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The gradient weighted least-squares criterion is a popular criterion for conic fitting. When the non-linear minimisation problem is solved using the eigenvector method, the minimum is not reached and the resulting solution is an approximation. In this paper, we refine the existing eigenvector method so that the minimisation of the non-linear problem becomes exactly. Consequently we apply the refined algorithm to the re-normalisation approach, by which the new iterative scheme yields to bias-corrected solution but based on the exact minimiser of the cost function. Experimental results show the improved performance of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

An iterative learning control scheme is described for linear discrete-time systems. A weighted least-squares criterion of learning error is optimized to obtain a unique control gain for a case when the number of sampling is relatively small. It is then shown that algorithmic convergence can be readily guaranteed, because the present learning rule consists of a steady-state Kalman filter. By paying attention to the sparse system structure for the system's impulse response model, we further derive a suboptimal iterative learning control for a practical case when the number of sampling is large.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose to solve a range of computational imaging problems under a unified perspective of a regularized weighted least-squares (RWLS) framework. These problems include data smoothing and completion, edge-preserving filtering, gradient-vector flow estimation, and image registration. Although originally very different, they are special cases of the RWLS model using different data weightings and regularization penalties. Numerically, we propose a preconditioned conjugate gradient scheme which is particularly efficient in solving RWLS problems. We provide a detailed analysis of the system conditioning justifying our choice of the preconditioner that improves the convergence. This numerical solver, which is simple, scalable and parallelizable, is found to outperform most of the existing schemes for these imaging problems in terms of convergence rate.  相似文献   

In this paper, a local weighted interpolation method for intra-field deinterlacing is proposed as an improved version of the DCS (deinterlacing with awareness of closeness and similarity) algorithm. The original DCS method is derived from bilateral filter which takes the local spatial closeness and pixel similarity into account when calculating the weight of interpolation. The proposed algorithm achieves three improvements: 1) instead of the line average, a more accurate interpolation filter is used to estimate the center missing pixel; 2) the center-independent interpolation method is proposed to replace the center-dependent interpolation strategy; 3) the adaptive weighted interpolation method is used to improve the accuracy of interpolation. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm provides superior performance in terms of both objective and subjective image qualities when compared with other conventional benchmarks, including DCS algorithms with low complexity.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the parameter estimation and adaptive control problem for a sort of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with unknown parameters. In order to deal with the nonlinear functions, we develop a kind of least-squares estimator in the parameter estimation part. With such an estimator, we design the state-feedback control law and analyze the properties of the closed-loop system. To be concrete, the parameter estimator can guarantee the boundedness of parameter estimate error. At the same time, the adaptive control law is proposed to make the system states converge to zero and the equilibrium stable globally under some common assumptions. Finally, simulations are given to demonstrate the theoretical results.  相似文献   

This article studies discrete-time adaptive failure compensation control of systems with uncertain actuator failures, using an indirect adaptive control method. A discrete-time model of a continuous-time linear system with actuator failures is derived and its key features are clarified. A new discrete-time adaptive actuator failure compensation control scheme is developed, which consists of a total parametrisation of the system with parameter and failure uncertainties, a stable adaptive parameter estimation algorithm, and an on-line design procedure for feedback control. This work provides a new design of direct adaptive compensation of uncertain actuator failures, using an indirect adaptive control method. Such an adaptive design ensures desired closed-loop system stability and tracking properties despite uncertain actuator failures. Simulation results are presented to show the desired adaptive actuator failure compensation performance.  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel algorithm for detecting user-selected objects in given test images based on a new adaptive lifting scheme transform. Given an object as a template, we first select a set of coefficients as object features in the wavelet transform domain and then build an adaptive transform based on the selected features. The goal of the new adaptive transform is to vanish the selected features in the transform domain. After applying both non-adaptive and adaptive transforms to a given test image, the corresponding transform domain coefficients are compared for detecting the object of interest. In addition, the proposed detection algorithm is combined with the proper log-polar mapping model in the parametric template space to attain rotation/scale invariance property. Finally, we have verified the properties of our proposed algorithm with experimental results.  相似文献   

Recently, many robust adaptive beamforming (RAB) methods based on covariance matrix reconstruction have been proposed. Motivated by the idea, in this paper, a novel and efficient signal power estimator is devised to reconstruct the interference-plus-noise covariance (INC) matrix, with the corresponding RAB algorithm proposed. Firstly, the steering vectors of the incoming sources are derived using the Capon spatial spectrum and known array geometry. Secondly, a set of linear equations is established based on the signal subspace projection, from which the powers of the incoming sources are estimated. Based on the presumed angular sector of the signal-of-interest (SOI), the steering vectors and powers of the SOI and interferences are distinguished, and the INC matrix is then reconstructed. Finally, the beamformer is determined by the estimated INC matrix and SOI steering vector. The proposed algorithm is computationally more efficient than other reconstruction-based methods because there are closed-form solutions for the signal powers. Simulation results indicate that our proposed algorithm performs better than the existing methods at high signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), and achieves nearly optimal performance across a wide range of SNR.  相似文献   

同参数估计对偶的自适应控制算法   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
本文把线性和非线性系统统一处理。从自适应控制算法与参数估计算法的对偶性出发,提出了自适应控制算法的一种统一格式。这种格式算法简单,并在一定的条件下,能使控制误差一致的足够小。  相似文献   

This paper presents a quick and effective adaptive estimation methodology for parameters estimation of a permanent magnet (PM) DC motor. The proposed technique uses a universal adaptive stabilizer (UAS). This technique estimates PMDC motor parameters in a single experimental run using input voltage, current and speed. Over time, due to aging and wear, a motor’s parameters values do not match those in the datasheet. Mathematical proofs, experimental results supporting the proposed approach are presented. Despite the persistence of excitation condition not being imposed, the proposed technique produces good results, and is verified in earlier work on Li-ion battery parameters estimation.  相似文献   

CD56是神经细胞黏附分子,可用于多种肿瘤细胞的诊断与研究。CD56是目前最新的肿瘤分子标记物之一,计算机医学图像处理领域目前对CD56图像的研究刚刚起步。随着诸如语义分割深度学习技术的发展,越来越多的研究人员将语义分割技术应用到医学图像处理中,以实现辅助医疗诊断。CD56图像中的背景、阴性细胞和阳性细胞像素点个数的比例非常不平衡,大致为70∶10∶1,这会影响语义分割技术用于CD56图像分割的效果。对不同类别的像素点添加损失权重且对每个像素点添加自适应权重,改进了相关语义分割模型的损失函数,使得模型能更关注细胞,特别是阳性细胞。同时使用聚类的方法,在模型训练之前精细化对CD56图像的标注,进一步提升了模型的分割精度。针对CD56图像数据集的实验结果表明,对图像标注的精细化和对相关语义分割模型的损失函数的改进有效提升了模型对CD56图像的分割精度。  相似文献   

针对传统深度神经网络在对血管壁图像分割中难以提取具有针对性有效特征的问题,提出一种融合密度连接与自适应加权损失的血管壁图像分割方法。首先通过构建密集连接的分割网络学习更多的边界和轮廓表征以促进特征复用融合;然后设计了改进的自适应加权损失和边界紧凑性损失约束训练网络,利用自适应加权损失自动调整不同区域分割产生的损失比例来引导网络向最佳方向学习,同时引入边界紧凑性损失约束以充分利用边界信息,提升对血管壁图像的分割精度;最后对包含2 544张MRI的MERGE血管壁数据集进行了验证实验。结果表明,提出的改进方法能够有效提取血管壁图像的特征信息,在管腔和外壁轮廓分割中的Dice分别达到了93.65%和95.81%,设计的消融实验也充分证明了所提各个模块和网络的有效性,能够更好地实现高精度的图像分割。  相似文献   

在跨场景行人识别过程中,为了解决多种特征以一个固定的权重融合导致行人识别率低、识别速度慢的问题,提出基于自适应特征选择的动态加权平均排名行人识别方法。首先,将GrabCut算法和基于流形排序显著性检测算法相融合,提高行人外观特征提取的准确性;然后,提出自适应显著特征选择方法,有效地提取行人特征描述;最后,通过动态加权平均排名模型将多特征融合。实验表明,所提出的方法提高了行人识别的准确性,同时对姿态的变化具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

王波  刘德亮 《计算机应用》2019,39(2):523-527
针对近场源波达方向(DOA)和距离的联合估计问题,提出一种近场迭代自适应算法(NF-IAA)。首先通过划分二维网格表示出近场区域内信源所有可能的位置,每个位置都看作存在一个潜在的信源入射到阵列上,表示出阵列输出的数据模型;然后通过循环迭代利用上一次谱估计的结果构建信号的协方差矩阵,将协方差矩阵的逆作为加权矩阵估计出每个位置对应的潜在信源能量;最后绘制出三维能量谱图,由于只有真实存在的信源能量不为0,因此谱峰对应的位置即为真实存在信源的位置。仿真实验表明在10个快拍条件下,NF-IAA的DOA分辨概率达到了90%,而二维多重信号分类(2D-MUSIC)算法只有40%;当快拍数降至2时,2D-MUSIC算法已经失效,而NF-IAA仍然能很好地分辨出3个入射信源并且准确地估计出位置参数。随着快拍数和信噪比(SNR)的增加,NF-IAA的估计性能一直优于2D-MUSIC。实验结果表明,NF-IAA具备少快拍条件下高精度、高分辨地估计近场源二维位置参数的能力。  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a novel image adaptive technique for high capacity watermarking scheme using accurate and fast radial harmonic Fourier moments (RHFMs). The high embedding capacity is achieved by improving the hiding ratio after reducing inaccuracies in the computation of RHFMs. The binary watermark is embedded by performing the conditional quantization of selected RHFMs magnitudes to minimize the spatial distortion added to the host image. In addition, fast algorithms based on 8-way symmetry/anti-symmetry properties and recursive relations for the computation of sinusoidal kernel functions are adopted to enhance the speed of RHFMs-based watermarking process. Experimental studies show that the proposed watermarking scheme provides higher embedding capacity, good visual imperceptibility, better robustness to geometric distortions and common signal processing transformations, and lower computational complexity compared to the existing Zernike and pseudo-Zernike moments (ZMs/PZMs)-based watermarking schemes.  相似文献   

In this paper, the problem of pinning synchronization for delayed complex directed networks via generalized intermittent adaptive control strategy is considered. First, a dynamical mode of delayed network is investigated. Second, a generalized intermittent adaptive control strategy which unified the traditional periodic intermittent control and the aperiodic case is introduced. Additionally, by constructing a piecewise Lyapunov auxiliary function and making use of piecewise analysis technique, some effective and novel criteria to ensure the global synchronization of delayed complex networks based on the designed control protocols are obtained. Finally, an example with numerical simulations is provided to demonstrate the validness of the theoretical results proposed scheme.  相似文献   

This paper presents a new model reference adaptive control (MRAC) framework for a class of nonlinear systems to address the improvement of transient performance. The main idea is to introduce a nonlinear compensator to reshape the closed‐loop system transient, and to suggest a new adaptive law with guaranteed convergence. The compensator captures the unknown system dynamics and modifies the given nominal reference model and the control action. This modified controlled system can approach the response of the ideal reference model. The transient is easily tuned by a new design parameter of this compensator. The nominal adaptive law is augmented by new leakage terms containing the parameter estimation errors. This allows for fast, smooth and exponential convergence of both the tracking error and parameter estimation, which again improves overall reference model following. We also show that the required excitation condition for the estimation convergence is equivalent to the classical persistent excitation (PE) condition. In this respect, this paper provides an intuitive and numerically feasible approach to online validate the PE condition. The salient feature of the suggested methodology is that the rapid suppression of uncertainties in the controlled system can be achieved without using a large, high‐gain induced, learning rate in the adaptive laws. Extensive simulations are given to show the effectiveness and the improved response of the proposed schemes. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

李娜  黄国策  张衡阳 《电子技术应用》2011,37(11):107-111,115
针对目前通信网络安全影响问题的分析,本文引入传统的信息安全影响数学模型,在此基础上,进一步结合安全防护有效实施的重视程度,提出了一种针对通信网络安全影响分析的改进模型.该模型在对通信网络安全威胁、通信网络作战方式、网络安全属性以及对网络安全对抗属性进行量化分析的基础上,利用模糊数学理论和自适应加权算法,对有效实施安全防...  相似文献   

Multiple uncertainties/noises, frequently exist in a plant, usually require multiple compensation techniques, which renders feedback controllers highly dynamic and nonlinear. This motivates us to search for a compact design scheme of compensation to reduce the complexity of controllers. In this paper, global output-feedback stabilisation is investigated for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown unmeasured states-dependent growth and input matching uncertainty. To solve the problem, a compact scheme is proposed to design a global adaptive output-feedback controller, which combines the technique of dynamic gain and extended state observer together. Particularly, only one dynamic gain, rather than two dynamic gains, is introduced to deal with the unknown polynomial-of-output growth rate, which makes our controller to have lower dynamics than those in the related works. Moreover, the input matching uncertainty is asymptotically estimated by the extended state observer, and thus its effect is well counteracted. It is shown that, under the designed controller, the system states globally converge to zero. A simulation example on non-zero set-point regulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

A new nonlinear disturbance observer-based tracking control scheme for an underwater manipulator is presented in this paper. This observer overcomes the disadvantages of existing disturbance observers, which are designed or analyzed by the linear system techniques. It can be applied in underwater manipulator systems for various purposes such as payload compensation, interaction effects compensation, underwater current or external disturbance compensation, and independent system control. The performance of the proposed tracking control scheme is demonstrated numerically by the payload compensation and interaction effects compensation for a two degrees of freedom vertical underwater manipulator.  相似文献   

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