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大规模高效储能技术是解决可再生能源发电不连续、不稳定、不可控特性的重要途径,也是构建坚强智能电网的核心技术。本文对各种储能技术进行了综合分析,并对适用于大规模储能的抽水储能、压缩空气储能、钠硫电池、锂离子电池、铅酸电池和液流电池的技术特点、优劣势、发展前景进行了深入阐述;最后,对储能技术的发展思路进行了探讨,认为坚持技术开发与应用示范并重,进一步降低储能设备成本,提高其可靠性和稳定性并辅以一定的鼓励政策,是推进储能技术的产业化和实用化的重要途径。  相似文献   

Y.M. Kim  D.G. Shin  D. Favrat 《Energy》2011,36(10):6220-6233
Energy storage systems are becoming more important for load leveling, especially because of the widespread use of intermittent renewable energy. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a very promising method for energy storage because CAES relies on existing technologies, is less expensive, and easier to site and permit, as compared to pumped hydro storage. But, in the case of CAES employing hard rock caverns or man-made air vessels, although the smallest possible cavern volume is desirable in order to minimize the construction cost and optimize utilization of the given space, the operating pressure range in the cavern must be limited in order to reduce the deterioration in efficiency of the CAES system at off-design conditions. In this paper, a new constant-pressure CAES system combined with pumped hydro storage was studied to address the current problem associated with the conventional CAES systems. An energy and exergy analysis of the novel CAES system was performed in order to understand the operation characteristics of the system according to several different compression and expansion processes; we then examined the effects of the height of the storage cavern and heat transfer between two media (air, water) and the cavern on the performance of the novel CAES system.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能技术具有提升风能与太阳能等可再生资源电能质量的潜力,通过此项技术实现间歇性与不稳定性可再生电力的有效储存,进而在电网负荷高峰期以优质电力的形式稳定输出.结合热力学分析方法设计了储能功率56.58 MW,释能输出功率154.76 MW的压缩空气储能系统.在释能阶段透平机组配置上,参照GE 9171E燃机布置第二级透平入口参数,并以其812.41 K高温烟气余热提供第一级透平工质所需全部热量,无需为第一级透平配备专门燃烧器.在此思路下设计的压缩空气储能系统,热耗可降低至3783.96 kJ/(kW·h),储能系统的能量转换效率也高达56.11%.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis has been carried out to assess the thermodynamic and economic performance of Diabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage (D‐CAES) systems equipped with above‐ground artificial storage. D‐CAES plant arrangements based on both Steam Turbine (ST) and Gas Turbine (GT) technologies are taken into consideration. The influence of key design quantities (ie, storage pressure, turbine inlet pressure, turbine inlet temperature) on efficiency, capital and operating costs is analysed in detail and widely discussed. Finally, D‐CAES design solutions are compared with Battery Energy Storage (BES) systems on the basis of the Levelized Cost of Storage (LCOS) method. Results show that the adoption of D‐CAES can lead to better economic performance with respect to mature and emerging BES technologies. D‐CAES ST based solutions can achieve a LCOS of 28 €cent/kWh, really close to that evaluated for the better performing BES system. Interesting LCOS values of 20 €cent/kWh have been attained by adopting D‐CAES plant solutions based on GT technology.  相似文献   

The interest in energy storage systems is increasing, since it provides an excellent solution to store the low-cost excess energy from the energy sources, which are available at peak demand hours. This paper presents a new compressed-air storage system that combines ambient air and hydraulic oil, in order to store energy in compressed-air form and benefit from the advantages of both pneumatic and hydraulic systems. The process consists of charging and discharging cycles, however, this paper investigates the discharging cycle, where a new technique of Small-Scale Compressed Air Energy Storage (SS-CAES) system is realised. The new idea in RC-CAHES is to obtain higher efficiency in energy conversion machines during charging and discharging processes with numerous advantages over conventional types of energy storage systems. This study demonstrates the effectiveness of this technique by proving that it has higher efficiency than a similar Compressed Air Energy Storage (CAES) systems.  相似文献   

The economic viability of producing baseload wind energy was explored using a cost-optimization model to simulate two competing systems: wind energy supplemented by simple- and combined cycle natural gas turbines (“wind+gas”), and wind energy supplemented by compressed air energy storage (“wind+CAES”). Pure combined cycle natural gas turbines (“gas”) were used as a proxy for conventional baseload generation. Long-distance electric transmission was integral to the analysis. Given the future uncertainty in both natural gas price and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions price, we introduced an effective fuel price, pNGeff, being the sum of the real natural gas price and the GHG price. Under the assumption of pNGeff=$5/GJ (lower heating value), 650 W/m2 wind resource, 750 km transmission line, and a fixed 90% capacity factor, wind+CAES was the most expensive system at ¢6.0/kWh, and did not break even with the next most expensive wind+gas system until pNGeff=$9.0/GJ. However, under real market conditions, the system with the least dispatch cost (short-run marginal cost) is dispatched first, attaining the highest capacity factor and diminishing the capacity factors of competitors, raising their total cost. We estimate that the wind+CAES system, with a greenhouse gas (GHG) emission rate that is one-fourth of that for natural gas combined cycle plants and about one-tenth of that for pulverized coal plants, has the lowest dispatch cost of the alternatives considered (lower even than for coal power plants) above a GHG emissions price of $35/tCequiv., with good prospects for realizing a higher capacity factor and a lower total cost of energy than all the competing technologies over a wide range of effective fuel costs. This ability to compete in economic dispatch greatly boosts the market penetration potential of wind energy and suggests a substantial growth opportunity for natural gas in providing baseload power via wind+CAES, even at high natural gas prices.  相似文献   

储能技术发展概况研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
我国能源建设面临的主要问题有人均能源储备量少,能源开发利用设备和技术落后,环境污染严重等。因此,研究价值高、应用前景广阔的储能技术,已受到科技界和企业界的密切关注,成为国际能源界研究的热点之一。储能方式主要有物理储能、化学储能、电磁储能和相变储能四大类型,其中物理储能包括抽水蓄能、压缩空气储能、飞轮储能及高温熔岩等;化学储能包括铅酸、锂离子、钠硫和液流等电池储能;电磁储能包括超级电容储能、超导储能和超级电池;相变储能包括蓄热和蓄冷储能等。对储能技术进行分类介绍,对其工作原理、技术现状、发展前景及优缺点进行了讨论,为进一步研究储能技术提供参考。  相似文献   

At present, pumped hydro energy storage plays the dominant role in electrical energy storage. However, its development is clearly restricted by the topography and adverse impacts on local residents. Underground pumped hydro energy storage (UPHES) using abandoned mine pits not only can effectively remedy these drawbacks but is also constructive to the management of abandoned mine pits. In this paper, we firstly conduct a comprehensive analysis of conventional pumped hydro energy storage (CPHES) and UPHES, using life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). Sustainability indicators in this paper include economic indicators, environmental indicators, and social indicators. Among all the indicators, blue water footprint (BWF) and ecological footprint (EF) are included for the first time to assess the social performance of CPHES and UPHES. Then, this paper employs multi-attribute value theory (MAVT) and scenario analysis to evaluate the overall performance of energy storages. The results show that CPHES has better performance in economy and environment than UPHES because of the economies of scale, while the UPHES has better performance in social sustainability impact because of the absence of stages of excavation and backfilling. When using MAVT methodology, only when the weight for social indicator is three times higher than that of economy and environment; ie, the weight for social dimension is 0.6, and the weights for environmental and social dimension are 0.2; the score of UPHES is higher than CPHES.  相似文献   

储能技术的研究开发现状及展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
储能系统在稳定电网、利用可再生能源方面起着重要作用。介绍了各种储能方式及其特点.综述了大型储能技术的研究开发状况,其中氧化还原液流电池具有成本低、效率高、寿命长等优点,商业化前景看好。  相似文献   

新型飞轮蓄能系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
介绍了欧美国家研制的新型飞轮蓄能系统,体积小,重量轻,损耗低,易与电力系统连接。这一新技术将给电力贮存领域带来一场新的革命。  相似文献   

飞轮储能系统将能量储存在高速旋转的飞轮转子中,具有高功率密度,无环境污染,使用寿命长,运行温度范围广,充放电次数无限制等优点,已获得了广泛的应用.将多台模块化的飞轮储能单元并联起来组成飞轮阵列储能系统,是获得大容量,高功率储能的解决方案.文章首先论述了飞轮阵列储能系统的国内外发展现状与要解决的关键问题, 然后详细给出了飞轮阵列储能系统的设计方法,并联拓扑结构与控制策略.随着飞轮储能单元并联技术的逐渐成熟,飞轮阵列储能系统应用领域将逐步扩展到电力系统调频,间歇式可再生能源发电等领域,并将在提高电网对可再生能源的接纳能力等方面发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

Even though fuzzy logic has been tremendously utilized in power systems, it has often been termed as far from complete due to the in-existence of a systematic procedure. Here, we report a systematic development and application of a fuzzy logic equipped generic energy storage system (GESS) for dynamic stability reinforcement in a conglomerate power system. While ensuring a stabilizing performance by minimizing a quadratic stability index, the reactive and real-power trajectories of GESS are determined. The proposed control strategy is optimized offline using a genetic algorithm (GA) optimization and cast with mixed integer programming mathematics to dispatch an optimal template of series weights, grades of membership and decisive fuzzy rules. The dynamic behavior of the dc link is also assimilated in the detailed GESS modeling using cascaded proportional-integral controllers. A perspective of a combination of flywheel energy storage system and superconducting magnetic energy storage is traversed by approximating the inherent loop dynamics of the storages by a GA-tuned first-order system. The role of the said storage devices in manifestation of exogenous wind power intermittency as well as concentrated short circuits is investigated. A wind farm integrated, reoriented form of an exemplar multibus network is adopted as the model system to authenticate the potency of the presented control strategy.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能被公认为是一种比较适合大规模系统的储能技术.本文对压缩空气储能的技术原理和发展现状进行了简要讲解,包括工作原理,工作过程,关键技术,发展现状,应用领域等.  相似文献   

Energy storage systems are becoming more important for load leveling, especially for widespread use of intermittent renewable energy. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a promising method for energy storage, but large scale CAES is dependent on suitable underground geology. Micro-CAES with man-made air vessels is a more adaptable solution for distributed future power networks. In this paper, energy and exergy analyses of a micro-CAES system are performed, and, to improve the efficiency of the system, some innovative ideas are introduced. The results show that a micro-CAES system could be a very effective system for distributed power networks as a combination that provides energy storage, generation with various heat sources, and an air-cycle heating and cooling system, with a energy density feasible for distributed energy storage and a good efficiency due to the multipurpose system. Especially, quasi-isothermal compression and expansion concepts result in the best exergy efficiencies.  相似文献   

[目的] 近年来,储能技术及储能产业发展受到的关注度持续升温。 [方法] 在此背景下,对压缩空气储能技术及其商业应用场景进行了分析与综述。通过梳理国内致力于压缩空气储能技术示范的研究团队及其技术特点,较为全面地反映了国内压缩空气储能技术的发展方向;在此基础上,介绍了已投运数十年的德国汉特福及美国阿拉巴马州两座商业化压缩空气储能电站的配置参数及运行经验,综述了近年来国内外针对多种新型压缩空气储能技术的示范进展状况。结合压缩空气储能技术梳理、商业化储能电站回顾及新型压缩空气储能技术示范进展综述三方面的工作,可为国内压缩空气储能技术发展及国家多部委大力推动的储能行业发展提供借鉴。最后,从电源侧储能、电网侧储能及用户侧储能三类应用场景分析了压缩空气储能技术的适应性及应用潜力。 [结果] 德国及美国两座商业化压缩空气储能电站数十年的可靠运行经验,检验了压缩空气储能电站长期运行的可靠性。与此同时,国内自500 kW至10 MW等多容量规模压缩空气储能示范工程的先后投建,表明此项储能技术在国内已实现由理论研究阶段向示范验证阶段的突破。 [结论] 在当下政策环境,用户侧峰谷电价政策是较为典型的储能应用场景边界条件,在压缩空气储能技术推广中可以重点考虑。  相似文献   

目的  储能是发展新能源、实现碳达峰碳中和目标的基础条件,其中抽水蓄能是最主要的储能方式,但是抽水蓄能依赖地理条件,需要占用大量自然资源,优良的厂址资源十分有限。为了缓解抽水蓄能厂址资源需求与自然资源稀缺的矛盾,提出了一种耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能系统,并从研究思路、概念方案和工程可行性进行分析,从而为抽水蓄能产业发展提供创新解决方案。 方法  围绕提高能量密度,以减小水库容量、降低水库高度差为突破点,运用压缩空气排水的方法,将水泵水轮机替换为压缩机和膨胀机,下库改为封闭结构的承压容器。储能时,压缩机将空气压缩至高压充入下库,并推挤下库内的水至上库。释能时,水从上库返回下库,下库内的压缩空气被推挤出,并经膨胀机释放。这可使相同条件下抽水蓄能的能量转换量提高数倍。为了论证耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能电站的储能效果,设置上、下库高度差300 m,按照低性能和高性能两套设备参数,对40 MW/200 MWh的概念方案进行热力学分析和储能效率计算。 结果  结果表明:在低性能参数条件下,储能效率65.68%,在高性能参数条件下,储能效率70.81%;能量密度1.67 kWh/m3 结论  耦合抽水蓄能的压缩空气储能系统可使水库容量或高度差大幅减小,大大降低厂址要求,并可使发展抽水蓄能受限的地区具备开发条件,且关键设备成熟,单位造价与常规抽水蓄能相近,技术经济上可行。  相似文献   

The goal of this study is to find the optimal sizes of renewable energy systems (RES) based on photovoltaic (PV) and/or wind systems for three energy storage system (ESS) scenarios in a micro‐grid; (1) with pumped hydro storage (PHS) as a long‐term ESS, (2) with batteries as a short‐term ESS, and (3) without ESS. The PV and wind sizes are optimally determined to accomplish the maximum annual RES fraction (FRES ) with electricity cost lower than or equal to the utility tariff. Furthermore, the effect of the use of battery and PHS on the electricity cost and FRES are studied. A university campus on a Mediterranean island is selected as a case study. The results show that PV‐wind hybrid system of 8 MW wind and 4.2 MW PV with 89.5 MWh PHS has the highest FRES of 88.0%, and the highest demand supply fraction as 42.6%. Moreover, the results indicate that the economic and technical parameters of RESs are affected significantly by the use of ESSs depending on the type and the capacity of both the RES and the ESS.  相似文献   

压缩空气储能系统通过压缩空气存储多余的电能,在需要时,将高压空气释放通过膨胀机做功发电,在电力的生产、运输和消费等领域具有广泛的用途,是目前大规模储能技术的研发热点。综述了压缩空气储能技术的研究与应用现状,包括工作原理、功能和应用情况,分析了压缩空气储能系统的类型和技术特点,并对压缩空气储能系统的关键部件和系统性能进行了分析比较,最后指出了压缩空气储能技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   

The present study evaluates the optimal design of a renewable system based on solar and geothermal energy for power generation and cooling based on a solar cycle with thermal energy storage and an electrolyzer to produce hydrogen fuel for the combustion chamber. The subsystems include solar collectors, gas turbines, an electrolyzer, an absorption chiller, and compressed air energy storage. The solar collector surface area, geothermal source temperature, steam turbine input pressure, and evaporator input temperature were found to be major determinants. The economic analysis of the system showed that the solar subsystem, steam Rankine cycle, and compressed air energy storage accounted for the largest portions of the cost rate. The exergy analysis of the system demonstrated that the solar subsystem and SRC had the highest contributions to total exergy destruction. A comparative case study was conducted on Isfahan, Bandar Abbas, Mashhad, Semnan, and Zanjan in Iran to evaluate the performance of the proposed system at different ambient temperatures and irradiance levels during the year. To optimize the system and find the optimal objective functions, the NSGA-II algorithm was employed. The contradictory objective functions of the system included exergy efficiency maximization and cost rate minimization. The optimal Exergy round trip efficiency and cost rate were found to be 29.25% and 714.25 ($/h), respectively.  相似文献   

飞轮储能密度是衡量转子材料结构技术水平的重要指标,分析了储能密度的计算方法和工程制约因素,提出了一种简要的工程计算方法,并应用于一文献所给出的飞轮结构的储能密度分析和校核.目前我国的实验飞轮线速度没有超过800 m/s,储能密度小于60 W·h/kg.  相似文献   

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