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The use of phenicol antibiotics in animals has increased. In recent years, it has been reported that the transferable gene mediates phenicol-oxazolidinone resistance. This study analyzed the prevalence and characteristics of phenicol-oxazolidinone resistance genes in Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium isolated from food-producing animals and meat in Korea in 2018. Furthermore, for the first time, we reported the genome sequence of E. faecalis strain, which possesses the phenicol-oxazolidinone resistance gene on both the chromosome and plasmid. Among the 327 isolates, optrA, poxtA, and fexA genes were found in 15 (4.6%), 8 (2.5%), and 17 isolates (5.2%), respectively. Twenty E. faecalis strains carrying resistance genes belonged to eight sequence types (STs), and transferability was found in 17 isolates. The genome sequences revealed that resistant genes were present in the chromosome or plasmid, or both. In strains EFS17 and EFS108, optrA was located downstream of the ermA and ant(9)-1 genes. The strains EFS36 and EFS108 harboring poxtA-encoding plasmid cocarried fexA and cfr(D). These islands also contained IS1216E or the transposon Tn554, enabling the horizontal transfer of the phenicol-oxazolidinone resistance with other antimicrobial-resistant genes. Our results suggest that it is necessary to promote the prudent use of antibiotics through continuous monitoring and reevaluation.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica as common pathogens of humans and animals are good model organisms to conduct research on bacterial biology. Because these bacteria can multiply in both the external environments and in the living hosts, they prove their wide adaptability. It has been previously demonstrated that prolonged exposition of Salmonella serotype O48 cells to normal human serum led to an increase in resistance to sera in connection with the synthesis of very long O-antigen. In this work, we have studied the phenotype connected to virulence of Salmonella enterica strains that were subjected to consecutive passages in 50% human serum from platelet-poor plasma (SPPP). We found that eight passages in SPPP may not be enough for the bacteria to become serum-resistant (S. Typhimurium ATCC 14028, S. Senftenberg). Moreover, C1q and C3c complement components bound to Salmonellae (S. Typhimurium ATCC 14028, S. Hammonia) membrane proteins, which composition has been changed after passaging in sera. Interestingly, passages in SPPP generated genetic changes within gene fljB, which translated to cells’ motility (S. Typhimurium ATCC 14028, S. Erlangen). One strain, S. Hammonia exposed to a serum developed a multi-drug resistance (MDR) phenotype and two S. Isaszeg and S. Erlangen tolerance to disinfectants containing quaternary ammonium salts (QAS). Furthermore, colonial morphotypes of the serum adaptants were similar to those produced by starter cultures. These observations suggest that overcoming stressful conditions is manifested on many levels. Despite great phenotypic diversity occurring after prolonged exposition to SPPP, morphotypes of colonies remained unchanged in basic media. This work is an example in which stable morphotypes distinguished by altered virulence can be confusing during laboratory work with life-threatening strains.  相似文献   

Some Listeria species are important human and animal pathogens that can be found in contaminated food and produce a variety of virulence factors involved in their pathogenicity. Listeria strains exhibiting multidrug resistance are known to be progressively increasing and that is why continuous monitoring is needed. Effective therapy against pathogenic Listeria requires identification of the bacterial strain involved, as well as determining its virulence factors, such as antibiotic resistance and sensitivity. The present study describes the use of liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) to do a global shotgun proteomics characterization for pathogenic Listeria species. This method allowed the identification of a total of 2990 non-redundant peptides, representing 2727 proteins. Furthermore, 395 of the peptides correspond to proteins that play a direct role in Listeria pathogenicity; they were identified as virulence factors, toxins and anti-toxins, or associated with either antibiotics (involved in antibiotic-related compounds production or resistance) or resistance to toxic substances. The proteomic repository obtained here can be the base for further research into pathogenic Listeria species and facilitate the development of novel therapeutics for these pathogens.  相似文献   

This study aims to explore the effects and mechanisms of hepcidin, a potential antimicrobial peptide from Tilapia, and epirubicin (Epi), an antineoplastic agent, on the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and link the ROS levels to the reversal mechanisms of multidrug resistance (MDR) by epirubicin and hepcidin in human squamous cell carcinoma SCC15 and human embryonal carcinoma NT2D1 cells. The cells, pretreated with hepcidin, epirubicin, or a combination of these compounds in PEGylated liposomes, were used to validate the molecular mechanisms involved in inhibiting efflux transporters and inducing apoptosis as evaluated by cytotoxicity, intracellular accumulation, mRNA levels, cell cycle distribution, and caspase activity of this combination. We found that hepcidin significantly enhanced the cytotoxicity of epirubicin in liposomes. The co-incubation of epirubicin with hepcidin in liposomes intensified the ROS production, including hydrogen peroxide and superoxide free radicals. Hepcidin significantly increased epirubicin intracellular uptake into NT2D1 and SCC15 cells, as supported by the diminished mRNA expressions of MDR1, MDR-associated protein (MRP) 1, and MRP2. Hepcidin and/or epirubicin in liposomes triggered apoptosis, as verified by the reduced mitochondrial membrane potential, increased sub-G1 phase of cell cycle, incremental populations of apoptosis using annexin V/PI assay, and chromatin condensation. As far as we know, this is the first example showing that PEGylated liposomal TH1-5 and epirubicin gives rise to cell death in human squamous carcinoma and testicular embryonic carcinoma cells through the reduced epirubicin efflux via ROS-mediated suppression of P-gp and MRPs and concomitant initiation of mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Hence, hepcidin in PEGylated liposomes may function as an adjuvant to anticancer drugs, thus demonstrating a novel strategy for reversing MDR.  相似文献   

Gaining an insight into the mechanism underlying antimicrobial-resistance development in Staphylococcus aureus is crucial for identifying effective antimicrobials. We isolated S. aureus sequence type 72 from a patient in whom the S. aureus infection was highly resistant to various antibiotics and lysostaphin, but no known resistance mechanisms could explain the mechanism of lysostaphin resistance. Genome-sequencing followed by subtractive and functional genomics revealed that serine hydroxymethyltransferase (glyA or shmT gene) plays a key role in lysostaphin resistance. Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (SHMT) is indispensable for the one-carbon metabolism of serine/glycine interconversion and is linked to folate metabolism. Functional studies revealed the involvement of SHMT in lysostaphin resistance, as ΔshmT was susceptible to the lysostaphin, while complementation of the knockout expressing shmT restored resistance against lysostaphin. In addition, the ΔshmT showed reduced virulence under in vitro (mammalian cell lines infection) and in vivo (wax-worm infection) models. The SHMT inhibitor, serine hydroxymethyltransferase inhibitor 1 (SHIN1), protected the 50% of the wax-worm infected with wild type S. aureus. These results suggest SHMT is relevant to the extreme susceptibility to lysostaphin and the host immune system. Thus, the current study established that SHMT plays a key role in lysostaphin resistance development and in determining the virulence potential of multiple drug-resistant S. aureus.  相似文献   

Enterococcus species are Gram-positive bacteria that are normal gastrointestinal tract inhabitants that play a beneficial role in the dairy and meat industry. However, Enterococcus species are also the causative agents of health care-associated infections that can be found in dairy and fermented food products. Enterococcal infections are led by strains of Enterococcus faecalis and Enterococcus faecium, which are often resistant to antibiotics and biofilm formation. Enterococci virulence factors attach to host cells and are also involved in immune evasion. LC-MS/MS-based methods offer several advantages compared with other approaches because one can directly identify microbial peptides without the necessity of inferring conclusions based on other approaches such as genomics tools. The present study describes the use of liquid chromatography–electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESI–MS/MS) to perform a global shotgun proteomics characterization for opportunistic pathogenic Enterococcus from different dairy and fermented food products. This method allowed the identification of a total of 1403 nonredundant peptides, representing 1327 proteins. Furthermore, 310 of those peptides corresponded to proteins playing a direct role as virulence factors for Enterococcus pathogenicity. Virulence factors, antibiotic sensitivity, and proper identification of the enterococcal strain are required to propose an effective therapy. Data are available via ProteomeXchange with identifier PXD036435. Label-free quantification (LFQ) demonstrated that the majority of the high-abundance proteins corresponded to E. faecalis species. Therefore, the global proteomic repository obtained here can be the basis for further research into pathogenic Enterococcus species, thus facilitating the development of novel therapeutics.  相似文献   

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