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A rapid method for the detection of Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922) in packaged alfalfa sprouts was developed. Volatile compounds from the headspace of packaged alfalfa sprouts, inoculated with E. coli and incubated at 10 degrees C for 1, 2, and 3 days, were collected and analyzed. Uninoculated sprouts were used as control samples. An electronic nose with 12 metal oxide electronic sensors was used to monitor changes in the composition of the gas phase of the package headspace with respect to volatile metabolites produced by E. coli. The electronic nose was able to differentiate between samples with and without E. coli. To predict the number of E. coli in packaged alfalfa sprouts, an artificial neural network was used, which included an input layer, a hidden layer, and an output layer, with a hyperbolic tangent sigmoidal transfer function in the hidden layer and a linear transfer function in the output layer. The network was shown to be capable of correlating voltametric responses with the number of E. coli. A good prediction was possible, as measured by a regression coefficient (R2 = 0.903) between the actual and predicted data. In conjunction with the artificial neural network, the electronic nose proved to have the ability to detect E. coli in packaged alfalfa sprouts.  相似文献   

An alternative freshness index method for abalone (Haliotis asinina) muscle packaged under atmospheric air (Air) and modified atmosphere (MA) of 40% CO2: 30% O2: 30% N2 packaging conditions and stored at 2 ± 1 °C was developed. Biochemical indices covering pH, total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N), trimethylamine (TMA) and nucleotide degradation products, as well as instrumental texture and color of the packaged abalones, were determined. Sensory characteristics including odor, color and appearance were evaluated and then summarized into overall freshness scores (freshness index). The biochemical and instrumental analyses were then calibrated with the freshness index, using an artificial neural network algorithm. The neural network was shown to be capable of correlating biochemical and instrumental analyses with the freshness index. A useful prediction was possible, as measured by a low mean square error (MSE = 0.092) and a regression coefficient (R2 = 0.98) between true and predicted data.  相似文献   

Eggs are a good source of high quality protein and knowing their quality (physical and chemical properties) during storage is of great importance. Thus, the aim of this research was to design a computer vision system to assess egg freshness during storage time. To this end, 210 intact eggs were collected and stored for 30 days under room conditions (25?±?2 °C and 20?±?3%). After imaging, every other day, some internal and external quality characteristics including yolk height, yolk and albumen pH, yolk and albumen density and Haugh unit (HU) were measured as destructive parameters and area index (D) egg weight as non-destructive parameters. Based on Pearson correlation coefficients, area index were significantly correlated with all destructive variables (p?<?0.05). In order to predict egg freshness, artificial neural network was trained by Levenberg–Marquardt, scaled conjugate gradient, Bayesian regulation, resilient and radial basis algorithms. The best result of artificial neural network for HU and albumen pH prediction was achieved by the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm with the correlation coefficient of 0.93 and 0.87, respectively.  相似文献   

追踪检测虾夷扇贝品质变化过程中的存活指标,生理指标以及电子鼻气味图谱的变化,建立保活流通过程中不同等级的活品虾夷扇贝电子鼻气味指纹图谱,购买市场上不同状态的活品虾夷扇贝,分别通过学习向量量化(learning vector quantization, LVQ)、概率(probabilistic neural networks, PNN)、支持向量机(support vector machine, SVM)神经网络对测试样品快速模式分类,最后通过对电子鼻传感器的筛选探索便携式快速品质鉴别设备的可能性。研究结果表明,24 h的极端胁迫环境放置较为完整的模拟了虾夷扇贝在保活流通过程中状态变差的过程;将电子鼻数据主成分分析、聚类分析结果与存活指标(开口率、缩边率以及死亡率)和生理指标(超氧化物歧化酶活性、耗氧率以及海水浊度)相结合可以把品质变化过程中的虾夷扇贝分成5个等级,并分别得到每个等级的扇贝气味指纹图谱;3种神经网络均可以对测试样品等级进行快速测定,其中支持向量机(SVM)神经网络兼具精确和快速的特点,测试样本T全部预测为等级4,测试样本N全部预测为等级3,从交叉验证到仿真预测所用时间仅为7.652 s;筛选得到的8个电子鼻传感器也可以对不同等级鲜活虾夷扇贝气味特征进行有效区分。  相似文献   

Experimentally determined values for the degree of hydrolysis (DH) were used with an artificial neural network (ANN) model to predict the tryptic hydrolysis of a commercially available pea protein isolate at temperatures of 40, 45, and 50 °C. Analyses were conducted using the STATISTICA Neural Networks software on a personal computer. Input data were randomized to two sets: learning and testing. Differences between the experimental and calculated DH% were slight and ranged from 0.06% to 0.24%. The performance of the educated ANN was then tested by inputting temperatures ranging from 35 to 50 °C. Very strong correlations were found between calculated DH% values obtained from the ANN and those experimentally determined at all temperatures; the determination coefficients (R2) varied from 0.9958 to 0.9997. The results so obtained will be useful to reduce the time required in the design of enzymatic reactions involving food proteins.  相似文献   

以牡蛎分离蛋白为底物,采用碱性蛋白酶(Alcalase)进行酶解,在获得一定实验数据基础上利用训练后的人工神经网络(ANN)模型对牡蛎分离蛋白酶解过程进行预测。结果表明:训练后的ANN模型决定系数R2达到0.9998,人工神经网络预测水解度DH值和实验DH值之间具有很强的相关性,相关系数r值达到0.9957。并且在一定的酶浓度及底物浓度范围内,采用ANN预测数据,双倒数作图所得回归方程决定系数R2值达到0.9740,计算得米氏常数Km和最大反应速度V max分别为26.1g/L,8.6g/(L·min)。研究结果为人工神经网络模型在食品蛋白酶促反应动力学方面的应用提供参考。   相似文献   

Chickpea is one of the most consumed legumes in the world. The classification of chickpea based on the size and morphological properties is important for the market. The objective of this study is to design and implement a computer vision system (CVS) integrated with artificial neural networks (ANN) for quality evaluation of chickpeas based on their size, colour, and surface morphology. The system is composed of a flat bed scanner for acquiring digital image and software that has been developed in Matlab for image analysis. Physical properties (length, width and volume) of the samples of chickpeas as well as their colour properties and surface characteristics have been determined by using the system, and results have been validated. High correlations have been found between the results from ANN‐integrated CVS and those obtained by callipers or professionally trained inspectors based on the experiments. Overall, percentages of correct classification have been determined as 95.4%, 87.6%, and 96.0% for colour, surface morphology, and shape evaluations, respectively.  相似文献   

The statistical and artificial neural network (ANN) models are established for predicting the fiber diameter of spunbonded nonwovens from the processing parameters. The ANN of Bayesian frameworks produces smaller prediction errors and thus is determined to be the preferred network. Results show that the ANN model yields more accurate and stable prediction than the statistical model, and a reasonably good ANN model can be established with relatively few data points. Four methods are used to reveal the relative importance of the processing parameters in terms of their effect on the fiber diameter. It is found that the initial polymer temperature plays an most important role in reducing the fiber diameter, while the effect of the initial air temperature is not significant. Using an established ANN model, computer simulations of the effects of the processing parameter on the fiber diameter are carried out. It is found that higher polymer melt index, smaller polymer flow rate, higher initial polymer temperature, higher initial air temperature, and higher initial air velocity can all produce finer fibers. This area of research has great potential in the field of computer-assisted design in spunbonding technology.  相似文献   

研究了纱线条干均匀度预测问题,用HVI测试原棉指标,用USTER()TESTER 5-S400测试成纱指标,采用标准BP算法建立断裂伸长预测的模型,进行纱线的条干均匀度预测,结果表明BP模型预测速度和精度较高,可以实现棉纱条干均匀度预测.  相似文献   

In order to characterise and to classify some teas a simple, rapid and economical method based on composition, antioxidant activity and artificial neural networks (ANNs) is proposed. For these purpose two types of ANN based applications have been developed: one for predicting the antioxidant activity and a second one for establishing the class of the teas. The complex relationship between the total antioxidant activity (AA) depending on the total flavonoids content (F), total catechins content (C) and total methyl-xanthines content (MX) of commercial teas was revealed by the first designed feed-forward ANN. Secondly, using a probabilistic ANN, successful tea classification in various classes (green tea, black tea and express black tea) was also performed.  相似文献   

食品中大肠杆菌的快速检测方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大肠杆菌是人及各种动物肠道中的正常寄居菌,食物或水中大肠杆菌的检出意味着直接或间接的近期粪便污染。大肠杆菌作为饮水、食品等的粪源性污染卫生细菌学指标;而且他在外界存活时间与一些主要肠道病原菌相近,它的出现也可能预示某些肠道病原菌(如沙门氏菌、志贺氏菌)的存在。大肠杆菌是国际上公认的卫生监测指示菌,因此大肠杆菌的检测技术显得十分重要,相应出现了大量的大肠杆菌的各种检测方法。  相似文献   

A computer module was developed and tested that used field survey and Dairy Herd Improvement Association (DHIA) data to broadly classify bacterial causes of mastitis in dairy herds. Further development of the computer model could aid interpretation of DHIA data by dairy record processing centers and herd consultants. This diagnostic module was developed with an artificial neural network, a technology that processes complex data in a manner similar to human brain function. Information describing herd management practices, quarter milk samples, and monthly DHIA data was collected from Pennsylvania dairy herds with moderate to high somatic cell counts. This information was used to develop or train an artificial neural network model that discriminated among four categories of bacterial organisms (contagious, environmental, no significant growth, and other) associated with clinical and subclinical mastitis. After training the model, new DHIA and management data were presented to the model to assess its ability to classify bacteriological etiology. When the artificial neural network was used, the probabilities of diagnosing the bacteriologic status from three randomly selected cow groups and from new untested herds ranged from 57 to 71%. Performance of the artificial neural network model was best in herds with higher frequency of minor and contagious pathogens. Prediction results for the same test data with linear discriminant analysis were less successful, ranging from 42 to 57%.  相似文献   

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency required the meat industry to ensure Escherichia coli O157:H7 does not survive (experiences > or = 5 log CFU/g reduction) in dry fermented sausage (salami) during processing after a series of foodborne illness outbreaks resulting from this pathogenic bacterium occurred. The industry is in need of an effective technique like predictive modeling for estimating bacterial viability, because traditional microbiological enumeration is a time-consuming and laborious method. The accuracy and speed of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for this purpose is an attractive alternative (developed from predictive microbiology), especially for on-line processing in industry. Data from a study of interactive effects of different levels of pH, water activity, and the concentrations of allyl isothiocyanate at various times during sausage manufacture in reducing numbers of E. coli O157:H7 were collected. Data were used to develop predictive models using a general regression neural network (GRNN), a form of ANN, and a statistical linear polynomial regression technique. Both models were compared for their predictive error, using various statistical indices. GRNN predictions for training and test data sets had less serious errors when compared with the statistical model predictions. GRNN models were better and slightly better for training and test sets, respectively, than was the statistical model. Also, GRNN accurately predicted the level of allyl isothiocyanate required, ensuring a 5-log reduction, when an appropriate production set was created by interpolation. Because they are simple to generate, fast, and accurate, ANN models may be of value for industrial use in dry fermented sausage manufacture to reduce the hazard associated with E. coli O157:H7 in fresh beef and permit production of consistently safe products from this raw material.  相似文献   

Over use of nitrogen fertilization can result in groundwater pollution. Tools that can rapidly quantify the nitrogen status are needed for efficient fertilizer management and would be very helpful in reducing the environmental pollution caused by excessive nitrogen application. Remote sensing has a proven ability to provide spatial and temporal measurements of surface properties. In this study, the MLR (multiple linear regression) and ANN (artificial neural network) modeling methods were applied to the monitoring of rice N (nitrogen concentration, mg nitrogen g(-1) leaf dry weight) status using leaf level hyperspectral reflectance with two different input variables, and as a result four estimation models were proposed. RMSE (root-mean-square error), REP (relative error of prediction), R2 (coefficient of determination), as well as the intercept and slope between the observed and predicted N were used to test the performance of models. Very good agreements between the observed and the predicted N were obtained with all proposed models, which was especially true for the R-ANN (artificial neural network based on reflectance selected using MLR) model. Compared to the other three models, the R-ANN model improved the results by lowering the RMSE by 14.2%, 32.1%, and 31.5% for the R-LR (linear regression based on reflectance) model, PC-LR (linear regression based on principal components scores) model, and PC-ANN (artificial neural network based on principal components scores) model, respectively. It was concluded that the ANN algorithm may provide a useful exploratory and predictive tool when applied on hyperspectral reflectance data for nitrogen status monitoring. Besides, although the performance of MLR was superior to PCA used for ANN inputs selection, the encouraging results of PC-based models indicated the promising potential of ANN combined with PCA application on hyperspectral reflectance analysis.  相似文献   

介绍了在毛精纺面料织造过程中应用的神经网络技术及不同的改进算法,给出了织造预报的实际模型和试验结论,并对织机效率预报模型进行实例训练,预报结果验证了几种典型学习算法的性能.  相似文献   

目的将水质检验的酶底物法用于食品检验,探索酶底物法是否能快速检测食品中的大肠埃希氏菌。方法测定食品样品,比较酶底物法与传统鉴定法结果的一致性。结果传统方法检出24份阳性和8份阴性,酶底物法检出25份阳性和7份阴性。实验结果进行X~2检验,结果无显著性差异(X~2=0.087,P0.05)。32份样品MPN值结果一致,8份样品MPN值有差异,其中7份样品酶底物法的MPN值大于传统法。结论酶底物法可用于食品中大肠埃希氏菌的快速检测,具有快捷简便、特异性高的优势。  相似文献   

A prediction method of total coliform bacteria based on image identification technology in foods was proposed. In order to get the close to real-time detection results, this method used the total count of bacteria and bacilli to predict the total coliform bacteria counts because coliforms are difficult to extract the feature parameters to be recognized and enumerated, while total count of bacteria and bacilli could be enumerated by using image identification technology. An optimal artificial neural network (ANN) model was presented for prediction of total coliform bacteria counts. Several configurations were evaluated while developing the optimal ANN model. The optimal ANN model consisted two hidden layers with five neurons in each hidden layer. Results showed that predicted total coliform bacteria counts were positively correlated to the experimental total coliform bacteria counts obtained by traditional multiple-tube fermentation technique (correlation coefficient, R2 = 0.9716), which predicted accuracy was much better than other predicted models (the correlation coefficient of linear regression model, second-order polynomial regression model and polynomial trend surface analysis was 39.81%, 67.17% and 78.85%, respectively).  相似文献   

The growing consumption of low- and reduced-fat dairy products demands routine control of their authenticity by health agencies. The usual analyses of fat in dairy products are very simple laboratory methods; however, they require manipulation and use of reagents of a corrosive nature, such as sulfuric acid, to break the chemical bounds between fat and proteins. Additionally, they generate chemical residues that require an appropriate destination. In this work, the use of an artificial neural network based on simple instrumental analyses, such as pH, color, and hardness (inputs) is proposed for the classification of commercial yogurts in the low- and reduced-fat categories (outputs). A total of 108 strawberry-flavored yogurts (48 probiotic low-fat, 36 low-fat, and 24 full-fat yogurts) belonging to several commercial brands and from different batches were used in this research. The statistical analysis showed different features for each yogurt category; thus, a database was built and a neural model was trained with the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm by using the neural network toolbox of the software MATLAB 7.0.1. Validation with unseen data pairs showed that the proposed model was 100% efficient. Because the instrumental analyses do not require any sample preparation and do not produce any chemical residues, the proposed procedure is a fast and interesting approach to monitoring the authenticity of these products.  相似文献   

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