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Plants must balance both beneficial (symbiotic) and pathogenic challenges from microorganisms, the former benefitting the plant and agriculture and the latter causing disease and economic harm. Plant innate immunity describes a highly conserved set of defense mechanisms that play pivotal roles in sensing immunogenic signals associated with both symbiotic and pathogenic microbes and subsequent downstream activation of signaling effector networks that protect the plant. An intriguing question is how the innate immune system distinguishes “friends” from “foes”. Here, we summarize recent advances in our understanding of the role and spectrum of innate immunity in recognizing and responding to different microbes. In addition, we also review some of the strategies used by microbes to manipulate plant signaling pathways and thus evade immunity, with emphasis on the use of effector proteins and micro-RNAs (miRNAs). Furthermore, we discuss potential questions that need addressing to advance the field of plant–microbe interactions.  相似文献   

Rice, the main staple food for about half of the world’s population, has had the growth of its production stagnate in the last two decades. One of the ways to further improve rice production is to enhance the associations between rice plants and the microbiome that exists around, on, and inside the plant. This article reviews recent developments in understanding how microorganisms exert positive influences on plant growth, production, and health, focusing particularly on rice. A variety of microbial species and taxa reside in the rhizosphere and the phyllosphere of plants and also have multiple roles as symbiotic endophytes while living within plant tissues and even cells. They alter the morphology of host plants, enhance their growth, health, and yield, and reduce their vulnerability to biotic and abiotic stresses. The findings of both agronomic and molecular analysis show ways in which microorganisms regulate the growth, physiological traits, and molecular signaling within rice plants. However, many significant scientific questions remain to be resolved. Advancements in high-throughput multi-omics technologies can be used to elucidate mechanisms involved in microbial–rice plant associations. Prospectively, the use of microbial inoculants and associated approaches offers some new, cost-effective, and more eco-friendly practices for increasing rice production.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the worldwide agriculture is experiencing a transition process toward more sustainable production, which requires the reduction of chemical inputs and the preservation of microbiomes’ richness and biodiversity. Plants are no longer considered as standalone entities, and the future of agriculture should be grounded on the study of plant-associated microorganisms and all their potentiality. Moreover, due to the climate change scenario and the resulting rising incidence of abiotic stresses, an innovative and environmentally friendly technique in agroecosystem management is required to support plants in facing hostile environments. Plant-associated microorganisms have shown a great attitude as a promising tool to improve agriculture sustainability and to deal with harsh environments. Several studies were carried out in recent years looking for some beneficial plant-associated microbes and, on the basis of them, it is evident that Actinomycetes and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) have shown a considerable number of positive effects on plants’ fitness and health. Given the potential of these microorganisms and the effects of climate change, this review will be focused on their ability to support the plant during the interaction with abiotic stresses and on multi-omics techniques which can support researchers in unearthing the hidden world of plant–microbiome interactions. These associated microorganisms can increase plants’ endurance of abiotic stresses through several mechanisms, such as growth-promoting traits or priming-mediated stress tolerance. Using a multi-omics approach, it will be possible to deepen these mechanisms and the dynamic of belowground microbiomes, gaining fundamental information to exploit them as staunch allies and innovative weapons against crop abiotic enemies threatening crops in the ongoing global climate change context.  相似文献   

How specific interactions between plant and pathogenic, commensal, or mutualistic microorganisms are mediated and how bacteria are selected by a plant are important questions to address. Here, an Arabidopsis thaliana mutant called chs5 partially deficient in the biogenesis of isoprenoid precursors was shown to extend its metabolic remodeling to phenylpropanoids and lipids in addition to carotenoids, chlorophylls, and terpenoids. Such a metabolic profile was concomitant to increased colonization of the phyllosphere by the pathogenic strain Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000. A thorough microbiome analysis by 16S sequencing revealed that Streptomyces had a reduced colonization potential in chs5. This study revealed that the bacteria–Arabidopsis interaction implies molecular processes impaired in the chs5 mutant. Interestingly, our results revealed that the metabolic status of A. thaliana was crucial for the specific recruitment of Streptomyces into the microbiota. More generally, this study highlights specific as well as complex molecular interactions that shape the plant microbiota.  相似文献   

Fabricated ecosystems (EcoFABs) offer an innovative approach to in situ examination of microbial establishment patterns around plant roots using nondestructive, high-resolution microscopy. Previously high-resolution imaging was challenging because the roots were not constrained to a fixed distance from the objective. Here, we describe a new ‘Imaging EcoFAB’ and the use of this device to image the entire root system of growing Brachypodium distachyon at high resolutions (20×, 40×) over a 3-week period. The device is capable of investigating root–microbe interactions of multimember communities. We examined nine strains of Pseudomonas simiae with different fluorescent constructs to B. distachyon and individual cells on root hairs were visible. Succession in the rhizosphere using two different strains of P. simiae was examined, where the second addition was shown to be able to establish in the root tissue. The device was suitable for imaging with different solid media at high magnification, allowing for the imaging of fungal establishment in the rhizosphere. Overall, the Imaging EcoFAB could improve our ability to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of the rhizosphere, including studies of fluorescently-tagged, multimember, synthetic communities.  相似文献   

Rheum palmatum L. is an important traditional Chinese medicinal herb now in demand worldwide. Recently, the theoretical framework suggested that sucrose triggers colonization of PGPM (plant growth-promoting microbes) in the rhizosphere, but their interactions on the plant remain largely unknown. Here, we applied three concentrations of both Bacillus amyloliquefaciens EZ99 inoculant (1.0 × 105, 1.0 × 106, and 1.0 × 107 colony-forming units (CFU)/mL, denoted as LB, MB, and HB, respectively) and sucrose (0.15, 1.5, and 15 g/L, denoted as LS, MS, and HS, respectively) to investigate their co-effects on R. palmatum in a field experiment. The results showed that LB + MS (1.0 × 105 CFU/mL Bacillus + 1.5 g/L sucrose) and LB + LS (1.0 × 105 CFU/mL Bacillus + 0.15 g/L sucrose) treatments significantly increased root fresh weight (p ≤ 0.05). Metabolite analysis revealed that the treatment LB + LS significantly increased the relative content of major active components in rhubarb, namely anthraquinones and phenolic compounds, by 1.5% and 2.3%. Although high sucrose addition increased the activities of certain soil enzymes, the LB + LS treatment significantly increased total potassium (TK), whereas it decreased available potassium (AK), which facilitated the potassium utilization in rhizosphere soil. Furthermore, rhizosphere microbiomes revealed that fungal diversity was augmented in LB + LS treatment, in which the common causative fungal pathogen Fusarium spp. showed an effective suppression. Additionally, the redundancy analysis and Spearman correlations revealed a positive relationship of Sphingomonas associated with change in potassium bioavailability. Altogether, our findings suggest that the combined application of a bacterial inoculant and sucrose can improve the growth and quality of R. palmatum, and stimulate uptake of plant nutrients that contribute to alter the microbial community for biocontrol potential. Hence, this work not only has broad application prospects across economical plants, but also emphasizes agroecological practices for sustainable agriculture.  相似文献   

Arrestins preferentially bind active phosphorylated G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The middle loop, highly conserved in all arrestin subtypes, is localized in the central crest on the GPCR-binding side. Upon receptor binding, it directly interacts with bound GPCR and demonstrates the largest movement of any arrestin element in the structures of the complexes. Comprehensive mutagenesis of the middle loop of rhodopsin-specific arrestin-1 suggests that it primarily serves as a suppressor of binding to non-preferred forms of the receptor. Several mutations in the middle loop increase the binding to unphosphorylated light-activated rhodopsin severalfold, which makes them candidates for improving enhanced phosphorylation-independent arrestins. The data also suggest that enhanced forms of arrestin do not bind GPCRs exactly like the wild-type protein. Thus, the structures of the arrestin-receptor complexes, in all of which different enhanced arrestin mutants and reengineered receptors were used, must be interpreted with caution.  相似文献   

Plant-fungi and plant-oomycete interactions have been studied at the proteomic level for many decades. However, it is only in the last few years, with the development of new approaches, combined with bioinformatics data mining tools, gel staining, and analytical instruments, such as 2D-PAGE/nanoflow-LC-MS/MS, that proteomic approaches thrived. They allow screening and analysis, at the sub-cellular level, of peptides and proteins resulting from plants, pathogens, and their interactions. They also highlight post-translational modifications to proteins, e.g., glycosylation, phosphorylation or cleavage. However, many challenges are encountered during in planta studies aimed at stressing details of host defenses and fungal and oomycete pathogenicity determinants during interactions. Dissecting the mechanisms of such host-pathogen systems, including pathogen counter-defenses, will ensure a step ahead towards understanding current outcomes of interactions from a co-evolutionary point of view, and eventually move a step forward in building more durable strategies for management of diseases caused by fungi and oomycetes. Unraveling intricacies of more complex proteomic interactions that involve additional microbes, i.e., PGPRs and symbiotic fungi, which strengthen plant defenses will generate valuable information on how pathosystems actually function in nature, and thereby provide clues to solving disease problems that engender major losses in crops every year.  相似文献   

Endophytic bacterial communities are beneficial communities for host plants that exist inside the surfaces of plant tissues, and their application improves plant growth. They benefit directly from the host plant by enhancing the nutrient amount of the plant’s intake and influencing the phytohormones, which are responsible for growth promotion and stress. Endophytic bacteria play an important role in plant-growth promotion (PGP) by regulating the indirect mechanism targeting pest and pathogens through hydrolytic enzymes, antibiotics, biocontrol potential, and nutrient restriction for pathogens. To attain these benefits, firstly bacterial communities must be colonized by plant tissues. The nature of colonization can be achieved by using a set of traits, including attachment behavior and motility speed, degradation of plant polymers, and plant defense evasion. The diversity of bacterial endophytes colonization depends on various factors, such as plants’ relationship with environmental factors. Generally, each endophytic bacteria has a wide host range, and they are used as bio-inoculants in the form of synthetic applications for sustainable agriculture systems and to protect the environment from chemical hazards. This review discusses and explores the taxonomic distribution of endophytic bacteria associated with different genotypes of rice plants and their origin, movement, and mechanism of PGP. In addition, this review accentuates compressive meta data of endophytic bacteria communities associated with different genotypes of rice plants, retrieves their plant-growth-promoting properties and their antagonism against plant pathogens, and discusses the indication of endophytic bacterial flora in rice plant tissues using various methods. The future direction deepens the study of novel endophytic bacterial communities and their identification from rice plants through innovative techniques and their application for sustainable agriculture systems.  相似文献   

Preterm infants are at increased risk for invasive neonatal bacterial infections. S. epidermidis, a ubiquitous skin commensal, is a major cause of late-onset neonatal sepsis, particularly in high-resource settings. The vulnerability of preterm infants to serious bacterial infections is commonly attributed to their distinct and developing immune system. While developmentally immature immune defences play a large role in facilitating bacterial invasion, this fails to explain why only a subset of infants develop infections with low-virulence organisms when exposed to similar risk factors in the neonatal ICU. Experimental research has explored potential virulence mechanisms contributing to the pathogenic shift of commensal S. epidermidis strains. Furthermore, comparative genomics studies have yielded insights into the emergence and spread of nosocomial S. epidermidis strains, and their genetic and functional characteristics implicated in invasive disease in neonates. These studies have highlighted the multifactorial nature of S. epidermidis traits relating to pathogenicity and commensalism. In this review, we discuss the known host and pathogen drivers of S. epidermidis virulence in neonatal sepsis and provide future perspectives to close the gap in our understanding of S. epidermidis as a cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

The growth in the number of chronic non-communicable diseases in the second half of the past century and in the first two decades of the new century is largely due to the disruption of the relationship between the human body and its symbiotic microbiota, and not pathogens. The interaction of the human immune system with symbionts is not accompanied by inflammation, but is a physiological norm. This is achieved via microbiota control by the immune system through a complex balance of pro-inflammatory and suppressive responses, and only a disturbance of this balance can trigger pathophysiological mechanisms. This review discusses the establishment of homeostatic relationships during immune system development and intestinal bacterial colonization through the interaction of milk glycans, mucins, and secretory immunoglobulins. In particular, the role of fucose and fucosylated glycans in the mechanism of interactions between host epithelial and immune cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Some Listeria species are important human and animal pathogens that can be found in contaminated food and produce a variety of virulence factors involved in their pathogenicity. Listeria strains exhibiting multidrug resistance are known to be progressively increasing and that is why continuous monitoring is needed. Effective therapy against pathogenic Listeria requires identification of the bacterial strain involved, as well as determining its virulence factors, such as antibiotic resistance and sensitivity. The present study describes the use of liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) to do a global shotgun proteomics characterization for pathogenic Listeria species. This method allowed the identification of a total of 2990 non-redundant peptides, representing 2727 proteins. Furthermore, 395 of the peptides correspond to proteins that play a direct role in Listeria pathogenicity; they were identified as virulence factors, toxins and anti-toxins, or associated with either antibiotics (involved in antibiotic-related compounds production or resistance) or resistance to toxic substances. The proteomic repository obtained here can be the base for further research into pathogenic Listeria species and facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for these pathogens.  相似文献   

Coumarins belong to a group of secondary metabolites well known for their high biological activities including antibacterial and antifungal properties. Recently, an important role of coumarins in plant resistance to pathogens and their release into the rhizosphere upon pathogen infection was discovered. It is also well documented that coumarins play a crucial role in the Arabidopsis thaliana growth under Fe-limited conditions. However, the mechanisms underlying interplay between plant resistance, accumulation of coumarins and Fe status, remain largely unknown. In this work, we investigated the effect of both mentioned factors on the disease severity using the model system of Arabidopsis/Dickeya spp. molecular interactions. We evaluated the disease symptoms in Arabidopsis plants, wild-type Col-0 and its mutants defective in coumarin accumulation, grown in hydroponic cultures with contrasting Fe regimes and in soil mixes. Under all tested conditions, Arabidopsis plants inoculated with Dickeya solani IFB0099 strain developed more severe disease symptoms compared to lines inoculated with Dickeya dadantii 3937. We also showed that the expression of genes encoding plant stress markers were strongly affected by D. solani IFB0099 infection. Interestingly, the response of plants to D. dadantii 3937 infection was genotype-dependent in Fe-deficient hydroponic solution.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNA) are key regulators of gene expression, controlling different biological processes such as cellular development, differentiation, proliferation, metabolism, and apoptosis. The relationships between miRNA expression and the onset and progression of different diseases, such as tumours, cardiovascular and rheumatic diseases, and neurological disorders, are well known. A nanotechnology-based approach could match miRNA delivery and detection to move beyond the proof-of-concept stage. Different kinds of nanotechnologies can have a major impact on the diagnosis and treatment of miRNA-related diseases such as cancer. Developing novel methodologies aimed at clinical practice represents a big challenge for the early diagnosis of specific diseases. Within this context, nanotechnology represents a wide emerging area at the forefront of research over the last two decades, whose potential has yet to be fully attained. Nanomedicine, derived from nanotechnology, can exploit the unique properties of nanometer-sized particles for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. Through nanomedicine, specific treatment to counteract only cancer-cell proliferation will be improved, while leaving healthy cells intact. In this review, we dissect the properties of different nanocarriers and their roles in the early detection and treatment of cancer.  相似文献   

Enterococcus species are Gram-positive bacteria that are normal gastrointestinal tract inhabitants that play a beneficial role in the dairy and meat industry. However, Enterococcus species are also the causative agents of health care-associated infections that can be found in dairy and fermented food products. Enterococcal infections are led by strains of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, which are often resistant to antibiotics and biofilm formation. Enterococci virulence factors attach to host cells and are also involved in immune evasion. LC-MS/MS-based methods offer several advantages compared with other approaches because one can directly identify microbial peptides without the necessity of inferring conclusions based on other approaches such as genomics tools. The present study describes the use of liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) to perform a global shotgun proteomics characterization for opportunistic pathogenic Enterococcus from different dairy and fermented food products. This method allowed the identification of a total of 1403 nonredundant peptides, representing 1327 proteins. Furthermore, 310 of those peptides corresponded to proteins playing a direct role as virulence factors for Enterococcus pathogenicity. Virulence factors, antibiotic sensitivity, and proper identification of the enterococcal strain are required to propose an effective therapy. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD036435. Label-free quantification (LFQ) demonstrated that the majority of the high-abundance proteins corresponded to E. faecalis species. Therefore, the global proteomic repository obtained here can be the basis for further research into pathogenic Enterococcus species, thus facilitating the development of novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

The microbiota is increasingly recognized as a critical player in cancer onset and progression and response to cancer chemotherapy treatment. In recent years, several preclinical and clinical studies have evidenced the involvement of microbiota in lung cancer, one of the world’s deadliest cancers. However, the mechanisms by which the microbiota can impact this type of cancer and patient survival and response to treatments remain poorly investigated. In this review, the peculiarities of the gut and lung microbial ecosystems have been highlighted, and recent findings illustrating the possible mechanisms underlying the microbiota–lung cancer interaction and the host immune response have been discussed. In addition, the mucosal immune system has been identified as a crucial communication frame to ease interactive dynamics between the immune system and the microbiota. Finally, the use of specific next-generation intestinal probiotic strains in counteracting airway diseases has been evaluated. We believe that restoring homeostasis and the balance of bacterial microflora should become part of the routine of integrated cancer interventions, using probiotics, prebiotics, and postbiotics, and promoting a healthy diet and lifestyle.  相似文献   

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