyses. Under certain conditions, noncovalent complexes of sialylated oligosaccharides were observed. The sensitivity attainable by AP MALDI was found to be comparable to conventional MALDI, and tandem mass spectrometry of oligosaccharides ionized by AP MALDI was shown to allow detailed structural analysis. Analysis of N-glycan mixtures derived from human fibrinogen further demonstrated that AP MALDI-FT ICR MS is ideal for the study of complex glycan samples as it provides high-accuracy, high-resolution mass analysis with no difficulty in distinguishing sample constituents from fragment ions.  相似文献   

Although alpha-cyano-4-hydroxycinnamic acid functions as an excellent matrix for the analysis of most peptides using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI TOF) mass spectrometry, the ionization of phosphorylated peptides is usually suppressed by nonphosphorylated peptides. As an alternative matrix, 2',4',6'-trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP) with diammonium citrate was found to overcome this problem for the MALDI TOF mass spectrometric analysis of proteolytic digests of phosphorylated proteins. Specifically, the abundances of phosphorylated peptides in tryptic digests of bovine beta-casein and protein kinase C (PKC)-treated mouse cardiac troponin I were enhanced more than 10-fold using THAP during positive ion MALDI TOF mass spectrometry. The protonated molecules of phosphorylated peptides were sufficiently abundant that postsource decay TOF mass spectrometry was used to confirm the number of phosphate groups in each peptide. Finally, tryptic digestion followed by analysis using MALDI TOF mass spectrometry with THAP as the matrix facilitated the identification of a unique phosphorylation site in PKC-treated troponin I.  相似文献   

The analysis of phosphopeptides by mass spectrometry (MS) is one of the most challenging tasks in proteomics. This is due to the lower isoelectric point (pI) of phosphopeptides, which leads to inefficient sample ionization in MS, particularly when competing with other peptides. The problem is compounded by the typical low abundance of phosphopeptides in biological samples. We describe here a simple nonsorptive method to isolate phosphopeptides based on their pI. A voltage is applied to selectively migrate the phosphopeptides into a capillary, which are negatively charged at acidic pH. The selectively sampled fraction is directly deposited onto MALDI sample target in nanoliter volumes (7-35 nL) for highly sensitive MS detection. No significant sample loss is evident in this procedure; hence, the MS was able to detect the isolated phosphopeptides at trace quantity. In this case, attomole-level detection limit is achieved for synthetic phosphopeptides (nM concentration and nL volume), from a mixture containing other peptides at up to 1 million times higher in concentration. Selective sampling was also applied to the tryptic digest of beta- and alpha-caseins to reveal the multiple phosphorylated peptides at the low-femtomole level using MALDI MS. Knowledge of pI based on the rejection/injection of peptides was found to be useful in peak assignment. To confirm the sequence of the selectively sampled peptides, fraction collection was performed for offline ESI MS/MS analysis.  相似文献   

Lipids exhibit a broad range of chemical properties that make their analysis quite demanding. Today, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) represents a versatile tool in the field of lipid analysis, also offering the possibility for molecular structural identification using novel MALDI tandem time-of-flight (TOF/TOF) instrumentation. In this study, we evaluated 2,4,6-trihydroxyacetophenone (THAP) for the analysis of various lipid classes including neutral storage lipids (triacylglycerols), polar membrane lipids (glycerophospho- and sphingolipids), and glycosphingolipids. THAP proved to be a versatile matrix for the routine analysis of various lipids from biological samples ("lipidomics"). A sample preparation methodology was established using selective alkali salt doping for subsequent MS/MS experiments. Sodiated and lithiated molecules provided superior structural information on lipids (i.e., acyl group identification); thus, following this approach, both selective peak detection with high sensitivity and more reliable structural information were obtained simultaneously.  相似文献   

A matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry-based approach is applied to identify active site domains within influenza neuraminidase that bind the antiviral inhibitors zanamivir (ZANA) and 2-deoxy-2,3-didehydro-N-acetylneuraminic acid (DANA). Combined data from the tryptic and Glu-C endoproteinase digests of neuraminidase-inhibitor complexes have identified binding peptides that contain the active site residues Arg118, Glu119, Arg156, Glu276, and Tyr406. The binding of these residues was confirmed from the analysis of available X-ray crystal structures. The ability to identify peptides within the active sites of proteins and likely binding residues provides both a rapid and relatively high throughput approach with which to screen protein-drug interactions by MALDI mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

In-source decay (ISD) fragmentation as combined with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) mass spectrometry allows protein sequencing directly from mass spectra. Acquisition of MALDI-ISD mass spectra from tissue samples is achieved using an appropriate MALDI matrix, such as 1,5-diaminonaphthalene (DAN). Recent efforts have focused on combining MALDI-ISD with mass spectrometry imaging (MSI) to provide simultaneous sequencing and localization of proteins over a thin tissue surface. Successfully coupling these approaches requires the development of new data analysis tools, but first, investigating the properties of MALDI-ISD as applied to mixtures of protein standards reveals a high sensitivity to the relative protein ionization efficiency. This finding translates to the protein mixtures found in tissues and is used to inform the development of an analytical pipeline for data analysis in MALDI-ISD MS imaging, including software to identify the most pertinent spectra, to sequence protein mixtures, and to generate ion images for comparison with tissue morphology. The ability to simultaneously identify and localize proteins is demonstrated by using the analytical pipeline on three tissue sections from porcine eye lens, resulting in localizations for crystallins and cytochrome c. The variety of protein identifications provided by MALDI-ISD-MSI between tissue sections creates a discovery tool, and the analytical pipeline makes this process more efficient.  相似文献   

The utility of atmospheric pressure infrared MALDI mass spectrometry (AP IR-MALDI) was assessed for plant metabolomics studies. Tissue sections from plant organs, including flowers, ovaries, aggregate fruits, fruits, leaves, tubers, bulbs, and seeds were studied in both positive and negative ion modes. For leaves, single laser pulses sampled the cuticle and upper epidermal cells, whereas multiple pulses were demonstrated to ablate some mesophyll layers. Tandem mass spectra were obtained with collision-activated dissociation to aid with the identification of some observed ions. In the positive mode, most ions were produced as potassium, proton, or sometimes sodium ion adducts, whereas proton loss was dominant in the negative ion mode. Over 50 small metabolites and various lipids were detected in the spectra including, for example, 7 of the 10 intermediates in the citric acid cycle. Key components of the glycolysis pathway occurring in the plant cytosol were found along with intermediates of phospholipid biosynthesis and reactants or products of amino acid, nucleotide, oligosaccharide, and flavonoid biosynthesis. AP IR-MALDI mass spectrometry was used to follow the fluid transport driven by transpiration and image the spatial distributions of several metabolites in a white lily (Lilium candidum) flower petal.  相似文献   

A high-throughput method for sequencing of N termini of proteins by using postsource decay (PSD) of matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry has been developed. After a protein blotted on the PVDF membrane was successively reduced, S-alkylated, and guanidinated, its N-amino group was coupled to biotinylcysteic acid. The protein was then extracted from the membrane and digested with trypsin. The derivatized N-terminal fragment was then specifically isolated from the tryptic digest with avidin resins, and its de novo sequencing was successfully performed by PSD utilizing a sulfonic acid group introduced to the N terminus.  相似文献   

A new method for improving low-concentration sample recovery and reducing sample preparation steps in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (MALDI MS) is presented. In the conventional approach, samples are typically desalted and/or concentrated with various techniques and deposited on the MALDI target as small droplets. In this work, we describe a new approach in which an elastomeric device is reversibly sealed on the MALDI target to form a multi-well plate with the MALDI target as the base of the plate. The new format allows a larger volume (5-200 microL) of samples to be deposited on each spot and a series of sample handling processes, including desalting and concentrating, to be performed directly on the MALDI target. Several advantages have been observed: (i) multiple sample transferring steps are avoided; (ii) recovery of low-concentration peptides during sample preparation is improved using a novel desalting method that utilizes the hydrophobic surface of the elastomeric device; and (iii) sequence coverage of the peptide mass fingerprinting map is improved using a novel method in which proteins are immobilized on the hydrophobic surface of the elastomeric device for in-well trypsin digestion, followed by desalting and concentrating the digestion products in the same well.  相似文献   

A new ion mobility/time-of-flight mass spectrometer employing a high-pressure MALDI source has been designed and tested. The prototype instrument operates at a source/drift cell pressure of 1-10 Torr helium, resulting in a mobility resolution of approximately 25. A small time-of-flight mass spectrometer (20 cm) with a mass resolution of up to 200 has been attached to the drift cell to identify (in terms of mass-to-charge ratio) the separated ions. A simple tripeptide mixture has been separated in the drift tube and mass identified as singly protonated species. The ability to separate peptide mixtures, e.g., tryptic digest of a protein, is illustrated and compared to results obtained on a high-vacuum time-of-flight instrument.  相似文献   

Surface modification of MALDI probes is an attractive approach for combining bioaffinity isolation of targeted biomolecules with mass spectrometric analysis of the captured species. In this work, we demonstrate that a polymer thin film, produced by pulsed rf plasma polymerization of allylamine and deposited directly on a MALDI probe, can be subsequently biotinylated to develop a bioaffinity capture MALDI probe. The synthesis and characterization of the probe by XPS, FT-IR, and AFM is described, and the selective isolation of avidin from a three-component mixture of avidin, lysozyme, and cytochrome c is presented. These initial results offer encouragement for the further exploration of rf plasma polymer deposition as a novel approach for the development of on-probe affinity capture MALDI probes.  相似文献   

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