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供暖用土壤源热泵系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
袁伟峰  赵军  朱强 《节能》2002,(1):21-23
利用土壤热源是一种新的能源开发措施,本文介绍了土壤源热泵用于冬季供暖的技术,提出了埋管系统的设计方法及设计应注意的问题,该系统可以把低品位的土壤热能利用起来,且性能系数可达到2.8-3.2,因而节能。  相似文献   

水源热泵空调系统运行优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡桂秋 《节能》2012,31(5):55-58
以采用水源热泵机组的某住宅小区为例,分析其建筑的冷热负荷特性,探讨其变化规律;对水源热泵机组、水泵系统、热源井的运行控制策略提出优化方案,为同类工程的节能运行提供参考。  相似文献   

建立了太阳能-地源热泵系统一体化模型,以大连地区气候条件为基础,计算了供暖季某天内房间热负荷的逐时值.在动态热负荷基础上,对联合供暖系统在不同串联运行模式和并联运行模式不同分流比的运行工况进行了模拟计算,将模拟结果与实脸数据对比,两者吻合较好.结果表明:房间热负荷的变化可影响热泵机组COP.联合运行模式在地温的恢复和系...  相似文献   

污水源热泵供热的工程应用及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
齐鲁石化水厂原来利用热电厂蒸汽换热后制备低温热水对车间和办公楼进行供热,运行费用高.根据该厂有丰富的工业污水的特点,现设计采用污水源热泵机组为车间及办公楼提供热.分析表明,一个采暖季即可节省运行费用约68万元,而且使用效果良好.  相似文献   

介绍了地源热泵在冬季运行供暖的实验研究,具体分析了长期连续运行时土壤温度的变化规律,热泵机组系统的COP变化情况,以及太阳能辅助系统与地源热泵系统联合运行时土壤温度的变化规律,热泵机组系统的COP变化情况.试验数据表明了增加太阳能辅助地源热泵系统后,显著地提高了冷凝器出口温度和室内温度,有效地提高了热负荷,增加了供热面积.总结出了本地区地源热泵系统的一般运行规律.  相似文献   

运用能量系统的为(火用)分析方法.建立地热-高温水源热泵供热系统的炯分析理论模型.以实际工程项目为例,分析和讨论了系统运行条件下的能量有效利用,并计算了地热-高温热泵供热系统的火甩效率和各部分(火用)损失、(火用)效率.从计算结果看出,板式换热器的火用损失所占比例较大.  相似文献   

地源热泵是一种利用土壤所储藏的太阳能资源作为冷热源进行能量转换的供暖制冷空调系统,通过输入少量的高品位能源(如电力、机械功、燃气和液体燃料),实现热量从低温热源向高温热源的转移.以上海某小型别墅为对象,设计了一套家用地源热泵空调系统.首先计算了夏季冷负荷和冬季热负荷,然后根据冷、热负荷选择一套水源热泵机组(MWH080CR型机组)和相应的风机盘管,进行了室内水管环路系统、土壤热交换器和地板采暖的设计选型,最后对系统的能效比进行了计算.结果表明,该空调系统具有节能环保、稳定可靠、舒适耐用等优点.  相似文献   

利用油田污水余热热泵供暖系统的热力经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗小明  李华玉 《节能》2004,(2):45-46
介绍了油田余热资源的现状和充分回收采油污水余热的吸收式热泵供暖系统。并与燃油锅炉和燃气锅炉供暖系统对比 ,对吸收式热泵供暖系统进行技术经济分析  相似文献   

A heat pump system is the ideal way to extend the heat supply of existing oil or gas fired heating system. Consumption costs are lowered through the use of free energy from the environment, and the dependence on fossils fuels simultaneously reduces. In order to investigate the performance of the solar-ground source heat pump system in the province of Erzurum having cold climate, an experimental set-up was constructed. The experimental apparatus consisted of solar collectors, a ground heat exchanger (GHE), a liquid-to-liquid vapor compression heat pump, water circulating pumps and other measurement equipments. In this study, the performance of the system was experimentally investigated. The experimental results were obtained from October to May of 2008-2009. The experimentally obtained results are used to calculate the heat pump coefficient of performance (COP) and the system performance (COPS). The coefficient of performance of the heat pump and system were found to be in the range of 3.0-3.4 and 2.7-3.0, respectively. This study also shows that this system could be used for residential heating in the province of Erzurum being a cold climate region of Turkey.  相似文献   

In this paper, we deal with the energy and exergy analysis of a fossil plant and ground and air source heat pump building heating system at two different dead-state temperatures. A zone model of a building with natural ventilation is considered and heat is being supplied by condensing boiler. The same zone model is applied for heat pump building heating system. Since energy and exergy demand are key parameters to see which system is efficient at what reference temperature, we did a study on the influence of energy and exergy efficiencies. In this regard, a commercial software package IDA-ICE program is used for calculation of fossil plant heating system, however, there is no inbuilt simulation model for heat pumps in IDA-ICE, different COP (coefficient of performance) curves of the earlier studies of heat pumps are taken into account for the evaluation of the heat pump input and output energy. The outcome of the energy and exergy flow analysis at two different dead-state temperatures revealed that the ground source heat pumps with ambient reference have better performance against all ground reference systems as well as fossil plant (conventional system) and air source heat pumps with ambient reference.  相似文献   

根据现有城市原生污水源热泵的投资和运行等经济和技术特点,以系统的费用年值为目标函数,系统的冬夏季蒸发温度、冷凝温度、污水换热器出水温度、污水取水系统的管径等为优化变量,建立了系统综合优化的数学模型.在满足系统供冷、供热的可靠运行的条件下,利用遗传算法理论,并使用Matlab7.1遗传算法工具箱对系统的运行参数及机组部件的设计参数进行了优化选择,实现了系统费用年值最小的目标.优化结果与传统设计结果相比费用年值节省约6%.  相似文献   

水环热泵空调系统应用性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水环热泵空调系统是小型水/空气热泵机组的一种应用。通过连通建筑物周边区和内区的水循环环路将小型水/空气热泵机组并联在一起,形成一个封闭环路,将建筑物内区制冷产生的冷凝热转移到周边区,作为周边区热泵的低温热源。水环热泵空调系统在对建筑物内区供冷的同时实现对周边区供热,使建筑物空调的内、外区冷热相抵,建筑物内部余热得到充分利用,节约了能源。本文比较了水环热泵系统相对于常规空调系统在系统结构、节省能源等方面的优势和应用中遇到的问题,并结合工程应用实例,分析了水环热泵空调系统的经济性。  相似文献   

A thermoeconomic analysis of a ground‐source heat pump (GSHP) system with a vertical or horizontal ground heat exchanger, a type of heat delivery system, was performed using the modified productive structure analysis method. In this analysis, the unit cost of geothermal heat delivered to a room using GSHP system was estimated. The unit cost of heat delivered was calculated to be $0.063/kWh for input of electricity with a unit cost of $0.140/kWh for a GSHP with a coefficient of performance (COP) of 3.27. Exergy destruction and monetary losses due to the irreversibility that occurs at each component of the system were also estimated. The unit cost of heat was found to be inversely proportional to the COP of the heat pump and proportional to the electricity input. The greatest monetary loss occurs in the geothermal heat exchanger in which considerable mass of brine flows in long pipes and in the fan‐coil unit which features a complex configuration of pipes in the air passages, respectively. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

地源热泵是一种利用浅层土壤或含水层实现供热和空调制冷的高效节能设备。随着我国政府和社会对节能环保越发重视,地源热泵技术的优势将更加突出。最近几年我国地源热泵发展较迅速,在设计、制造、运行、管理等方面都取得了一些研究成果。对国内最近地源热泵的相关专利进行了检索,并进行了定性与定量分析,为该领域的研究者和企业提供专利信息参考,并归纳总结了一些研究热点,以期为我国地源热泵行业的研究开发与市场发展提供决策参考和技术依据。  相似文献   

Using high-temperature heat pump technology to recover waste heat of circulating cooling water in a steel plant for central heating system not can only reduce the temperature of circulating cooling water to meet the needs of smelting process but also can save energy and protect environment as well as bring great economic benefits to steel plant that can sell heat to the heat users. The energy consumption equation of heat pump central heating system was established based on the energy consumption of heat pump, energy consumption of water pump, and heat loss. The optimal inlet water temperature, inlet flow rate, and the number of operating heat pump modules at different outdoor temperatures were calculated by genetic algorithm. The superiority and operating control strategy of heat pump central heating system were discussed. The results show that with the increase of outdoor temperature, the optimal inlet flow rate and the number of operating heat pump module decrease. However, the inlet water temperature almost does not change. It is more suitable for the heat pump central heating system to change the inlet flow and the number of operating heat pump modules. The operating control strategy equation was established by linear fitting, which provides guidance for the engineering application of heat pump central heating system.  相似文献   

地源热泵空调系统的经济性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了地源热泵系统的概念和在我国的发展概况 ,并对地源热泵系统与几种常用空调系统的经济性进行了对比分析  相似文献   

污水源热泵系统的工程应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
闫桂兰  唐志伟 《节能》2006,25(12):45-47
污水源热泵系统以污水作为热源/热汇,通过热泵机组将污水中难以直接利用的热能提取出来。结合大型工程实例的设计及建设,依照系统的运行流程提出了工程各个部分的设计和建设中的要点问题。分析了系统流程,介绍了污水源的水量、水温的保证,取排水的建设,换热器的选择,热泵机房的设计。  相似文献   

We performed tests for heat storage-type floor heating that employs a heat pump driven with nighttime electric power for 8 h (11 PM to 7 AM) as the heat source. The phase change material (PCM) applied was a package of mirabilite (Na2SO4 · 10H2O). The melting point is 32 °C, the freezing point 30 °C, and the stored heat amount 43 W · h/kg (ΔT = 10 °C). The test room for floor heating was a wooden structure without windows, and the floor area was 40 m2. The hot water panel (5 mm in thickness, made of plastic, 26 m2) was laid on the stage (1.2 m in height) inside the room and the PCM was superimposed on the upper surface of the stage (the total stored heat amount was 28.5 kW). Since the heat pump runs in cycles of 8-h operation and 16-h nonoperation, it needs an extracted heat amount of three times compared with the case of round-the-clock operation. For this reason, we have developed a wet film-type vertical heat extracting tube with a built-in Freon flashing pump to obtain extracted heat about three times greater than was previously possible. We have calculated the heat balance from the results of the tests for floor heating and have studied the practicability of this system. © 1998 Scripta Technica, Inc. Heat Trans Jpn Res, 26(2): 122–130, 1997  相似文献   

Based on energy conservation equation and Darcy’s law, a model of beach well infiltration intake system applied in a seawater source heat pump system was established. The model consists of the seawater seepage and the heat transfer process. A porous medium model in a software named FLUENT was applied to simulate the seepage and the heat transfer process. This model was also validated by field experiment conducted on the seashore in Tianjin, China. The maximum relative error between simulation results and experimental results was 2.1% (less than 5%), which was acceptable in engineering application. The porosity and coefficient of thermal conductivity of the aquifer soil were determined to be 0.49 W/(m·K) and 1.46 W/(m·K), respectively in the simulation. In addition, the influencing factors of pumping water of beach well were also analyzed. The pumping water was found to increase when the distance between the beach well and the impervious boundary becomes longer, when the distance between the beach well and the supplying water source shortens, when the diameter of the beach well enlarges, and the drawdown enlarges.  相似文献   

经过分析计算,对区域燃煤锅炉房供暖方式和地热+高温水源热泵供暖方式对环境的影响做出比较.证明了地热+高温水源热泵同燃煤锅炉供暖方式相比具有巨大的环境效益。  相似文献   

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