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Biogas from cow dung is one of the best fuels that readily mixes with gasoline and yields less emission and better performance on gasoline engines. In this study, an attempt has been made experimentally on a gasoline engine operating with enriched and compressed biogas blends B10, B20 and gasoline. A significant increase in specific consumption and reduction in brake thermal efficiency of the engine was observed. Exhaust gas emissions were measured and analysed for hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO) and oxides of nitrogen (NOX) at an engine speed of 2000rpm. The concentrations of CO, CO2 and HC emission were found to be decreased and increased trend in NOx for biogas blends.  相似文献   

Bio-ethanol fuel was synthesised from various Nigerian feedstocks (palm (Elaeis guineensis) wine, raffia (Raphia vinifera) trunk and sugarcane (Saccharum L.)) to serve as alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. Bio-ethanol was obtained through fermentation and distillation from these selected Nigerian crops and was then purified. Physical properties of the bio-ethanol such as vapour pressure, octane number, flash point, heating values, auto ignition temperature and density were evaluated using the American Society for Testing and Materials methods. Sugarcane gave the highest yield of alcohol, 72.7 cl/L of juice produced while palm wine and sap from raffia trunk gave 4.0?cl/L and 2.03?cl/L, respectively. The calorific value, research octane number and the flash point of the produced ethanol (E100) are 29.78?MJ/kg, 114 and 12.5?°C, respectively. The results of the characterisation showed that the produced fuels are alternative fuels that can be used on modern petrol engines with little or no engine modifications.  相似文献   

Waste engine oil (WEO) as an alternative fuel for compression ignition (CI) engine is investigated in this study. WEO was thermally cracked with alumina catalyst in the catalytic fuel reformer (CFR). The gas obtained from the CFR was condensed using a water-cooled condenser for analytical purposes. The output of the condenser was named as WEOA (reformulated WEO with alumina catalyst). The different chemical properties of WEOA were analysed. The compositional analysis for diesel and WEOA was made using Fourier transform infra-red (FT-IR) and gas chromatography–mass spectrometer (GC–MS). The experimental investigation was conducted in a single-cylinder diesel engine and the performance and emissions were compared with those of diesel fuel. Experimental results concluded that the performance and emission level are better than those of diesel fuel. This study concludes that environmentally hazardous waste material such as WEO is recycled and converted into a useful resource and serves as an alternative source of fuel for CI engine.  相似文献   

The objective of this investigation was to find the effect of ethanol–gasoline blends as fuel on the performance and exhaust emission of a spark ignition (SI) engine. A four-stroke three-cylinder SI engine was used for this study. Performance tests were conducted for the three blends E5 (5% ethanol), E10 (10% ethanol) and E15 (15% of ethanol) as well as E0(100% gasoline) to evaluate their brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption and mechanical efficiency, while exhaust emissions were also analysed for carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbons (HC), carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx) with varying torque conditions and constant speed of the engine. The results showed that blends of gasoline and ethanol increased the brake power, brake thermal efficiency and the fuel consumption. The CO and HC emissions concentration in the engine exhaust decreased while the NOx concentration increased.  相似文献   

Biodiesel has become one of the potential alternative sources to replace diesel. Some of the limitations of biodiesel include high NO x , poor atomization, poor oxidation stability, cold-flow problems, long-term storage problems, etc. Various strategies were discussed to overcome the limitations of biodiesels. Recent research is on effects of fuel additives or fuel composition modification to reformulate the fuel properties. This article is aimed at presenting the experimental investigation of the effects of isobutanol additive on the engine performance and emission characteristics of biodiesel blends derived from waste vegetable oils. The experimental investigation was conducted on a direct injection four-stroke diesel engine with different blends, B10, B20, B30, B10 (10% ISB), B20 (10% ISB), B30 (10% ISB), B10 (20% ISB), B20 (20% ISB) and B30 (20% ISB), and engine performance and emission characteristics are evaluated and discussed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the diesel engine performance and exhaust emissions with marine gas oil-alternative fuel additive. Marine gas oil (MGO) was selected as base fuel for the engine experiments. An oxygenate, diethylene glycol dimethyl ether (DGM), and a biodiesel (BD) jatropha oil methyl ester (JOME) with a volume of 10% were blended with the MGO fuel. JOME was derived from inedible jatropha oil. Lower emissions with diesel-BD blends (soybean methyl ester, rapeseed methyl ester etc.) have been established so far, but the effect of MGO-BD (JOME) blends on engine performance and emissions has been a growing interest as JOME (BD) is derived from inedible oil and MGO is frequently used in maritime transports. No phase separation between MGO-DGM and MGO-JOME blends was found. The neat MGO, MGO-DGM and MGO-JOME blends are termed as MGO, Ox10 and B10 respectively. The experiments were conducted with a six-cylinder, four-stroke, turbocharged, direct-injection Scania DC 1102 (DI) diesel engine. The experimental results showed significant reductions in fine particle number and mass emissions, PM and smoke emissions with Ox10 and B10 fuels compared to the MGO fuel. Other emissions including total unburned hydrocarbon (THC), carbon monoxide (CO) and engine noise were also reduced with the Ox10 and B10 fuels, while maintaining similar brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC) and thermal efficiency with MGO fuel. Oxides of nitrogen (NOx) emissions, on the other hand, were slightly higher with the Ox10 and B10 fuels at high engine load conditions.  相似文献   

In this article, the mahua tree’s high importance in the present-day plantations is described and the preparation of mahua methyl ester (MME) from the raw mahua seed oil by the two methods of the transesterification process is described. The tested physical properties were compared with the requirement of ASTM D-6751. The obtained MME and its blends of B20, B40, B60, and B80 were investigated in an unmodified diesel engine. From the results of the performance, it has been observed that brake-specific fuel consumption and brake thermal efficiency are slightly improved (B20 and B40) at part-load conditions and approach diesel at full-load conditions. From combustion analysis, it was seen that ignition delay was shorter for biodiesel and its blends compared with the diesel fuel. The emission characteristics of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and smoke opacity were reduced for all the fuel blends, but at high temperatures they undergo an endothermic reaction and produced various oxides of nitrogen.  相似文献   

This aim of the current study is to evaluate the performance and emission characteristics of pumpkin seed oil with diesel at different blended ratios (B10-CR15, B20-CR15, B10-CR18 and B20-CR18) in a constant speed (1500?rpm) engine. The tests were conducted at various loads of the engine and with specific compression ratios of 15 and 18. The performance and emissions were compared with the different blend ratios and compression ratios. As a result of which the higher compression ratios shows better performance and emission than the lower compression ratio; among them B20-CR18 shows better results such that CO2, HC and CO emissions were reduced and there is a slight increase in NOX value compared to diesel and other blend ratios and also there is an increased brake thermal efficiency for the blend B20-CR18. This shows that the optimum blend is chosen from the results is identified as B20-CR18, which has better performance and emission than other blends and compression ratios.  相似文献   

The effect of dimethyl carbonate (DMC) on the gaseous and particulate emissions of a diesel engine was investigated using Euro V diesel fuel blended with different proportions of DMC. Combustion analysis shows that, with the blended fuel, the ignition delay and the heat release rate in the premixed combustion phase increase, while the total combustion duration and the fuel consumed in the diffusion combustion phase decrease. Compared with diesel fuel, with an increase of DMC in the blended fuel, the brake thermal efficiency is slightly improved but the brake specific fuel consumption increases. On the emission side, CO increases significantly at low engine load but decreases at high engine load while HC decreases slightly. NOx reduces slightly but the reduction is not statistically significant, while NO2 increases slightly. Particulate mass and number concentrations decrease upon using the blended fuel while the geometric mean diameter of the particles shifts towards smaller size. Overall speaking, diesel-DMC blends lead to significant improvement in particulate emissions while the impact on CO, HC and NOx emissions is small.  相似文献   

废玻璃应用于混凝土的试验研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
废玻璃经过破碎后具有天然砂的物理性能,按一定比例掺入到混凝土中代替部分天然砂,有助于废物利用与自然资源的保护。按照0、10%、15%、25%、50%、75%、100%的比例取代河砂,配制C25普通混凝土,分别测试其3、7、14、28d立方体抗压强度。试验结果表明:废玻璃代替部分天然砂后,所拌合的混凝土性能与一般混凝土相似,废玻璃按10%、15%、25%的比例取代天然砂后,混凝土强度并没有降低,超过25%后,其立方体强度低于天然砂混凝土的强度。  相似文献   

The present work aims to optimise the levels of such parameters as compression ratio (CR), injection pressure (IP) and palm oil biodiesel blend % of a single cylinder direct injection compression ignition engine on carbon monoxide (CO), hydrocarbon (HC) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions. Taguchi and Analysis of Variance techniques were used to find the optimum levels of the parameters and contribution of the parameters on the emission, respectively. Mathematical models were developed using the multiple linear regression technique. Confirmation tests were performed for predicting the gas emissions to check the adequacy of the proposed model. The research outcome infers that the CR was the most dominant factor influencing CO and HC followed by IP and biodiesel blend %. It was observed that the CO and HC emissions decreased with the increase in the CR and IP, while the exhaust NOx emission increased with the increase in the CR and IP.  相似文献   

碱渣回填地下废弃盐腔室内一维沉降试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
盐矿水溶开采产出卤水的同时会在地下形成大量的废弃溶腔,而盐化工企业利用采出的卤水制碱时会产生大量的固体废渣(即碱渣),将碱渣与饱和卤水混合制成浆体注填到废弃盐腔的过程称为碱渣回填废弃盐腔。碱渣在充满卤水的溶腔内的沉降特性对回填效果会产生重要影响,作为初步研究,对两种不同类型碱渣与饱和卤水混合而成的碱渣浆进行了室内一维沉降试验研究。试验发现:黏粒含量少的碱渣浆絮团发育程度低,絮团小而相互独立,沉降类型为絮凝均匀沉降,黏粒含量多的碱渣浆絮团发育程度高,絮团大而联结成网,发生絮网沉降;碱渣浆沉降过程可以分为4个阶段:絮凝阶段、沉降阶段、主固结阶段和次固结阶段;对比两种碱渣的沉降过程发现,发生絮网沉降的碱渣浆在前3个阶段用时均较长;沉降基本结束后,形成的沉积体孔隙比较大,沉积体内仍含有大量的自由水。本研究揭示了两种不同类型碱渣的一维沉降规律,为进一步探索碱渣沉降固结机理及现场碱渣回填废弃盐腔工程提供一定参考。  相似文献   

The present experimental investigation deals with the transformation of waste plastic into oil in a pyrolysis reactor. A single feed at a rate of 8?kg yielded 675?ml of pyrolytic oil. The physiochemical properties of plastic oil (PO) were found to be within American Society for Testing and Material standards with higher kinematic viscosity and carbon residue. The GC-MS and Fourier Transform Infrared Analysis studies revealed the presence of 14 different compounds in PO. Straight diesel–PO blending was carried out at 15% and 30% in volume ratio. At full-load condition, in-cylinder pressure, rate of pressure rise, rate of heat release and peak pressure were higher for PO30% than straight diesel. The brake thermal efficiency for PO blends was found to be slightly higher than straight diesel with a significant increase in brake-specific fuel consumption. Unburned hydrocarbon (UBHC), CO NO x and smoke emission showed significant variation with PO blends. The physiochemical properties of PO blends significantly affect the engine performance.  相似文献   


It has been determined that world oil production is likely to level off very shortly and that alternative fuels will have to meet the demands of an increasing energy crisis. The crude oil price is continuing to increase; at the same time the need of energy is also increasing rapidly. So there is an urgent need to switch to some other fuels which could replace petrol and diesel in order to produce energy. An eco-friendly alternative is required to fulfil the growing demand. This project highlights our work on alternate fuels and the importance of choosing radish seed as one such alternative. The aim of this study is the experimental investigation of performance and emissions on a single-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine with a coating. Diesel, B25, B50, B75 and B100 are used as fuels. The engine cylinder head, valves and piston crown are coated with 100 micron of nickel-chrome-aluminium bond coat and 450 micron of partially stabilised zirconia by the atmospheric plasma spray method [Ravikumar and Senthilkumar (2013). “Reduction of NOx Emission on NiCrAl-Titanium Oxide Coated Direct Injection Diesel Engine Fuelled with Radish (Raphanus sativus) Biodiesel.” Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 5 (6): 063121]. Further, by using radish biodiesel and its blends, the emission and performance characteristics are checked and a suitable blend is selected.  相似文献   

Diesel engines have been the ‘primus motor’ of transportation in the world since a long time now. However, the depletion of fuel supplies, recent concerns over the environment and the ever-increasing fuel prices have made the search for an alternative fuel of paramount importance. A considerable amount of interest has been shown by researchers to evaluate different plant and vegetable oils as a replacement of diesel. Based on this background, an attempt to investigate Thyme oil as a substitute to diesel without any modifications in the engine was made. The experiment was conducted on a 1500?rpm, four-stroke, diesel engine with single cylinder which is water cooled. Cerium Oxide nano additive was added to the blends of thyme oil with diesel and its effects on the brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption (SFC) and exhaust emissions were examined. The experimental results portrayed better values of brake thermal efficiency and low SFC with B10 (10 parts of oil with 90 parts of diesel) and B20 samples of the blends, while the B40 blend showed lower NOx emissions at all loads. The HC content was found to increase with the increasing quantity of thyme oil in the blends.  相似文献   


The use of lower alcohol (such as methanol and ethanol) blends in diesel engines shows problems like phase separation, miscibility, higher NOx emissions etc. The addition of higher alcohols with either diesel or biodiesel is relatively new and only a little information is available on the effects of higher alcohols. In this work, the engine performance and emissions characteristics were compared between the lower and higher alcohol blended with biodiesel. Conventional diesel and biodiesel are considered as the reference fuels. Three lower alcohols (methanol, ethanol and propanol) and three higher alcohols (butanol, pentanol and octanol) of each 50% by volume were mixed with biodiesel of 50% by volume. Experiments were conducted on a single cylinder compression ignition diesel engine by varying the load conditions at a constant speed. Engine performance and emissions of CO, CO2, NOx and HC were determined. The results are discussed.  相似文献   

The Compression Ignition (CI) engines are playing vital role in the transportation sector; because of their lower maintenance cost even. The practice of Diesel or biodiesel is increasing Green House Gases (GHG) such as NOx, particulate matter in the environment. Among all GHG emissions, NOx is most harmful to human, environment. The use of additives in Diesel, biodiesel their blends in CI engine is very well practicing fuel modification technique to reduce GHG emissions. The higher cost of phenol, amine-based antioxidants are causing to increase CI engine operating cost. In this work, to investigate unmodified Direct Injection Compression Ignition engine characteristics. The Mixed culture Microalgae (MCM) biomass particles used as an antioxidant additive in pure Coconut, Karanja biodiesel. The brake thermal efficiency improved because of the explosion of MCM particles. The NOx emissions reduced due to the absorption of heat from the combustion chamber by microalgae particle.  相似文献   

Bioethanol fuel was synthesised from various Nigerian crops (palm (Elaeis Guineensis) wine, raffia (Raphia vinifera) trunk and sugar cane (Saccharum L.)) to serve as alternative fuels for internal combustion engines. Bioethanol was obtained through fermentation and distillation from these selected Nigerian crops and was then purified. Physical properties of the bioethanol and various petrol–bioethanol blends such as vapour pressure, octane number, flash point, heating values, auto ignition temperature and density were evaluated using the American Society for Testing and Materials methods. The calorific value of petrol decreased from 44.40 to 44.22 MJ/kg with a blend of 10% of alcohol (E10). The calorific value of the produced ethanol (E100) is 29.78 MJ/kg. The research octane number (RON) of petrol increased from 91 to 94 with a blend of 10% of alcohol (E10). The RON of the produced ethanol (E100) is 114. The flash point increased from -40°C at E10 to 12.6°C at E100. The results showed that the addition of bioethanol to petrol increases the octane number, flash point and auto ignition temperature, but on the other hand reduces the calorific value of the produced blend. The optimal petrol–bioethanol blends of E20 and below were recommended for vehicles running on spark ignition engines.  相似文献   


The energy crisis created by depletion of fossil fuels and the toxic emissions from the fossil fuel demands for eco-friendly potential alternative sources of energy. Even though unclean, biodiesel is found to be a potential alternative for the fossil fuels. In the present work, the emission characteristics and performance of biodiesel blend with and without ZNO additive was studied. There are four biodiesel blends studied in the first part of the research and found that the B25 combination gives a better result compared to others; therefore, this blend is tested with three proportion of ZNO additive in the second part of the research. The addition of 125?PPM of ZNO to the selected B25 blends gives a better performance, the efficiency improvement is found to be 4.2% and the emission of NOx is by 10.3% under full load condition.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted on a 4-cylinder direct-injection diesel engine with fumigation methanol injected into the air intake of each cylinder. The fumigation methanol was injected to top up 10%, 20% and 30% of the power output under different engine operating conditions. The effects of fumigation methanol on engine performance, gaseous emissions and particulate emission were investigated. The experimental results show that there is a decrease in the brake thermal efficiency when fumigation methanol is applied, except at the highest load of 0.67 MPa. At low loads, the brake thermal efficiency decreases with increase in fumigation methanol; but at high loads, it increases with increase in fumigation methanol. The fumigation method results in a significant increase in hydrocarbon (HC), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen dioxide (NO(2)) emissions. The concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) is significantly reduced except at close to full load condition. There is also a reduction in the smoke opacity and the particulate matter (PM) mass concentration. For the submicron particles, the total number of particles decreases at low and medium loads but increases at high loads. In all cases, there is a shift of the particles towards smaller geometrical mean diameter, especially at high loads. The increase in nano-sized particles and the increase in NO(2) emission could have serious impact on human health.  相似文献   

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