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在经济不断发展的大背景下,人们的审美意识也不断增强,对于建筑材料与环境艺术的融合提出了更高的要求,并在现在的环境艺术设计中加入了更多新鲜有趣的理念。然而由于固有理念的束缚和一味求新、求变思想的出现,对于传统建筑材料的使用却遇到了不足。其实,在当代环境艺术设计中,环境设计的基本元素,不仅要能表现艺术,在视角和造景效果上也要能体现出很大的美学价值。本文结合当前传统建材料的应用情况,对其与当代环境艺术设计的结合做一个简单的阐述,对实际设计的美学造诣深入探究,让有价值的传统建筑材料绽放光彩。  相似文献   

Informal face-to-face communication and chance encounters encourage knowledge sharing. This Post-Occupancy Evaluation (POE) examines how well a new building of a Dutch University Institute (DI) supported interaction and perceived privacy among faculty members. The study is designed as a qualitative research project with in-depth interviews among faculty members before and after relocation into the new building. The transparent and centrally organized floor plan supported face-to-face communication but generated a lack of privacy for faculty members. Not all perceived affordances of the design were planned. Lack of visual privacy and the sense of being controlled by others were related to the hierarchical position of teachers in this Higher Education Institute (HEI) between students and the dean, which caused tension and diminished their well-being.  相似文献   

The importance of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is widely acknowledged in the academic literature, industry press and, increasingly, by professional institutes. Learning from previous projects systematically is central to improving building performance, resulting in a built environment that better fits the needs of clients, end users, wider society and the environment. The key role of architects in pushing forward this agenda has been recognized, however evidence suggests that take up of POE is low across the profession. Whilst research has investigated barriers to POE across the construction industry, very little has considered the unique perspective of architects. In-depth interviews with UK-based architects are presented to explore their experiences in relation to POE and their perspectives on its potential to be a standard part of architectural practice. The findings indicate that a considerable amount of practical work is being undertaken, but uncertainty over what constitutes POE means it is often excluded from the POE label – with significant implications for the development of a rigorous evidence base. An appetite is identified for more holistic evaluation measures that move beyond the current preoccupation with energy efficiency to consider other aspects of building performance, and thereby sustainability, in a wider value framework.  相似文献   

建筑作为一种艺术形式,有着极其深远的历史。本文主要通过传统建筑材料的装饰艺术形式来探讨其在当代环境艺术设计中的运用。  相似文献   

Using daylight as primary light source has been widely recognized as an important strategy to reduce building energy demand and enhance indoor environment quality. However, to design and operate a building to make full use of daylight, which is a dynamic light source, to meet diverse occupant needs remains a challenge. This paper reports a post-occupancy study of the visual environment in a laboratory building on a university campus, and puts a spotlight on the building occupants as it examines the effectiveness of the daylighting design and systems integration in creating a visual environment to support occupant comfort and satisfaction while reducing artificial lighting demand. Results show generally high satisfaction with daylit work environment and positive effect of the horizontal shading strategy. Issues about the integration between daylighting and electric lighting systems and level of occupant control are identified and discussed for improving the effectiveness of daylighting and enhancing the quality of the visual environment in the building of study. A multiple-tool methodology is developed and tested, which included occupant surveys, interviews, illuminance measurements, continuous data loggers, fisheye-lens camera and glare-identifying software, and documentation of spatial settings, systems features, and user behavior.  相似文献   

简要介绍了某砌体结构房屋的质量检测内容,依据有关资料和规程,对房屋进行抗震鉴定,并结合现场检测情况和该建筑的特点提出加固措施,以提高房屋抗震性能,保证房屋安全使用。  相似文献   

A comparative study of the occupant comfort (neutral) in a conventional high-rise office block and a contemporary environmentally-concerned building for Sheffield UK climate conditions was carried out. A questionnaire was designed for occupants to rate their workplace environment in terms of the thermal, visual, acoustic and overall perception and satisfaction level. The basic physical parameters were measured at the same time, e.g. air temperature, humidity, illuminance and sound level. It is inferred that (1) There is a noticeable difference between the conventional building and environmentally-concerned building in terms of their thermal and visual environment. (2) A clear distinction of the occupant sensation and satisfaction level towards their thermal and visual environment is presented between these two buildings. (3) The effect of basic physical variables on the occupants’ perception and satisfaction level becomes less significant when minimal standards are attained. (4) The acoustic satisfaction level however, was not perceived differently by the occupants of the two building types.  相似文献   

针对甘孜县城急需进行水厂扩建和改造的现状,通过甘孜供水改造中采用的渗渠取水方式,论述了在高原、冻土及水源条件极差的情况下进行的渗渠取水设计施工情况,并对其中取水方式的选择、渗渠取水的优缺点进行了分析.  相似文献   

城市记忆与复兴--上海城市雕塑艺术中心的实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王林 《时代建筑》2006,(2):100-105
上海城市雕塑艺术中心通过保护性改造和功能重塑,将一座曾经十分辉煌而今不再使用的老厂房打造成一座独特的艺术殿堂,实践了一条既能保留城市记忆、延续城市文明,又能展现城市新的艺术活力的城市工业文化遗产再造之路。  相似文献   

This paper takes a retrospective review of the evolution of the conservation of industrial heritage in urban Shanghai since the 1990s within the context of the international industrial heritage conservation movement, with the emphasis on the construction of preservation systems, technical regulation compilation and conservation practice. Active conservation and adaptive reuse is the focus within the framework of the conservation of the architectural characteristics of industrial buildings and the townscape of industrial districts. __________ Translated from Architectural Journal, 2006, (8): 16–20 [译自: 建筑学报]  相似文献   

城市工业遗产保护更新——一种构建创意城市的重要途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从工业遗产的文化价值、资源特性以及保护更新模式等层面阐释城市工业遗产保护更新与构建创意城市之间的关系,论述了城市工业遗产保护更新对构建创意城市的内涵、条件及路径三方面的独特作用,从而说明城市工业遗产保护更新正在成为一种构建创意城市的重要途径.  相似文献   

王秀山 《山西建筑》2004,30(11):91-92
介绍了山西大学艺术楼空调系统的系统形式及设计特点,对空调系统中设计与施工中的关键点及控制措施进行了详细的阐述,根据现场情况提出了针对性的修改及调整方法。  相似文献   

Theatres are the most complex of all auditorium structures environmentally. They usually have high heat loads, which are of a transient nature as audiences come and go, and from lighting which changes from scene to scene, and they generally have full or nearly full occupancy. Theatres also need to perform well acoustically, both for the spoken word and for music, and as sound amplification is less used than in other auditoria, background noise control is critically important. All these factors place constraints on the ventilation design, and if this is poor, it can lead to the deterioration of indoor air quality and thermal comfort. To analyse the level of indoor air quality and thermal comfort in a typical medium-sized mechanically ventilated theatre, and to identify where improvements could typically be made, a comprehensive post-occupancy evaluation study was carried out on a theatre in Belgrade. The evaluation, based on the results of monitoring (temperature, relative humidity, CO2, air speed and heat flux) and modelling (CFD), as well as the assessment of comfort and health as perceived by occupants, has shown that for most of the monitored period the environmental parameters were within the standard limits of thermal comfort and IAQ. However, two important issues were identified, which should be borne in mind by theatre designers in the future. First, the calculated ventilation rates showed that the theatre was over-ventilated, which will have serious consequences for its energy consumption, and secondly, the displacement ventilation arrangement employed led to higher than expected complaints of cold discomfort, probably due to cold draughts around the occupants’ feet.  相似文献   

黄超  张广泰 《福建建材》2010,(5):49-51,83
在《建筑抗震鉴定标准》和《建筑抗震加固技术规程》均未对超限砌体结构加固后的抗震能力指数作出具体规定的情况下,本文结合乌鲁木齐市某中学教学实验楼实例,研究并介绍一种针对超限砌体结构的加固设计理念。通过一种类似改变结构体系的分析方法,使用技术成熟的板墙加固法,将加固后的砌体结构与钢筋混凝土结构的抗震能力指数进行对比,给出可供参考的安全的指数方法。  相似文献   

针对某高层剪力墙结构住宅的振动问题,对引起房屋振动的振源进行分析,建立房屋结构的有限元模型。并对该高层住宅进行现场振动测试,实测数据在频域内的分析表明房屋的振动是因结构的共振效应引起。利用实测结构振动在时域内的响应,结合烦恼率模型,将基于烦恼率模型的建筑物振动评价分析结果与使用振动评价标准所得的结果进行比较,分析表明传统的评价标准得出的结果与现场居民感受不符,而基于烦恼率模型的评价结果与现场居民感受相符,可以作为类似问题的参考。并建议在房屋结构设计时应考虑周边环境振动的影响。  相似文献   

樊飞豪  朱慧 《室内设计》2022,(5):143-150
澳门的工业遗产在城市快速发展的过 程中面临荒废和拆除的危机。针对澳门土地资 源稀缺、人口密集的特点,提出澳门近代工业遗 产适应性再利用的保护方式。以益隆炮竹厂为主 要研究对象,通过个案分析法、田野调查法,针 对益隆炮竹厂保护所面临的问题,结合遗产保 护、居民休闲、旅游业发展与氹仔城市更新四大 城市发展需求,提出适用于益隆炮竹厂以及其他 澳门近代工业遗产的适应性再利用的策略:突出 文化特色、结合功能需求进行改造、借势宣传和 植入可持续发展的观念,以期对澳门其他近代 工业遗产的保护具有普适性的意义与价值。  相似文献   

上海市某商用建筑能耗分析与节能评估   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
采用能耗模拟软件eQUEST对上海市某商用建筑建立模型,对模型进行校正之后计算出该建筑的能耗情况,在此基础上提出6项节能措施,并分析了其节能效果,验证了计算机模拟技术在建筑能耗分析和节能评估中的适用性。  相似文献   

梁殿 《山西建筑》2006,32(4):98-99
通过现场检测实验和理论分析,对该楼房结构的可靠性做出了评价,并在此基础上,结合楼房未来的使用要求,对现有楼房存在的隐患提出了结构加固方案;同时对可靠性鉴定过程中遇到的一些问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

某多层砌体结构教学楼的抗震鉴定及加固   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
尹涛 《山西建筑》2010,36(13):53-55
以某一多层砌体结构教学楼为例,详细介绍了建筑物抗震鉴定的内容和操作方法,结合《建筑抗震鉴定标准》得出有关结论,并针对性地提出了抗震加固措施,以期提高教学楼的整体抗震能力,保证其安全使用,也为类似工程积累了经验。  相似文献   

Ecological risk assessment of urban and industrial systems: a review   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerous ecological risk assessment methodologies have been developed over the last twenty years around the world for evaluating urban and industrial systems and installations, by both the organisations responsible for implementing regulations and the scientific community. Although these methodologies share the general principle underlying their use, they differ widely with respect to the approaches chosen and the resources employed to apply them. Also, they may even have different objectives: prior assessment as part of an impact study before building a new installation, or retrospective assessment, for example, in view to explaining the reasons for an impact recorded or for forecasting additional expected impacts.This article provides a synthesis of the different approaches used around the world for carrying out each of the major steps common to all ecological risk assessment methodologies. The advantages and limitations of these different options are discussed in order to provide elements for formulating any new methodology adapted to a given scenario. To conclude, perspectives for improving the tools required for these methodologies are proposed, and the research works to which priority should be given are identified.  相似文献   

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